Refine `MsgTypeError` handling to relay-up-on-`.recv()`

Such that `Channel.recv()` + `MsgpackTCPStream.recv()` originating
msg-type-errors are not raised at the IPC transport layer but instead
relayed up the runtime stack for eventual handling by user-app code via
the `Context`/`MsgStream` layer APIs.

This design choice leads to a substantial amount of flexibility and
modularity, and avoids `MsgTypeError` handling policies from being
coupled to a particular backend IPC transport layer:
- receive-side msg-type errors, as can be raised and handled in the
  `.open_stream()` "nasty" phase of a ctx, whilst being packed at the
  `MsgCodec`/transport layer (keeping the underlying src decode error
  coupled to the specific transport + interchange lib) and then relayed
  upward to app code for custom handling like a normal Error` msg.
- the policy options for handling such cases could be implemented as
  `@acm` wrappers around `.open_context()`/`.open_stream()` blocks (and
  their respective delivered primitives) OR just plain old async
  generators around `MsgStream.receive()` such that both built-in policy
  handling and custom user-app solutions can be swapped without touching
  any `tractor` internals or providing specialized "registry APIs".
  -> eg. the ignore and relay-invalid-msg-to-sender approach can be more
   easily implemented as embedded `try: except MsgTypeError:` blocks
   around `MsgStream.receive()` possibly applied as either of an
   injected wrapper type around a stream or an async gen that `async
   for`s from the stream.
- any performance based AOT-lang extensions used to implement a policy
  for handling recv-side errors space can avoid knowledge of the lower
  level IPC `Channel` (and-downward) primitives.
- `Context` consuming code can choose to let all msg-type-errs
  bubble and handle them manually (like any other remote `Error`
  shuttled exception).
- we can keep (as before) send-side msg type checks can be raised
  locally and cause offending senders to error and adjust before the
  streaming phase of an IPC ctx.

Impl (related) deats:
- obvi make `MsgpackTCPStream.recv()` yield up any `MsgTypeError`
  constructed by `_mk_msg_type_err()` such that the exception will
  eventually be relayed up to `._rpc.process_messages()` and from
  their delivered to the corresponding ctx-task.
- in support of ^, make `Channel.recv()` detect said mtes and use the
  new `pack_from_raise()` to inject the far end `Actor.uid` for the
- keep raising the send side equivalent (when strict enabled) errors
  inline immediately with no upward `Error` packing or relay.
- improve `_mk_msg_type_err()` cases handling with far more detailed
  `MsgTypeError` "message" contents pertaining to `msgspec` specific
  failure-fixing-tips and type-spec mismatch info:
  * use `.from_decode()` constructor in recv-side case to inject the
    non-spec decoded `msg_dict: dict` and use the new
    `MsgCodec.pld_spec_str: str` when clarifying the type discrepancy
    with the offending field.
  * on send-side, if we detect that an unsupported field type was
    described in the original `src_type_error`, AND there is no
    `msgpack.Encoder.enc_hook()` set, that the real issue is likely
    that the user needs to extend the codec to support the
    non-std/custom type with a hook and link to `msgspec` docs.
  * if one of a `src_type/validation_error` is provided, set that
    error as the `.__cause__` in the new mte.
Tyler Goodlet 2024-04-09 10:36:25 -04:00
parent 15549f7c26
commit a35c1d40ab
1 changed files with 115 additions and 48 deletions

