diff --git a/tractor/_shm.py b/tractor/_shm.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dca9d5a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tractor/_shm.py
@@ -0,0 +1,706 @@
+# tractor: structured concurrent "actors".
+# Copyright 2018-eternity Tyler Goodlet.
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+SC friendly shared memory management geared at real-time
+Support for ``numpy`` compatible array-buffers is provided but is
+considered optional within the context of this runtime-library.
+from __future__ import annotations
+from sys import byteorder
+import time
+from typing import Optional
+from multiprocessing.shared_memory import (
+ SharedMemory,
+ from _posixshmem import shm_unlink
+from msgspec import Struct
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.lib import recfunctions as rfn
+import tractor
+from .log import get_logger
+log = get_logger(__name__)
+# how much is probably dependent on lifestyle
+_secs_in_day = int(60 * 60 * 24)
+# we try for a buncha times, but only on a run-every-other-day kinda week.
+_days_worth = 16
+_default_size = _days_worth * _secs_in_day
+# where to start the new data append index
+_rt_buffer_start = int((_days_worth - 1) * _secs_in_day)
+def disable_mantracker():
+ '''
+ Disable all ``multiprocessing``` "resource tracking" machinery since
+ it's an absolute multi-threaded mess of non-SC madness.
+ '''
+ from multiprocessing import resource_tracker as mantracker
+ # Tell the "resource tracker" thing to fuck off.
+ class ManTracker(mantracker.ResourceTracker):
+ def register(self, name, rtype):
+ pass
+ def unregister(self, name, rtype):
+ pass
+ def ensure_running(self):
+ pass
+ # "know your land and know your prey"
+ # https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6ozzco
+ mantracker._resource_tracker = ManTracker()
+ mantracker.register = mantracker._resource_tracker.register
+ mantracker.ensure_running = mantracker._resource_tracker.ensure_running
+ # ensure_running = mantracker._resource_tracker.ensure_running
+ mantracker.unregister = mantracker._resource_tracker.unregister
+ mantracker.getfd = mantracker._resource_tracker.getfd
+class SharedInt:
+ """Wrapper around a single entry shared memory array which
+ holds an ``int`` value used as an index counter.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ shm: SharedMemory,
+ ) -> None:
+ self._shm = shm
+ @property
+ def value(self) -> int:
+ return int.from_bytes(self._shm.buf, byteorder)
+ @value.setter
+ def value(self, value) -> None:
+ self._shm.buf[:] = value.to_bytes(self._shm.size, byteorder)
+ def destroy(self) -> None:
+ if _USE_POSIX:
+ # We manually unlink to bypass all the "resource tracker"
+ # nonsense meant for non-SC systems.
+ name = self._shm.name
+ try:
+ shm_unlink(name)
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ # might be a teardown race here?
+ log.warning(f'Shm for {name} already unlinked?')
+class _Token(Struct, frozen=True):
+ '''
+ Internal represenation of a shared memory "token"
+ which can be used to key a system wide post shm entry.
+ '''
+ shm_name: str # this servers as a "key" value
+ shm_first_index_name: str
+ shm_last_index_name: str
+ dtype_descr: tuple
+ size: int # in struct-array index / row terms
+ @property
+ def dtype(self) -> np.dtype:
+ return np.dtype(list(map(tuple, self.dtype_descr))).descr
+ def as_msg(self):
+ return self.to_dict()
+ @classmethod
+ def from_msg(cls, msg: dict) -> _Token:
+ if isinstance(msg, _Token):
+ return msg
+ # TODO: native struct decoding
+ # return _token_dec.decode(msg)
+ msg['dtype_descr'] = tuple(map(tuple, msg['dtype_descr']))
+ return _Token(**msg)
+# _token_dec = msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(_Token)
+# TODO: this api?
+# _known_tokens = tractor.ActorVar('_shm_tokens', {})
+# _known_tokens = tractor.ContextStack('_known_tokens', )
+# _known_tokens = trio.RunVar('shms', {})
+# process-local store of keys to tokens
+_known_tokens = {}
+def get_shm_token(key: str) -> _Token:
+ """Convenience func to check if a token
+ for the provided key is known by this process.
+ """
+ return _known_tokens.get(key)
+def _make_token(
+ key: str,
+ size: int,
+ dtype: np.dtype,
+) -> _Token:
+ '''
+ Create a serializable token that can be used
+ to access a shared array.
