Fix frame-selection display on first REPL entry

For whatever reason pdb(p), and in general, will show the frame of the
*next* python instruction/LOC on initial entry (at least using
`.set_trace()`), as such remove the `try/finally` block in the sync
code entrypoint `.pause_from_sync()`, and also since doesn't seem like
we really need it anyway.

Further, and to this end:
- enable hidden frames support in our default config.
- fix/drop/mask all the frame ref-ing/mangling we had prior since it's no
  longer needed as well as manual `Lock` releasing which seems to work
  already by having the `greenback` spawned task do it's normal thing?
- move to no `Union` type annots.
- hide all frames that can add "this is the runtime confusion" to
Tyler Goodlet 2023-07-07 14:51:44 -04:00
parent b59cba74cd
commit 7b7410bc0f
1 changed files with 72 additions and 60 deletions

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@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ from functools import (
from contextlib import asynccontextmanager as acm
from typing import (
@ -40,7 +39,10 @@ from types import FrameType
import pdbp
import tractor
import trio
from trio_typing import TaskStatus
from trio_typing import (
# Task,
from .log import get_logger
from ._discovery import get_root
@ -69,10 +71,10 @@ class Lock:
repl: MultiActorPdb | None = None
# placeholder for function to set a ``trio.Event`` on debugger exit
# pdb_release_hook: Optional[Callable] = None
# pdb_release_hook: Callable | None = None
_trio_handler: Callable[
[int, Optional[FrameType]], Any
[int, FrameType | None], Any
] | int | None = None
# actor-wide variable pointing to current task name using debugger
@ -83,23 +85,23 @@ class Lock:
# and must be cancelled if this actor is cancelled via IPC
# request-message otherwise deadlocks with the parent actor may
# ensure
_debugger_request_cs: Optional[trio.CancelScope] = None
_debugger_request_cs: trio.CancelScope | None = None
# NOTE: set only in the root actor for the **local** root spawned task
# which has acquired the lock (i.e. this is on the callee side of
# the `lock_tty_for_child()` context entry).
_root_local_task_cs_in_debug: Optional[trio.CancelScope] = None
_root_local_task_cs_in_debug: trio.CancelScope | None = None
# actor tree-wide actor uid that supposedly has the tty lock
global_actor_in_debug: Optional[tuple[str, str]] = None
global_actor_in_debug: tuple[str, str] = None
local_pdb_complete: Optional[trio.Event] = None
no_remote_has_tty: Optional[trio.Event] = None
local_pdb_complete: trio.Event | None = None
no_remote_has_tty: trio.Event | None = None
# lock in root actor preventing multi-access to local tty
_debug_lock: trio.StrictFIFOLock = trio.StrictFIFOLock()
_orig_sigint_handler: Optional[Callable] = None
_orig_sigint_handler: Callable | None = None
_blocked: set[tuple[str, str]] = set()
@ -110,6 +112,7 @@ class Lock:
@pdbp.hideframe # XXX NOTE XXX see below in `.pause_from_sync()`
def unshield_sigint(cls):
# always restore ``trio``'s sigint handler. see notes below in
# the pdb factory about the nightmare that is that code swapping
@ -129,10 +132,6 @@ class Lock:
if owner:
# actor-local state, irrelevant for non-root.
cls.global_actor_in_debug = None
cls.local_task_in_debug = None
# sometimes the ``trio`` might already be terminated in
# which case this call will raise.
@ -143,6 +142,11 @@ class Lock:
cls.repl = None
# actor-local state, irrelevant for non-root.
cls.global_actor_in_debug = None
cls.local_task_in_debug = None
class TractorConfig(pdbp.DefaultConfig):
@ -151,7 +155,7 @@ class TractorConfig(pdbp.DefaultConfig):
use_pygments: bool = True
sticky_by_default: bool = False
enable_hidden_frames: bool = False
enable_hidden_frames: bool = True
# much thanks @mdmintz for the hot tip!
# fixes line spacing issue when resizing terminal B)
@ -228,26 +232,23 @@ async def _acquire_debug_lock_from_root_task(
to the ``pdb`` repl.
task_name = trio.lowlevel.current_task().name
task_name: str = trio.lowlevel.current_task().name
we_acquired: bool = False
f"Attempting to acquire TTY lock, remote task: {task_name}:{uid}"
we_acquired = False
f"entering lock checkpoint, remote task: {task_name}:{uid}"
we_acquired = True
# NOTE: if the surrounding cancel scope from the
# `lock_tty_for_child()` caller is cancelled, this line should
# unblock and NOT leave us in some kind of
# a "child-locked-TTY-but-child-is-uncontactable-over-IPC"
# condition.
await Lock._debug_lock.acquire()
we_acquired = True
if Lock.no_remote_has_tty is None:
# mark the tty lock as being in use so that the runtime
@ -573,13 +574,15 @@ async def _pause(
# breakpoint()
if debug_func is None:
assert release_lock_signal, (
'Must pass `release_lock_signal: trio.Event` if no '
'trace func provided!'
# assert release_lock_signal, (
# 'Must pass `release_lock_signal: trio.Event` if no '
# 'trace func provided!'
# )
print(f"{actor.uid} ENTERING WAIT")
await release_lock_signal.wait()
# with trio.CancelScope(shield=True):
# await release_lock_signal.wait()
# block here one (at the appropriate frame *up*) where
@ -606,7 +609,7 @@ async def _pause(
def shield_sigint_handler(
signum: int,
frame: 'frame', # type: ignore # noqa
# pdb_obj: Optional[MultiActorPdb] = None,
# pdb_obj: MultiActorPdb | None = None,
) -> None:
@ -620,7 +623,7 @@ def shield_sigint_handler(
__tracebackhide__ = True
uid_in_debug = Lock.global_actor_in_debug
uid_in_debug: tuple[str, str] | None = Lock.global_actor_in_debug
actor = tractor.current_actor()
# print(f'{actor.uid} in HANDLER with ')
@ -638,14 +641,14 @@ def shield_sigint_handler(
raise KeyboardInterrupt
any_connected = False
any_connected: bool = False
if uid_in_debug is not None:
# try to see if the supposed (sub)actor in debug still
# has an active connection to *this* actor, and if not
# it's likely they aren't using the TTY lock / debugger
# and we should propagate SIGINT normally.
chans = actor._peers.get(tuple(uid_in_debug))
chans: list[tractor.Channel] = actor._peers.get(tuple(uid_in_debug))
if chans:
any_connected = any(chan.connected() for chan in chans)
if not any_connected:
@ -658,7 +661,7 @@ def shield_sigint_handler(
return do_cancel()
# only set in the actor actually running the REPL
pdb_obj = Lock.repl
pdb_obj: MultiActorPdb | None = Lock.repl
# root actor branch that reports whether or not a child
# has locked debugger.
@ -716,7 +719,7 @@ def shield_sigint_handler(
return do_cancel()
task = Lock.local_task_in_debug
task: str | None = Lock.local_task_in_debug
if (
and pdb_obj
@ -791,15 +794,18 @@ def _set_trace(
Lock.local_task_in_debug = 'sync'
# undo_
# TODO: allow pausing from sync code, normally by remapping
# python's builtin breakpoint() hook to this runtime aware version.
def pause_from_sync() -> None:
import greenback
__tracebackhide__ = True
actor: tractor.Actor = tractor.current_actor()
task_can_release_tty_lock = trio.Event()
# task_can_release_tty_lock = trio.Event()
# spawn bg task which will lock out the TTY, we poll
# just below until the release event is reporting that task as
@ -808,34 +814,39 @@ def pause_from_sync() -> None:
# release_lock_signal=task_can_release_tty_lock,
pdb, undo_sigint = mk_mpdb()
# _set_trace(actor=actor)
# we entered the global ``breakpoint()`` built-in from sync
# code?
Lock.local_task_in_debug = 'sync'
frame: FrameType | None = sys._getframe()
print(f'FRAME: {str(frame)}')
db, undo_sigint = mk_mpdb()
Lock.local_task_in_debug = 'sync'
# db.config.enable_hidden_frames = True
frame: FrameType = frame.f_back # type: ignore
print(f'FRAME: {str(frame)}')
# we entered the global ``breakpoint()`` built-in from sync
# code?
frame: FrameType | None = sys._getframe()
# print(f'FRAME: {str(frame)}')
# assert not db._is_hidden(frame)
frame: FrameType = frame.f_back # type: ignore
print(f'FRAME: {str(frame)}')
frame: FrameType = frame.f_back # type: ignore
# print(f'FRAME: {str(frame)}')
# if not db._is_hidden(frame):
# pdbp.set_trace()
# db._hidden_frames.append(
# (frame, frame.f_lineno)
# )
# NOTE XXX: see the `@pdbp.hideframe` decoration
# on `Lock.unshield_sigint()`.. I have NO CLUE why
# the next instruction's def frame is being shown
# in the tb but it seems to be something wonky with
# the way `pdb` core works?
# undo_sigint()
# pdb.do_frame(
# pdb.curindex
# Lock.global_actor_in_debug = actor.uid
# Lock.release()
# task_can_release_tty_lock.set()
# using the "pause" semantics instead since
# that better covers actually somewhat "pausing the runtime"
@ -959,8 +970,7 @@ async def maybe_wait_for_debugger(
# will make the pdb repl unusable.
# Instead try to wait for pdb to be released before
# tearing down.
sub_in_debug = None
sub_in_debug: tuple[str, str] | None = None
for _ in range(poll_steps):
@ -980,13 +990,15 @@ async def maybe_wait_for_debugger(
debug_complete = Lock.no_remote_has_tty
if (
(debug_complete and
not debug_complete.is_set())
and sub_in_debug is not None
and not debug_complete.is_set()
'Root has errored but pdb is in use by '
f'child {sub_in_debug}\n'
'Waiting on tty lock to release..')
'Waiting on tty lock to release..'
await debug_complete.wait()