Commit Graph

398 Commits (a315f01acc6f82c688bce630451446e401fb1040)

Author SHA1 Message Date
Tyler Goodlet 3ba46362a9 Be mega pedantic with msg-spec building
Turns out the generics based payload speccing API, as in,
DOES WORK properly as long as we don't rely on inheritance from `Msg`
a parent `Generic`..

So let's get real pedantic in the `mk_msg_spec()` internals as well as
verification in the test suite!

Fixes in `.msg.types`:
- implement (as part of tinker testing) multiple spec union building
  methods via a `spec_build_method: str` to `mk_msg_spec()` and leave a
  buncha notes around what did and didn't work:
  - 'indexed_generics' is the only method THAT WORKS and the one that
    you'd expect being closest to the `msgspec` docs (link above).
  - 'defstruct' using dynamically defined msgs => doesn't work!
  - 'types_new_class' using dynamically defined msgs but with
    `types.new_clas()` => ALSO doesn't work..

- explicitly separate the `.pld` type-constrainable by user code msg
  set into `types._payload_spec_msgs` putting the others in
  a `types._runtime_spec_msgs` and the full set defined as `.__spec__`
  (moving it out of the pkg-mod and back to `.types` as well).

- for the `_payload_spec_msgs` msgs manually make them inherit `Generic[PayloadT]`
  and (redunantly) define a `.pld: PayloadT` field.

- make `IpcCtxSpec.functype` an in line `Literal`.

- toss in some TODO notes about choosing a better `Msg.cid` type.

Fixes/tweaks around `.msg._codec`:
- rename `MsgCodec.ipc/pld_msg_spec` -> `.msg/pld_spec`
- make `._enc/._dec` non optional fields
- wow, ^facepalm^ , make sure `._ipc.MsgpackTCPStream.__init__()` uses
  `mk_codec()` since `MsgCodec` can't be (easily) constructed directly.

Get more detailed in testing:
- inside the `chk_pld_type()` helper ensure `roundtrip` is always set to
  some value, `None` by default but a bool depending on legit outcome.
  - drop input `generic`; no longer used.
  - drop the masked `typedef` loop from `Msg.__subclasses__()`.
  - for add an `expect_roundtrip: bool` and use to jump into debugger
    when any expectation doesn't match the outcome.
- use new `MsgCodec` field names (as per first section above).
- ensure the encoded msg matches the decoded one from both the ad-hoc
  decoder and codec loaded values.
- ensure the pld checking is only applied to msgs in the
  `types._payload_spec_msgs` set by `typef.__name__` filtering
  since `mk_msg_spec()` now returns the full `.types.Msg` set.
2024-03-29 19:15:20 -04:00
Tyler Goodlet fb8196e354 Tweak msging tests to match codec api changes
Mostly adjusting input args/logic to various spec/codec signatures and
new runtime semantics:

- `test_msg_spec_xor_pld_spec()` to verify that a shuttle prot spec and
  payload spec are necessarily mutex and that `mk_codec()` enforces it.
- switch to `ipc_msg_spec` input in `mk_custom_codec()` helper.
- drop buncha commented cruft from `test_limit_msgspec()` including no
  longer needed type union instance checks in dunder attributes.
2024-03-29 13:48:08 -04:00
Tyler Goodlet 456979dd12 Tweak msg-spec test suite mod name 2024-03-28 13:07:03 -04:00
Tyler Goodlet 995af130cf Init def of "SC shuttle prot" with "msg-spec-limiting"
As per the long outstanding GH issue this starts our rigorous journey
into an attempt at a type-safe, cross-actor SC, IPC protocol Bo

boop ->

The idea is to "formally" define our SC "shuttle (dialog) protocol" by
specifying a new `.msg.types.Msg` subtype-set which can fully
encapsulate all IPC msg schemas needed in order to accomplish
cross-process SC!

The msg set deviated a little in terms of (type) names from the existing
`dict`-msgs currently used in the runtime impl but, I think the name
changes are much better in terms of explicitly representing the internal
semantics of the actor runtime machinery/subsystems and the
IPC-msg-dialog required for SC enforced RPC.

------ - ------

In cursory, the new formal msgs-spec includes the following msg-subtypes
of a new top-level `Msg` boxing type (that holds the base field schema
for all msgs):

- `Start` to request RPC task scheduling by passing a `FuncSpec` payload
  (to replace the currently used `{'cmd': ... }` dict msg impl)

- `StartAck` to allow the RPC task callee-side to report a `IpcCtxSpec`
  payload immediately back to the caller (currently responded naively via
  a `{'functype': ... }` msg)

- `Started` to deliver the first value from `Context.started()`
  (instead of the existing `{'started': ... }`)

- `Yield` to shuttle `MsgStream.send()`-ed values (instead of
  our `{'yield': ... }`)

- `Stop` to terminate a `Context.open_stream()` session/block
  (over `{'stop': True }`)

- `Return` to deliver the final value from the `Actor.start_remote_task()`
  (which is a `{'return': ... }`)

- `Error` to box `RemoteActorError` exceptions via a `.pld: ErrorData`
  payload, planned to replace/extend the current `RemoteActorError.msgdata`
  mechanism internal to `._exceptions.pack/unpack_error()`

The new `tractor.msg.types` includes all the above msg defs as well an API
for rendering a "payload type specification" using a
`payload_type_spec: Union[Type]` that can be passed to
`msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(type=payload_type_spec)`. This ensures that
(for a subset of the above msg set) `Msg.pld: PayloadT` data is
type-parameterized using `msgspec`'s new `Generic[PayloadT]` field
support and thus enables providing for an API where IPC `Context`
dialogs can strictly define the allowed payload-datatype-set via type

Iow, this is the foundation for supporting `Channel`/`Context`/`MsgStream`
IPC primitives which are type checked/safe as desired in GH issue:

Misc notes on current impl(s) status:
------ - ------
- add a `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` which uses the new `msgspec` support
  for `class MyStruct[Struct, Generic[T]]` parameterize-able fields and
  delivers our boxing SC-msg-(sub)set with the desired `payload_types`
  applied to `.pld`:
  - as a note this impl seems to need to use `type.new_class()` dynamic
    subtype generation, though i don't really get *why* still.. but
    without that the `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` doesn't seem to reject
    `.pld` limited `Msg` subtypes as demonstrated in the new test.

- around this ^ add a `.msg._codec.limit_msg_spec()` cm which exposes
  this payload type limiting API such that it can be applied per task
  via a `MsgCodec` in app code.

- the orig approach in was
  the idea of making payload fields `.pld: Raw` wherein we could have
  per-field/sub-msg decoders dynamically loaded depending on the
  particular application-layer schema in use. I don't want to lose the
  idea of this since I think it might be useful for an idea I have about
  capability-based-fields(-sharing, maybe using field-subset
  encryption?), and as such i've kept the (ostensibly) working impls in
  TODO-comments in `.msg._codec` wherein maybe we can add
  a `MsgCodec._payload_decs: dict` table for this later on.
  |_ also left in the `.msg.types.enc/decmsg()` impls but renamed as
    `enc/dec_payload()` (but reworked to not rely on the lifo codec
    stack tables; now removed) such that we can prolly move them to
    `MsgCodec` methods in the future.

- add an unused `._codec.mk_tagged_union_dec()` helper which was
  originally factored out the #311 proto-code but didn't end up working
  as desired with the new parameterized generic fields approach (now
  in `msg.types.mk_msg_spec()`)

Testing/deps work:
------ - ------
- new `test_limit_msgspec()` which ensures all the `.types` content is
  correct but without using the wrapping APIs in `._codec`; i.e. using
  a in-line `Decoder` instead of a `MsgCodec`.

- pin us to `msgspec>=0.18.5` which has the needed generic-types support
  (which took me way too long yester to figure out when implementing all
  this XD)!
2024-03-28 12:38:36 -04:00
Tyler Goodlet 0a69829ec5 Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API
Fitting in line with the issues outstanding:
- #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot).

- #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less
  better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs"
  using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs.

