""" Multi-core debugging for da peeps! """ import sys from functools import partial from typing import Awaitable, Tuple, Optional, Callable from async_generator import aclosing import tractor import trio from .log import get_logger try: # wtf: only exported when installed in dev mode? import pdbpp except ImportError: # pdbpp is installed in regular mode... import pdb assert pdb.xpm, "pdbpp is not installed?" pdbpp = pdb log = get_logger(__name__) __all__ = ['breakpoint', 'post_mortem'] # placeholder for function to set a ``trio.Event`` _pdb_release_hook: Optional[Callable] = None class TractorConfig(pdbpp.DefaultConfig): """Custom ``pdbpp`` goodness. """ sticky_by_default = True def teardown(self): _pdb_release_hook() class PdbwTeardown(pdbpp.Pdb): """Add teardown hooks to the regular ``pdbpp.Pdb``. """ # override the pdbpp config with our coolio one DefaultConfig = TractorConfig # TODO: figure out how to dissallow recursive .set_trace() entry # since that'll cause deadlock for us. def set_continue(self): super().set_continue() self.config.teardown() def set_quit(self): super().set_quit() self.config.teardown() # TODO: will be needed whenever we get to true remote debugging. # XXX see https://github.com/goodboy/tractor/issues/130 # # TODO: is there some way to determine this programatically? # _pdb_exit_patterns = tuple( # str.encode(patt + "\n") for patt in ( # 'c', 'cont', 'continue', 'q', 'quit') # ) # def subactoruid2proc( # actor: 'Actor', # noqa # uid: Tuple[str, str] # ) -> trio.Process: # n = actor._actoruid2nursery[uid] # _, proc, _ = n._children[uid] # return proc # async def hijack_stdin(): # log.info(f"Hijacking stdin from {actor.uid}") # trap std in and relay to subproc # async_stdin = trio.wrap_file(sys.stdin) # async with aclosing(async_stdin): # async for msg in async_stdin: # log.trace(f"Stdin input:\n{msg}") # # encode to bytes # bmsg = str.encode(msg) # # relay bytes to subproc over pipe # # await proc.stdin.send_all(bmsg) # if bmsg in _pdb_exit_patterns: # log.info("Closing stdin hijack") # break async def _hijack_stdin_relay_to_child( subactor_uid: Tuple[str, str] ) -> None: actor = tractor.current_actor() debug_lock = actor.statespace.setdefault( '_debug_lock', trio.StrictFIFOLock() ) log.debug(f"Actor {subactor_uid} is waiting on stdin hijack lock") await debug_lock.acquire() log.warning(f"Actor {subactor_uid} acquired stdin hijack lock") # TODO: when we get to true remote debugging # this will deliver stdin data try: # indicate to child that we've locked stdio yield 'Locked' # wait for cancellation of stream by child await trio.sleep_forever() # TODO: for remote debugging schedule hijacking in root scope # (see above) # actor._root_nursery.start_soon(hijack_stdin) finally: if debug_lock.locked(): debug_lock.release() log.debug(f"Actor {subactor_uid} released stdin hijack lock") # XXX: We only make this sync in case someone wants to # overload the ``breakpoint()`` built-in. def _breakpoint(debug_func) -> Awaitable[None]: """``tractor`` breakpoint entry for engaging pdb machinery in subactors. """ actor = tractor.current_actor() do_unlock = trio.Event() async def wait_for_parent_stdin_hijack( task_status=trio.TASK_STATUS_IGNORED ): # TODO: need a more robust check for the "root" actor if actor._parent_chan: try: async with tractor._portal.open_portal( actor._parent_chan, start_msg_loop=False, shield=True, ) as portal: # with trio.fail_after(1): agen = await portal.run( 'tractor._debug', '_hijack_stdin_relay_to_child', subactor_uid=actor.uid, ) async with aclosing(agen): async for val in agen: assert val == 'Locked' task_status.started() with trio.CancelScope(shield=True): await do_unlock.wait() # trigger cancellation of remote stream break finally: log.debug(f"Exiting debugger for actor {actor}") actor.statespace['_in_debug'] = False log.debug(f"Child {actor} released parent stdio lock") async def _bp(): """Async breakpoint which schedules a parent stdio lock, and once complete enters the ``pdbpp`` debugging console. """ in_debug = actor.statespace.setdefault('_in_debug', False) if in_debug: log.warning(f"Actor {actor} already has a debug lock, skipping...") return # assign unlock callback for debugger teardown hooks global _pdb_release_hook _pdb_release_hook = do_unlock.set actor.statespace['_in_debug'] = True # this **must** be awaited by the caller and is done using the # root nursery so that the debugger can continue to run without # being restricted by the scope of a new task nursery. await actor._root_nursery.start(wait_for_parent_stdin_hijack) # block here one (at the appropriate frame *up* where # ``breakpoint()`` was awaited and begin handling stdio debug_func(actor) # user code **must** await this! return _bp() def _set_trace(actor): log.critical(f"\nAttaching pdb to actor: {actor.uid}\n") PdbwTeardown().set_trace( # start 2 levels up in user code frame=sys._getframe().f_back.f_back, ) breakpoint = partial( _breakpoint, _set_trace, ) def _post_mortem(actor): log.error(f"\nAttaching to pdb in crashed actor: {actor.uid}\n") pdbpp.xpm(Pdb=PdbwTeardown) post_mortem = partial( _breakpoint, _post_mortem, )