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Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
Low-level functional audits for our
"capability based messaging"-spec feats.
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
from typing import (
Init def of "SC shuttle prot" with "msg-spec-limiting" As per the long outstanding GH issue this starts our rigorous journey into an attempt at a type-safe, cross-actor SC, IPC protocol Bo boop -> The idea is to "formally" define our SC "shuttle (dialog) protocol" by specifying a new `.msg.types.Msg` subtype-set which can fully encapsulate all IPC msg schemas needed in order to accomplish cross-process SC! The msg set deviated a little in terms of (type) names from the existing `dict`-msgs currently used in the runtime impl but, I think the name changes are much better in terms of explicitly representing the internal semantics of the actor runtime machinery/subsystems and the IPC-msg-dialog required for SC enforced RPC. ------ - ------ In cursory, the new formal msgs-spec includes the following msg-subtypes of a new top-level `Msg` boxing type (that holds the base field schema for all msgs): - `Start` to request RPC task scheduling by passing a `FuncSpec` payload (to replace the currently used `{'cmd': ... }` dict msg impl) - `StartAck` to allow the RPC task callee-side to report a `IpcCtxSpec` payload immediately back to the caller (currently responded naively via a `{'functype': ... }` msg) - `Started` to deliver the first value from `Context.started()` (instead of the existing `{'started': ... }`) - `Yield` to shuttle `MsgStream.send()`-ed values (instead of our `{'yield': ... }`) - `Stop` to terminate a `Context.open_stream()` session/block (over `{'stop': True }`) - `Return` to deliver the final value from the `Actor.start_remote_task()` (which is a `{'return': ... }`) - `Error` to box `RemoteActorError` exceptions via a `.pld: ErrorData` payload, planned to replace/extend the current `RemoteActorError.msgdata` mechanism internal to `._exceptions.pack/unpack_error()` The new `tractor.msg.types` includes all the above msg defs as well an API for rendering a "payload type specification" using a `payload_type_spec: Union[Type]` that can be passed to `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(type=payload_type_spec)`. This ensures that (for a subset of the above msg set) `Msg.pld: PayloadT` data is type-parameterized using `msgspec`'s new `Generic[PayloadT]` field support and thus enables providing for an API where IPC `Context` dialogs can strictly define the allowed payload-datatype-set via type union! Iow, this is the foundation for supporting `Channel`/`Context`/`MsgStream` IPC primitives which are type checked/safe as desired in GH issue: - Misc notes on current impl(s) status: ------ - ------ - add a `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` which uses the new `msgspec` support for `class MyStruct[Struct, Generic[T]]` parameterize-able fields and delivers our boxing SC-msg-(sub)set with the desired `payload_types` applied to `.pld`: - - as a note this impl seems to need to use `type.new_class()` dynamic subtype generation, though i don't really get *why* still.. but without that the `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` doesn't seem to reject `.pld` limited `Msg` subtypes as demonstrated in the new test. - around this ^ add a `.msg._codec.limit_msg_spec()` cm which exposes this payload type limiting API such that it can be applied per task via a `MsgCodec` in app code. - the orig approach in was the idea of making payload fields `.pld: Raw` wherein we could have per-field/sub-msg decoders dynamically loaded depending on the particular application-layer schema in use. I don't want to lose the idea of this since I think it might be useful for an idea I have about capability-based-fields(-sharing, maybe using field-subset encryption?), and as such i've kept the (ostensibly) working impls in TODO-comments in `.msg._codec` wherein maybe we can add a `MsgCodec._payload_decs: dict` table for this later on. |_ also left in the `.msg.types.enc/decmsg()` impls but renamed as `enc/dec_payload()` (but reworked to not rely on the lifo codec stack tables; now removed) such that we can prolly move them to `MsgCodec` methods in the future. - add an unused `._codec.mk_tagged_union_dec()` helper which was originally factored out the #311 proto-code but didn't end up working as desired with the new parameterized generic fields approach (now in `msg.types.mk_msg_spec()`) Testing/deps work: ------ - ------ - new `test_limit_msgspec()` which ensures all the `.types` content is correct but without using the wrapping APIs in `._codec`; i.e. using a in-line `Decoder` instead of a `MsgCodec`. - pin us to `msgspec>=0.18.5` which has the needed generic-types support (which took me way too long yester to figure out when implementing all this XD)!
2024-03-28 14:45:01 +00:00
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
Init def of "SC shuttle prot" with "msg-spec-limiting" As per the long outstanding GH issue this starts our rigorous journey into an attempt at a type-safe, cross-actor SC, IPC protocol Bo boop -> The idea is to "formally" define our SC "shuttle (dialog) protocol" by specifying a new `.msg.types.Msg` subtype-set which can fully encapsulate all IPC msg schemas needed in order to accomplish cross-process SC! The msg set deviated a little in terms of (type) names from the existing `dict`-msgs currently used in the runtime impl but, I think the name changes are much better in terms of explicitly representing the internal semantics of the actor runtime machinery/subsystems and the IPC-msg-dialog required for SC enforced RPC. ------ - ------ In cursory, the new formal msgs-spec includes the following msg-subtypes of a new top-level `Msg` boxing type (that holds the base field schema for all msgs): - `Start` to request RPC task scheduling by passing a `FuncSpec` payload (to replace the currently used `{'cmd': ... }` dict msg impl) - `StartAck` to allow the RPC task callee-side to report a `IpcCtxSpec` payload immediately back to the caller (currently responded naively via a `{'functype': ... }` msg) - `Started` to deliver the first value from `Context.started()` (instead of the existing `{'started': ... }`) - `Yield` to shuttle `MsgStream.send()`-ed values (instead of our `{'yield': ... }`) - `Stop` to terminate a `Context.open_stream()` session/block (over `{'stop': True }`) - `Return` to deliver the final value from the `Actor.start_remote_task()` (which is a `{'return': ... }`) - `Error` to box `RemoteActorError` exceptions via a `.pld: ErrorData` payload, planned to replace/extend the current `RemoteActorError.msgdata` mechanism internal to `._exceptions.pack/unpack_error()` The new `tractor.msg.types` includes all the above msg defs as well an API for rendering a "payload type specification" using a `payload_type_spec: Union[Type]` that can be passed to `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(type=payload_type_spec)`. This ensures that (for a subset of the above msg set) `Msg.pld: PayloadT` data is type-parameterized using `msgspec`'s new `Generic[PayloadT]` field support and thus enables providing for an API where IPC `Context` dialogs can strictly define the allowed payload-datatype-set via type union! Iow, this is the foundation for supporting `Channel`/`Context`/`MsgStream` IPC primitives which are type checked/safe as desired in GH issue: - Misc notes on current impl(s) status: ------ - ------ - add a `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` which uses the new `msgspec` support for `class MyStruct[Struct, Generic[T]]` parameterize-able fields and delivers our boxing SC-msg-(sub)set with the desired `payload_types` applied to `.pld`: - - as a note this impl seems to need to use `type.new_class()` dynamic subtype generation, though i don't really get *why* still.. but without that the `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` doesn't seem to reject `.pld` limited `Msg` subtypes as demonstrated in the new test. - around this ^ add a `.msg._codec.limit_msg_spec()` cm which exposes this payload type limiting API such that it can be applied per task via a `MsgCodec` in app code. - the orig approach in was the idea of making payload fields `.pld: Raw` wherein we could have per-field/sub-msg decoders dynamically loaded depending on the particular application-layer schema in use. I don't want to lose the idea of this since I think it might be useful for an idea I have about capability-based-fields(-sharing, maybe using field-subset encryption?), and as such i've kept the (ostensibly) working impls in TODO-comments in `.msg._codec` wherein maybe we can add a `MsgCodec._payload_decs: dict` table for this later on. |_ also left in the `.msg.types.enc/decmsg()` impls but renamed as `enc/dec_payload()` (but reworked to not rely on the lifo codec stack tables; now removed) such that we can prolly move them to `MsgCodec` methods in the future. - add an unused `._codec.mk_tagged_union_dec()` helper which was originally factored out the #311 proto-code but didn't end up working as desired with the new parameterized generic fields approach (now in `msg.types.mk_msg_spec()`) Testing/deps work: ------ - ------ - new `test_limit_msgspec()` which ensures all the `.types` content is correct but without using the wrapping APIs in `._codec`; i.e. using a in-line `Decoder` instead of a `MsgCodec`. - pin us to `msgspec>=0.18.5` which has the needed generic-types support (which took me way too long yester to figure out when implementing all this XD)!
2024-03-28 14:45:01 +00:00
from msgspec import (
Finally get type-extended `msgspec` fields workinn By using our new `PldRx` design we can, - pass through the pld-spec & a `dec_hook()` to our `MsgDec` which is used to configure the underlying `.dec: msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` - pass through a `enc_hook()` to `mk_codec()` and use it to conf the equiv `MsgCodec.enc` such that sent msg-plds are converted prior to transport. The trick ended up being just to always union the `mk_dec()` extension-types spec with the normaly with the `msgspec.Raw` pld-spec such that the `dec_hook()` is only invoked for payload types tagged by the encoder/sender side B) A variety of impl tweaks to make it all happen as well as various cleanups in the `.msg._codec` mod include, - `mk_dec()` no defaul `spec` arg, better doc string, accept the new `ext_types` arg, doing the union of that with `msgspec.Raw`. - proto-ed a now unused `mk_boxed_ext_struct()` which will likely get removed since it ended up that our `PayloadMsg` structs already cover the ext-type-hook requirement that the decoder is passed a `.type=msgspec.Struct` of some sort in order for `.dec_hook` to be used. - add a `unpack_spec_types()` util fn for getting the `set[Type]` from from a `Union[Type]` annotation instance. - mk the default `mk_codec(pc_pld_spec = Raw,)` since the `PldRx` design was already passing/overriding it and it doesn't make much sense to use `Any` anymore for the same reason; it will cause various `Context` apis to now break. |_ also accept a `enc_hook()` and `ext_types` which are used to maybe config the `.msgpack.Encoder` - generally tweak a bunch of comments-as-docs and todos namely the ones that are completed after the pld-rx design was implemented. Also, - mask the non-functioning `'defstruct'` approach `inside `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` to prep for its removal. Adjust the test suite (rn called `test_caps_based_msging`), - add a new suite `test_custom_extension_types` and move and use the `enc/dec_nsp()` hooks to the mod level for its use. - prolly planning to drop the `test_limit_msgspec` suite since it's mostly replaced by the `test_pldrx_limiting` mod's version? - originally was tweaking a bunch in `test_codec_hooks_mod` but likely it will get mostly rewritten to be simpler and simply verify that ext-typed fields can be used over IPC `Context`s between actors (as originally intended for this sub-suite).
