There's a been a todo for soo long for this XD
Since all `Actor`'s store a set of `._peers` we can try a lookup on that
table as a shortcut before pinging the registry Bo
Impl deats:
- add a new `._discovery.get_peer_by_name()` routine which attempts the
`._peers` lookup by combining a copy of that `dict` + an entry added
for `Actor._parent_chan` (since all subs have a parent and often the
desired contact is just that connection).
- change `.find_actor()` (for the `only_first == True` case),
`.query_actor()` and `.wait_for_actor()` to call the new helper and
deliver appropriate outputs if possible.
- deprecate `get_arbiter()` def and all usage in tests and examples.
- drop lingering use of `arbiter_sockaddr` arg to various routines.
- tweak the `Actor` doc str as well as some code fmting and a tweak to
the `._stream_handler()`'s initial `con_status: str` logging value
since the way it was could never be reached.. oh and `.warning()` on
any new connections which already have a `_pre_chan: Channel` entry in
`._peers` so we can start minimizing IPC duplications.
- Remove `exceptiongroup` import,
- pin to py 3.11 in ``
- revert any lingering `tractor.devx` imports; sub-pkg is coming in
a downstream PR!
- remove weird double `@property` lingering from conflict reso..
- modern `pytest` requires conftest mod mods to be relative imported.
Since importing from our top level `` is not scaleable
or as "future forward thinking" in terms of:
- LoC-wise (it's only one file),
- prevents "external" (aka non-test) example scripts from importing
content easily,
- seemingly(?) can't be used via abs-import if using
a `[tool.pytest.ini_options]` in a `pyproject.toml` vs.
a `pytest.ini`, see:
=> Go back to having an internal "testing" pkg like `trio` (kinda) does.
- move generic top level helpers into pkg-mod including the new
`expect_ctxc()` (which i needed in the advanced faults testing script.
- move `@tractor_test` into `._testing.pytest` sub-mod.
- adjust all the helper imports to be a `from tractor._testing import <..>`
Rework `test_ipc_channel_break_during_stream()` and backing script:
- make test(s) pull `debug_mode` from new fixture (which is now
controlled manually from `--tpdb` flag) and drop the previous
parametrized input.
- update logic in ^ test for "which-side-fails" cases to better match
recently updated/stricter cancel/failure semantics in terms of
`ClosedResouruceError` vs. `EndOfChannel` expectations.
- handle `ExceptionGroup`s with expected embedded errors in test.
- better pendantics around whether to expect a user simulated KBI.
- for `examples/advanced_faults/` script:
- generalize ipc breakage in new `break_ipc()` with support for diff
internal `trio` methods and a #TODO for future disti frameworks
- only make one sub-actor task break and the other just stream.
- use new `._testing.expect_ctxc()` around ctx block.
- add a bit of exception handling with `print()`s around ctxc (unused
except if 'msg' break method is set) and eoc cases.
- don't break parent side ipc in loop any more then once
after first break, checked via flag var.
- add a `pre_close: bool` flag to control whether
`MsgStreama.aclose()` is called *before* any ipc breakage method.
Still TODO:
- drop `pytest.ini` and add the alt section to ``.
-> currently can't get `--rootdir=` opt to work.. not showing in
console header.
-> ^ also breaks on 'tests' `enable_modules` imports in subactors
during discovery tests?