''' Low-level functional audits for our "capability based messaging"-spec feats. B~) ''' import typing from typing import ( Any, Type, Union, ) from msgspec import ( structs, msgpack, Struct, ValidationError, ) import pytest import tractor from tractor import ( _state, MsgTypeError, Context, ) from tractor.msg import ( _codec, _ctxvar_MsgCodec, NamespacePath, MsgCodec, mk_codec, apply_codec, current_codec, ) from tractor.msg.types import ( _payload_msgs, log, PayloadMsg, Started, mk_msg_spec, ) import trio def mk_custom_codec( pld_spec: Union[Type]|Any, add_hooks: bool, ) -> MsgCodec: ''' Create custom `msgpack` enc/dec-hooks and set a `Decoder` which only loads `pld_spec` (like `NamespacePath`) types. ''' uid: tuple[str, str] = tractor.current_actor().uid # XXX NOTE XXX: despite defining `NamespacePath` as a type # field on our `PayloadMsg.pld`, we still need a enc/dec_hook() pair # to cast to/from that type on the wire. See the docs: # https://jcristharif.com/msgspec/extending.html#mapping-to-from-native-types def enc_nsp(obj: Any) -> Any: print(f'{uid} ENC HOOK') match obj: case NamespacePath(): print( f'{uid}: `NamespacePath`-Only ENCODE?\n' f'obj-> `{obj}`: {type(obj)}\n' ) # if type(obj) != NamespacePath: # breakpoint() return str(obj) print( f'{uid}\n' 'CUSTOM ENCODE\n' f'obj-arg-> `{obj}`: {type(obj)}\n' ) logmsg: str = ( f'{uid}\n' 'FAILED ENCODE\n' f'obj-> `{obj}: {type(obj)}`\n' ) raise NotImplementedError(logmsg) def dec_nsp( obj_type: Type, obj: Any, ) -> Any: print( f'{uid}\n' 'CUSTOM DECODE\n' f'type-arg-> {obj_type}\n' f'obj-arg-> `{obj}`: {type(obj)}\n' ) nsp = None if ( obj_type is NamespacePath and isinstance(obj, str) and ':' in obj ): nsp = NamespacePath(obj) # TODO: we could built a generic handler using # JUST matching the obj_type part? # nsp = obj_type(obj) if nsp: print(f'Returning NSP instance: {nsp}') return nsp logmsg: str = ( f'{uid}\n' 'FAILED DECODE\n' f'type-> {obj_type}\n' f'obj-arg-> `{obj}`: {type(obj)}\n\n' f'current codec:\n' f'{current_codec()}\n' ) # TODO: figure out the ignore subsys for this! # -[ ] option whether to defense-relay backc the msg # inside an `Invalid`/`Ignore` # -[ ] how to make this handling pluggable such that a # `Channel`/`MsgTransport` can intercept and process # back msgs either via exception handling or some other # signal? log.warning(logmsg) # NOTE: this delivers the invalid # value up to `msgspec`'s decoding # machinery for error raising. return obj # raise NotImplementedError(logmsg) nsp_codec: MsgCodec = mk_codec( ipc_pld_spec=pld_spec, # NOTE XXX: the encode hook MUST be used no matter what since # our `NamespacePath` is not any of a `Any` native type nor # a `msgspec.Struct` subtype - so `msgspec` has no way to know # how to encode it unless we provide the custom hook. # # AGAIN that is, regardless of whether we spec an # `Any`-decoded-pld the enc has no knowledge (by default) # how to enc `NamespacePath` (nsp), so we add a custom # hook to do that ALWAYS. enc_hook=enc_nsp if add_hooks else None, # XXX NOTE: pretty sure this is mutex with the `type=` to # `Decoder`? so it won't work in tandem with the # `ipc_pld_spec` passed above? dec_hook=dec_nsp if add_hooks else None, ) return nsp_codec def chk_codec_applied( expect_codec: MsgCodec, enter_value: MsgCodec|None = None, ) -> MsgCodec: ''' buncha sanity checks ensuring that the IPC channel's context-vars are set to the expected codec and that are ctx-var wrapper APIs match the same. ''' # TODO: play with tricyle again, bc this is supposed to work # the way we want? # # TreeVar # task: trio.Task = trio.lowlevel.current_task() # curr_codec = _ctxvar_MsgCodec.get_in(task) # ContextVar # task_ctx: Context = task.context # assert _ctxvar_MsgCodec in task_ctx # curr_codec: MsgCodec = task.context[_ctxvar_MsgCodec] # NOTE: currently we use this! # RunVar curr_codec: MsgCodec = current_codec() last_read_codec = _ctxvar_MsgCodec.get() # assert curr_codec is last_read_codec assert ( (same_codec := expect_codec) is # returned from `mk_codec()` # yielded value from `apply_codec()` # read from current task's `contextvars.Context` curr_codec is last_read_codec # the default `msgspec` settings is not _codec._def_msgspec_codec is not _codec._def_tractor_codec ) if enter_value: enter_value is same_codec def iter_maybe_sends( send_items: dict[Union[Type], Any] | list[tuple], ipc_pld_spec: Union[Type] | Any, add_codec_hooks: bool, codec: MsgCodec|None = None, ) -> tuple[Any, bool]: if isinstance(send_items, dict): send_items = send_items.items() for ( send_type_spec, send_value, ) in send_items: expect_roundtrip: bool = False # values-to-typespec santiy send_type = type(send_value) assert send_type == send_type_spec or ( (subtypes := getattr(send_type_spec, '__args__', None)) and send_type in subtypes ) spec_subtypes: set[Union[Type]] = ( getattr( ipc_pld_spec, '__args__', {ipc_pld_spec,}, ) ) send_in_spec: bool = ( send_type == ipc_pld_spec or ( ipc_pld_spec != Any and # presume `Union` of types send_type in spec_subtypes ) or ( ipc_pld_spec == Any and send_type != NamespacePath ) ) expect_roundtrip = ( send_in_spec # any spec should support all other # builtin py values that we send # except our custom nsp type which # we should be able to send as long # as we provide the custom codec hooks. or ( ipc_pld_spec == Any and send_type == NamespacePath and add_codec_hooks ) ) if codec is not None: # XXX FIRST XXX ensure roundtripping works # before touching any IPC primitives/APIs. wire_bytes: bytes = codec.encode( Started( cid='blahblah', pld=send_value, ) ) # NOTE: demonstrates the decoder loading # to via our native SCIPP msg-spec # (structurred-conc-inter-proc-protocol) # implemented as per, try: msg: Started = codec.decode(wire_bytes) if not expect_roundtrip: pytest.fail( f'NOT-EXPECTED able to roundtrip value given spec:\n' f'ipc_pld_spec -> {ipc_pld_spec}\n' f'value -> {send_value}: {send_type}\n' ) pld = msg.pld assert pld == send_value except ValidationError: if expect_roundtrip: pytest.fail( f'EXPECTED to roundtrip value given spec:\n' f'ipc_pld_spec -> {ipc_pld_spec}\n' f'value -> {send_value}: {send_type}\n' ) yield ( str(send_type), send_value, expect_roundtrip, ) def dec_type_union( type_names: list[str], ) -> Type: ''' Look up types by name, compile into a list and then create and return a `typing.Union` from the full set. ''' import importlib types: list[Type] = [] for type_name in type_names: for mod in [ typing, importlib.import_module(__name__), ]: if type_ref := getattr( mod, type_name, False, ): types.append(type_ref) # special case handling only.. # ipc_pld_spec: Union[Type] = eval( # pld_spec_str, # {}, # globals # {'typing': typing}, # locals # ) return Union[*types] def enc_type_union( union_or_type: Union[Type]|Type, ) -> list[str]: ''' Encode a type-union or single type to a list of type-name-strings ready for IPC interchange. ''' type_strs: list[str] = [] for typ in getattr( union_or_type, '__args__', {union_or_type,}, ): type_strs.append(typ.__qualname__) return type_strs @tractor.context async def send_back_values( ctx: Context, expect_debug: bool, pld_spec_type_strs: list[str], add_hooks: bool, started_msg_bytes: bytes, expect_ipc_send: dict[str, tuple[Any, bool]], ) -> None: ''' Setup up a custom codec to load instances of `NamespacePath` and ensure we can round trip a func ref with our parent. ''' uid: tuple = tractor.current_actor().uid # debug mode sanity check (prolly superfluous but, meh) assert expect_debug == _state.debug_mode() # init state in sub-actor should be default chk_codec_applied( expect_codec=_codec._def_tractor_codec, ) # load pld spec from input str ipc_pld_spec = dec_type_union( pld_spec_type_strs, ) pld_spec_str = str(ipc_pld_spec) # same as on parent side config. nsp_codec: MsgCodec = mk_custom_codec( pld_spec=ipc_pld_spec, add_hooks=add_hooks, ) with ( apply_codec(nsp_codec) as codec, ): chk_codec_applied( expect_codec=nsp_codec, enter_value=codec, ) print( f'{uid}: attempting `Started`-bytes DECODE..