''' Complex edge case where during real-time streaming the IPC tranport channels are wiped out (purposely in this example though it could have been an outage) and we want to ensure that despite being in debug mode (or not) the user can sent SIGINT once they notice the hang and the actor tree will eventually be cancelled without leaving any zombies. ''' from contextlib import asynccontextmanager as acm from functools import partial from tractor import ( open_nursery, context, Context, ContextCancelled, MsgStream, _testing, ) import trio import pytest async def break_ipc_then_error( stream: MsgStream, break_ipc_with: str|None = None, pre_close: bool = False, ): await _testing.break_ipc( stream=stream, method=break_ipc_with, pre_close=pre_close, ) async for msg in stream: await stream.send(msg) assert 0 async def iter_ipc_stream( stream: MsgStream, break_ipc_with: str|None = None, pre_close: bool = False, ): async for msg in stream: await stream.send(msg) @context async def recv_and_spawn_net_killers( ctx: Context, break_ipc_after: bool|int = False, pre_close: bool = False, ) -> None: ''' Receive stream msgs and spawn some IPC killers mid-stream. ''' broke_ipc: bool = False await ctx.started() async with ( ctx.open_stream() as stream, trio.open_nursery( strict_exception_groups=False, ) as tn, ): async for i in stream: print(f'child echoing {i}') if not broke_ipc: await stream.send(i) else: await trio.sleep(0.01) if ( break_ipc_after and i >= break_ipc_after ): broke_ipc = True tn.start_soon( iter_ipc_stream, stream, ) tn.start_soon( partial( break_ipc_then_error, stream=stream, pre_close=pre_close, ) ) @acm async def stuff_hangin_ctlc(timeout: float = 1) -> None: with trio.move_on_after(timeout) as cs: yield timeout if cs.cancelled_caught: # pretend to be a user seeing no streaming action # thinking it's a hang, and then hitting ctl-c.. print( f"i'm a user on the PARENT side and thingz hangin " f'after timeout={timeout} ???\n\n' 'MASHING CTlR-C..!?\n' ) raise KeyboardInterrupt async def main( debug_mode: bool = False, start_method: str = 'trio', loglevel: str = 'cancel', # by default we break the parent IPC first (if configured to break # at all), but this can be changed so the child does first (even if # both are set to break). break_parent_ipc_after: int|bool = False, break_child_ipc_after: int|bool = False, pre_close: bool = False, ) -> None: async with ( open_nursery( start_method=start_method, # NOTE: even debugger is used we shouldn't get # a hang since it never engages due to broken IPC debug_mode=debug_mode, loglevel=loglevel, ) as an, ): sub_name: str = 'chitty_hijo' portal = await an.start_actor( sub_name, enable_modules=[__name__], ) async with ( stuff_hangin_ctlc(timeout=2) as timeout, _testing.expect_ctxc( yay=( break_parent_ipc_after or break_child_ipc_after ), # TODO: we CAN'T remove this right? # since we need the ctxc to bubble up from either # the stream API after the `None` msg is sent # (which actually implicitly cancels all remote # tasks in the hijo) or from simluated # KBI-mash-from-user # or should we expect that a KBI triggers the ctxc # and KBI in an eg? reraise=True, ), portal.open_context( recv_and_spawn_net_killers, break_ipc_after=break_child_ipc_after, pre_close=pre_close, ) as (ctx, sent), ): rx_eoc: bool = False ipc_break_sent: bool = False async with ctx.open_stream() as stream: for i in range(1000): if ( break_parent_ipc_after and i > break_parent_ipc_after and not ipc_break_sent ): print( '#################################\n' 'Simulating PARENT-side IPC BREAK!\n' '#################################\n' ) # TODO: other methods? see break func above. # await stream._ctx.chan.send(None) # await stream._ctx.chan.transport.stream.send_eof() await stream._ctx.chan.transport.stream.aclose() ipc_break_sent = True # it actually breaks right here in the # mp_spawn/forkserver backends and thus the # zombie reaper never even kicks in? try: print(f'parent sending {i}') await stream.send(i) except ContextCancelled as ctxc: print( 'parent received ctxc on `stream.send()`\n' f'{ctxc}\n' ) assert 'root' in ctxc.canceller assert sub_name in ctx.canceller # TODO: is this needed or no? raise except trio.ClosedResourceError: # NOTE: don't send if we already broke the # connection to avoid raising a closed-error # such that we drop through to the ctl-c # mashing by user. await trio.sleep(0.01) # timeout: int = 1 # with trio.move_on_after(timeout) as cs: async with stuff_hangin_ctlc() as timeout: print( f'PARENT `stream.receive()` with timeout={timeout}\n' ) # NOTE: in the parent side IPC failure case this # will raise an ``EndOfChannel`` after the child # is killed and sends a stop msg back to it's # caller/this-parent. try: rx = await stream.receive() print( "I'm a happy PARENT user and echoed to me is\n" f'{rx}\n' ) except trio.EndOfChannel: rx_eoc: bool = True print('MsgStream got EoC for PARENT') raise print( 'Streaming finished and we got Eoc.\n' 'Canceling `.open_context()` in root with\n' 'CTlR-C..' ) if rx_eoc: assert stream.closed try: await stream.send(i) pytest.fail('stream not closed?') except ( trio.ClosedResourceError, trio.EndOfChannel, ) as send_err: if rx_eoc: assert send_err is stream._eoc else: assert send_err is stream._closed raise KeyboardInterrupt if __name__ == '__main__': trio.run(main)