- #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based
  messaging and RPC.

This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg
codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right
now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds
general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like
`capnproto`, and apache arrow).

Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with:
- a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder`
  pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding.
- factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task.
- `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped
  `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'.
- `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task
  as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation.

A new test (suite) in ``:
- verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in
  this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars
- ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get
  decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already
  created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg
  wrapper packets..
  -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up
  and running Bo
2024-03-26 15:50:47 -04:00
Tyler Goodlet 72b4dc1461 Provision for infected-`asyncio` debug mode support
It's **almost** there, we're just missing the final translation code to
get from an `asyncio` side task to be able to call
`.devx._debug..wait_for_parent_stdin_hijack()` to do root actor TTY
locking. Then we just need to ensure internals also do the right thing
with `greenback()` for equivalent sync `breakpoint()` style pause

Since i'm deferring this until later, tossing in some xfail tests to
`test_infected_asyncio` with TODOs for the needed implementation as well
as eventual test org.

By "provision" it means we add:
- `greenback` init block to `_run_asyncio_task()` when debug mode is
  enabled (but which will currently rte when `asyncio` is detected)
  using `.bestow_portal()` around the `asyncio.Task`.
- a call to `_debug.maybe_init_greenback()` in the `run_as_asyncio_guest()`
  guest-mode entry point.
- as part of `._debug.Lock.is_main_trio_thread()` whenever the async-lib
  is not 'trio' error lock the backend name (which is obvi `'asyncio'`
  in this use case).
2024-03-25 16:09:32 -04:00
Tyler Goodlet 4f863a6989 Refine and test `tractor.pause_from_sync()`
Now supports use from any `trio` task, any sync thread started with
`trio.to_thread.run_sync()` AND also via `breakpoint()` builtin API!
The only bit missing now is support for `asyncio` tasks when in infected
mode.. Bo

`greenback` setup/API adjustments:
- move `._rpc.maybe_import_gb()` to -> `devx._debug` and factor out the cached
  import checking into a sync func whilst placing the async `.ensure_portal()`
  bootstrapping into a new async `maybe_init_greenback()`.
- use the new init-er func inside `open_root_actor()` with the output
  predicating whether we override the `breakpoint()` hook.

core `devx._debug` implementation deatz:
- make `mk_mpdb()` only return the `pdp.Pdb` subtype instance since
  the sigint unshielding func is now accessible from the `Lock`
  singleton from anywhere.

- add non-main thread support (at least for `trio.to_thread` use cases)
  to our `Lock` with a new `.is_trio_thread()` predicate that delegates
  directly to `trio`'s internal version.

- do `Lock.is_trio_thread()` checks inside any methods which require
  special provisions when invoked from a non-main `trio` thread:
  - `.[un]shield_sigint()` methods since `signal.signal` usage is only
    allowed from cpython's main thread.
  - `.release()` since `trio.StrictFIFOLock` can only be called from
    a `trio` task.

- rework `.pause_from_sync()` itself to directly call `._set_trace()`
  and don't bother with `greenback._await()` when we're already calling
  it from a `.to_thread.run_sync()` thread, oh and try to use the
  thread/task name when setting `Lock.local_task_in_debug`.

- make it an RTE for now if you try to use `.pause_from_sync()` from any
  infected-`asyncio` task, but support is (hopefully) coming soon!

For testing we add a new ``
which includes a ctrl-c parametrization around the
`examples/debugging/` script which includes all currently
supported/working usages:
- `tractor.pause_from_sync()`.
- via `breakpoint()` overload.
- from a `trio.to_thread.run_sync()` spawn.
2024-03-22 19:58:25 -04:00
Tyler Goodlet d5e5174d97 Extend inter-peer cancel tests for "inceptions"
Use new `RemoteActorError` fields in various assertions particularly
ensuring that an RTE relayed through the spawner from the little_bro
shows up at the client with the right number of entries in the
`.relay_path` and that the error is raised in the client as desired in
the original use case from `modden`'s remote spawn spawn request API
(which was kinda the whole original motivation to finally get all this
multi-actor error relay stuff workin).

Case extensions:
- RTE relayed from little_bro through spawner to client when
  `raise_sub_spawn_error_after` is set; in this case test should raise
  the relayed and RAE boxed RTE right up to the ``.
  -> ensure the `rae.src_uid`, `.relay_uid` are set correctly.
  -> ensure ctx cancels are no acked.
- use `expect_ctxc()` around root's `tell_little_bro()` usage.
- do `debug_mode` assertions when enabled by test harness in each actor
- obvi use new `.src_type`/`.boxed_type` for final error propagation
2024-03-20 10:29:40 -04:00
Tyler Goodlet 8ab5e08830 Adjust advanced faults test(s) for absorbed EoCs
More or less just simplifies to not seeing the stream closure errors and
instead expecting KBIs from the simulated user who 'ctl-cs after hang'.

Toss in a little `stuff_hangin_ctlc()` to the script to wrap all that
and always check stream closure before sending the final KBI.
2024-03-19 19:33:06 -04:00
Tyler Goodlet 9221c57234 Adjust all `RemoteActorError.type` using tests
To instead use the new `.boxed_type` B)
2024-03-19 18:08:54 -04:00
Tyler Goodlet 71de56b09a Drop now-deprecated deps on modern `trio`/Python
- `trio_typing` is nearly obsolete since `trio >= 0.23`
- `exceptiongroup` is built-in to python 3.11
- `async_generator` primitives have lived in `contextlib` for quite
  a while!
2024-03-13 18:41:24 -04:00
Tyler Goodlet 96992bcbb9 Add (back) a `tractor._testing` sub-pkg
Since importing from our top level `` is not scaleable
or as "future forward thinking" in terms of:
- LoC-wise (it's only one file),
- prevents "external" (aka non-test) example scripts from importing
  content easily,
- seemingly(?) can't be used via abs-import if using
  a `[tool.pytest.ini_options]` in a `pyproject.toml` vs.
  a `pytest.ini`, see:

=> Go back to having an internal "testing" pkg like `trio` (kinda) does.

- move generic top level helpers into pkg-mod including the new
  `expect_ctxc()` (which i needed in the advanced faults testing script.
- move `@tractor_test` into `._testing.pytest` sub-mod.
- adjust all the helper imports to be a `from tractor._testing import <..>`

Rework `test_ipc_channel_break_during_stream()` and backing script:
- make test(s) pull `debug_mode` from new fixture (which is now
  controlled manually from `--tpdb` flag) and drop the previous
  parametrized input.
- update logic in ^ test for "which-side-fails" cases to better match
  recently updated/stricter cancel/failure semantics in terms of
  `ClosedResouruceError` vs. `EndOfChannel` expectations.
- handle `ExceptionGroup`s with expected embedded errors in test.
- better pendantics around whether to expect a user simulated KBI.
- for `examples/advanced_faults/` script:
  - generalize ipc breakage in new `break_ipc()` with support for diff
    internal `trio` methods and a #TODO for future disti frameworks
  - only make one sub-actor task break and the other just stream.
  - use new `._testing.expect_ctxc()` around ctx block.
  - add a bit of exception handling with `print()`s around ctxc (unused
    except if 'msg' break method is set) and eoc cases.
  - don't break parent side ipc in loop any more then once
    after first break, checked via flag var.
  - add a `pre_close: bool` flag to control whether
    `MsgStreama.aclose()` is called *before* any ipc breakage method.

Still TODO:
- drop `pytest.ini` and add the alt section to ``.
 -> currently can't get `--rootdir=` opt to work.. not showing in
   console header.
 -> ^ also breaks on 'tests' `enable_modules` imports in subactors
   during discovery tests?
2024-03-13 09:09:08 -04:00
Tyler Goodlet 8c39b8b124 Tweak some tests for spurious failues
With the seeming cause that some cases occasionally raise
`ExceptionGroup` instead of a (collapsed out) single error which, in
those cases at least try to check that `.exceptions` has the original
2024-03-11 10:37:34 -04:00
Tyler Goodlet dd168184c3 Add a open-ctx-with-self test
Found exactly why trying this won't work when playing around with
opening workspaces in `modden` using a `Portal.open_context()` back to
the 'bigd' root actor: the RPC machinery only registers one entry in
`Actor._contexts` which will get overwritten by each task's side and
then experience race-based IPC msging errors (eg. rxing `{'started': _}`
on the callee side..). Instead make opening a ctx back to the self-actor
a runtime error describing it as an invalid op.