2025-03-07 19:13:36 +00:00
Init def of "SC shuttle prot" with "msg-spec-limiting" As per the long outstanding GH issue this starts our rigorous journey into an attempt at a type-safe, cross-actor SC, IPC protocol Bo boop -> The idea is to "formally" define our SC "shuttle (dialog) protocol" by specifying a new `.msg.types.Msg` subtype-set which can fully encapsulate all IPC msg schemas needed in order to accomplish cross-process SC! The msg set deviated a little in terms of (type) names from the existing `dict`-msgs currently used in the runtime impl but, I think the name changes are much better in terms of explicitly representing the internal semantics of the actor runtime machinery/subsystems and the IPC-msg-dialog required for SC enforced RPC. ------ - ------ In cursory, the new formal msgs-spec includes the following msg-subtypes of a new top-level `Msg` boxing type (that holds the base field schema for all msgs): - `Start` to request RPC task scheduling by passing a `FuncSpec` payload (to replace the currently used `{'cmd': ... }` dict msg impl) - `StartAck` to allow the RPC task callee-side to report a `IpcCtxSpec` payload immediately back to the caller (currently responded naively via a `{'functype': ... }` msg) - `Started` to deliver the first value from `Context.started()` (instead of the existing `{'started': ... }`) - `Yield` to shuttle `MsgStream.send()`-ed values (instead of our `{'yield': ... }`) - `Stop` to terminate a `Context.open_stream()` session/block (over `{'stop': True }`) - `Return` to deliver the final value from the `Actor.start_remote_task()` (which is a `{'return': ... }`) - `Error` to box `RemoteActorError` exceptions via a `.pld: ErrorData` payload, planned to replace/extend the current `RemoteActorError.msgdata` mechanism internal to `._exceptions.pack/unpack_error()` The new `tractor.msg.types` includes all the above msg defs as well an API for rendering a "payload type specification" using a `payload_type_spec: Union[Type]` that can be passed to `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(type=payload_type_spec)`. This ensures that (for a subset of the above msg set) `Msg.pld: PayloadT` data is type-parameterized using `msgspec`'s new `Generic[PayloadT]` field support and thus enables providing for an API where IPC `Context` dialogs can strictly define the allowed payload-datatype-set via type union! Iow, this is the foundation for supporting `Channel`/`Context`/`MsgStream` IPC primitives which are type checked/safe as desired in GH issue: - Misc notes on current impl(s) status: ------ - ------ - add a `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` which uses the new `msgspec` support for `class MyStruct[Struct, Generic[T]]` parameterize-able fields and delivers our boxing SC-msg-(sub)set with the desired `payload_types` applied to `.pld`: - - as a note this impl seems to need to use `type.new_class()` dynamic subtype generation, though i don't really get *why* still.. but without that the `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` doesn't seem to reject `.pld` limited `Msg` subtypes as demonstrated in the new test. - around this ^ add a `.msg._codec.limit_msg_spec()` cm which exposes this payload type limiting API such that it can be applied per task via a `MsgCodec` in app code. - the orig approach in was the idea of making payload fields `.pld: Raw` wherein we could have per-field/sub-msg decoders dynamically loaded depending on the particular application-layer schema in use. I don't want to lose the idea of this since I think it might be useful for an idea I have about capability-based-fields(-sharing, maybe using field-subset encryption?), and as such i've kept the (ostensibly) working impls in TODO-comments in `.msg._codec` wherein maybe we can add a `MsgCodec._payload_decs: dict` table for this later on. |_ also left in the `.msg.types.enc/decmsg()` impls but renamed as `enc/dec_payload()` (but reworked to not rely on the lifo codec stack tables; now removed) such that we can prolly move them to `MsgCodec` methods in the future. - add an unused `._codec.mk_tagged_union_dec()` helper which was originally factored out the #311 proto-code but didn't end up working as desired with the new parameterized generic fields approach (now in `msg.types.mk_msg_spec()`) Testing/deps work: ------ - ------ - new `test_limit_msgspec()` which ensures all the `.types` content is correct but without using the wrapping APIs in `._codec`; i.e. using a in-line `Decoder` instead of a `MsgCodec`. - pin us to `msgspec>=0.18.5` which has the needed generic-types support (which took me way too long yester to figure out when implementing all this XD)!
2024-03-28 14:45:01 +00:00
import pytest
Finally get type-extended `msgspec` fields workinn By using our new `PldRx` design we can, - pass through the pld-spec & a `dec_hook()` to our `MsgDec` which is used to configure the underlying `.dec: msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` - pass through a `enc_hook()` to `mk_codec()` and use it to conf the equiv `MsgCodec.enc` such that sent msg-plds are converted prior to transport. The trick ended up being just to always union the `mk_dec()` extension-types spec with the normaly with the `msgspec.Raw` pld-spec such that the `dec_hook()` is only invoked for payload types tagged by the encoder/sender side B) A variety of impl tweaks to make it all happen as well as various cleanups in the `.msg._codec` mod include, - `mk_dec()` no defaul `spec` arg, better doc string, accept the new `ext_types` arg, doing the union of that with `msgspec.Raw`. - proto-ed a now unused `mk_boxed_ext_struct()` which will likely get removed since it ended up that our `PayloadMsg` structs already cover the ext-type-hook requirement that the decoder is passed a `.type=msgspec.Struct` of some sort in order for `.dec_hook` to be used. - add a `unpack_spec_types()` util fn for getting the `set[Type]` from from a `Union[Type]` annotation instance. - mk the default `mk_codec(pc_pld_spec = Raw,)` since the `PldRx` design was already passing/overriding it and it doesn't make much sense to use `Any` anymore for the same reason; it will cause various `Context` apis to now break. |_ also accept a `enc_hook()` and `ext_types` which are used to maybe config the `.msgpack.Encoder` - generally tweak a bunch of comments-as-docs and todos namely the ones that are completed after the pld-rx design was implemented. Also, - mask the non-functioning `'defstruct'` approach `inside `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` to prep for its removal. Adjust the test suite (rn called `test_caps_based_msging`), - add a new suite `test_custom_extension_types` and move and use the `enc/dec_nsp()` hooks to the mod level for its use. - prolly planning to drop the `test_limit_msgspec` suite since it's mostly replaced by the `test_pldrx_limiting` mod's version? - originally was tweaking a bunch in `test_codec_hooks_mod` but likely it will get mostly rewritten to be simpler and simply verify that ext-typed fields can be used over IPC `Context`s between actors (as originally intended for this sub-suite).
2025-03-07 19:13:36 +00:00
import trio
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
import tractor
from tractor import (
Finally get type-extended `msgspec` fields workinn By using our new `PldRx` design we can, - pass through the pld-spec & a `dec_hook()` to our `MsgDec` which is used to configure the underlying `.dec: msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` - pass through a `enc_hook()` to `mk_codec()` and use it to conf the equiv `MsgCodec.enc` such that sent msg-plds are converted prior to transport. The trick ended up being just to always union the `mk_dec()` extension-types spec with the normaly with the `msgspec.Raw` pld-spec such that the `dec_hook()` is only invoked for payload types tagged by the encoder/sender side B) A variety of impl tweaks to make it all happen as well as various cleanups in the `.msg._codec` mod include, - `mk_dec()` no defaul `spec` arg, better doc string, accept the new `ext_types` arg, doing the union of that with `msgspec.Raw`. - proto-ed a now unused `mk_boxed_ext_struct()` which will likely get removed since it ended up that our `PayloadMsg` structs already cover the ext-type-hook requirement that the decoder is passed a `.type=msgspec.Struct` of some sort in order for `.dec_hook` to be used. - add a `unpack_spec_types()` util fn for getting the `set[Type]` from from a `Union[Type]` annotation instance. - mk the default `mk_codec(pc_pld_spec = Raw,)` since the `PldRx` design was already passing/overriding it and it doesn't make much sense to use `Any` anymore for the same reason; it will cause various `Context` apis to now break. |_ also accept a `enc_hook()` and `ext_types` which are used to maybe config the `.msgpack.Encoder` - generally tweak a bunch of comments-as-docs and todos namely the ones that are completed after the pld-rx design was implemented. Also, - mask the non-functioning `'defstruct'` approach `inside `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` to prep for its removal. Adjust the test suite (rn called `test_caps_based_msging`), - add a new suite `test_custom_extension_types` and move and use the `enc/dec_nsp()` hooks to the mod level for its use. - prolly planning to drop the `test_limit_msgspec` suite since it's mostly replaced by the `test_pldrx_limiting` mod's version? - originally was tweaking a bunch in `test_codec_hooks_mod` but likely it will get mostly rewritten to be simpler and simply verify that ext-typed fields can be used over IPC `Context`s between actors (as originally intended for this sub-suite).
2025-03-07 19:13:36 +00:00
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
from tractor.msg import (
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
Finally get type-extended `msgspec` fields workinn By using our new `PldRx` design we can, - pass through the pld-spec & a `dec_hook()` to our `MsgDec` which is used to configure the underlying `.dec: msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` - pass through a `enc_hook()` to `mk_codec()` and use it to conf the equiv `MsgCodec.enc` such that sent msg-plds are converted prior to transport. The trick ended up being just to always union the `mk_dec()` extension-types spec with the normaly with the `msgspec.Raw` pld-spec such that the `dec_hook()` is only invoked for payload types tagged by the encoder/sender side B) A variety of impl tweaks to make it all happen as well as various cleanups in the `.msg._codec` mod include, - `mk_dec()` no defaul `spec` arg, better doc string, accept the new `ext_types` arg, doing the union of that with `msgspec.Raw`. - proto-ed a now unused `mk_boxed_ext_struct()` which will likely get removed since it ended up that our `PayloadMsg` structs already cover the ext-type-hook requirement that the decoder is passed a `.type=msgspec.Struct` of some sort in order for `.dec_hook` to be used. - add a `unpack_spec_types()` util fn for getting the `set[Type]` from from a `Union[Type]` annotation instance. - mk the default `mk_codec(pc_pld_spec = Raw,)` since the `PldRx` design was already passing/overriding it and it doesn't make much sense to use `Any` anymore for the same reason; it will cause various `Context` apis to now break. |_ also accept a `enc_hook()` and `ext_types` which are used to maybe config the `.msgpack.Encoder` - generally tweak a bunch of comments-as-docs and todos namely the ones that are completed after the pld-rx design was implemented. Also, - mask the non-functioning `'defstruct'` approach `inside `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` to prep for its removal. Adjust the test suite (rn called `test_caps_based_msging`), - add a new suite `test_custom_extension_types` and move and use the `enc/dec_nsp()` hooks to the mod level for its use. - prolly planning to drop the `test_limit_msgspec` suite since it's mostly replaced by the `test_pldrx_limiting` mod's version? - originally was tweaking a bunch in `test_codec_hooks_mod` but likely it will get mostly rewritten to be simpler and simply verify that ext-typed fields can be used over IPC `Context`s between actors (as originally intended for this sub-suite).
