import tractor import trio async def gen(): yield 'yo' await tractor.breakpoint() yield 'yo' @tractor.context async def just_bp( ctx: tractor.Context, ) -> None: await ctx.started('yo bpin here') await tractor.breakpoint() # async for val in gen(): # print(val) await trio.sleep(0.5) # THIS CAUSES AN UNRECOVERABLE HANG!? assert 0 async def main(): async with tractor.open_nursery( loglevel='transport', debug_mode=True, ) as n: p = await n.start_actor( 'bp_boi', enable_modules=[__name__], # debug_mode=True, ) async with p.open_context( just_bp, ) as (ctx, first): # await tractor.breakpoint() # breakpoint() await trio.sleep_forever() if __name__ == '__main__':