To match:
- add a new test `test_ctx_with_self_actor()` to the context semantics
- tried out adding a new `side: str` to the `Actor.get_context()` (and
  callers) but ran into not being able to determine the value from in
  `._push_result()` where it's needed to figure out which side to push
  to.. So, just leaving the commented arg (passing) in the runtime core
  for now in case we can come back to trying to make it work, tho i'm
  thinking it's not the right hack anyway XD
2024-03-11 10:29:42 -04:00
Tyler Goodlet 7458f99733 Add a `._state._runtime_vars['_registry_addrs']`
Such that it's set to whatever `Actor.reg_addrs: list[tuple]` is during
the actor's init-after-spawn guaranteeing each actor has at least the
registry infos from its parent. Ensure we read this if defined over
`_root._default_lo_addrs` in `._discovery` routines, namely
`.find_actor()` since it's the one API normally used without expecting
the runtime's `current_actor()` to be up.

Update the latest inter-peer cancellation test to use the `reg_addr`
fixture (and thus test this new runtime-vars value via `find_actor()`
usage) since it was failing if run *after* the infected `asyncio` suite
due to registry contact failure.
2024-03-08 15:34:20 -05:00
Tyler Goodlet c025761f15 Adjust `asyncio` test for stricter ctx-self-cancels
Use `expect_ctx()` around the portal cancellation case, toss in
a `'context'` parametrization and return just the `Context.outcome` from
`main()` B)
2024-03-07 21:33:07 -05:00
Tyler Goodlet 2e797ef7ee Update ctx test suites to stricter semantics
Including mostly tweaking asserts on relayed `ContextCancelled`s and
the new pub ctx properties: `.outcome`, `.maybe_error`, etc. as it
pertains to graceful (absorbed) remote cancellation vs. loud ctxc cases
expected to be raised by any `Portal.cancel_actor()` style teardown.

Start checking a variety internals like `._remote/local_error`,
`._is_self_cancelled()`, `._is_final_result_set()`, `._cancel_msg`
where applicable.

Also factor out the new `expect_ctxc()` checker to our `` for
use in other suites.
2024-03-07 21:26:57 -05:00
Tyler Goodlet 7ae9b5319b Tweak inter-peer `._scope` state asserts
We don't expect `._scope.cancelled_caught` to be set really ever on
inter-peer cancellation since no ctx is ever cancelling itself, a peer
cancels some other and then bubbles back to all other peers.

Also add `ids: lambda` for `error_during_ctxerr_handling` param to
2024-03-06 16:09:38 -05:00
Tyler Goodlet 9e3f41a5b1 Tweak inter-peer tests for new/refined semantics
Buncha subtle details changed mostly to do with when `Context.cancel()`
gets called on "real" remote errors vs. (peer requested) cancellation
and then local side handling of `ContextCancelled`.

Specific changes to make tests pass:
- due to raciness with `sleeper_ctx.result()` raising the ctxc locally
  vs. the child-peers receiving similar ctxcs themselves (and then
  erroring and propagating back to the root parent), we might not see
  `._remote_error` set during the sub-ctx loops (except for the sleeper
  itself obvi).
- do not expect `.cancel_called`/`.cancel_caught` to be set on any
  sub-ctx since currently `Context.cancel()` is only called non-shielded
  and thus is not in invoked when `._scope.cancel()` is called as part
  of each root-side ctx ref/block handling the inter-peer ctxc.
- do not expect `Context._scope.cancelled_caught` to be set in most cases
  (even the sleeper)

TODO Outstanding adjustments not fixed yet:
-[ ] `_scope.cancelled_caught` checks outside the `.open_context()`
2024-03-06 10:13:41 -05:00
Tyler Goodlet 1f7f84fdfa Mk debugger tests work for arbitrary pre-REPL format
Since this was changed as part of overall project wide logging format
updates, and i ended up changing the both the crash and pause `.pdb()`
msgs to include some multi-line-ascii-"stuff", might as well make the
pre-prompt checks in the test suite more flexible to match.