2025-03-07 19:13:36 +00:00
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
Finally get type-extended `msgspec` fields workinn By using our new `PldRx` design we can, - pass through the pld-spec & a `dec_hook()` to our `MsgDec` which is used to configure the underlying `.dec: msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` - pass through a `enc_hook()` to `mk_codec()` and use it to conf the equiv `MsgCodec.enc` such that sent msg-plds are converted prior to transport. The trick ended up being just to always union the `mk_dec()` extension-types spec with the normaly with the `msgspec.Raw` pld-spec such that the `dec_hook()` is only invoked for payload types tagged by the encoder/sender side B) A variety of impl tweaks to make it all happen as well as various cleanups in the `.msg._codec` mod include, - `mk_dec()` no defaul `spec` arg, better doc string, accept the new `ext_types` arg, doing the union of that with `msgspec.Raw`. - proto-ed a now unused `mk_boxed_ext_struct()` which will likely get removed since it ended up that our `PayloadMsg` structs already cover the ext-type-hook requirement that the decoder is passed a `.type=msgspec.Struct` of some sort in order for `.dec_hook` to be used. - add a `unpack_spec_types()` util fn for getting the `set[Type]` from from a `Union[Type]` annotation instance. - mk the default `mk_codec(pc_pld_spec = Raw,)` since the `PldRx` design was already passing/overriding it and it doesn't make much sense to use `Any` anymore for the same reason; it will cause various `Context` apis to now break. |_ also accept a `enc_hook()` and `ext_types` which are used to maybe config the `.msgpack.Encoder` - generally tweak a bunch of comments-as-docs and todos namely the ones that are completed after the pld-rx design was implemented. Also, - mask the non-functioning `'defstruct'` approach `inside `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` to prep for its removal. Adjust the test suite (rn called `test_caps_based_msging`), - add a new suite `test_custom_extension_types` and move and use the `enc/dec_nsp()` hooks to the mod level for its use. - prolly planning to drop the `test_limit_msgspec` suite since it's mostly replaced by the `test_pldrx_limiting` mod's version? - originally was tweaking a bunch in `test_codec_hooks_mod` but likely it will get mostly rewritten to be simpler and simply verify that ext-typed fields can be used over IPC `Context`s between actors (as originally intended for this sub-suite).
2025-03-07 19:13:36 +00:00
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
Init def of "SC shuttle prot" with "msg-spec-limiting" As per the long outstanding GH issue this starts our rigorous journey into an attempt at a type-safe, cross-actor SC, IPC protocol Bo boop -> The idea is to "formally" define our SC "shuttle (dialog) protocol" by specifying a new `.msg.types.Msg` subtype-set which can fully encapsulate all IPC msg schemas needed in order to accomplish cross-process SC! The msg set deviated a little in terms of (type) names from the existing `dict`-msgs currently used in the runtime impl but, I think the name changes are much better in terms of explicitly representing the internal semantics of the actor runtime machinery/subsystems and the IPC-msg-dialog required for SC enforced RPC. ------ - ------ In cursory, the new formal msgs-spec includes the following msg-subtypes of a new top-level `Msg` boxing type (that holds the base field schema for all msgs): - `Start` to request RPC task scheduling by passing a `FuncSpec` payload (to replace the currently used `{'cmd': ... }` dict msg impl) - `StartAck` to allow the RPC task callee-side to report a `IpcCtxSpec` payload immediately back to the caller (currently responded naively via a `{'functype': ... }` msg) - `Started` to deliver the first value from `Context.started()` (instead of the existing `{'started': ... }`) - `Yield` to shuttle `MsgStream.send()`-ed values (instead of our `{'yield': ... }`) - `Stop` to terminate a `Context.open_stream()` session/block (over `{'stop': True }`) - `Return` to deliver the final value from the `Actor.start_remote_task()` (which is a `{'return': ... }`) - `Error` to box `RemoteActorError` exceptions via a `.pld: ErrorData` payload, planned to replace/extend the current `RemoteActorError.msgdata` mechanism internal to `._exceptions.pack/unpack_error()` The new `tractor.msg.types` includes all the above msg defs as well an API for rendering a "payload type specification" using a `payload_type_spec: Union[Type]` that can be passed to `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(type=payload_type_spec)`. This ensures that (for a subset of the above msg set) `Msg.pld: PayloadT` data is type-parameterized using `msgspec`'s new `Generic[PayloadT]` field support and thus enables providing for an API where IPC `Context` dialogs can strictly define the allowed payload-datatype-set via type union! Iow, this is the foundation for supporting `Channel`/`Context`/`MsgStream` IPC primitives which are type checked/safe as desired in GH issue: - Misc notes on current impl(s) status: ------ - ------ - add a `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` which uses the new `msgspec` support for `class MyStruct[Struct, Generic[T]]` parameterize-able fields and delivers our boxing SC-msg-(sub)set with the desired `payload_types` applied to `.pld`: - - as a note this impl seems to need to use `type.new_class()` dynamic subtype generation, though i don't really get *why* still.. but without that the `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` doesn't seem to reject `.pld` limited `Msg` subtypes as demonstrated in the new test. - around this ^ add a `.msg._codec.limit_msg_spec()` cm which exposes this payload type limiting API such that it can be applied per task via a `MsgCodec` in app code. - the orig approach in was the idea of making payload fields `.pld: Raw` wherein we could have per-field/sub-msg decoders dynamically loaded depending on the particular application-layer schema in use. I don't want to lose the idea of this since I think it might be useful for an idea I have about capability-based-fields(-sharing, maybe using field-subset encryption?), and as such i've kept the (ostensibly) working impls in TODO-comments in `.msg._codec` wherein maybe we can add a `MsgCodec._payload_decs: dict` table for this later on. |_ also left in the `.msg.types.enc/decmsg()` impls but renamed as `enc/dec_payload()` (but reworked to not rely on the lifo codec stack tables; now removed) such that we can prolly move them to `MsgCodec` methods in the future. - add an unused `._codec.mk_tagged_union_dec()` helper which was originally factored out the #311 proto-code but didn't end up working as desired with the new parameterized generic fields approach (now in `msg.types.mk_msg_spec()`) Testing/deps work: ------ - ------ - new `test_limit_msgspec()` which ensures all the `.types` content is correct but without using the wrapping APIs in `._codec`; i.e. using a in-line `Decoder` instead of a `MsgCodec`. - pin us to `msgspec>=0.18.5` which has the needed generic-types support (which took me way too long yester to figure out when implementing all this XD)!
2024-03-28 14:45:01 +00:00
from tractor.msg.types import (
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
Init def of "SC shuttle prot" with "msg-spec-limiting" As per the long outstanding GH issue this starts our rigorous journey into an attempt at a type-safe, cross-actor SC, IPC protocol Bo boop -> The idea is to "formally" define our SC "shuttle (dialog) protocol" by specifying a new `.msg.types.Msg` subtype-set which can fully encapsulate all IPC msg schemas needed in order to accomplish cross-process SC! The msg set deviated a little in terms of (type) names from the existing `dict`-msgs currently used in the runtime impl but, I think the name changes are much better in terms of explicitly representing the internal semantics of the actor runtime machinery/subsystems and the IPC-msg-dialog required for SC enforced RPC. ------ - ------ In cursory, the new formal msgs-spec includes the following msg-subtypes of a new top-level `Msg` boxing type (that holds the base field schema for all msgs): - `Start` to request RPC task scheduling by passing a `FuncSpec` payload (to replace the currently used `{'cmd': ... }` dict msg impl) - `StartAck` to allow the RPC task callee-side to report a `IpcCtxSpec` payload immediately back to the caller (currently responded naively via a `{'functype': ... }` msg) - `Started` to deliver the first value from `Context.started()` (instead of the existing `{'started': ... }`) - `Yield` to shuttle `MsgStream.send()`-ed values (instead of our `{'yield': ... }`) - `Stop` to terminate a `Context.open_stream()` session/block (over `{'stop': True }`) - `Return` to deliver the final value from the `Actor.start_remote_task()` (which is a `{'return': ... }`) - `Error` to box `RemoteActorError` exceptions via a `.pld: ErrorData` payload, planned to replace/extend the current `RemoteActorError.msgdata` mechanism internal to `._exceptions.pack/unpack_error()` The new `tractor.msg.types` includes all the above msg defs as well an API for rendering a "payload type specification" using a `payload_type_spec: Union[Type]` that can be passed to `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(type=payload_type_spec)`. This ensures that (for a subset of the above msg set) `Msg.pld: PayloadT` data is type-parameterized using `msgspec`'s new `Generic[PayloadT]` field support and thus enables providing for an API where IPC `Context` dialogs can strictly define the allowed payload-datatype-set via type union! Iow, this is the foundation for supporting `Channel`/`Context`/`MsgStream` IPC primitives which are type checked/safe as desired in GH issue: - Misc notes on current impl(s) status: ------ - ------ - add a `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` which uses the new `msgspec` support for `class MyStruct[Struct, Generic[T]]` parameterize-able fields and delivers our boxing SC-msg-(sub)set with the desired `payload_types` applied to `.pld`: - - as a note this impl seems to need to use `type.new_class()` dynamic subtype generation, though i don't really get *why* still.. but without that the `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` doesn't seem to reject `.pld` limited `Msg` subtypes as demonstrated in the new test. - around this ^ add a `.msg._codec.limit_msg_spec()` cm which exposes this payload type limiting API such that it can be applied per task via a `MsgCodec` in app code. - the orig approach in was the idea of making payload fields `.pld: Raw` wherein we could have per-field/sub-msg decoders dynamically loaded depending on the particular application-layer schema in use. I don't want to lose the idea of this since I think it might be useful for an idea I have about capability-based-fields(-sharing, maybe using field-subset encryption?), and as such i've kept the (ostensibly) working impls in TODO-comments in `.msg._codec` wherein maybe we can add a `MsgCodec._payload_decs: dict` table for this later on. |_ also left in the `.msg.types.enc/decmsg()` impls but renamed as `enc/dec_payload()` (but reworked to not rely on the lifo codec stack tables; now removed) such that we can prolly move them to `MsgCodec` methods in the future. - add an unused `._codec.mk_tagged_union_dec()` helper which was originally factored out the #311 proto-code but didn't end up working as desired with the new parameterized generic fields approach (now in `msg.types.mk_msg_spec()`) Testing/deps work: ------ - ------ - new `test_limit_msgspec()` which ensures all the `.types` content is correct but without using the wrapping APIs in `._codec`; i.e. using a in-line `Decoder` instead of a `MsgCodec`. - pin us to `msgspec>=0.18.5` which has the needed generic-types support (which took me way too long yester to figure out when implementing all this XD)!
2024-03-28 14:45:01 +00:00
Finally get type-extended `msgspec` fields workinn By using our new `PldRx` design we can, - pass through the pld-spec & a `dec_hook()` to our `MsgDec` which is used to configure the underlying `.dec: msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` - pass through a `enc_hook()` to `mk_codec()` and use it to conf the equiv `MsgCodec.enc` such that sent msg-plds are converted prior to transport. The trick ended up being just to always union the `mk_dec()` extension-types spec with the normaly with the `msgspec.Raw` pld-spec such that the `dec_hook()` is only invoked for payload types tagged by the encoder/sender side B) A variety of impl tweaks to make it all happen as well as various cleanups in the `.msg._codec` mod include, - `mk_dec()` no defaul `spec` arg, better doc string, accept the new `ext_types` arg, doing the union of that with `msgspec.Raw`. - proto-ed a now unused `mk_boxed_ext_struct()` which will likely get removed since it ended up that our `PayloadMsg` structs already cover the ext-type-hook requirement that the decoder is passed a `.type=msgspec.Struct` of some sort in order for `.dec_hook` to be used. - add a `unpack_spec_types()` util fn for getting the `set[Type]` from from a `Union[Type]` annotation instance. - mk the default `mk_codec(pc_pld_spec = Raw,)` since the `PldRx` design was already passing/overriding it and it doesn't make much sense to use `Any` anymore for the same reason; it will cause various `Context` apis to now break. |_ also accept a `enc_hook()` and `ext_types` which are used to maybe config the `.msgpack.Encoder` - generally tweak a bunch of comments-as-docs and todos namely the ones that are completed after the pld-rx design was implemented. Also, - mask the non-functioning `'defstruct'` approach `inside `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` to prep for its removal. Adjust the test suite (rn called `test_caps_based_msging`), - add a new suite `test_custom_extension_types` and move and use the `enc/dec_nsp()` hooks to the mod level for its use. - prolly planning to drop the `test_limit_msgspec` suite since it's mostly replaced by the `test_pldrx_limiting` mod's version? - originally was tweaking a bunch in `test_codec_hooks_mod` but likely it will get mostly rewritten to be simpler and simply verify that ext-typed fields can be used over IPC `Context`s between actors (as originally intended for this sub-suite).
