First proto: multi-threaded synced `pdb`-REPLs
Functionally working for multi-threaded (via cpython threads spawned from `to_trio.to_thread.run_sync()`) alongside subactors, tested (for now) only with threads started inside the root actor (which seemed to have the most issues in terms of the impl and special cases..) using the new `tractor.pause_from_sync()` API! Main implementation changes to `.pause_from_sync()` ------ - ------ - from the root actor, we need to ensure bg thread case is handled *specially* since no IPC is used to request the TTY stdio mutex and `Lock` (API) usage is conducted entirely from a local task or thread; dedicated `Lock` usage for the root-actor already is branched inside `._pause()` and needs similar handling from a root bg-thread: |_for the special case of a root bg thread we need to `trio`-main-thread schedule a bg task inside a new `_pause_from_bg_root_thread()`. The new task needs to implement most of what was is handled inside `._pause()` manually, mostly because in this root-actor-bg-thread case we have 2 constraints: 1. to enter `PdbREPL.interaction()` **from the bg thread** directly, 2. the task that `Lock._debug_lock.acquire()`s has to be the same that calls `.release() (a `trio.FIFOLock` constraint) |_impl deats of this `_pause_from_bg_root_thread()` include: - (for now) calling `._pause()` to acquire the `Lock._debug_lock`. - setting its own `DebugStatus.repl_release`. - calling `.DebugStatus.shield_sigint()` to ensure the root's main thread uses the right handler when the bg one is REPL-ing. - wait manually on the `.repl_release()` to be set by the thread's dedicated `PdbREPL` exit. - manually calling `Lock.release()` from the **same task** that acquired it. - expect calls to `._pause()` to deliver a `tuple[Task, PdbREPL]` such that we always get the handle both to any newly created REPl instance and the (maybe) the scheduled bg task within which is runs. - add a single `message: str` style to `log.devx()` based on branching style for logging. - ensure both `DebugStatus.repl` and `.repl_task` are set **just before** calling `._set_trace()` to ensure the correct `Task|Thread` is set when the REPL is finally entered from sync code. - add a wrapping caller `_sync_pause_from_builtin()` which passes in the new `called_from_builtin=True` to indicate `breakpoint()` caller usage, obvi pass in `api_frame`. Changes to `._pause()` in support of ^ ------ - ------ - `TaskStatus.started()` and return the `tuple[Task, PdbREPL]` to callers / starters. - only call `DebugStatus.shield_sigint()` when no `repl` passed bc some callers (like bg threads) may need to apply it at some specific point themselves. - tweak some asserts for the `debug_func == None` / non-`trio`-thread case. - add a mod-level `_repl_fail_msg: str` to be used when there's an internal `._pause()` failure for testing, easier to pexpect match. - more comprehensive logging for the root-actor branched case to (attempt to) indicate any of the 3 cases: - remote ctx from subactor has the `Lock`, - already existing root task or thread has it or, - some kinda stale `.locked()` situation where the root has the lock but we don't know why. - for root usage, revert to always `await Lock._debug_lock.acquire()`-ing despite `called_from_sync` since `.pause_from_sync()` was reworked to instead handle the special bg thread case in the new `_pause_from_bg_root_thread()` task. - always do `return _enter_repl_sync(debug_func)`. - try to report any `repl_task: Task|Thread` set by the caller (particularly for the bg thread cases) as being the thread or task `._pause()` was called "on behalf of" Changes to `DebugStatus`/`Lock` in support of ^ ------ - ------ - only call `Lock.release()` from `DebugStatus.set_[quit/continue]()` when called from the main `trio` thread and always call `DebugStatus.release()` **after** to ensure `.repl_released()` is set **after** `._debug_lock.release()`. - only call `.repl_release.set()` from `trio` thread otherwise use ``. - much more refinements in `Lock.release()` for threading cases: - return `bool` to indicate whether lock was released by caller. - mask (in prep to drop) `_pause()` usage of `Lock.release.force=True)` since forcing a release can't ever avoid the RTE from `trio`.. same task **must** acquire/release. - don't allow usage from non-`trio`-main-threads, ever; there's no point since the same-task-needs-to-manage-`FIFOLock` constraint. - much more detailed logging using `message`-building-style for all caller (edge) cases. |_ use a `we_released: bool` to determine failed-to-release edge cases which can happen if called from bg threads, ensure we `log.exception()` on any incorrect usage resulting in release failure. |_ complain loudly if the release fails and some other task/thread still holds the lock. |_ be explicit about "who" (which task or thread) the release is "on behalf of" by reading `DebugStatus.repl_task` since the caller isn't the REPL operator in many sync cases. - more or less drop `force` support, as mentioned above. - ensure we unset `._owned_by_root` if the caller is a root task. Other misc ------ - ------ - rename `lock_tty_for_child()` -> `lock_stdio_for_peer()`. - rejig `Lock.repr()` to show lock and event stats. - stage `Lock.stats` and `.owner` methods in prep for doing a singleton instance and `@property`s.runtime_to_msgspec_XPS_BACKUP