The whole origin was not having an explicit open/close semantic for
streams. We have that now so this internal mechanic isn't needed and
further our streams become more correct by having `.aclose()` be
independent of cancellation.
Add a small config with a manually specified version key for now.
Fix up some changelog contents from last release and bump our ``
version to an `.alpha2.dev0`.
We may get multiple re-entries to debugger by `bp_forever` sub-actor
now since the root will incrementally try to cancel it only when the tty
lock is not held.
Finally this makes a cancelled root actor nursery not clobber child
tasks which request and lock the root's tty for the debugger repl.
Using an edge triggered event which is set after all fifo-lock-queued
tasks are complete, we can be sure that no lingering child tasks are
going to get interrupted during pdb use and tty lock acquisition.
Further, even if new tasks do queue up to get the lock, the root will
incrementally send cancel msgs to each sub-actor only once the tty is
not locked by a (set of) child request task(s). Add shielding around all
the critical sections where the child attempts to allocate the lock from
the root such that it won't be disrupted from cancel messages from the
root after the acquire lock transaction has started.
If the root calls `trio.Process.kill()` on immediate child proc teardown
when the child is using pdb, we can get stdstreams clobbering that
results in a pdb++ repl where the user can't see what's been typed. Not
killing such children on cancellation / error seems to resolve this
issue whilst still giving reliable termination. For now, code that
special path until a time it becomes a problem for ensuring zombie
A context is the natural fit (vs. a receive stream) for locking the root
proc's tty usage via it's `.started()` sync point. Simplify the
`_breakpoin()` routine to be a simple async func instead of all this
"returning a coroutine" stuff from before we decided that
`tractor.breakpoint()` must be async. Use `runtime` level for locking
logging making it easier to trace.