2025-03-07 19:13:36 +00:00
from tractor.msg._ops import (
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
def mk_custom_codec(
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
add_hooks: bool,
Finally get type-extended `msgspec` fields workinn By using our new `PldRx` design we can, - pass through the pld-spec & a `dec_hook()` to our `MsgDec` which is used to configure the underlying `.dec: msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` - pass through a `enc_hook()` to `mk_codec()` and use it to conf the equiv `MsgCodec.enc` such that sent msg-plds are converted prior to transport. The trick ended up being just to always union the `mk_dec()` extension-types spec with the normaly with the `msgspec.Raw` pld-spec such that the `dec_hook()` is only invoked for payload types tagged by the encoder/sender side B) A variety of impl tweaks to make it all happen as well as various cleanups in the `.msg._codec` mod include, - `mk_dec()` no defaul `spec` arg, better doc string, accept the new `ext_types` arg, doing the union of that with `msgspec.Raw`. - proto-ed a now unused `mk_boxed_ext_struct()` which will likely get removed since it ended up that our `PayloadMsg` structs already cover the ext-type-hook requirement that the decoder is passed a `.type=msgspec.Struct` of some sort in order for `.dec_hook` to be used. - add a `unpack_spec_types()` util fn for getting the `set[Type]` from from a `Union[Type]` annotation instance. - mk the default `mk_codec(pc_pld_spec = Raw,)` since the `PldRx` design was already passing/overriding it and it doesn't make much sense to use `Any` anymore for the same reason; it will cause various `Context` apis to now break. |_ also accept a `enc_hook()` and `ext_types` which are used to maybe config the `.msgpack.Encoder` - generally tweak a bunch of comments-as-docs and todos namely the ones that are completed after the pld-rx design was implemented. Also, - mask the non-functioning `'defstruct'` approach `inside `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` to prep for its removal. Adjust the test suite (rn called `test_caps_based_msging`), - add a new suite `test_custom_extension_types` and move and use the `enc/dec_nsp()` hooks to the mod level for its use. - prolly planning to drop the `test_limit_msgspec` suite since it's mostly replaced by the `test_pldrx_limiting` mod's version? - originally was tweaking a bunch in `test_codec_hooks_mod` but likely it will get mostly rewritten to be simpler and simply verify that ext-typed fields can be used over IPC `Context`s between actors (as originally intended for this sub-suite).
2025-03-07 19:13:36 +00:00
) -> tuple[
MsgCodec, # encode to send
MsgDec, # pld receive-n-decode
Create custom `msgpack` enc/dec-hooks and set a `Decoder`
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
which only loads `pld_spec` (like `NamespacePath`) types.
# XXX NOTE XXX: despite defining `NamespacePath` as a type
# field on our `PayloadMsg.pld`, we still need a enc/dec_hook() pair
# to cast to/from that type on the wire. See the docs:
Finally get type-extended `msgspec` fields workinn By using our new `PldRx` design we can, - pass through the pld-spec & a `dec_hook()` to our `MsgDec` which is used to configure the underlying `.dec: msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` - pass through a `enc_hook()` to `mk_codec()` and use it to conf the equiv `MsgCodec.enc` such that sent msg-plds are converted prior to transport. The trick ended up being just to always union the `mk_dec()` extension-types spec with the normaly with the `msgspec.Raw` pld-spec such that the `dec_hook()` is only invoked for payload types tagged by the encoder/sender side B) A variety of impl tweaks to make it all happen as well as various cleanups in the `.msg._codec` mod include, - `mk_dec()` no defaul `spec` arg, better doc string, accept the new `ext_types` arg, doing the union of that with `msgspec.Raw`. - proto-ed a now unused `mk_boxed_ext_struct()` which will likely get removed since it ended up that our `PayloadMsg` structs already cover the ext-type-hook requirement that the decoder is passed a `.type=msgspec.Struct` of some sort in order for `.dec_hook` to be used. - add a `unpack_spec_types()` util fn for getting the `set[Type]` from from a `Union[Type]` annotation instance. - mk the default `mk_codec(pc_pld_spec = Raw,)` since the `PldRx` design was already passing/overriding it and it doesn't make much sense to use `Any` anymore for the same reason; it will cause various `Context` apis to now break. |_ also accept a `enc_hook()` and `ext_types` which are used to maybe config the `.msgpack.Encoder` - generally tweak a bunch of comments-as-docs and todos namely the ones that are completed after the pld-rx design was implemented. Also, - mask the non-functioning `'defstruct'` approach `inside `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` to prep for its removal. Adjust the test suite (rn called `test_caps_based_msging`), - add a new suite `test_custom_extension_types` and move and use the `enc/dec_nsp()` hooks to the mod level for its use. - prolly planning to drop the `test_limit_msgspec` suite since it's mostly replaced by the `test_pldrx_limiting` mod's version? - originally was tweaking a bunch in `test_codec_hooks_mod` but likely it will get mostly rewritten to be simpler and simply verify that ext-typed fields can be used over IPC `Context`s between actors (as originally intended for this sub-suite).
2025-03-07 19:13:36 +00:00
# if pld_spec is Any:
# pld_spec = Raw
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
nsp_codec: MsgCodec = mk_codec(
Finally get type-extended `msgspec` fields workinn By using our new `PldRx` design we can, - pass through the pld-spec & a `dec_hook()` to our `MsgDec` which is used to configure the underlying `.dec: msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` - pass through a `enc_hook()` to `mk_codec()` and use it to conf the equiv `MsgCodec.enc` such that sent msg-plds are converted prior to transport. The trick ended up being just to always union the `mk_dec()` extension-types spec with the normaly with the `msgspec.Raw` pld-spec such that the `dec_hook()` is only invoked for payload types tagged by the encoder/sender side B) A variety of impl tweaks to make it all happen as well as various cleanups in the `.msg._codec` mod include, - `mk_dec()` no defaul `spec` arg, better doc string, accept the new `ext_types` arg, doing the union of that with `msgspec.Raw`. - proto-ed a now unused `mk_boxed_ext_struct()` which will likely get removed since it ended up that our `PayloadMsg` structs already cover the ext-type-hook requirement that the decoder is passed a `.type=msgspec.Struct` of some sort in order for `.dec_hook` to be used. - add a `unpack_spec_types()` util fn for getting the `set[Type]` from from a `Union[Type]` annotation instance. - mk the default `mk_codec(pc_pld_spec = Raw,)` since the `PldRx` design was already passing/overriding it and it doesn't make much sense to use `Any` anymore for the same reason; it will cause various `Context` apis to now break. |_ also accept a `enc_hook()` and `ext_types` which are used to maybe config the `.msgpack.Encoder` - generally tweak a bunch of comments-as-docs and todos namely the ones that are completed after the pld-rx design was implemented. Also, - mask the non-functioning `'defstruct'` approach `inside `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` to prep for its removal. Adjust the test suite (rn called `test_caps_based_msging`), - add a new suite `test_custom_extension_types` and move and use the `enc/dec_nsp()` hooks to the mod level for its use. - prolly planning to drop the `test_limit_msgspec` suite since it's mostly replaced by the `test_pldrx_limiting` mod's version? - originally was tweaking a bunch in `test_codec_hooks_mod` but likely it will get mostly rewritten to be simpler and simply verify that ext-typed fields can be used over IPC `Context`s between actors (as originally intended for this sub-suite).
2025-03-07 19:13:36 +00:00
# ipc_pld_spec=Raw, # default!
# NOTE XXX: the encode hook MUST be used no matter what since
# our `NamespacePath` is not any of a `Any` native type nor
# a `msgspec.Struct` subtype - so `msgspec` has no way to know
# how to encode it unless we provide the custom hook.
# AGAIN that is, regardless of whether we spec an
# `Any`-decoded-pld the enc has no knowledge (by default)
# how to enc `NamespacePath` (nsp), so we add a custom
# hook to do that ALWAYS.
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
enc_hook=enc_nsp if add_hooks else None,
# XXX NOTE: pretty sure this is mutex with the `type=` to
# `Decoder`? so it won't work in tandem with the
# `ipc_pld_spec` passed above?
Finally get type-extended `msgspec` fields workinn By using our new `PldRx` design we can, - pass through the pld-spec & a `dec_hook()` to our `MsgDec` which is used to configure the underlying `.dec: msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` - pass through a `enc_hook()` to `mk_codec()` and use it to conf the equiv `MsgCodec.enc` such that sent msg-plds are converted prior to transport. The trick ended up being just to always union the `mk_dec()` extension-types spec with the normaly with the `msgspec.Raw` pld-spec such that the `dec_hook()` is only invoked for payload types tagged by the encoder/sender side B) A variety of impl tweaks to make it all happen as well as various cleanups in the `.msg._codec` mod include, - `mk_dec()` no defaul `spec` arg, better doc string, accept the new `ext_types` arg, doing the union of that with `msgspec.Raw`. - proto-ed a now unused `mk_boxed_ext_struct()` which will likely get removed since it ended up that our `PayloadMsg` structs already cover the ext-type-hook requirement that the decoder is passed a `.type=msgspec.Struct` of some sort in order for `.dec_hook` to be used. - add a `unpack_spec_types()` util fn for getting the `set[Type]` from from a `Union[Type]` annotation instance. - mk the default `mk_codec(pc_pld_spec = Raw,)` since the `PldRx` design was already passing/overriding it and it doesn't make much sense to use `Any` anymore for the same reason; it will cause various `Context` apis to now break. |_ also accept a `enc_hook()` and `ext_types` which are used to maybe config the `.msgpack.Encoder` - generally tweak a bunch of comments-as-docs and todos namely the ones that are completed after the pld-rx design was implemented. Also, - mask the non-functioning `'defstruct'` approach `inside `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` to prep for its removal. Adjust the test suite (rn called `test_caps_based_msging`), - add a new suite `test_custom_extension_types` and move and use the `enc/dec_nsp()` hooks to the mod level for its use. - prolly planning to drop the `test_limit_msgspec` suite since it's mostly replaced by the `test_pldrx_limiting` mod's version? - originally was tweaking a bunch in `test_codec_hooks_mod` but likely it will get mostly rewritten to be simpler and simply verify that ext-typed fields can be used over IPC `Context`s between actors (as originally intended for this sub-suite).
