import trio import tractor async def cancellable_pause_loop( task_status: trio.TaskStatus[trio.CancelScope] = trio.TASK_STATUS_IGNORED ): with trio.CancelScope() as cs: task_status.started(cs) for _ in range(3): try: # ON first entry, there is no level triggered # cancellation yet, so this cp does a parent task # ctx-switch so that this scope raises for the NEXT # checkpoint we hit. await trio.lowlevel.checkpoint() await tractor.pause() cs.cancel() # parent should have called `cs.cancel()` by now await trio.lowlevel.checkpoint() except trio.Cancelled: print('INSIDE SHIELDED PAUSE') await tractor.pause(shield=True) else: # should raise it again, bubbling up to parent print('BUBBLING trio.Cancelled to parent task-nursery') await trio.lowlevel.checkpoint() async def pm_on_cancelled(): async with trio.open_nursery() as tn: tn.cancel_scope.cancel() try: await trio.sleep_forever() except trio.Cancelled: # should also raise `Cancelled` since # we didn't pass `shield=True`. try: await tractor.post_mortem(hide_tb=False) except trio.Cancelled as taskc: # should enter just fine, in fact it should # be debugging the internals of the previous # sin-shield call above Bo await tractor.post_mortem( hide_tb=False, shield=True, ) raise taskc else: raise RuntimeError('Dint cancel as expected!?') async def cancelled_before_pause( ): ''' Verify that using a shielded pause works despite surrounding cancellation called state in the calling task. ''' async with trio.open_nursery() as tn: cs: trio.CancelScope = await tn.start(cancellable_pause_loop) await trio.sleep(0.1) assert cs.cancelled_caught await pm_on_cancelled() async def main(): async with tractor.open_nursery( debug_mode=True, ) as n: portal: tractor.Portal = await n.run_in_actor( cancelled_before_pause, ) await portal.result() # ensure the same works in the root actor! await pm_on_cancelled() if __name__ == '__main__':