
316 lines
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Portal api
import importlib
import inspect
import typing
from typing import Tuple, Any, Dict, Optional, Set
from functools import partial
from dataclasses import dataclass
import trio
from async_generator import asynccontextmanager, aclosing
from ._state import current_actor
from ._ipc import Channel
from .log import get_logger
from ._exceptions import unpack_error, NoResult, RemoteActorError
log = get_logger('tractor')
async def maybe_open_nursery(nursery: trio._core._run.Nursery = None):
"""Create a new nursery if None provided.
Blocks on exit as expected if no input nursery is provided.
if nursery is not None:
yield nursery
async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery:
yield nursery
async def _do_handshake(
actor: 'Actor', # type: ignore
chan: Channel
)-> Any:
await chan.send(actor.uid)
uid: Tuple[str, str] = await chan.recv()
if not isinstance(uid, tuple):
raise ValueError(f"{uid} is not a valid uid?!")
chan.uid = uid"Handshake with actor {uid}@{chan.raddr} complete")
return uid
class Portal:
"""A 'portal' to a(n) (remote) ``Actor``.
Allows for invoking remote routines and receiving results through an
underlying ``tractor.Channel`` as though the remote (async)
function / generator was invoked locally.
Think of this like a native async IPC API.
def __init__(self, channel: Channel) -> None: = channel
# when this is set to a tuple returned from ``_submit()`` then
# it is expected that ``result()`` will be awaited at some point
# during the portal's lifetime
self._result: Optional[Any] = None
# set when _submit_for_result is called
self._expect_result: Optional[
Tuple[str, Any, str, Dict[str, Any]]
] = None
self._agens: Set[typing.AsyncGenerator] = set()
async def aclose(self) -> None:
log.debug(f"Closing {self}")
# XXX: won't work until
# gets in!
async def _submit(
self, ns: str, func: str, **kwargs
) -> Tuple[str, trio.Queue, str, Dict[str, Any]]:
"""Submit a function to be scheduled and run by actor, return the
associated caller id, response queue, response type str,
first message packet as a tuple.
This is an async call.
# ship a function call request to the remote actor
cid, q = await current_actor().send_cmd(, ns, func, kwargs)
# wait on first response msg and handle (this should be
# in an immediate response)
first_msg = await q.get()
functype = first_msg.get('functype')
if functype == 'function' or functype == 'asyncfunction':
resp_type = 'return'
elif functype == 'asyncgen':
resp_type = 'yield'
elif 'error' in first_msg:
raise unpack_error(first_msg,
raise ValueError(f"{first_msg} is an invalid response packet?")
return cid, q, resp_type, first_msg
async def _submit_for_result(self, ns: str, func: str, **kwargs) -> None:
assert self._expect_result is None, \
"A pending main result has already been submitted"
self._expect_result = await self._submit(ns, func, **kwargs)
async def run(self, ns: str, func: str, **kwargs) -> Any:
"""Submit a remote function to be scheduled and run by actor,
wrap and return its (stream of) result(s).
This is a blocking call and returns either a value from the
remote rpc task or a local async generator instance.
return await self._return_from_resptype(
*(await self._submit(ns, func, **kwargs))
async def _return_from_resptype(
self, cid: str, q: trio.Queue, resptype: str, first_msg: dict
) -> Any:
# TODO: not this needs some serious work and thinking about how
# to make async-generators the fundamental IPC API over channels!
# (think `yield from`, `gen.send()`, and functional reactive stuff)
if resptype == 'yield': # stream response
async def yield_from_q():
async for msg in q:
yield msg['yield']
except KeyError:
if 'stop' in msg:
break # far end async gen terminated
# internal error should never get here
assert msg.get('cid'), (
"Received internal error at portal?")
raise unpack_error(msg,
except (GeneratorExit, trio.Cancelled):
f"Cancelling async gen call {cid} to "
with trio.open_cancel_scope() as cleanup_scope:
cleanup_scope.shield = True
# TODO: yeah.. it'd be nice if this was just an
# async func on the far end. Gotta figure out a
# better way then implicitly feeding the ctx
# to declaring functions; likely a decorator
# sytsem.
agen = await'self', 'cancel_task', cid=cid)
async with aclosing(agen) as agen:
async for _ in agen:
# TODO: use AsyncExitStack to aclose() all agens
# on teardown
agen = yield_from_q()
return agen
elif resptype == 'return': # single response
msg = await q.get()
return msg['return']
except KeyError:
# internal error should never get here
assert msg.get('cid'), "Received internal error at portal?"
raise unpack_error(msg,
raise ValueError(f"Unknown msg response type: {first_msg}")
async def result(self) -> Any:
"""Return the result(s) from the remote actor's "main" task.
# Check for non-rpc errors slapped on the
# channel for which we always raise
exc =
if exc:
raise exc
# not expecting a "main" result
if self._expect_result is None:
f"Portal for {} not expecting a final"
" result?\nresult() should only be called if subactor"
" was spawned with `ActorNursery.run_in_actor()`")
return NoResult
# expecting a "main" result
assert self._expect_result
if self._result is None:
self._result = await self._return_from_resptype(
except RemoteActorError as err:
self._result = err
# re-raise error on every call
if isinstance(self._result, RemoteActorError):
raise self._result
return self._result
async def _cancel_streams(self):
# terminate all locally running async generator
# IPC calls
if self._agens:
f"Cancelling all streams with {}")
for agen in self._agens:
await agen.aclose()
async def close(self) -> None:
await self._cancel_streams()
async def cancel_actor(self) -> bool:
"""Cancel the actor on the other end of this portal.
if not
log.warning("This portal is already closed can't cancel")
return False
await self._cancel_streams()
f"Sending actor cancel request to {} on "
# send cancel cmd - might not get response
with trio.move_on_after(0.5) as cancel_scope:
cancel_scope.shield = True
await'self', 'cancel')
return True
except trio.ClosedResourceError:
f"{} for {} was already closed?")
return False
log.warning(f"May have failed to cancel {}")
return False
class LocalPortal:
"""A 'portal' to a local ``Actor``.
A compatibility shim for normal portals but for invoking functions
using an in process actor instance.
actor: 'Actor' # type: ignore
async def run(self, ns: str, func_name: str, **kwargs) -> Any:
"""Run a requested function locally and return it's result.
obj = if ns == 'self' else importlib.import_module(ns)
func = getattr(obj, func_name)
if inspect.iscoroutinefunction(func):
return await func(**kwargs)
return func(**kwargs)
async def open_portal(
channel: Channel,
nursery: trio._core._run.Nursery = None
) -> typing.AsyncGenerator[Portal, None]:
"""Open a ``Portal`` through the provided ``channel``.
Spawns a background task to handle message processing.
actor = current_actor()
assert actor
was_connected = False
async with maybe_open_nursery(nursery) as nursery:
if not channel.connected():
await channel.connect()
was_connected = True
if channel.uid is None:
await _do_handshake(actor, channel)
msg_loop_cs = await nursery.start(
# if the local task is cancelled we want to keep
# the msg loop running until our block ends
portal = Portal(channel)
yield portal
await portal.close()
if was_connected:
# cancel remote channel-msg loop
await channel.send(None)
await channel.aclose()
# cancel background msg loop task