2025-03-07 19:13:36 +00:00
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
Finally get type-extended `msgspec` fields workinn By using our new `PldRx` design we can, - pass through the pld-spec & a `dec_hook()` to our `MsgDec` which is used to configure the underlying `.dec: msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` - pass through a `enc_hook()` to `mk_codec()` and use it to conf the equiv `MsgCodec.enc` such that sent msg-plds are converted prior to transport. The trick ended up being just to always union the `mk_dec()` extension-types spec with the normaly with the `msgspec.Raw` pld-spec such that the `dec_hook()` is only invoked for payload types tagged by the encoder/sender side B) A variety of impl tweaks to make it all happen as well as various cleanups in the `.msg._codec` mod include, - `mk_dec()` no defaul `spec` arg, better doc string, accept the new `ext_types` arg, doing the union of that with `msgspec.Raw`. - proto-ed a now unused `mk_boxed_ext_struct()` which will likely get removed since it ended up that our `PayloadMsg` structs already cover the ext-type-hook requirement that the decoder is passed a `.type=msgspec.Struct` of some sort in order for `.dec_hook` to be used. - add a `unpack_spec_types()` util fn for getting the `set[Type]` from from a `Union[Type]` annotation instance. - mk the default `mk_codec(pc_pld_spec = Raw,)` since the `PldRx` design was already passing/overriding it and it doesn't make much sense to use `Any` anymore for the same reason; it will cause various `Context` apis to now break. |_ also accept a `enc_hook()` and `ext_types` which are used to maybe config the `.msgpack.Encoder` - generally tweak a bunch of comments-as-docs and todos namely the ones that are completed after the pld-rx design was implemented. Also, - mask the non-functioning `'defstruct'` approach `inside `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` to prep for its removal. Adjust the test suite (rn called `test_caps_based_msging`), - add a new suite `test_custom_extension_types` and move and use the `enc/dec_nsp()` hooks to the mod level for its use. - prolly planning to drop the `test_limit_msgspec` suite since it's mostly replaced by the `test_pldrx_limiting` mod's version? - originally was tweaking a bunch in `test_codec_hooks_mod` but likely it will get mostly rewritten to be simpler and simply verify that ext-typed fields can be used over IPC `Context`s between actors (as originally intended for this sub-suite).
2025-03-07 19:13:36 +00:00
# dec_hook=dec_nsp if add_hooks else None,
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
return nsp_codec
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
def chk_codec_applied(
expect_codec: MsgCodec,
enter_value: MsgCodec|None = None,
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
) -> MsgCodec:
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
buncha sanity checks ensuring that the IPC channel's
context-vars are set to the expected codec and that are
ctx-var wrapper APIs match the same.
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
# TODO: play with tricyle again, bc this is supposed to work
# the way we want?
# TreeVar
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
# task: trio.Task = trio.lowlevel.current_task()
# curr_codec = _ctxvar_MsgCodec.get_in(task)
# ContextVar
# task_ctx: Context = task.context
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
# assert _ctxvar_MsgCodec in task_ctx
# curr_codec: MsgCodec = task.context[_ctxvar_MsgCodec]
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
# NOTE: currently we use this!
# RunVar
curr_codec: MsgCodec = current_codec()
last_read_codec = _ctxvar_MsgCodec.get()
# assert curr_codec is last_read_codec
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
assert (
(same_codec := expect_codec) is
# returned from `mk_codec()`
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
# yielded value from `apply_codec()`
# read from current task's `contextvars.Context`
curr_codec is
# the default `msgspec` settings
is not _codec._def_msgspec_codec
is not _codec._def_tractor_codec
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
if enter_value:
enter_value is same_codec
def iter_maybe_sends(
send_items: dict[Union[Type], Any] | list[tuple],
ipc_pld_spec: Union[Type] | Any,
add_codec_hooks: bool,
codec: MsgCodec|None = None,
) -> tuple[Any, bool]:
if isinstance(send_items, dict):
send_items = send_items.items()
for (
) in send_items:
expect_roundtrip: bool = False
# values-to-typespec santiy
send_type = type(send_value)
assert send_type == send_type_spec or (
(subtypes := getattr(send_type_spec, '__args__', None))
and send_type in subtypes
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
spec_subtypes: set[Union[Type]] = (
send_in_spec: bool = (
send_type == ipc_pld_spec
or (
ipc_pld_spec != Any
and # presume `Union` of types
send_type in spec_subtypes
or (
ipc_pld_spec == Any
send_type != NamespacePath
expect_roundtrip = (
# any spec should support all other
# builtin py values that we send
# except our custom nsp type which
# we should be able to send as long
# as we provide the custom codec hooks.
or (
ipc_pld_spec == Any
send_type == NamespacePath
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
if codec is not None:
# XXX FIRST XXX ensure roundtripping works
# before touching any IPC primitives/APIs.
wire_bytes: bytes = codec.encode(
# NOTE: demonstrates the decoder loading
# to via our native SCIPP msg-spec
# (structurred-conc-inter-proc-protocol)
# implemented as per,
msg: Started = codec.decode(wire_bytes)
if not expect_roundtrip:
f'NOT-EXPECTED able to roundtrip value given spec:\n'
f'ipc_pld_spec -> {ipc_pld_spec}\n'
f'value -> {send_value}: {send_type}\n'
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
pld = msg.pld
assert pld == send_value
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
except ValidationError:
if expect_roundtrip:
f'EXPECTED to roundtrip value given spec:\n'
f'ipc_pld_spec -> {ipc_pld_spec}\n'
f'value -> {send_value}: {send_type}\n'
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
yield (
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
async def send_back_values(
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
ctx: Context,
expect_debug: bool,
pld_spec_type_strs: list[str],
add_hooks: bool,
Finally get type-extended `msgspec` fields workinn By using our new `PldRx` design we can, - pass through the pld-spec & a `dec_hook()` to our `MsgDec` which is used to configure the underlying `.dec: msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` - pass through a `enc_hook()` to `mk_codec()` and use it to conf the equiv `MsgCodec.enc` such that sent msg-plds are converted prior to transport. The trick ended up being just to always union the `mk_dec()` extension-types spec with the normaly with the `msgspec.Raw` pld-spec such that the `dec_hook()` is only invoked for payload types tagged by the encoder/sender side B) A variety of impl tweaks to make it all happen as well as various cleanups in the `.msg._codec` mod include, - `mk_dec()` no defaul `spec` arg, better doc string, accept the new `ext_types` arg, doing the union of that with `msgspec.Raw`. - proto-ed a now unused `mk_boxed_ext_struct()` which will likely get removed since it ended up that our `PayloadMsg` structs already cover the ext-type-hook requirement that the decoder is passed a `.type=msgspec.Struct` of some sort in order for `.dec_hook` to be used. - add a `unpack_spec_types()` util fn for getting the `set[Type]` from from a `Union[Type]` annotation instance. - mk the default `mk_codec(pc_pld_spec = Raw,)` since the `PldRx` design was already passing/overriding it and it doesn't make much sense to use `Any` anymore for the same reason; it will cause various `Context` apis to now break. |_ also accept a `enc_hook()` and `ext_types` which are used to maybe config the `.msgpack.Encoder` - generally tweak a bunch of comments-as-docs and todos namely the ones that are completed after the pld-rx design was implemented. Also, - mask the non-functioning `'defstruct'` approach `inside `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` to prep for its removal. Adjust the test suite (rn called `test_caps_based_msging`), - add a new suite `test_custom_extension_types` and move and use the `enc/dec_nsp()` hooks to the mod level for its use. - prolly planning to drop the `test_limit_msgspec` suite since it's mostly replaced by the `test_pldrx_limiting` mod's version? - originally was tweaking a bunch in `test_codec_hooks_mod` but likely it will get mostly rewritten to be simpler and simply verify that ext-typed fields can be used over IPC `Context`s between actors (as originally intended for this sub-suite).
2025-03-07 19:13:36 +00:00
# started_msg_bytes: bytes,
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
expect_ipc_send: dict[str, tuple[Any, bool]],
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
) -> None:
Setup up a custom codec to load instances of `NamespacePath`
and ensure we can round trip a func ref with our parent.
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
uid: tuple = tractor.current_actor().uid
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
# debug mode sanity check (prolly superfluous but, meh)
assert expect_debug == _state.debug_mode()
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
# init state in sub-actor should be default
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
# load pld spec from input str
ipc_pld_spec = _exts.dec_type_union(
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
pld_spec_str = str(ipc_pld_spec)
# same as on parent side config.
nsp_codec: MsgCodec = mk_custom_codec(
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
with (
apply_codec(nsp_codec) as codec,
Finally get type-extended `msgspec` fields workinn By using our new `PldRx` design we can, - pass through the pld-spec & a `dec_hook()` to our `MsgDec` which is used to configure the underlying `.dec: msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` - pass through a `enc_hook()` to `mk_codec()` and use it to conf the equiv `MsgCodec.enc` such that sent msg-plds are converted prior to transport. The trick ended up being just to always union the `mk_dec()` extension-types spec with the normaly with the `msgspec.Raw` pld-spec such that the `dec_hook()` is only invoked for payload types tagged by the encoder/sender side B) A variety of impl tweaks to make it all happen as well as various cleanups in the `.msg._codec` mod include, - `mk_dec()` no defaul `spec` arg, better doc string, accept the new `ext_types` arg, doing the union of that with `msgspec.Raw`. - proto-ed a now unused `mk_boxed_ext_struct()` which will likely get removed since it ended up that our `PayloadMsg` structs already cover the ext-type-hook requirement that the decoder is passed a `.type=msgspec.Struct` of some sort in order for `.dec_hook` to be used. - add a `unpack_spec_types()` util fn for getting the `set[Type]` from from a `Union[Type]` annotation instance. - mk the default `mk_codec(pc_pld_spec = Raw,)` since the `PldRx` design was already passing/overriding it and it doesn't make much sense to use `Any` anymore for the same reason; it will cause various `Context` apis to now break. |_ also accept a `enc_hook()` and `ext_types` which are used to maybe config the `.msgpack.Encoder` - generally tweak a bunch of comments-as-docs and todos namely the ones that are completed after the pld-rx design was implemented. Also, - mask the non-functioning `'defstruct'` approach `inside `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` to prep for its removal. Adjust the test suite (rn called `test_caps_based_msging`), - add a new suite `test_custom_extension_types` and move and use the `enc/dec_nsp()` hooks to the mod level for its use. - prolly planning to drop the `test_limit_msgspec` suite since it's mostly replaced by the `test_pldrx_limiting` mod's version? - originally was tweaking a bunch in `test_codec_hooks_mod` but likely it will get mostly rewritten to be simpler and simply verify that ext-typed fields can be used over IPC `Context`s between actors (as originally intended for this sub-suite).
2025-03-07 19:13:36 +00:00
limit_plds(ipc_pld_spec) as codec,
Finally get type-extended `msgspec` fields workinn By using our new `PldRx` design we can, - pass through the pld-spec & a `dec_hook()` to our `MsgDec` which is used to configure the underlying `.dec: msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` - pass through a `enc_hook()` to `mk_codec()` and use it to conf the equiv `MsgCodec.enc` such that sent msg-plds are converted prior to transport. The trick ended up being just to always union the `mk_dec()` extension-types spec with the normaly with the `msgspec.Raw` pld-spec such that the `dec_hook()` is only invoked for payload types tagged by the encoder/sender side B) A variety of impl tweaks to make it all happen as well as various cleanups in the `.msg._codec` mod include, - `mk_dec()` no defaul `spec` arg, better doc string, accept the new `ext_types` arg, doing the union of that with `msgspec.Raw`. - proto-ed a now unused `mk_boxed_ext_struct()` which will likely get removed since it ended up that our `PayloadMsg` structs already cover the ext-type-hook requirement that the decoder is passed a `.type=msgspec.Struct` of some sort in order for `.dec_hook` to be used. - add a `unpack_spec_types()` util fn for getting the `set[Type]` from from a `Union[Type]` annotation instance. - mk the default `mk_codec(pc_pld_spec = Raw,)` since the `PldRx` design was already passing/overriding it and it doesn't make much sense to use `Any` anymore for the same reason; it will cause various `Context` apis to now break. |_ also accept a `enc_hook()` and `ext_types` which are used to maybe config the `.msgpack.Encoder` - generally tweak a bunch of comments-as-docs and todos namely the ones that are completed after the pld-rx design was implemented. Also, - mask the non-functioning `'defstruct'` approach `inside `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` to prep for its removal. Adjust the test suite (rn called `test_caps_based_msging`), - add a new suite `test_custom_extension_types` and move and use the `enc/dec_nsp()` hooks to the mod level for its use. - prolly planning to drop the `test_limit_msgspec` suite since it's mostly replaced by the `test_pldrx_limiting` mod's version? - originally was tweaking a bunch in `test_codec_hooks_mod` but likely it will get mostly rewritten to be simpler and simply verify that ext-typed fields can be used over IPC `Context`s between actors (as originally intended for this sub-suite).
