In the `examples/debugging/` i had put the
pattern-comment lines on the line following the `breakpoint()` bc it
seems that's where `pdb` would always "stop" and print the line to
console? So the test would only pass by actually ensuring that in the
`pexpect` capture..
Now on 3.13 it seems that the `pdb` line halting must have been fixed;
it now renders to console the same `breakpoint()` line?
Anyway it works as you'd expect now but **only** on 3.13 so after this
change we might have to adjust the tests to `pytest.xfail()` on earlier
Like any `bdb.BdbQuit` that might be relayed from a remote context after
a REPl exit with the `quit` cmd. This fixes various issues while
debugging where it may not be clear to the parent task that the child
was terminated with a purposefully unrecoverable error.
Inside a new `.trionics._beg` and exposed from the subpkg ns in
anticipation of the `strict_exception_groups=False` being removed by
`trio` in py 3.15.
- mk an embedded single-exc "extractor" using a `BaseExceptionGroup.exceptions` length
check, when 1 return the lone child.
- use the above in a new `@acm`, async bc it's most likely to be composed in an
`async with` tuple-style sequence block, called `collapse_eg()` which
acts a one line "absorber" for when the above mentioned flag is no
logner supported by `trio.open_nursery()`.
All untested atm fwiw.. but soon to be used in our test suite(s) likely!
Including changes like,
- loose eg flagging in various test emedded `trio.open_nursery()`s.
- changes to eg handling (like using `except*`).
- added `debug_mode` integration to tests that needed some REPLin
in order to figure out appropriate updates.
Namely when the subactor fails to lock the root, in which case we
try to be very verbose about how/what failed in logging as well
as ensure we cancel the employed IPC ctx.
Implement the outer `BaseException` handler to handle both styles,
- match on an eg (or the prior std cancel excs) only raising a lone
sub-exc from for former.
- always `as _req_err:` and assign to a new func-global `req_err`
to enable the above matching.
- raise `DebugStateError` on `status.subactor_uid != actor_uid`.
- fix a `_repl_fail_report` ref error due to making silly assumptions
about the `_repl_fail_msg` global; now copy from global as default.
- various log-fmt and logic expression styling tweaks.
- ignore `trio.Cancelled` by default in `open_crash_handler()`.
Namely inside,
- `ActorNursery.open_portal()` which uses
`.trionics.maybe_open_nursery()` and is now adjusted to
pass-through `**kwargs` for at least this flag.
- inside the `.trionics.gather_contexts()`.
Such that it gets passed through to `.open_root_actor()` in the
`implicit_runtime==True` case - useful for debugging cases where
`.devx._debug` APIs might be used to avoid REPL clobbering in subactors.
Since it'll likely need a bit of detailing to get the test suite running
identically with strict egs (exception groups), i've opted to just flip
the switch on a few core nursery scopes for now until as such a time
i can focus enough to port the matching internals.. Xp
Since it turns out there's a few gotchas moving to python 3.13,
- we need to pin to new(er) `trio` which now flips to strict exception
groups (something to be handled in a follow up patch).
- since we're now using `uv` we should (at least for now) prefer the
system `python` (over astral's distis) since they compile for
`libedit` in terms of what the (new) `readline.backend: str` will read
as; this will break our tab-completion and vi-mode settings in
the `pdbp` REPL without a user configuring a `~/.editrc`
- go back to using latest `pdbp` (not a local dev version) since it
should work fine presuming the previous bullet is addressed.
Lock bumps,
- for now use latest `trio==0.29.0` (which i gotta feeling might have
broken some existing attempts at strict-eg handling i've tried..)
- update to latest `xonsh`, `pdbp` and its dep `tabcompleter`
Other cleaning,
- put back in various deps "comments" from `poetry` content.
- drop the `xonsh-vox` and `xontrib-vox` dev deps; no `vox` support with
`uv` rn anyway..
Such that a `TrioCancelled` is raised in the aio task via
`.set_exception()` to explicitly indicate and allow that task to handle
a taskc request from the parent `trio.Task`.