""" ``tractor`` testing!! """ import sys import subprocess import os import random import signal import platform import time import pytest import tractor # export for tests from tractor.testing import tractor_test # noqa pytest_plugins = ['pytester'] _arb_addr = '', random.randint(1000, 9999) # Sending signal.SIGINT on subprocess fails on windows. Use CTRL_* alternatives if platform.system() == 'Windows': _KILL_SIGNAL = signal.CTRL_BREAK_EVENT _INT_SIGNAL = signal.CTRL_C_EVENT _INT_RETURN_CODE = 3221225786 _PROC_SPAWN_WAIT = 2 else: _KILL_SIGNAL = signal.SIGKILL _INT_SIGNAL = signal.SIGINT _INT_RETURN_CODE = 1 if sys.version_info < (3, 8) else -signal.SIGINT.value _PROC_SPAWN_WAIT = 0.6 if sys.version_info < (3, 7) else 0.4 no_windows = pytest.mark.skipif( platform.system() == "Windows", reason="Test is unsupported on windows", ) def repodir(): """Return the abspath to the repo directory. """ dirname = os.path.dirname dirpath = os.path.abspath( dirname(dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) ) return dirpath def pytest_addoption(parser): parser.addoption( "--ll", action="store", dest='loglevel', default='ERROR', help="logging level to set when testing" ) parser.addoption( "--spawn-backend", action="store", dest='spawn_backend', default='trio', help="Processing spawning backend to use for test run", ) def pytest_configure(config): backend = config.option.spawn_backend if backend == 'mp': tractor._spawn.try_set_start_method('spawn') elif backend == 'trio': tractor._spawn.try_set_start_method(backend) @pytest.fixture(scope='session', autouse=True) def loglevel(request): orig = tractor.log._default_loglevel level = tractor.log._default_loglevel = request.config.option.loglevel yield level tractor.log._default_loglevel = orig @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def spawn_backend(request): return request.config.option.spawn_backend @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def ci_env() -> bool: """Detect CI envoirment. """ return os.environ.get('TRAVIS', False) or os.environ.get('CI', False) @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def arb_addr(): return _arb_addr def pytest_generate_tests(metafunc): spawn_backend = metafunc.config.option.spawn_backend if not spawn_backend: # XXX some weird windows bug with `pytest`? spawn_backend = 'mp' assert spawn_backend in ('mp', 'trio') if 'start_method' in metafunc.fixturenames: if spawn_backend == 'mp': from multiprocessing import get_all_start_methods methods = get_all_start_methods() if 'fork' in methods: # fork not available on windows, so check before # removing XXX: the fork method is in general # incompatible with trio's global scheduler state methods.remove('fork') elif spawn_backend == 'trio': methods = ['trio'] metafunc.parametrize("start_method", methods, scope='module') def sig_prog(proc, sig): "Kill the actor-process with ``sig``." proc.send_signal(sig) time.sleep(0.1) if not proc.poll(): # TODO: why sometimes does SIGINT not work on teardown? # seems to happen only when trace logging enabled? proc.send_signal(_KILL_SIGNAL) ret = proc.wait() assert ret @pytest.fixture def daemon(loglevel, testdir, arb_addr): """Run a daemon actor as a "remote arbiter". """ if loglevel in ('trace', 'debug'): # too much logging will lock up the subproc (smh) loglevel = 'info' cmdargs = [ sys.executable, '-c', "import tractor; tractor.run_daemon([], arbiter_addr={}, loglevel={})" .format( arb_addr, "'{}'".format(loglevel) if loglevel else None) ] kwargs = dict() if platform.system() == 'Windows': # without this, tests hang on windows forever kwargs['creationflags'] = subprocess.CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP proc = testdir.popen( cmdargs, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, **kwargs, ) assert not proc.returncode time.sleep(_PROC_SPAWN_WAIT) yield proc sig_prog(proc, _INT_SIGNAL)