+ '''
+ return _Token(
+ shm_name=key,
+ shm_first_index_name=key + "_first",
+ shm_last_index_name=key + "_last",
+ dtype_descr=tuple(np.dtype(dtype).descr),
+ size=size,
+ )
+class ShmArray:
+ '''
+ A shared memory ``numpy`` (compatible) array API.
+ An underlying shared memory buffer is allocated based on
+ a user specified ``numpy.ndarray``. This fixed size array
+ can be read and written to by pushing data both onto the "front"
+ or "back" of a set index range. The indexes for the "first" and
+ "last" index are themselves stored in shared memory (accessed via
+ ``SharedInt`` interfaces) values such that multiple processes can
+ interact with the same array using a synchronized-index.
+ '''
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ shmarr: np.ndarray,
+ first: SharedInt,
+ last: SharedInt,
+ shm: SharedMemory,
+ # readonly: bool = True,
+ ) -> None:
+ self._array = shmarr
+ # indexes for first and last indices corresponding
+ # to fille data
+ self._first = first
+ self._last = last
+ self._len = len(shmarr)
+ self._shm = shm
+ self._post_init: bool = False
+ # pushing data does not write the index (aka primary key)
+ dtype = shmarr.dtype
+ if dtype.fields:
+ self._write_fields = list(shmarr.dtype.fields.keys())[1:]
+ else:
+ self._write_fields = None
+ # TODO: ringbuf api?
+ @property
+ def _token(self) -> _Token:
+ return _Token(
+ shm_name=self._shm.name,
+ shm_first_index_name=self._first._shm.name,
+ shm_last_index_name=self._last._shm.name,
+ dtype_descr=tuple(self._array.dtype.descr),
+ size=self._len,
+ )
+ @property
+ def token(self) -> dict:
+ """Shared memory token that can be serialized and used by
+ another process to attach to this array.
+ """
+ return self._token.as_msg()
+ @property
+ def index(self) -> int:
+ return self._last.value % self._len
+ @property
+ def array(self) -> np.ndarray:
+ '''
+ Return an up-to-date ``np.ndarray`` view of the
+ so-far-written data to the underlying shm buffer.
+ '''
+ a = self._array[self._first.value:self._last.value]
+ # first, last = self._first.value, self._last.value
+ # a = self._array[first:last]
+ # TODO: eventually comment this once we've not seen it in the
+ # wild in a long time..
+ # XXX: race where first/last indexes cause a reader
+ # to load an empty array..
+ if len(a) == 0 and self._post_init:
+ raise RuntimeError('Empty array race condition hit!?')
+ # breakpoint()
+ return a
+ def ustruct(
+ self,
+ fields: Optional[list[str]] = None,
+ # type that all field values will be cast to
+ # in the returned view.
+ common_dtype: np.dtype = np.float,
+ ) -> np.ndarray:
+ array = self._array
+ if fields:
+ selection = array[fields]
+ # fcount = len(fields)
+ else:
+ selection = array
+ # fcount = len(array.dtype.fields)
+ # XXX: manual ``.view()`` attempt that also doesn't work.
+ # uview = selection.view(
+ # dtype=' np.ndarray:
+ '''
+ Return the last ``length``'s worth of ("row") entries from the
+ array.
+ '''
+ return self.array[-length:]
+ def push(
+ self,
+ data: np.ndarray,
+ field_map: Optional[dict[str, str]] = None,
+ prepend: bool = False,
+ update_first: bool = True,
+ start: Optional[int] = None,
+ ) -> int:
+ '''
+ Ring buffer like "push" to append data
+ into the buffer and return updated "last" index.
+ NB: no actual ring logic yet to give a "loop around" on overflow
+ condition, lel.
+ '''
+ length = len(data)
+ if prepend:
+ index = (start or self._first.value) - length
+ if index < 0:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f'Array size of {self._len} was overrun during prepend.\n'
+ f'You have passed {abs(index)} too many datums.'
+ )
+ else:
+ index = start if start is not None else self._last.value
+ end = index + length
+ if field_map:
+ src_names, dst_names = zip(*field_map.items())
+ else:
+ dst_names = src_names = self._write_fields
+ try:
+ self._array[
+ list(dst_names)
+ ][index:end] = data[list(src_names)][:]
+ # NOTE: there was a race here between updating
+ # the first and last indices and when the next reader
+ # tries to access ``.array`` (which due to the index
+ # overlap will be empty). Pretty sure we've fixed it now
+ # but leaving this here as a reminder.