2025-03-07 19:13:36 +00:00
# we SHOULD NOT be swapping the global codec since it breaks
# `Context.starte()` roundtripping checks!
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
Finally get type-extended `msgspec` fields workinn By using our new `PldRx` design we can, - pass through the pld-spec & a `dec_hook()` to our `MsgDec` which is used to configure the underlying `.dec: msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` - pass through a `enc_hook()` to `mk_codec()` and use it to conf the equiv `MsgCodec.enc` such that sent msg-plds are converted prior to transport. The trick ended up being just to always union the `mk_dec()` extension-types spec with the normaly with the `msgspec.Raw` pld-spec such that the `dec_hook()` is only invoked for payload types tagged by the encoder/sender side B) A variety of impl tweaks to make it all happen as well as various cleanups in the `.msg._codec` mod include, - `mk_dec()` no defaul `spec` arg, better doc string, accept the new `ext_types` arg, doing the union of that with `msgspec.Raw`. - proto-ed a now unused `mk_boxed_ext_struct()` which will likely get removed since it ended up that our `PayloadMsg` structs already cover the ext-type-hook requirement that the decoder is passed a `.type=msgspec.Struct` of some sort in order for `.dec_hook` to be used. - add a `unpack_spec_types()` util fn for getting the `set[Type]` from from a `Union[Type]` annotation instance. - mk the default `mk_codec(pc_pld_spec = Raw,)` since the `PldRx` design was already passing/overriding it and it doesn't make much sense to use `Any` anymore for the same reason; it will cause various `Context` apis to now break. |_ also accept a `enc_hook()` and `ext_types` which are used to maybe config the `.msgpack.Encoder` - generally tweak a bunch of comments-as-docs and todos namely the ones that are completed after the pld-rx design was implemented. Also, - mask the non-functioning `'defstruct'` approach `inside `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` to prep for its removal. Adjust the test suite (rn called `test_caps_based_msging`), - add a new suite `test_custom_extension_types` and move and use the `enc/dec_nsp()` hooks to the mod level for its use. - prolly planning to drop the `test_limit_msgspec` suite since it's mostly replaced by the `test_pldrx_limiting` mod's version? - originally was tweaking a bunch in `test_codec_hooks_mod` but likely it will get mostly rewritten to be simpler and simply verify that ext-typed fields can be used over IPC `Context`s between actors (as originally intended for this sub-suite).
2025-03-07 19:13:36 +00:00
# chk_codec_applied(
# expect_codec=nsp_codec,
# enter_value=codec,
# )
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
f'{uid}: attempting `Started`-bytes DECODE..\n'
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
Finally get type-extended `msgspec` fields workinn By using our new `PldRx` design we can, - pass through the pld-spec & a `dec_hook()` to our `MsgDec` which is used to configure the underlying `.dec: msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` - pass through a `enc_hook()` to `mk_codec()` and use it to conf the equiv `MsgCodec.enc` such that sent msg-plds are converted prior to transport. The trick ended up being just to always union the `mk_dec()` extension-types spec with the normaly with the `msgspec.Raw` pld-spec such that the `dec_hook()` is only invoked for payload types tagged by the encoder/sender side B) A variety of impl tweaks to make it all happen as well as various cleanups in the `.msg._codec` mod include, - `mk_dec()` no defaul `spec` arg, better doc string, accept the new `ext_types` arg, doing the union of that with `msgspec.Raw`. - proto-ed a now unused `mk_boxed_ext_struct()` which will likely get removed since it ended up that our `PayloadMsg` structs already cover the ext-type-hook requirement that the decoder is passed a `.type=msgspec.Struct` of some sort in order for `.dec_hook` to be used. - add a `unpack_spec_types()` util fn for getting the `set[Type]` from from a `Union[Type]` annotation instance. - mk the default `mk_codec(pc_pld_spec = Raw,)` since the `PldRx` design was already passing/overriding it and it doesn't make much sense to use `Any` anymore for the same reason; it will cause various `Context` apis to now break. |_ also accept a `enc_hook()` and `ext_types` which are used to maybe config the `.msgpack.Encoder` - generally tweak a bunch of comments-as-docs and todos namely the ones that are completed after the pld-rx design was implemented. Also, - mask the non-functioning `'defstruct'` approach `inside `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` to prep for its removal. Adjust the test suite (rn called `test_caps_based_msging`), - add a new suite `test_custom_extension_types` and move and use the `enc/dec_nsp()` hooks to the mod level for its use. - prolly planning to drop the `test_limit_msgspec` suite since it's mostly replaced by the `test_pldrx_limiting` mod's version? - originally was tweaking a bunch in `test_codec_hooks_mod` but likely it will get mostly rewritten to be simpler and simply verify that ext-typed fields can be used over IPC `Context`s between actors (as originally intended for this sub-suite).
2025-03-07 19:13:36 +00:00
# msg: Started = nsp_codec.decode(started_msg_bytes)
ipc_spec: Type = ctx._pld_rx._pld_dec.spec
expected_pld_spec_str: str = str(ipc_spec)
assert (
pld_spec_str == expected_pld_spec_str
ipc_pld_spec == ipc_spec
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
# TODO: maybe we should add our own wrapper error so as to
# be interchange-lib agnostic?
# -[ ] the error type is wtv is raised from the hook so we
# could also require a type-class of errors for
# indicating whether the hook-failure can be handled by
# a nasty-dialog-unprot sub-sys?
except ValidationError:
# NOTE: only in the `Any` spec case do we expect this to
# work since otherwise no spec covers a plain-ol'
# `.pld: str`
if pld_spec_str == 'Any':
f'{uid}: (correctly) unable to DECODE `Started`-bytes\n'
Finally get type-extended `msgspec` fields workinn By using our new `PldRx` design we can, - pass through the pld-spec & a `dec_hook()` to our `MsgDec` which is used to configure the underlying `.dec: msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` - pass through a `enc_hook()` to `mk_codec()` and use it to conf the equiv `MsgCodec.enc` such that sent msg-plds are converted prior to transport. The trick ended up being just to always union the `mk_dec()` extension-types spec with the normaly with the `msgspec.Raw` pld-spec such that the `dec_hook()` is only invoked for payload types tagged by the encoder/sender side B) A variety of impl tweaks to make it all happen as well as various cleanups in the `.msg._codec` mod include, - `mk_dec()` no defaul `spec` arg, better doc string, accept the new `ext_types` arg, doing the union of that with `msgspec.Raw`. - proto-ed a now unused `mk_boxed_ext_struct()` which will likely get removed since it ended up that our `PayloadMsg` structs already cover the ext-type-hook requirement that the decoder is passed a `.type=msgspec.Struct` of some sort in order for `.dec_hook` to be used. - add a `unpack_spec_types()` util fn for getting the `set[Type]` from from a `Union[Type]` annotation instance. - mk the default `mk_codec(pc_pld_spec = Raw,)` since the `PldRx` design was already passing/overriding it and it doesn't make much sense to use `Any` anymore for the same reason; it will cause various `Context` apis to now break. |_ also accept a `enc_hook()` and `ext_types` which are used to maybe config the `.msgpack.Encoder` - generally tweak a bunch of comments-as-docs and todos namely the ones that are completed after the pld-rx design was implemented. Also, - mask the non-functioning `'defstruct'` approach `inside `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` to prep for its removal. Adjust the test suite (rn called `test_caps_based_msging`), - add a new suite `test_custom_extension_types` and move and use the `enc/dec_nsp()` hooks to the mod level for its use. - prolly planning to drop the `test_limit_msgspec` suite since it's mostly replaced by the `test_pldrx_limiting` mod's version? - originally was tweaking a bunch in `test_codec_hooks_mod` but likely it will get mostly rewritten to be simpler and simply verify that ext-typed fields can be used over IPC `Context`s between actors (as originally intended for this sub-suite).
2025-03-07 19:13:36 +00:00
# f'{started_msg_bytes}\n'
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
iter_send_val_items = iter(expect_ipc_send.values())
sent: list[Any] = []
Finally get type-extended `msgspec` fields workinn By using our new `PldRx` design we can, - pass through the pld-spec & a `dec_hook()` to our `MsgDec` which is used to configure the underlying `.dec: msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` - pass through a `enc_hook()` to `mk_codec()` and use it to conf the equiv `MsgCodec.enc` such that sent msg-plds are converted prior to transport. The trick ended up being just to always union the `mk_dec()` extension-types spec with the normaly with the `msgspec.Raw` pld-spec such that the `dec_hook()` is only invoked for payload types tagged by the encoder/sender side B) A variety of impl tweaks to make it all happen as well as various cleanups in the `.msg._codec` mod include, - `mk_dec()` no defaul `spec` arg, better doc string, accept the new `ext_types` arg, doing the union of that with `msgspec.Raw`. - proto-ed a now unused `mk_boxed_ext_struct()` which will likely get removed since it ended up that our `PayloadMsg` structs already cover the ext-type-hook requirement that the decoder is passed a `.type=msgspec.Struct` of some sort in order for `.dec_hook` to be used. - add a `unpack_spec_types()` util fn for getting the `set[Type]` from from a `Union[Type]` annotation instance. - mk the default `mk_codec(pc_pld_spec = Raw,)` since the `PldRx` design was already passing/overriding it and it doesn't make much sense to use `Any` anymore for the same reason; it will cause various `Context` apis to now break. |_ also accept a `enc_hook()` and `ext_types` which are used to maybe config the `.msgpack.Encoder` - generally tweak a bunch of comments-as-docs and todos namely the ones that are completed after the pld-rx design was implemented. Also, - mask the non-functioning `'defstruct'` approach `inside `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` to prep for its removal. Adjust the test suite (rn called `test_caps_based_msging`), - add a new suite `test_custom_extension_types` and move and use the `enc/dec_nsp()` hooks to the mod level for its use. - prolly planning to drop the `test_limit_msgspec` suite since it's mostly replaced by the `test_pldrx_limiting` mod's version? - originally was tweaking a bunch in `test_codec_hooks_mod` but likely it will get mostly rewritten to be simpler and simply verify that ext-typed fields can be used over IPC `Context`s between actors (as originally intended for this sub-suite).