\n' ) try: msg: Started = nsp_codec.decode(started_msg_bytes) expected_pld_spec_str: str = msg.pld assert pld_spec_str == expected_pld_spec_str # TODO: maybe we should add our own wrapper error so as to # be interchange-lib agnostic? # -[ ] the error type is wtv is raised from the hook so we # could also require a type-class of errors for # indicating whether the hook-failure can be handled by # a nasty-dialog-unprot sub-sys? except ValidationError: # NOTE: only in the `Any` spec case do we expect this to # work since otherwise no spec covers a plain-ol' # `.pld: str` if pld_spec_str == 'Any': raise else: print( f'{uid}: (correctly) unable to DECODE `Started`-bytes\n' f'{started_msg_bytes}\n' ) iter_send_val_items = iter(expect_ipc_send.values()) sent: list[Any] = [] for send_value, expect_send in iter_send_val_items: try: print( f'{uid}: attempting to `.started({send_value})`\n' f'=> expect_send: {expect_send}\n' f'SINCE, ipc_pld_spec: {ipc_pld_spec}\n' f'AND, codec: {codec}\n' ) await ctx.started(send_value) sent.append(send_value) if not expect_send: # XXX NOTE XXX THIS WON'T WORK WITHOUT SPECIAL # `str` handling! or special debug mode IPC # msgs! await tractor.pause() raise RuntimeError( f'NOT-EXPECTED able to roundtrip value given spec:\n' f'ipc_pld_spec -> {ipc_pld_spec}\n' f'value -> {send_value}: {type(send_value)}\n' ) break # move on to streaming block.. except tractor.MsgTypeError: await tractor.pause() if expect_send: raise RuntimeError( f'EXPECTED to `.started()` value given spec:\n' f'ipc_pld_spec -> {ipc_pld_spec}\n' f'value -> {send_value}: {type(send_value)}\n' ) async with ctx.open_stream() as ipc: print( f'{uid}: Entering streaming block to send remaining values..' ) for send_value, expect_send in iter_send_val_items: send_type: Type = type(send_value) print( '------ - ------\n' f'{uid}: SENDING NEXT VALUE\n' f'ipc_pld_spec: {ipc_pld_spec}\n' f'expect_send: {expect_send}\n' f'val: {send_value}\n' '------ - ------\n' ) try: await ipc.send(send_value) print(f'***\n{uid}-CHILD sent {send_value!r}\n***\n') sent.append(send_value) # NOTE: should only raise above on # `.started()` or a `Return` # if not expect_send: # raise RuntimeError( # f'NOT-EXPECTED able to roundtrip value given spec:\n' # f'ipc_pld_spec -> {ipc_pld_spec}\n' # f'value -> {send_value}: {send_type}\n' # ) except ValidationError: print(f'{uid} FAILED TO SEND {send_value}!') # await tractor.pause() if expect_send: raise RuntimeError( f'EXPECTED to roundtrip value given spec:\n' f'ipc_pld_spec -> {ipc_pld_spec}\n' f'value -> {send_value}: {send_type}\n' ) # continue else: print( f'{uid}: finished sending all values\n' 'Should be exiting stream block!\n' ) print(f'{uid}: exited streaming block!') # TODO: this won't be true bc in streaming phase we DO NOT # msgspec check outbound msgs! # -[ ] once we implement the receiver side `InvalidMsg` # then we can expect it here? # assert ( # len(sent) # == # len([val # for val, expect in # expect_ipc_send.values() # if expect is True]) # ) def ex_func(*args): print(f'ex_func({args})') @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'ipc_pld_spec', [ Any, NamespacePath, NamespacePath|None, # the "maybe" spec Bo ], ids=[ 'any_type', 'nsp_type', 'maybe_nsp_type', ] ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'add_codec_hooks', [ True, False, ], ids=['use_codec_hooks', 'no_codec_hooks'], ) def test_codec_hooks_mod( debug_mode: bool, ipc_pld_spec: Union[Type]|Any, # send_value: None|str|NamespacePath, add_codec_hooks: bool, ): ''' Audit the `.msg.MsgCodec` override apis details given our impl uses `contextvars` to accomplish per `trio` task codec application around an inter-proc-task-comms context. ''' async def main(): nsp = NamespacePath.from_ref(ex_func) send_items: dict[Union, Any] = { Union[None]: None, Union[NamespacePath]: nsp, Union[str]: str(nsp), } # init default state for actor chk_codec_applied( expect_codec=_codec._def_tractor_codec, ) async with tractor.open_nursery( debug_mode=debug_mode, ) as an: p: tractor.Portal = await an.start_actor( 'sub', enable_modules=[__name__], ) # TODO: 2 cases: # - codec not modified -> decode nsp as `str` # - codec modified with hooks -> decode nsp as # `NamespacePath` nsp_codec: MsgCodec = mk_custom_codec( pld_spec=ipc_pld_spec, add_hooks=add_codec_hooks, ) with apply_codec(nsp_codec) as codec: chk_codec_applied( expect_codec=nsp_codec, enter_value=codec, ) expect_ipc_send: dict[str, tuple[Any, bool]] = {} report: str = ( 'Parent report on send values with\n' f'ipc_pld_spec: {ipc_pld_spec}\n' ' ------ - ------\n' ) for val_type_str, val, expect_send in iter_maybe_sends( send_items, ipc_pld_spec, add_codec_hooks=add_codec_hooks, ): report += ( f'send_value: {val}: {type(val)} ' f'=> expect_send: {expect_send}\n' ) expect_ipc_send[val_type_str] = (val, expect_send) print( report + ' ------ - ------\n' ) assert len(expect_ipc_send) == len(send_items) # now try over real IPC with a the subactor # expect_ipc_rountrip: bool = True expected_started = Started( cid='cid', pld=str(ipc_pld_spec), ) # build list of values we expect to receive from # the subactor. expect_to_send: list[Any] = [ val for val, expect_send in expect_ipc_send.values() if expect_send ] pld_spec_type_strs: list[str] = enc_type_union(ipc_pld_spec) # XXX should raise an mte (`MsgTypeError`) # when `add_codec_hooks == False` bc the input # `expect_ipc_send` kwarg has a nsp which can't be # serialized! # # TODO:can we ensure this happens from the # `Return`-side (aka the sub) as well? if not add_codec_hooks: try: async with p.open_context( send_back_values, expect_debug=debug_mode, pld_spec_type_strs=pld_spec_type_strs, add_hooks=add_codec_hooks, started_msg_bytes=nsp_codec.encode(expected_started), # XXX NOTE bc we send a `NamespacePath` in this kwarg expect_ipc_send=expect_ipc_send, ) as (ctx, first): pytest.fail('ctx should fail to open without custom enc_hook!?') # this test passes bc we can go no further! except MsgTypeError: # teardown nursery await p.cancel_actor() return # TODO: send the original nsp here and # test with `limit_msg_spec()` above? # await tractor.pause() print('PARENT opening IPC ctx!\n') async with ( # XXX should raise an mte (`MsgTypeError`) # when `add_codec_hooks == False`.. p.open_context( send_back_values, expect_debug=debug_mode, pld_spec_type_strs=pld_spec_type_strs, add_hooks=add_codec_hooks, started_msg_bytes=nsp_codec.encode(expected_started), expect_ipc_send=expect_ipc_send, ) as (ctx, first), ctx.open_stream() as ipc, ): # ensure codec is still applied across # `tractor.Context` + its embedded nursery. chk_codec_applied( expect_codec=nsp_codec, enter_value=codec, ) print( 'root: ENTERING CONTEXT BLOCK\n' f'type(first): {type(first)}\n' f'first: {first}\n' ) expect_to_send.remove(first) # TODO: explicit values we expect depending on # codec config! # assert first == first_val # assert first == f'{__name__}:ex_func' async for next_sent in ipc: print( 'Parent: child sent next value\n' f'{next_sent}: {type(next_sent)}\n' ) if expect_to_send: expect_to_send.remove(next_sent) else: print('PARENT should terminate stream loop + block!') # all sent values should have arrived! assert not expect_to_send await p.cancel_actor() trio.run(main) def chk_pld_type( payload_spec: Type[Struct]|Any, pld: Any, expect_roundtrip: bool|None = None, ) -> bool: pld_val_type: Type = type(pld) # TODO: verify that the overridden subtypes # DO NOT have modified type-annots from original! # 'Start', .pld: FuncSpec # 'StartAck', .pld: IpcCtxSpec # 'Stop', .pld: UNSEt # 'Error', .pld: ErrorData codec: MsgCodec = mk_codec( # NOTE: this ONLY accepts `PayloadMsg.pld` fields of a specified # type union. ipc_pld_spec=payload_spec, ) # make a one-off dec to compare with our `MsgCodec` instance # which does the below `mk_msg_spec()` call internally ipc_msg_spec: Union[Type[Struct]] msg_types: list[PayloadMsg[payload_spec]] ( ipc_msg_spec, msg_types, ) = mk_msg_spec( payload_type_union=payload_spec, ) _enc = msgpack.Encoder() _dec = msgpack.Decoder( type=ipc_msg_spec or Any, # like `PayloadMsg[Any]` ) assert ( payload_spec == codec.pld_spec ) # assert codec.dec == dec # # ^-XXX-^ not sure why these aren't "equal" but when cast # to `str` they seem to match ?? .. kk assert ( str(ipc_msg_spec) == str(codec.msg_spec) == str(_dec.type) == str(codec.dec.type) ) # verify the boxed-type for all variable payload-type msgs. if not msg_types: breakpoint() roundtrip: bool|None = None pld_spec_msg_names: list[str] = [ td.__name__ for td in _payload_msgs ] for typedef in msg_types: skip_runtime_msg: bool = typedef.__name__ not in pld_spec_msg_names if skip_runtime_msg: continue pld_field = structs.fields(typedef)[1] assert pld_field.type is payload_spec # TODO-^ does this need to work to get all subtypes to adhere? kwargs: dict[str, Any] = { 'cid': '666', 'pld': pld, } enc_msg: PayloadMsg = typedef(**kwargs) _wire_bytes: bytes = _enc.encode(enc_msg) wire_bytes: bytes = codec.enc.encode(enc_msg) assert _wire_bytes == wire_bytes ve: ValidationError|None = None try: dec_msg = codec.dec.decode(wire_bytes) _dec_msg = _dec.decode(wire_bytes) # decoded msg and thus payload should be exactly same! assert (roundtrip := ( _dec_msg == dec_msg == enc_msg )) if ( expect_roundtrip is not None and expect_roundtrip != roundtrip ): breakpoint() assert ( pld == dec_msg.pld == enc_msg.pld ) # assert (roundtrip := (_dec_msg == enc_msg)) except ValidationError as _ve: ve = _ve roundtrip: bool = False if pld_val_type is payload_spec: raise ValueError( 'Got `ValidationError` despite type-var match!?\n' f'pld_val_type: {pld_val_type}\n' f'payload_type: {payload_spec}\n' ) from ve else: # ow we good cuz the pld spec mismatched. print( 'Got expected `ValidationError` since,\n' f'{pld_val_type} is not {payload_spec}\n' ) else: if ( payload_spec is not Any and pld_val_type is not payload_spec ): raise ValueError( 'DID NOT `ValidationError` despite expected type match!?\n' f'pld_val_type: {pld_val_type}\n' f'payload_type: {payload_spec}\n' ) # full code decode should always be attempted! if roundtrip is None: breakpoint() return roundtrip def test_limit_msgspec( debug_mode: bool, ): async def main(): async with tractor.open_root_actor( debug_mode=debug_mode, ): # ensure we can round-trip a boxing `PayloadMsg` assert chk_pld_type( payload_spec=Any, pld=None, expect_roundtrip=True, ) # verify that a mis-typed payload value won't decode assert not chk_pld_type( payload_spec=int, pld='doggy', ) # parametrize the boxed `.pld` type as a custom-struct # and ensure that parametrization propagates # to all payload-msg-spec-able subtypes! class CustomPayload(Struct): name: str value: Any assert not chk_pld_type( payload_spec=CustomPayload, pld='doggy', ) assert chk_pld_type( payload_spec=CustomPayload, pld=CustomPayload(name='doggy', value='urmom') ) # yah, we can `.pause_from_sync()` now! # breakpoint() trio.run(main)