It's been a long time prepped and now finally implemented!
Offer a `shield: bool` argument from our async `._debug` APIs:
- `await tractor.pause(shield=True)`,
- `await tractor.post_mortem(shield=True)`
^-These-^ can now be used inside cancelled `trio.CancelScope`s,
something very handy when introspecting complex (distributed) system
tear/shut-downs particularly under remote error or (inter-peer)
cancellation conditions B)
Thanks to previous prepping in a prior attempt and various patches from
the rigorous rework of `.devx._debug` internals around typed msg specs,
there ain't much that was needed!
Impl deats
- obvi passthrough `shield` from the public API endpoints (was already
done from a prior attempt).
- put ad-hoc internal `with trio.CancelScope(shield=shield):` around all
checkpoints inside `._pause()` for both the root-process and subactor
case branches.
Add a fairly rigorous example, `examples/debugging/`
with a wrapping `pexpect` test, `test_debugger.test_shield_pause()` and
ensure it covers as many cases as i can think of offhand:
- multiple `.pause()` entries in a loop despite parent scope
cancellation in a subactor RPC task which itself spawns a sub-task.
- a `trio.Nursery.parent_task` which raises, is handled and
tries to enter and unshielded `.post_mortem()`, which of course
internally raises `Cancelled` in a `._pause()` checkpoint, so we catch
the `Cancelled` again and then debug the debugger's internal
cancellation with specific checks for the particular raising
- do ^- the latter -^ for both subactor and root cases to ensure we
can debug `._pause()` itself when it tries to REPL engage from
a cancelled task scope Bo