As such, this exposes 2 new constants inside the `.devx._debug` mod:
- `._pause_msg: str` for the pre `tractor.pause()` header emitted via
  `log.pdb()` and,
- `._crash_msg: str` for the pre `._post_mortem()` equiv when handling
  errors in debug mode.

Adjust the test suite to use these values and thus make us more capable
to absorb changes in the future as well:
- add a new `in_prompt_msg()` predicate, very similar to `assert_before()`
  but minus `assert`s which takes in a `parts: list[str]` to match
  in the pre-prompt stdout.
- delegate to `in_prompt_msg()` in `assert_before()` since it was mostly
  duplicate minus `assert`.
- adjust all previous `<patt> in before` asserts to instead use
  `in_prompt_msg()` with separated pre-prompt-header vs. actor-name
- use new `._pause/crash_msg` values in all such calls including any
  `assert_before()` cases.
2024-03-05 12:22:04 -05:00
Tyler Goodlet a5bdc6db66 Flip rpc tests over to use `ExceptionGroup` on new `trio` 2024-03-05 10:34:32 -05:00
Tyler Goodlet 3ed309f019 Add test for `modden` sub-spawner-server hangs on cancel
As per a lot of the recent refinements to `Context` cancellation, add
a new test case to replicate the original hang-on-cancel found with
`modden` when using a client actor to spawn a subactor in some other
tree where despite `Context.cancel()` being called the requesting client
would hang on the opened context with the server.

The specific scenario added here is to have,
- root actor spawns 2 children: a client and a spawn server.
- the spawn server opens with a spawn-request serve loop and begins to
  wait for the client.
- client spawns and connects to the sibling spawn server, requests to
  spawn a sub-actor, the "little bro", connects to it then does some
  echo streaming, cancels the request with it's sibling (the spawn
  server) which should in turn cancel the root's-grandchild and result
  in a cancel-ack back to the client's `.open_context()`.
- root ensures that it can also connect to the grandchild (little bro),
  do the same echo streaming, then ensure everything tears down
  correctly after cancelling all the children.

More refinements to come here obvi in the specific cancellation
semantics and possibly causes.

Also tweaks the other tests in suite to use the new `Context` properties
recently introduced and similarly updated in the previous patch to the
ctx-semantics suite.
2024-02-29 15:45:55 -05:00
Tyler Goodlet d08aeaeafe Make `@context`-cancelled tests more pedantic
In order to match a very significant and coming-soon patch set to the
IPC `Context` and `Channel` cancellation semantics with significant but
subtle changes to the primitives and runtime logic:

- a new set of `Context` state pub meth APIs for checking exact
  inter-actor-linked-task outcomes such as `.outcome`, `.maybe_error`,
  and `.cancel_acked`.

- trying to move away from `Context.cancelled_caught` usage since the
  semantics from `trio` don't really map well (in terms of cancel
  requests and how they result in cancel-scope graceful closure) and
  `.cancel_acked: bool` is a better approach for IPC req-resp msging.
  - change test usage to access `._scope.cancelled_caught` directly.