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@ -38,7 +38,6 @@ from typing import (
import msgspec
@ -47,8 +46,9 @@ import trio
from tractor.log import get_logger
from tractor._exceptions import (
from tractor.msg import (
@ -118,40 +118,75 @@ class MsgTransport(Protocol[MsgType]):
def _raise_msg_type_err(
def _mk_msg_type_err(
msg: Any|bytes,
codec: MsgCodec,
validation_err: msgspec.ValidationError|None = None,
message: str|None = None,
verb_header: str = '',
) -> None:
src_validation_error: msgspec.ValidationError|None = None,
src_type_error: TypeError|None = None,
# if side == 'send':
if validation_err is None: # send-side
) -> MsgTypeError:
import traceback
from tractor._exceptions import pformat_boxed_tb
# `Channel.send()` case
if src_validation_error is None: # send-side
fmt_spec: str = '\n'.join(
map(str, codec.msg_spec.__args__)
fmt_stack: str = (
tb_fmt: str = pformat_boxed_tb(
# fields_str=header,
field_prefix=' ',
raise MsgTypeError(
f'invalid msg -> {msg}: {type(msg)}\n\n'
f'Valid IPC msgs are:\n\n'
# f' ------ - ------\n'
# no src error from `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder.decode()` so
# prolly a manual type-check on our part.
if message is None:
import traceback
from tractor._exceptions import pformat_boxed_tb
fmt_spec: str = '\n'.join(
map(str, codec.msg_spec.__args__)
fmt_stack: str = (
tb_fmt: str = pformat_boxed_tb(
# fields_str=header,
field_prefix=' ',
message: str = (
f'invalid msg -> {msg}: {type(msg)}\n\n'
f'Valid IPC msgs are:\n\n'
# f' ------ - ------\n'
elif src_type_error:
src_message: str = str(src_type_error)
patt: str = 'type '
type_idx: int = src_message.find('type ')
invalid_type: str = src_message[type_idx + len(patt):].split()[0]
enc_hook: Callable|None = codec.enc.enc_hook
if enc_hook is None:
message += (
f"The current IPC-msg codec can't encode type `{invalid_type}` !\n"
f'Maybe a `msgpack.Encoder.enc_hook()` extension is needed?\n\n'
f'Check the `msgspec` docs for ad-hoc type extending:\n'
msgtyperr = MsgTypeError(
# ya, might be `None`
msgtyperr.__cause__ = src_type_error
return msgtyperr
# `Channel.recv()` case
# decode the msg-bytes using the std msgpack
# interchange-prot (i.e. without any
@ -161,29 +196,31 @@ def _raise_msg_type_err(
msg_dict: dict = msgspec.msgpack.decode(msg)
msg_type_name: str = msg_dict['msg_type']
msg_type = getattr(msgtypes, msg_type_name)
errmsg: str = (
message: str = (
f'invalid `{msg_type_name}` IPC msg\n\n'
if verb_header:
errmsg = f'{verb_header} ' + errmsg
message = f'{verb_header} ' + message
# XXX see if we can determine the exact invalid field
# such that we can comprehensively report the
# specific field's type problem
msgspec_msg: str = validation_err.args[0].rstrip('`')
msgspec_msg: str = src_validation_error.args[0].rstrip('`')
msg, _, maybe_field = msgspec_msg.rpartition('$.')
obj = object()
if (field_val := msg_dict.get(maybe_field, obj)) is not obj:
field_type: Union[Type] = msg_type.__signature__.parameters[
errmsg += (
message += (
f' |_.{maybe_field}: {field_type} = {field_val!r}\n'
f' |_.{maybe_field}: {codec.pld_spec_str} = {field_val!r}\n'
raise MsgTypeError(errmsg) from validation_err
msgtyperr = MsgTypeError.from_decode(
msgtyperr.__cause__ = src_validation_error
return msgtyperr
# TODO: not sure why we have to inherit here, but it seems to be an
@ -325,12 +362,15 @@ class MsgpackTCPStream(MsgTransport):
# and always raise such that spec violations
# are never allowed to be caught silently!
except msgspec.ValidationError as verr:
# re-raise as type error
msgtyperr: MsgTypeError = _mk_msg_type_err(
# XXX deliver up to `Channel.recv()` where
# a re-raise and `Error`-pack can inject the far
# end actor `.uid`.
yield msgtyperr
except (
@ -387,7 +427,7 @@ class MsgpackTCPStream(MsgTransport):
if type(msg) not in msgtypes.__msg_types__:
if strict_types:
raise _mk_msg_type_err(
@ -400,11 +440,16 @@ class MsgpackTCPStream(MsgTransport):
bytes_data: bytes = codec.encode(msg)
except TypeError as typerr:
raise MsgTypeError(
'A msg field violates the current spec\n'
) from typerr
msgtyperr: MsgTypeError = _mk_msg_type_err(
f'IPC-msg-spec violation in\n\n'
raise msgtyperr from typerr
# supposedly the fastest says,
@ -719,13 +764,35 @@ class Channel:
assert self._transport
while True:
async for item in self._transport:
yield item
async for msg in self._transport:
match msg:
# NOTE: if transport/interchange delivers
# a type error, we pack it with the far
# end peer `Actor.uid` and relay the
# `Error`-msg upward to the `._rpc` stack
# for normal RAE handling.
case MsgTypeError():
yield pack_from_raise(
# XXX we pack it here bc lower
# layers have no notion of an
# actor-id ;)
case _:
yield msg
# TODO: if we were gonna do this it should be
# done up at the `MsgStream` layer!
# sent = yield item
# if sent is not None:
# # optimization, passing None through all the
# # time is pointless
# await self._transport.send(sent)
except trio.BrokenResourceError:
# if not self._autorecon: