Raise "independent" task errors in an eg

The (rare) condition is heavily detailed in new comments in
the `cancel_trio()` callback but, more or less the idea here is to be
extra pedantic in raising an `Exceptiongroup` of errors from each task
(both `asyncio` and `trio`) whenever the 2 tasks raise "independently"
- in the sense that it's not obviously one side's task causing an error
(or cancellation) in the other. In this case we set the error for each
side on the `LinkedTaskChannel` (via new attrs described later).

As a synopsis, most of this work was refined out of supporting
`infected_aio=True` mode in the **root actor** and in particular as part
of getting that to work inside the `modden` daemon which at the time of
writing was still using the `i3ipc` lib and thus `asyncio`.

Impl deats,
- extend the `LinkedTaskChannel` field/API set (and type it),
  - `._trio_task: trio.Task` for test/user introspection.
- also "stage" some ideas for a more refined interface,
  - `.started()` to deliver the value yielded to the `trio.Task` parent.
   |_ also includes some todos for how to implement this design
  - `._aio_first: Any|None = None` to hold that value ^.
  - `.wait_aio_complete()` for syncing to the asyncio task.
- some detailed logging around "asyncio cancelled trio" case.
- Move `AsyncioCancelled` in this module.

Styling changes,
- generally more explicit var naming.
- some todos for getting modern and fancy with typing..

NB, Let it be known this commit msg was written on a friday with the
help of various "mr. white" solns.
Tyler Goodlet 2025-02-21 18:39:18 -05:00
parent f26d487000
commit 1ff79f86b7
1 changed files with 167 additions and 58 deletions

View File

@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ from typing import (
import tractor
from tractor._exceptions import (
from tractor._state import (
@ -46,6 +45,11 @@ from tractor.log import (
# TODO, wite the equiv of `trio.abc.Channel` but without attrs..
# -[ ] `trionics.chan_types.ChanStruct` maybe?
# from tractor.msg import (
# pretty_struct,
# )
from tractor.trionics._broadcast import (
@ -66,7 +70,12 @@ __all__ = [
class LinkedTaskChannel(trio.abc.Channel):
class LinkedTaskChannel(
# XXX LAME! meta-base conflict..
# pretty_struct.Struct,
A "linked task channel" which allows for two-way synchronized msg
passing between a ``trio``-in-guest-mode task and an ``asyncio``
@ -77,12 +86,14 @@ class LinkedTaskChannel(trio.abc.Channel):
_from_aio: trio.MemoryReceiveChannel
_to_trio: trio.MemorySendChannel
_trio_cs: trio.CancelScope
_trio_task: trio.Task
_aio_task_complete: trio.Event
_trio_err: BaseException|None = None
_trio_exited: bool = False
# set after ``asyncio.create_task()``
# _aio_first: Any|None = None
_aio_task: asyncio.Task|None = None
_aio_err: BaseException|None = None
_broadcaster: BroadcastReceiver|None = None
@ -90,6 +101,25 @@ class LinkedTaskChannel(trio.abc.Channel):
async def aclose(self) -> None:
await self._from_aio.aclose()
def started(
val: Any = None,
) -> None:
self._aio_started_val = val
return self._to_trio.send_nowait(val)
# TODO, mk this side-agnostic?
# -[ ] add private meths for both sides and dynamically
# determine which to use based on task-type read at calltime?
# -[ ] `._recv_trio()`: receive to trio<-asyncio
# -[ ] `._send_trio()`: send from trio->asyncio
# -[ ] `._recv_aio()`: send from asyncio->trio
# -[ ] `._send_aio()`: receive to asyncio<-trio
# -[ ] pass the instance to the aio side instead of the separate
# per-side chan types?
async def receive(self) -> Any:
Receive a value from the paired `asyncio.Task` with
@ -115,7 +145,16 @@ class LinkedTaskChannel(trio.abc.Channel):
raise err
async def wait_asyncio_complete(self) -> None:
async def send(self, item: Any) -> None:
Send a value through to the asyncio task presuming
it defines a ``from_trio`` argument, if it does not
this method will raise an error.
async def wait_aio_complete(self) -> None:
await self._aio_task_complete.wait()
def cancel_asyncio_task(
@ -126,15 +165,6 @@ class LinkedTaskChannel(trio.abc.Channel):
async def send(self, item: Any) -> None:
Send a value through to the asyncio task presuming
it defines a ``from_trio`` argument, if it does not
this method will raise an error.
def closed(self) -> bool:
return self._from_aio._closed # type: ignore
@ -218,7 +248,8 @@ def _run_asyncio_task(
coro = func(**kwargs)
cancel_scope = trio.CancelScope()
trio_task: trio.Task = trio.lowlevel.current_task()
trio_cs = trio.CancelScope()
aio_task_complete = trio.Event()
aio_err: BaseException|None = None
@ -226,7 +257,8 @@ def _run_asyncio_task(
_to_aio=aio_q, # asyncio.Queue
_from_aio=from_aio, # recv chan
_to_trio=to_trio, # send chan
@ -274,6 +306,9 @@ def _run_asyncio_task(
# breakpoint()
# import pdbp; pdbp.set_trace()
# if the task was spawned using `open_channel_from()`
# then we close the channels on exit.
if provide_channels:
@ -281,7 +316,6 @@ def _run_asyncio_task(
# a ``trio.EndOfChannel`` to the trio (consumer) side.
# import pdbp; pdbp.set_trace()
# await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
@ -325,14 +359,17 @@ def _run_asyncio_task(
def cancel_trio(task: asyncio.Task) -> None:
def cancel_trio(
task: asyncio.Task,
) -> None:
Cancel the calling `trio` task on error.
Cancel the parent `trio` task on any error raised by the
`asyncio` side.
nonlocal chan
aio_err: BaseException|None = chan._aio_err
task_err: BaseException|None = None
relayed_aio_err: BaseException|None = chan._aio_err
aio_err: BaseException|None = None
# only to avoid `asyncio` complaining about uncaptured
# task exceptions
@ -343,20 +380,20 @@ def _run_asyncio_task(
except BaseException as _aio_err:
task_err: BaseException = _aio_err
aio_err: BaseException = _aio_err
# read again AFTER the `asyncio` side errors in case
# it was cancelled due to an error from `trio` (or
# some other out of band exc).
aio_err: BaseException|None = chan._aio_err
# some other out of band exc) and then set to something
# else?
relayed_aio_err: BaseException|None = chan._aio_err
# always true right?
assert (
type(_aio_err) is type(aio_err)
type(_aio_err) is type(relayed_aio_err)
), (
f'`asyncio`-side task errors mismatch?!?\n\n'
f'caught: {_aio_err}\n'
f'chan._aio_err: {aio_err}\n'
f'(caught) aio_err: {aio_err}\n'
f'chan._aio_err: {relayed_aio_err}\n'
msg: str = (
@ -381,12 +418,13 @@ def _run_asyncio_task(
if aio_err is not None:
trio_err: BaseException|None = chan._trio_err
if (
# import pdbp; pdbp.set_trace()
# XXX: uhh is this true?
# assert task_err, f'Asyncio task {task.get_name()} discrepancy!?'
# NOTE: currently mem chan closure may act as a form
# of error relay (at least in the `asyncio.CancelledError`
# case) since we have no way to directly trigger a `trio`
@ -394,8 +432,6 @@ def _run_asyncio_task(
# We might want to change this in the future though.
if task_err is None:
assert aio_err
# wait, wut?
# aio_err.with_traceback(aio_err.__traceback__)
@ -404,7 +440,7 @@ def _run_asyncio_task(
# elif (
# type(aio_err) is CancelledError
# and # trio was the cause?
# cancel_scope.cancel_called
# trio_cs.cancel_called
# ):
# log.cancel(
# 'infected task was cancelled by `trio`-side'
@ -415,26 +451,83 @@ def _run_asyncio_task(