2025-03-07 19:13:36 +00:00
for (
) in iter_send_val_items:
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
f'{uid}: attempting to `.started({send_value})`\n'
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
f'=> expect_send: {expect_send}\n'
f'SINCE, ipc_pld_spec: {ipc_pld_spec}\n'
f'AND, codec: {codec}\n'
await ctx.started(send_value)
if not expect_send:
# `str` handling! or special debug mode IPC
# msgs!
await tractor.pause()
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
raise RuntimeError(
f'NOT-EXPECTED able to roundtrip value given spec:\n'
f'ipc_pld_spec -> {ipc_pld_spec}\n'
f'value -> {send_value}: {type(send_value)}\n'
break # move on to streaming block..
Finally get type-extended `msgspec` fields workinn By using our new `PldRx` design we can, - pass through the pld-spec & a `dec_hook()` to our `MsgDec` which is used to configure the underlying `.dec: msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` - pass through a `enc_hook()` to `mk_codec()` and use it to conf the equiv `MsgCodec.enc` such that sent msg-plds are converted prior to transport. The trick ended up being just to always union the `mk_dec()` extension-types spec with the normaly with the `msgspec.Raw` pld-spec such that the `dec_hook()` is only invoked for payload types tagged by the encoder/sender side B) A variety of impl tweaks to make it all happen as well as various cleanups in the `.msg._codec` mod include, - `mk_dec()` no defaul `spec` arg, better doc string, accept the new `ext_types` arg, doing the union of that with `msgspec.Raw`. - proto-ed a now unused `mk_boxed_ext_struct()` which will likely get removed since it ended up that our `PayloadMsg` structs already cover the ext-type-hook requirement that the decoder is passed a `.type=msgspec.Struct` of some sort in order for `.dec_hook` to be used. - add a `unpack_spec_types()` util fn for getting the `set[Type]` from from a `Union[Type]` annotation instance. - mk the default `mk_codec(pc_pld_spec = Raw,)` since the `PldRx` design was already passing/overriding it and it doesn't make much sense to use `Any` anymore for the same reason; it will cause various `Context` apis to now break. |_ also accept a `enc_hook()` and `ext_types` which are used to maybe config the `.msgpack.Encoder` - generally tweak a bunch of comments-as-docs and todos namely the ones that are completed after the pld-rx design was implemented. Also, - mask the non-functioning `'defstruct'` approach `inside `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` to prep for its removal. Adjust the test suite (rn called `test_caps_based_msging`), - add a new suite `test_custom_extension_types` and move and use the `enc/dec_nsp()` hooks to the mod level for its use. - prolly planning to drop the `test_limit_msgspec` suite since it's mostly replaced by the `test_pldrx_limiting` mod's version? - originally was tweaking a bunch in `test_codec_hooks_mod` but likely it will get mostly rewritten to be simpler and simply verify that ext-typed fields can be used over IPC `Context`s between actors (as originally intended for this sub-suite).
2025-03-07 19:13:36 +00:00
except tractor.MsgTypeError as _mte:
mte = _mte
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
if expect_send:
raise RuntimeError(
Finally get type-extended `msgspec` fields workinn By using our new `PldRx` design we can, - pass through the pld-spec & a `dec_hook()` to our `MsgDec` which is used to configure the underlying `.dec: msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` - pass through a `enc_hook()` to `mk_codec()` and use it to conf the equiv `MsgCodec.enc` such that sent msg-plds are converted prior to transport. The trick ended up being just to always union the `mk_dec()` extension-types spec with the normaly with the `msgspec.Raw` pld-spec such that the `dec_hook()` is only invoked for payload types tagged by the encoder/sender side B) A variety of impl tweaks to make it all happen as well as various cleanups in the `.msg._codec` mod include, - `mk_dec()` no defaul `spec` arg, better doc string, accept the new `ext_types` arg, doing the union of that with `msgspec.Raw`. - proto-ed a now unused `mk_boxed_ext_struct()` which will likely get removed since it ended up that our `PayloadMsg` structs already cover the ext-type-hook requirement that the decoder is passed a `.type=msgspec.Struct` of some sort in order for `.dec_hook` to be used. - add a `unpack_spec_types()` util fn for getting the `set[Type]` from from a `Union[Type]` annotation instance. - mk the default `mk_codec(pc_pld_spec = Raw,)` since the `PldRx` design was already passing/overriding it and it doesn't make much sense to use `Any` anymore for the same reason; it will cause various `Context` apis to now break. |_ also accept a `enc_hook()` and `ext_types` which are used to maybe config the `.msgpack.Encoder` - generally tweak a bunch of comments-as-docs and todos namely the ones that are completed after the pld-rx design was implemented. Also, - mask the non-functioning `'defstruct'` approach `inside `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` to prep for its removal. Adjust the test suite (rn called `test_caps_based_msging`), - add a new suite `test_custom_extension_types` and move and use the `enc/dec_nsp()` hooks to the mod level for its use. - prolly planning to drop the `test_limit_msgspec` suite since it's mostly replaced by the `test_pldrx_limiting` mod's version? - originally was tweaking a bunch in `test_codec_hooks_mod` but likely it will get mostly rewritten to be simpler and simply verify that ext-typed fields can be used over IPC `Context`s between actors (as originally intended for this sub-suite).
2025-03-07 19:13:36 +00:00
f'EXPECTED to `.started()` value given spec ??\n\n'
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
f'ipc_pld_spec -> {ipc_pld_spec}\n'
f'value -> {send_value}: {type(send_value)}\n'
# await tractor.pause()
raise mte
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
async with ctx.open_stream() as ipc:
f'{uid}: Entering streaming block to send remaining values..'
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
for send_value, expect_send in iter_send_val_items:
send_type: Type = type(send_value)
'------ - ------\n'
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
f'ipc_pld_spec: {ipc_pld_spec}\n'
f'expect_send: {expect_send}\n'
f'val: {send_value}\n'
'------ - ------\n'
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
await ipc.send(send_value)
print(f'***\n{uid}-CHILD sent {send_value!r}\n***\n')
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
# NOTE: should only raise above on
# `.started()` or a `Return`
# if not expect_send:
# raise RuntimeError(
# f'NOT-EXPECTED able to roundtrip value given spec:\n'
# f'ipc_pld_spec -> {ipc_pld_spec}\n'
# f'value -> {send_value}: {send_type}\n'
# )
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
except ValidationError:
print(f'{uid} FAILED TO SEND {send_value}!')
# await tractor.pause()
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
if expect_send:
raise RuntimeError(
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
f'EXPECTED to roundtrip value given spec:\n'
f'ipc_pld_spec -> {ipc_pld_spec}\n'
f'value -> {send_value}: {send_type}\n'
# continue
f'{uid}: finished sending all values\n'
'Should be exiting stream block!\n'
print(f'{uid}: exited streaming block!')
# TODO: this won't be true bc in streaming phase we DO NOT
# msgspec check outbound msgs!
# -[ ] once we implement the receiver side `InvalidMsg`
# then we can expect it here?
# assert (
# len(sent)
# ==
# len([val
# for val, expect in
# expect_ipc_send.values()
# if expect is True])
# )
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
NamespacePath|None, # the "maybe" spec Bo
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
ids=['use_codec_hooks', 'no_codec_hooks'],
def test_codec_hooks_mod(
debug_mode: bool,
ipc_pld_spec: Union[Type]|Any,
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
# send_value: None|str|NamespacePath,
add_codec_hooks: bool,
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
Audit the `.msg.MsgCodec` override apis details given our impl
uses `contextvars` to accomplish per `trio` task codec
application around an inter-proc-task-comms context.
async def main():
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
nsp = NamespacePath.from_ref(ex_func)
send_items: dict[Union, Any] = {
Union[None]: None,
Union[NamespacePath]: nsp,
Union[str]: str(nsp),
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
# init default state for actor
async with tractor.open_nursery(
) as an:
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
p: tractor.Portal = await an.start_actor(
# TODO: 2 cases:
# - codec not modified -> decode nsp as `str`
# - codec modified with hooks -> decode nsp as
# `NamespacePath`
nsp_codec: MsgCodec = mk_custom_codec(
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
with apply_codec(nsp_codec) as codec:
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
expect_ipc_send: dict[str, tuple[Any, bool]] = {}
report: str = (
'Parent report on send values with\n'
f'ipc_pld_spec: {ipc_pld_spec}\n'
' ------ - ------\n'
Finally get type-extended `msgspec` fields workinn By using our new `PldRx` design we can, - pass through the pld-spec & a `dec_hook()` to our `MsgDec` which is used to configure the underlying `.dec: msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` - pass through a `enc_hook()` to `mk_codec()` and use it to conf the equiv `MsgCodec.enc` such that sent msg-plds are converted prior to transport. The trick ended up being just to always union the `mk_dec()` extension-types spec with the normaly with the `msgspec.Raw` pld-spec such that the `dec_hook()` is only invoked for payload types tagged by the encoder/sender side B) A variety of impl tweaks to make it all happen as well as various cleanups in the `.msg._codec` mod include, - `mk_dec()` no defaul `spec` arg, better doc string, accept the new `ext_types` arg, doing the union of that with `msgspec.Raw`. - proto-ed a now unused `mk_boxed_ext_struct()` which will likely get removed since it ended up that our `PayloadMsg` structs already cover the ext-type-hook requirement that the decoder is passed a `.type=msgspec.Struct` of some sort in order for `.dec_hook` to be used. - add a `unpack_spec_types()` util fn for getting the `set[Type]` from from a `Union[Type]` annotation instance. - mk the default `mk_codec(pc_pld_spec = Raw,)` since the `PldRx` design was already passing/overriding it and it doesn't make much sense to use `Any` anymore for the same reason; it will cause various `Context` apis to now break. |_ also accept a `enc_hook()` and `ext_types` which are used to maybe config the `.msgpack.Encoder` - generally tweak a bunch of comments-as-docs and todos namely the ones that are completed after the pld-rx design was implemented. Also, - mask the non-functioning `'defstruct'` approach `inside `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` to prep for its removal. Adjust the test suite (rn called `test_caps_based_msging`), - add a new suite `test_custom_extension_types` and move and use the `enc/dec_nsp()` hooks to the mod level for its use. - prolly planning to drop the `test_limit_msgspec` suite since it's mostly replaced by the `test_pldrx_limiting` mod's version? - originally was tweaking a bunch in `test_codec_hooks_mod` but likely it will get mostly rewritten to be simpler and simply verify that ext-typed fields can be used over IPC `Context`s between actors (as originally intended for this sub-suite).