+ if prepend and update_first and length:
+ assert index < self._first.value
+ if (
+ index < self._first.value
+ and update_first
+ ):
+ assert prepend, 'prepend=True not passed but index decreased?'
+ self._first.value = index
+ elif not prepend:
+ self._last.value = end
+ self._post_init = True
+ return end
+ except ValueError as err:
+ if field_map:
+ raise
+ # should raise if diff detected
+ self.diff_err_fields(data)
+ raise err
+ def diff_err_fields(
+ self,
+ data: np.ndarray,
+ ) -> None:
+ # reraise with any field discrepancy
+ our_fields, their_fields = (
+ set(self._array.dtype.fields),
+ set(data.dtype.fields),
+ )
+ only_in_ours = our_fields - their_fields
+ only_in_theirs = their_fields - our_fields
+ if only_in_ours:
+ raise TypeError(
+ f"Input array is missing field(s): {only_in_ours}"
+ )
+ elif only_in_theirs:
+ raise TypeError(
+ f"Input array has unknown field(s): {only_in_theirs}"
+ )
+ # TODO: support "silent" prepends that don't update ._first.value?
+ def prepend(
+ self,
+ data: np.ndarray,
+ ) -> int:
+ end = self.push(data, prepend=True)
+ assert end
+ def close(self) -> None:
+ self._first._shm.close()
+ self._last._shm.close()
+ self._shm.close()
+ def destroy(self) -> None:
+ if _USE_POSIX:
+ # We manually unlink to bypass all the "resource tracker"
+ # nonsense meant for non-SC systems.
+ shm_unlink(self._shm.name)
+ self._first.destroy()
+ self._last.destroy()
+ def flush(self) -> None:
+ # TODO: flush to storage backend like markestore?
+ ...
+def open_shm_array(
+ key: Optional[str] = None,
+ size: int = _default_size, # see above
+ dtype: Optional[np.dtype] = None,
+ readonly: bool = False,
+) -> ShmArray:
+ '''Open a memory shared ``numpy`` using the standard library.
+ This call unlinks (aka permanently destroys) the buffer on teardown
+ and thus should be used from the parent-most accessor (process).
+ '''
+ # create new shared mem segment for which we
+ # have write permission
+ a = np.zeros(size, dtype=dtype)
+ a['index'] = np.arange(len(a))
+ shm = SharedMemory(
+ name=key,
+ create=True,
+ size=a.nbytes
+ )
+ array = np.ndarray(
+ a.shape,
+ dtype=a.dtype,
+ buffer=shm.buf
+ )
+ array[:] = a[:]
+ array.setflags(write=int(not readonly))
+ token = _make_token(
+ key=key,
+ size=size,
+ dtype=dtype,
+ )
+ # create single entry arrays for storing an first and last indices
+ first = SharedInt(
+ shm=SharedMemory(
+ name=token.shm_first_index_name,
+ create=True,
+ size=4, # std int
+ )
+ )
+ last = SharedInt(
+ shm=SharedMemory(
+ name=token.shm_last_index_name,
+ create=True,
+ size=4, # std int
+ )
+ )
+ # start the "real-time" updated section after 3-days worth of 1s
+ # sampled OHLC. this allows appending up to a days worth from
+ # tick/quote feeds before having to flush to a (tsdb) storage
+ # backend, and looks something like,
+ # -------------------------
+ # | | i
+ # _________________________
+ # <-------------> <------->
+ # history real-time
+ #
+ # Once fully "prepended", the history section will leave the
+ # ``ShmArray._start.value: int = 0`` and the yet-to-be written
+ # real-time section will start at ``ShmArray.index: int``.
+ # this sets the index to 3/4 of the length of the buffer
+ # leaving a "days worth of second samples" for the real-time
+ # section.
+ last.value = first.value = _rt_buffer_start
+ shmarr = ShmArray(
+ array,
+ first,
+ last,
+ shm,
+ )
+ assert shmarr._token == token
+ _known_tokens[key] = shmarr.token
+ # "unlink" created shm on process teardown by
+ # pushing teardown calls onto actor context stack
+ stack = tractor.current_actor().lifetime_stack
+ stack.callback(shmarr.close)
+ stack.callback(shmarr.destroy)
+ return shmarr
+def attach_shm_array(
+ token: tuple[str, str, tuple[str, str]],
+ readonly: bool = True,
+) -> ShmArray:
+ '''
+ Attach to an existing shared memory array previously
+ created by another process using ``open_shared_array``.
+ No new shared mem is allocated but wrapper types for read/write
+ access are constructed.
+ '''
+ token = _Token.from_msg(token)
+ key = token.shm_name
+ if key in _known_tokens:
+ assert _Token.from_msg(_known_tokens[key]) == token, "WTF"
+ # XXX: ugh, looks like due to the ``shm_open()`` C api we can't
+ # actually place files in a subdir, see discussion here:
+ # https://stackoverflow.com/a/11103289
+ # attach to array buffer and view as per dtype
+ _err: Optional[Exception] = None
+ for _ in range(3):
+ try:
+ shm = SharedMemory(
+ name=key,
+ create=False,
+ )
+ break
+ except OSError as oserr:
+ _err = oserr
+ time.sleep(0.1)
+ else:
+ if _err:
+ raise _err
+ shmarr = np.ndarray(
+ (token.size,),
+ dtype=token.dtype,
+ buffer=shm.buf
+ )
+ shmarr.setflags(write=int(not readonly))
+ first = SharedInt(
+ shm=SharedMemory(
+ name=token.shm_first_index_name,
+ create=False,
+ size=4, # std int
+ ),
+ )
+ last = SharedInt(
+ shm=SharedMemory(
+ name=token.shm_last_index_name,
+ create=False,
+ size=4, # std int
+ ),
+ )
+ # make sure we can read
+ first.value
+ sha = ShmArray(
+ shmarr,
+ first,
+ last,
+ shm,
+ )
+ # read test
+ sha.array
+ # Stash key -> token knowledge for future queries
+ # via `maybe_opepn_shm_array()` but only after we know
+ # we can attach.
+ if key not in _known_tokens:
+ _known_tokens[key] = token
+ # "close" attached shm on actor teardown
+ tractor.current_actor().lifetime_stack.callback(sha.close)
+ return sha
+def maybe_open_shm_array(
+ key: str,
+ dtype: Optional[np.dtype] = None,
+ **kwargs,
+) -> tuple[ShmArray, bool]:
+ '''
+ Attempt to attach to a shared memory block using a "key" lookup
+ to registered blocks in the users overall "system" registry
+ (presumes you don't have the block's explicit token).
+ This function is meant to solve the problem of discovering whether
+ a shared array token has been allocated or discovered by the actor
+ running in **this** process. Systems where multiple actors may seek
+ to access a common block can use this function to attempt to acquire
+ a token as discovered by the actors who have previously stored
+ a "key" -> ``_Token`` map in an actor local (aka python global)
+ variable.
+ If you know the explicit ``_Token`` for your memory segment instead
+ use ``attach_shm_array``.
+ '''
+ size = kwargs.pop('size', _default_size)
+ try:
+ # see if we already know this key
+ token = _known_tokens[key]
+ return attach_shm_array(token=token, **kwargs), False
+ except KeyError:
+ log.warning(f"Could not find {key} in shms cache")
+ if dtype:
+ token = _make_token(
+ key,
+ size=size,
+ dtype=dtype,
+ )
+ try:
+ return attach_shm_array(token=token, **kwargs), False
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ log.warning(f"Could not attach to shm with token {token}")
+ # This actor does not know about memory
+ # associated with the provided "key".
+ # Attempt to open a block and expect
+ # to fail if a block has been allocated
+ # on the OS by someone else.
+ return open_shm_array(key=key, dtype=dtype, **kwargs), True
+def try_read(
+ array: np.ndarray
+) -> Optional[np.ndarray]:
+ '''
+ Try to read the last row from a shared mem array or ``None``
+ if the array read returns a zero-length array result.
+ Can be used to check for backfilling race conditions where an array
+ is currently being (re-)written by a writer actor but the reader is
+ unaware and reads during the window where the first and last indexes
+ are being updated.
+ '''
+ try:
+ return array[-1]
+ except IndexError:
+ # XXX: race condition with backfilling shm.
+ #
+ # the underlying issue is that a backfill (aka prepend) and subsequent
+ # shm array first/last index update could result in an empty array
+ # read here since the indices may be updated in such a way that
+ # a read delivers an empty array (though it seems like we
+ # *should* be able to prevent that?). also, as and alt and
+ # something we need anyway, maybe there should be some kind of
+ # signal that a prepend is taking place and this consumer can
+ # respond (eg. redrawing graphics) accordingly.
+ # the array read was emtpy
+ return None