""" ``trio`` inspired apis and helpers """ from functools import partial import inspect import multiprocessing as mp from typing import Tuple, List, Dict, Optional import typing import warnings import trio from async_generator import asynccontextmanager from . import _debug from ._debug import maybe_wait_for_debugger from ._state import current_actor, is_main_process, is_root_process from .log import get_logger, get_loglevel from ._actor import Actor from ._portal import Portal from ._exceptions import is_multi_cancelled from ._root import open_root_actor from . import _state from . import _spawn log = get_logger(__name__) _default_bind_addr: Tuple[str, int] = ('', 0) class ActorNursery: """Spawn scoped subprocess actors. """ def __init__( self, actor: Actor, ria_nursery: trio.Nursery, da_nursery: trio.Nursery, errors: Dict[Tuple[str, str], Exception], ) -> None: # self.supervisor = supervisor # TODO self._actor: Actor = actor self._ria_nursery = ria_nursery self._da_nursery = da_nursery self._children: Dict[ Tuple[str, str], Tuple[Actor, mp.Process, Optional[Portal]] ] = {} # portals spawned with ``run_in_actor()`` are # cancelled when their "main" result arrives self._cancel_after_result_on_exit: set = set() self.cancelled: bool = False self._join_procs = trio.Event() self.errors = errors async def start_actor( self, name: str, *, bind_addr: Tuple[str, int] = _default_bind_addr, rpc_module_paths: List[str] = None, enable_modules: List[str] = None, loglevel: str = None, # set log level per subactor nursery: trio.Nursery = None, ) -> Portal: loglevel = loglevel or self._actor.loglevel or get_loglevel() # configure and pass runtime state _rtv = _state._runtime_vars.copy() _rtv['_is_root'] = False enable_modules = enable_modules or [] if rpc_module_paths: warnings.warn( "`rpc_module_paths` is now deprecated, use " " `enable_modules` instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) enable_modules.extend(rpc_module_paths) subactor = Actor( name, # modules allowed to invoked funcs from enable_modules=enable_modules, loglevel=loglevel, arbiter_addr=current_actor()._arb_addr, ) parent_addr = self._actor.accept_addr assert parent_addr # start a task to spawn a process # blocks until process has been started and a portal setup nursery = nursery or self._da_nursery # XXX: the type ignore is actually due to a `mypy` bug return await nursery.start( # type: ignore partial( _spawn.new_proc, name, self, subactor, self.errors, bind_addr, parent_addr, _rtv, # run time vars ) ) async def run_in_actor( self, fn: typing.Callable, *, name: Optional[str] = None, bind_addr: Tuple[str, int] = _default_bind_addr, rpc_module_paths: Optional[List[str]] = None, enable_modules: List[str] = None, loglevel: str = None, # set log level per subactor **kwargs, # explicit args to ``fn`` ) -> Portal: """Spawn a new actor, run a lone task, then terminate the actor and return its result. Actors spawned using this method are kept alive at nursery teardown until the task spawned by executing ``fn`` completes at which point the actor is terminated. """ mod_path = fn.__module__ if name is None: # use the explicit function name if not provided name = fn.__name__ portal = await self.start_actor( name, enable_modules=[mod_path] + ( enable_modules or rpc_module_paths or [] ), bind_addr=bind_addr, loglevel=loglevel, # use the run_in_actor nursery nursery=self._ria_nursery, ) # XXX: don't allow stream funcs if not ( inspect.iscoroutinefunction(fn) and not getattr(fn, '_tractor_stream_function', False) ): raise TypeError(f'{fn} must be an async function!') # this marks the actor to be cancelled after its portal result # is retreived, see logic in `open_nursery()` below. self._cancel_after_result_on_exit.add(portal) await portal._submit_for_result( mod_path, fn.__name__, **kwargs ) return portal async def cancel(self, hard_kill: bool = False) -> None: """Cancel this nursery by instructing each subactor to cancel itself and wait for all subactors to terminate. If ``hard_killl`` is set to ``True`` then kill the processes directly without any far end graceful ``trio`` cancellation. """ self.cancelled = True log.cancel(f"Cancelling nursery in {self._actor.uid}") with trio.move_on_after(3) as cs: async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery: for subactor, proc, portal in self._children.values(): # TODO: are we ever even going to use this or # is the spawning backend responsible for such # things? I'm thinking latter. if hard_kill: proc.terminate() else: if portal is None: # actor hasn't fully spawned yet event = self._actor._peer_connected[subactor.uid] log.warning( f"{subactor.uid} wasn't finished spawning?") await event.wait() # channel/portal should now be up _, _, portal = self._children[subactor.uid] # XXX should be impossible to get here # unless method was called from within # shielded cancel scope. if portal is None: # cancelled while waiting on the event # to arrive chan = self._actor._peers[subactor.uid][-1] if chan: portal = Portal(chan) else: # there's no other choice left proc.terminate() # spawn cancel tasks for each sub-actor assert portal nursery.start_soon(portal.cancel_actor) # if we cancelled the cancel (we hung cancelling remote actors) # then hard kill all sub-processes if cs.cancelled_caught: log.error( f"Failed to cancel {self}\nHard killing process tree!") for subactor, proc, portal in self._children.values(): log.warning(f"Hard killing process {proc}") proc.terminate() # mark ourselves as having (tried to have) cancelled all subactors self._join_procs.set() @asynccontextmanager async def _open_and_supervise_one_cancels_all_nursery( actor: Actor, ) -> typing.AsyncGenerator[ActorNursery, None]: # the collection of errors retreived from spawned sub-actors errors: Dict[Tuple[str, str], Exception] = {} # This is the outermost level "deamon actor" nursery. It is awaited # **after** the below inner "run in actor nursery". This allows for # handling errors that are generated by the inner nursery in # a supervisor strategy **before** blocking indefinitely to wait for # actors spawned in "daemon mode" (aka started using # ``ActorNursery.start_actor()``). # errors from this daemon actor nursery bubble up to caller async with trio.open_nursery() as da_nursery: try: # This is the inner level "run in actor" nursery. It is # awaited first since actors spawned in this way (using # ``ActorNusery.run_in_actor()``) are expected to only # return a single result and then complete (i.e. be canclled # gracefully). Errors collected from these actors are # immediately raised for handling by a supervisor strategy. # As such if the strategy propagates any error(s) upwards # the above "daemon actor" nursery will be notified. async with trio.open_nursery() as ria_nursery: anursery = ActorNursery( actor, ria_nursery, da_nursery, errors ) try: # spawning of actors happens in the caller's scope # after we yield upwards yield anursery log.runtime( f"Waiting on subactors {anursery._children} " "to complete" ) # Last bit before first nursery block ends in the case # where we didn't error in the caller's scope # signal all process monitor tasks to conduct # hard join phase. anursery._join_procs.set() except BaseException as err: # If we error in the root but the debugger is # engaged we don't want to prematurely kill (and # thus clobber access to) the local tty since it # will make the pdb repl unusable. # Instead try to wait for pdb to be released before # tearing down. await maybe_wait_for_debugger() # if the caller's scope errored then we activate our # one-cancels-all supervisor strategy (don't # worry more are coming). anursery._join_procs.set() try: # XXX: hypothetically an error could be # raised and then a cancel signal shows up # slightly after in which case the `else:` # block here might not complete? For now, # shield both. with trio.CancelScope(shield=True): etype = type(err) if etype in ( trio.Cancelled, KeyboardInterrupt ) or ( is_multi_cancelled(err) ): log.cancel( f"Nursery for {current_actor().uid} " f"was cancelled with {etype}") else: log.exception( f"Nursery for {current_actor().uid} " f"errored with {err}, ") # cancel all subactors await anursery.cancel() except trio.MultiError as merr: # If we receive additional errors while waiting on # remaining subactors that were cancelled, # aggregate those errors with the original error # that triggered this teardown. if err not in merr.exceptions: raise trio.MultiError(merr.exceptions + [err]) else: raise # ria_nursery scope end # XXX: do we need a `trio.Cancelled` catch here as well? # this is the catch around the ``.run_in_actor()`` nursery except ( Exception, trio.MultiError, trio.Cancelled ) as err: # If actor-local error was raised while waiting on # ".run_in_actor()" actors then we also want to cancel all # remaining sub-actors (due to our lone strategy: # one-cancels-all). log.cancel(f"Nursery cancelling due to {err}") if anursery._children: with trio.CancelScope(shield=True): await anursery.cancel() raise finally: # No errors were raised while awaiting ".run_in_actor()" # actors but those actors may have returned remote errors as # results (meaning they errored remotely and have relayed # those errors back to this parent actor). The errors are # collected in ``errors`` so cancel all actors, summarize # all errors and re-raise. if errors: if anursery._children: with trio.CancelScope(shield=True): await anursery.cancel() # use `MultiError` as needed if len(errors) > 1: raise trio.MultiError(tuple(errors.values())) else: raise list(errors.values())[0] # ria_nursery scope end - nursery checkpoint # after nursery exit @asynccontextmanager async def open_nursery( **kwargs, ) -> typing.AsyncGenerator[ActorNursery, None]: """Create and yield a new ``ActorNursery`` to be used for spawning structured concurrent subactors. When an actor is spawned a new trio task is started which invokes one of the process spawning backends to create and start a new subprocess. These tasks are started by one of two nurseries detailed below. The reason for spawning processes from within a new task is because ``trio_run_in_process`` itself creates a new internal nursery and the same task that opens a nursery **must** close it. It turns out this approach is probably more correct anyway since it is more clear from the following nested nurseries which cancellation scopes correspond to each spawned subactor set. """ implicit_runtime = False actor = current_actor(err_on_no_runtime=False) try: if actor is None and is_main_process(): # if we are the parent process start the # actor runtime implicitly log.info("Starting actor runtime!") # mark us for teardown on exit implicit_runtime = True async with open_root_actor(**kwargs) as actor: assert actor is current_actor() # try: async with _open_and_supervise_one_cancels_all_nursery( actor ) as anursery: yield anursery else: # sub-nursery case async with _open_and_supervise_one_cancels_all_nursery( actor ) as anursery: yield anursery finally: log.debug("Nursery teardown complete") # shutdown runtime if it was started if implicit_runtime: log.info("Shutting down actor tree")