- more pedantic ctxc-raising expects around the "type of self
  cancellation" and final outcome in ctxc cases:
  - `ContextCancelled` is raised by ctx (`Context.result()`) consumer
    methods when `Portal.cancel_actor()` is called (since it's an
    out-of-band request) despite `Channel._cancel_called` being set.
  - also raised by `.open_context().__aexit__()` on close.
  - `.outcome` is always `.maybe_error` is always one of
2024-02-28 19:25:27 -05:00
Tyler Goodlet 930d498841 Call `actor.cancel(None)` from root to avoid mismatch with (any future) meth sig changes 2024-02-22 14:45:08 -05:00
Tyler Goodlet 5ea112699d Tweak broadcast fanout test to never inf loop
Since a bug in the new `MsgStream.aclose()` impl's drain block logic was
triggering an actual inf loop (by not ever canceller the streamer child
actor), make sure we put a loop limit on the `inf_streamer`()` XD

Also add a bit more deats to the test `print()`s in each actor and toss
in `debug_mode` fixture support.
2024-02-22 14:41:28 -05:00
Tyler Goodlet ce1bcf6d36 Fix overruns test to avoid return-beats-ctxc race
Turns out that py3.11 might be so fast that iterating a EoC-ed
`MsgStream` 1k times is faster then a `Context.cancel()` msg
transmission from a parent actor to it's child (which i guess makes
sense). So tweak the test to delay 5ms between stream async-for iteration
attempts when the stream is detected to be `.closed: bool` (coming in
patch) or `ctx.cancel_called == true`.
2024-02-21 13:53:25 -05:00
Tyler Goodlet 6c9bc627d8 Make ctx tests support `debug_mode: bool` fixture
Such that with `--tpdb` passed (sub)actors will engage the `pdbp` REPL
automatically and so that we can use the new `stackscope` support when
complex cases hang Bo

- simplified some type-annots (ns paths),
- doc-ed an inter-peer test func with some ascii msg flows,
- added a bottom #TODO for replicating the scenario i hit in `modden`
  where a separate client actor-tree was hanging on cancelling a `bigd`
2024-02-20 15:14:58 -05:00
Tyler Goodlet 5fe3f58ea9 Add a `debug_mode: bool` fixture via `--tpdb` flag
Allows tests (including any `@tractor_test`s) to subscribe to a CLI flag
`--tpdb` (for "tractor python debugger") which the session can provide
to tests which can then proxy the value to `open_root_actor()` (via
`open_nursery()`) when booting the runtime - thus enabling our debug
mode globally to any subscribers B)

This is real handy if you have some failures but can't determine the
root issue without jumping into a `pdbp` REPL inside a (sub-)actor's
2024-02-20 08:53:37 -05:00
Tyler Goodlet 28ea8e787a Bump timeout on resource cache test a bitty bit. 2024-01-03 22:27:05 -05:00
Tyler Goodlet d651f3d8e9 Tons of interpeer test cleanup
Drop all the nested `@acm` blocks and defunct comments from initial
validations. Add some todos for cases that are still unclear such as
whether the caller / streamer should have `.cancelled_caught == True` in
it's teardown.
2023-10-25 15:21:41 -04:00
Tyler Goodlet ef0cfc4b20 Get inter-peer suite passing with all `Context` state checks!
Definitely needs some cleaning and refinement but this gets us to stage
1 of being pretty frickin correct i'd say 💃
2023-10-23 18:24:23 -04:00
Tyler Goodlet ecb525a2bc Adjust test details where `Context.cancel()` is called
We can now make asserts on `.cancelled_caught` and `_remote_error` vs.
`_local_error`. Expect a runtime error when `Context.open_stream()` is
called AFTER `.cancel()` and the remote `ContextCancelled` hasn't
arrived (yet). Adjust to `'itself'` string in self-cancel case.
2023-10-23 17:49:02 -04:00
Tyler Goodlet b77d123edd Fix `Context.result()` call to be in runtime scope 2023-10-23 17:48:34 -04:00
Tyler Goodlet a3ed30e62b Get remaining suites passing.. ensuring `reg_addr` fixture value passthrough to subactor eps
2023-10-19 11:51:47 -04:00
Tyler Goodlet 0e9457299c Port all tests to new `reg_addr` fixture name 2023-10-18 15:39:20 -04:00
Tyler Goodlet 1e689ee701 Rename fixture `arb_addr` -> `reg_addr` and set the session value globally as `._root._default_lo_addrs` 2023-10-18 15:35:35 -04:00
Tyler Goodlet ca3f7a1b6b Add a first serious inter-peer remote cancel suite
Tests that appropriate `Context` exit state, the relay of
a `ContextCancelled` error and its `.canceller: tuple[str, str]` value
are set when an inter-peer cancellation happens via an "out of band"
request method (in this case using `Portal.cancel_actor()` and that
cancellation is propagated "horizontally" to other peers. Verify that
any such cancellation scenario which also experiences an "error during
`ContextCancelled` handling" DOES NOT result in that further error being
suppressed and that the user's exception bubbles out of the
`Context.open_context()` block(s) appropriately!