# error in case the trio task is blocking on
# a checkpoint.
if (
not cancel_scope.cancelled_caught
not trio_cs.cancelled_caught
not cancel_scope.cancel_called
not trio_cs.cancel_called
# import pdbp; pdbp.set_trace()
if task_err:
# maybe the `trio` task errored independent from the
# `asyncio` one and likely in between
# a guest-run-sched-tick.
# The obvious ex. is where one side errors during
# the current tick and then the other side immediately
# errors before its next checkpoint; i.e. the 2 errors
# are "independent".
# "Independent" here means in the sense that neither task
# was the explicit cause of the other side's exception
# according to our `tractor.to_asyncio` SC API's error
# relaying mechanism(s); the error pair is *possibly
# due-to* but **not necessarily** inter-related by some
# (subsys) state between the tasks,
# NOTE, also see the `test_trio_prestarted_task_bubbles`
# for reproducing detailed edge cases as per the above
# cases.
if (
not trio_cs.cancelled_caught
(trio_err := chan._trio_err)
type(trio_err) not in {
and (
type(aio_err) not in {
eg = ExceptionGroup(
'Both the `trio` and `asyncio` tasks errored independently!!\n',
(trio_err, aio_err),
chan._trio_err = eg
chan._aio_err = eg
raise eg
elif aio_err:
# XXX raise any `asyncio` side error IFF it doesn't
# match the one we just caught from the task above!
# (that would indicate something weird/very-wrong
# going on?)
if aio_err is not task_err:
# import pdbp; pdbp.set_trace()
raise aio_err from task_err
if aio_err is not relayed_aio_err:
raise aio_err from relayed_aio_err
raise aio_err
return chan
class AsyncioCancelled(Exception):
Asyncio cancelled translation (non-base) error
for use with the ``to_asyncio`` module
to be raised in the ``trio`` side task
NOTE: this should NOT inherit from `asyncio.CancelledError` or
tests should break!
class TrioTaskExited(AsyncioCancelled):
The `trio`-side task exited without explicitly cancelling the
@ -483,13 +576,12 @@ async def translate_aio_errors(
# import pdbp; pdbp.set_trace() # lolevel-debug
# relay cancel through to called ``asyncio`` task
# relay cancel through to called `asyncio` task
chan._aio_err = AsyncioCancelled(
f'trio`-side cancelled the `asyncio`-side,\n'
f' |_{trio_task}\n\n'
@ -546,6 +638,7 @@ async def translate_aio_errors(
except BaseException as _trio_err:
# await tractor.pause(shield=True)
trio_err = _trio_err
'`trio`-side task errored?'
@ -619,11 +712,17 @@ async def translate_aio_errors(
# pump the other side's task? needed?
await trio.lowlevel.checkpoint()
# from tractor._state import is_root_process
# if is_root_process():
# breakpoint()
if (
not chan._trio_err
(fut := aio_task._fut_waiter)
# await trio.lowlevel.checkpoint()
# import pdbp; pdbp.set_trace()
f'The peer `asyncio` task is still blocking/running?\n'
@ -632,11 +731,6 @@ async def translate_aio_errors(
# from tractor._state import is_root_process
# if is_root_process():
# breakpoint()
# import pdbp; pdbp.set_trace()
aio_taskc_warn: str = (
f'MANUALLY Cancelling `asyncio`-task: {aio_task.get_name()}!\n\n'
@ -663,7 +757,7 @@ async def translate_aio_errors(
# it erroed out up there!
if wait_on_aio_task:
# await chan.wait_asyncio_complete()
# await chan.wait_aio_complete()
await chan._aio_task_complete.wait()
'asyncio-task is done and unblocked trio-side!\n'
@ -771,11 +865,22 @@ async def open_channel_from(
# sync to a "started()"-like first delivered value from the
# ``asyncio`` task.
with chan._trio_cs:
with (cs := chan._trio_cs):
first = await chan.receive()
# deliver stream handle upward
yield first, chan
except trio.Cancelled as taskc:
# await tractor.pause(shield=True) # ya it worx ;)
if cs.cancel_called:
f'trio-side was manually cancelled by aio side\n'
# TODO, maybe a special `TrioCancelled`???
raise taskc
chan._trio_exited = True
@ -893,12 +998,12 @@ def run_as_asyncio_guest(
_sigint_loop_pump_delay: float = 0,
) -> None:
# ^-TODO-^ technically whatever `trio_main` returns.. we should
# try to use func-typevar-params at leaast by 3.13!
# -[ ] https://typing.readthedocs.io/en/latest/spec/callables.html#callback-protocols
# -[ ] https://peps.python.org/pep-0646/#using-type-variable-tuples-in-functions
# -[ ] https://typing.readthedocs.io/en/latest/spec/callables.html#unpack-for-keyword-arguments
# -[ ] https://peps.python.org/pep-0718/
# ^-TODO-^ technically whatever `trio_main` returns.. we should
# try to use func-typevar-params at leaast by 3.13!
# -[ ] https://typing.readthedocs.io/en/latest/spec/callables.html#callback-protocols
# -[ ] https://peps.python.org/pep-0646/#using-type-variable-tuples-in-functions
# -[ ] https://typing.readthedocs.io/en/latest/spec/callables.html#unpack-for-keyword-arguments
# -[ ] https://peps.python.org/pep-0718/
Entry for an "infected ``asyncio`` actor".
@ -957,15 +1062,15 @@ def run_as_asyncio_guest(
# force_reload=True,
# )
def trio_done_callback(main_outcome):
def trio_done_callback(main_outcome: Outcome):
f'`trio` guest-run finishing with outcome\n'
f'>) {main_outcome}\n'
# import pdbp; pdbp.set_trace()
if isinstance(main_outcome, Error):
# import pdbp; pdbp.set_trace()
error: BaseException = main_outcome.error
# show an dedicated `asyncio`-side tb from the error
@ -1165,6 +1270,10 @@ def run_as_asyncio_guest(
raise AsyncioRuntimeTranslationError(message) from state_err
# XXX, should never get here ;)
# else:
# import pdbp; pdbp.set_trace()
# might as well if it's installed.
import uvloop