Start a forkserver once in the main (parent-most) process
and pass ipc info (fds) to subprocesses manually such that embedded
calls to `multiprocessing.Process.start()` just work. Note that this
relies on our overridden version of the stdlib's
`multiprocessing.forkserver` module.
Stop worrying about a "main task" in each actor and instead add an
additional `ActorNursery.run_in_actor()` method which wraps calls
to create an actor and run a lone RPC task inside it. Note this
adjusts the public API of `ActorNursery.start_actor()` to drop
its `main` kwarg.
The dirty deats of making this possible:
- each spawned RPC task is now tracked with a specific cancel scope such
that when the actor is cancelled all ongoing responders are cancelled
before any IPC/channel machinery is closed (turns out that spawning
new actors from `outlive_main=True` actors was probably borked before
finally getting this working).
- make each initial RPC response be a packet which describes the
`functype` (eg. `{'functype': 'asyncfunction'}`) allowing for async
calls/submissions by client actors (this was required to make
`run_in_actor()` work - `Portal._submit()` is the new async method).
- hooray we can stop faking "main task" results for daemon actors
- add better handling/raising of internal errors caught in the bowels of
the `Actor` itself.
- drop the rpc spawning nursery; just use the `Actor._root_nursery`
- only wait on `_no_more_peers` if there are existing peer channels that
are actually still connected.
- an `ActorNursery.__aexit__()` now implicitly waits on `Portal.result()` on close
for each `run_in_actor()` spawned actor.
- handle cancelling partial started actors which haven't yet connected
back to the parent