Likely more tests to come as well as some factoring of the teardown
state checks where possible.

Pertains to serious testing the major work landing in #357
2023-10-18 13:59:08 -04:00
Tyler Goodlet c4cd573b26 Drop pause line from ctx cancel handler block in test 2023-10-07 18:51:59 -04:00
Tyler Goodlet 78c0d2b234 Start inter-peer cancellation test mod
Move over relevant test from the "context semantics" test module which
was already verifying peer-caused-`ContextCancelled.canceller: tuple`
error info and propagation during an inter-peer cancellation scenario.

Also begin a more general set of inter-peer cancellation tests starting
with the simplest case where when a peer is cancelled the parent should
NOT get an "muted" `trio.Cancelled` and instead
a `tractor.ContextCancelled` with a `.canceller: tuple` which points to
the sibling actor which requested the peer cancel.
2023-10-06 15:44:26 -04:00
Tyler Goodlet 4f442efbd7 Pass `str` dtype for `use_str` case 2023-06-15 12:20:20 -04:00
Tyler Goodlet a9fc4c1b91 Parametrize rw test with variable frame sizes
Demonstrates fixed size frame-oriented reads by the child where the
parent only transmits a "read" stream msg on "frame fill events" such
that the child incrementally reads the shm list data (much like in
a real-time-buffered streaming system).
2023-06-15 12:20:20 -04:00
Tyler Goodlet 339d787cf8 Add repetitive attach to existing segment test 2023-06-15 12:20:20 -04:00
Tyler Goodlet c32b21b4b1 Add initial readers-writer shm list tests 2023-06-15 12:20:20 -04:00
Tyler Goodlet 041d7da721 Drop caller cancels overrun test; covered in new tests 2023-05-15 10:00:45 -04:00
Tyler Goodlet f9911c22a4 Seriously cover all overrun cases
This actually caught further runtime bugs so it's gud i tried..
Add overrun-ignore enabled / disabled cases and error catching for all
of them. More or less this should cover every possible outcome when
it comes to setting `allow_overruns: bool` i hope XD
2023-05-15 10:00:45 -04:00
Tyler Goodlet 63adf73b4b Adjust aio test for silent cancellation by parent 2023-05-15 10:00:45 -04:00
Tyler Goodlet f1e9c0be93 Fix cluster test to use `allow_overruns` 2023-05-15 10:00:45 -04:00
Tyler Goodlet 6994d2026d Drop brackpressure usage from fan out tests 2023-05-15 10:00:45 -04:00
Tyler Goodlet 03644f59cc Augment test cases for callee-returns-result early
Turns out stuff was totally broken in these cases because we're either
closing the underlying mem chan too early or not handling the
"allow_overruns" mode's cancellation correctly..
2023-05-15 10:00:45 -04:00
Tyler Goodlet 71cd445319 Add new set of context cancellation tests
These will verify new changes to the runtime/messaging core which allows
us to adopt an "ignore cancel if requested by us" style handling of
`ContextCancelled` more like how `trio` does with
`trio.Nursery.cancel_scope.cancel()`. We now expect
a `ContextCancelled.canceller: tuple` which is set to the actor uid of
the actor which requested the cancellation which eventually resulted in
the remote error-msg.

Also adds some experimental tweaks to the "backpressure" test which it
turns out is very problematic in coordination with context cancellation
since blocking on the feed mem chan to some task will block the ipc msg
loop and thus handling of cancellation.. More to come to both the test
and core to address this hopefully since right now this test is failing.
2023-05-15 10:00:45 -04:00