2025-03-07 19:13:36 +00:00
for (
)in iter_maybe_sends(
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
report += (
f'send_value: {val}: {type(val)} '
f'=> expect_send: {expect_send}\n'
Finally get type-extended `msgspec` fields workinn By using our new `PldRx` design we can, - pass through the pld-spec & a `dec_hook()` to our `MsgDec` which is used to configure the underlying `.dec: msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` - pass through a `enc_hook()` to `mk_codec()` and use it to conf the equiv `MsgCodec.enc` such that sent msg-plds are converted prior to transport. The trick ended up being just to always union the `mk_dec()` extension-types spec with the normaly with the `msgspec.Raw` pld-spec such that the `dec_hook()` is only invoked for payload types tagged by the encoder/sender side B) A variety of impl tweaks to make it all happen as well as various cleanups in the `.msg._codec` mod include, - `mk_dec()` no defaul `spec` arg, better doc string, accept the new `ext_types` arg, doing the union of that with `msgspec.Raw`. - proto-ed a now unused `mk_boxed_ext_struct()` which will likely get removed since it ended up that our `PayloadMsg` structs already cover the ext-type-hook requirement that the decoder is passed a `.type=msgspec.Struct` of some sort in order for `.dec_hook` to be used. - add a `unpack_spec_types()` util fn for getting the `set[Type]` from from a `Union[Type]` annotation instance. - mk the default `mk_codec(pc_pld_spec = Raw,)` since the `PldRx` design was already passing/overriding it and it doesn't make much sense to use `Any` anymore for the same reason; it will cause various `Context` apis to now break. |_ also accept a `enc_hook()` and `ext_types` which are used to maybe config the `.msgpack.Encoder` - generally tweak a bunch of comments-as-docs and todos namely the ones that are completed after the pld-rx design was implemented. Also, - mask the non-functioning `'defstruct'` approach `inside `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` to prep for its removal. Adjust the test suite (rn called `test_caps_based_msging`), - add a new suite `test_custom_extension_types` and move and use the `enc/dec_nsp()` hooks to the mod level for its use. - prolly planning to drop the `test_limit_msgspec` suite since it's mostly replaced by the `test_pldrx_limiting` mod's version? - originally was tweaking a bunch in `test_codec_hooks_mod` but likely it will get mostly rewritten to be simpler and simply verify that ext-typed fields can be used over IPC `Context`s between actors (as originally intended for this sub-suite).
2025-03-07 19:13:36 +00:00
expect_ipc_send[val_type_str] = (
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
report +
' ------ - ------\n'
assert len(expect_ipc_send) == len(send_items)
# now try over real IPC with a the subactor
# expect_ipc_rountrip: bool = True
Finally get type-extended `msgspec` fields workinn By using our new `PldRx` design we can, - pass through the pld-spec & a `dec_hook()` to our `MsgDec` which is used to configure the underlying `.dec: msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` - pass through a `enc_hook()` to `mk_codec()` and use it to conf the equiv `MsgCodec.enc` such that sent msg-plds are converted prior to transport. The trick ended up being just to always union the `mk_dec()` extension-types spec with the normaly with the `msgspec.Raw` pld-spec such that the `dec_hook()` is only invoked for payload types tagged by the encoder/sender side B) A variety of impl tweaks to make it all happen as well as various cleanups in the `.msg._codec` mod include, - `mk_dec()` no defaul `spec` arg, better doc string, accept the new `ext_types` arg, doing the union of that with `msgspec.Raw`. - proto-ed a now unused `mk_boxed_ext_struct()` which will likely get removed since it ended up that our `PayloadMsg` structs already cover the ext-type-hook requirement that the decoder is passed a `.type=msgspec.Struct` of some sort in order for `.dec_hook` to be used. - add a `unpack_spec_types()` util fn for getting the `set[Type]` from from a `Union[Type]` annotation instance. - mk the default `mk_codec(pc_pld_spec = Raw,)` since the `PldRx` design was already passing/overriding it and it doesn't make much sense to use `Any` anymore for the same reason; it will cause various `Context` apis to now break. |_ also accept a `enc_hook()` and `ext_types` which are used to maybe config the `.msgpack.Encoder` - generally tweak a bunch of comments-as-docs and todos namely the ones that are completed after the pld-rx design was implemented. Also, - mask the non-functioning `'defstruct'` approach `inside `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` to prep for its removal. Adjust the test suite (rn called `test_caps_based_msging`), - add a new suite `test_custom_extension_types` and move and use the `enc/dec_nsp()` hooks to the mod level for its use. - prolly planning to drop the `test_limit_msgspec` suite since it's mostly replaced by the `test_pldrx_limiting` mod's version? - originally was tweaking a bunch in `test_codec_hooks_mod` but likely it will get mostly rewritten to be simpler and simply verify that ext-typed fields can be used over IPC `Context`s between actors (as originally intended for this sub-suite).
2025-03-07 19:13:36 +00:00
if (
subtypes := getattr(
ipc_pld_spec, '__args__', False
pld_types_str: str = '|'.join(subtypes)
# breakpoint()
Finally get type-extended `msgspec` fields workinn By using our new `PldRx` design we can, - pass through the pld-spec & a `dec_hook()` to our `MsgDec` which is used to configure the underlying `.dec: msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` - pass through a `enc_hook()` to `mk_codec()` and use it to conf the equiv `MsgCodec.enc` such that sent msg-plds are converted prior to transport. The trick ended up being just to always union the `mk_dec()` extension-types spec with the normaly with the `msgspec.Raw` pld-spec such that the `dec_hook()` is only invoked for payload types tagged by the encoder/sender side B) A variety of impl tweaks to make it all happen as well as various cleanups in the `.msg._codec` mod include, - `mk_dec()` no defaul `spec` arg, better doc string, accept the new `ext_types` arg, doing the union of that with `msgspec.Raw`. - proto-ed a now unused `mk_boxed_ext_struct()` which will likely get removed since it ended up that our `PayloadMsg` structs already cover the ext-type-hook requirement that the decoder is passed a `.type=msgspec.Struct` of some sort in order for `.dec_hook` to be used. - add a `unpack_spec_types()` util fn for getting the `set[Type]` from from a `Union[Type]` annotation instance. - mk the default `mk_codec(pc_pld_spec = Raw,)` since the `PldRx` design was already passing/overriding it and it doesn't make much sense to use `Any` anymore for the same reason; it will cause various `Context` apis to now break. |_ also accept a `enc_hook()` and `ext_types` which are used to maybe config the `.msgpack.Encoder` - generally tweak a bunch of comments-as-docs and todos namely the ones that are completed after the pld-rx design was implemented. Also, - mask the non-functioning `'defstruct'` approach `inside `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` to prep for its removal. Adjust the test suite (rn called `test_caps_based_msging`), - add a new suite `test_custom_extension_types` and move and use the `enc/dec_nsp()` hooks to the mod level for its use. - prolly planning to drop the `test_limit_msgspec` suite since it's mostly replaced by the `test_pldrx_limiting` mod's version? - originally was tweaking a bunch in `test_codec_hooks_mod` but likely it will get mostly rewritten to be simpler and simply verify that ext-typed fields can be used over IPC `Context`s between actors (as originally intended for this sub-suite).
2025-03-07 19:13:36 +00:00
# TODO, use `.msg._exts` utils instead of this!
Finally get type-extended `msgspec` fields workinn By using our new `PldRx` design we can, - pass through the pld-spec & a `dec_hook()` to our `MsgDec` which is used to configure the underlying `.dec: msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` - pass through a `enc_hook()` to `mk_codec()` and use it to conf the equiv `MsgCodec.enc` such that sent msg-plds are converted prior to transport. The trick ended up being just to always union the `mk_dec()` extension-types spec with the normaly with the `msgspec.Raw` pld-spec such that the `dec_hook()` is only invoked for payload types tagged by the encoder/sender side B) A variety of impl tweaks to make it all happen as well as various cleanups in the `.msg._codec` mod include, - `mk_dec()` no defaul `spec` arg, better doc string, accept the new `ext_types` arg, doing the union of that with `msgspec.Raw`. - proto-ed a now unused `mk_boxed_ext_struct()` which will likely get removed since it ended up that our `PayloadMsg` structs already cover the ext-type-hook requirement that the decoder is passed a `.type=msgspec.Struct` of some sort in order for `.dec_hook` to be used. - add a `unpack_spec_types()` util fn for getting the `set[Type]` from from a `Union[Type]` annotation instance. - mk the default `mk_codec(pc_pld_spec = Raw,)` since the `PldRx` design was already passing/overriding it and it doesn't make much sense to use `Any` anymore for the same reason; it will cause various `Context` apis to now break. |_ also accept a `enc_hook()` and `ext_types` which are used to maybe config the `.msgpack.Encoder` - generally tweak a bunch of comments-as-docs and todos namely the ones that are completed after the pld-rx design was implemented. Also, - mask the non-functioning `'defstruct'` approach `inside `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` to prep for its removal. Adjust the test suite (rn called `test_caps_based_msging`), - add a new suite `test_custom_extension_types` and move and use the `enc/dec_nsp()` hooks to the mod level for its use. - prolly planning to drop the `test_limit_msgspec` suite since it's mostly replaced by the `test_pldrx_limiting` mod's version? - originally was tweaking a bunch in `test_codec_hooks_mod` but likely it will get mostly rewritten to be simpler and simply verify that ext-typed fields can be used over IPC `Context`s between actors (as originally intended for this sub-suite).
2025-03-07 19:13:36 +00:00
pld_types_str: str = ipc_pld_spec.__name__
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
expected_started = Started(
Finally get type-extended `msgspec` fields workinn By using our new `PldRx` design we can, - pass through the pld-spec & a `dec_hook()` to our `MsgDec` which is used to configure the underlying `.dec: msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` - pass through a `enc_hook()` to `mk_codec()` and use it to conf the equiv `MsgCodec.enc` such that sent msg-plds are converted prior to transport. The trick ended up being just to always union the `mk_dec()` extension-types spec with the normaly with the `msgspec.Raw` pld-spec such that the `dec_hook()` is only invoked for payload types tagged by the encoder/sender side B) A variety of impl tweaks to make it all happen as well as various cleanups in the `.msg._codec` mod include, - `mk_dec()` no defaul `spec` arg, better doc string, accept the new `ext_types` arg, doing the union of that with `msgspec.Raw`. - proto-ed a now unused `mk_boxed_ext_struct()` which will likely get removed since it ended up that our `PayloadMsg` structs already cover the ext-type-hook requirement that the decoder is passed a `.type=msgspec.Struct` of some sort in order for `.dec_hook` to be used. - add a `unpack_spec_types()` util fn for getting the `set[Type]` from from a `Union[Type]` annotation instance. - mk the default `mk_codec(pc_pld_spec = Raw,)` since the `PldRx` design was already passing/overriding it and it doesn't make much sense to use `Any` anymore for the same reason; it will cause various `Context` apis to now break. |_ also accept a `enc_hook()` and `ext_types` which are used to maybe config the `.msgpack.Encoder` - generally tweak a bunch of comments-as-docs and todos namely the ones that are completed after the pld-rx design was implemented. Also, - mask the non-functioning `'defstruct'` approach `inside `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` to prep for its removal. Adjust the test suite (rn called `test_caps_based_msging`), - add a new suite `test_custom_extension_types` and move and use the `enc/dec_nsp()` hooks to the mod level for its use. - prolly planning to drop the `test_limit_msgspec` suite since it's mostly replaced by the `test_pldrx_limiting` mod's version? - originally was tweaking a bunch in `test_codec_hooks_mod` but likely it will get mostly rewritten to be simpler and simply verify that ext-typed fields can be used over IPC `Context`s between actors (as originally intended for this sub-suite).
2025-03-07 19:13:36 +00:00
# pld=str(pld_types_str),
started_msg_bytes: bytes = nsp_codec.encode(
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
# build list of values we expect to receive from
# the subactor.
expect_to_send: list[Any] = [
for val, expect_send in expect_ipc_send.values()
if expect_send
pld_spec_type_strs: list[str] = _exts.enc_type_union(ipc_pld_spec)
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
# XXX should raise an mte (`MsgTypeError`)
# when `add_codec_hooks == False` bc the input
# `expect_ipc_send` kwarg has a nsp which can't be
# serialized!
# TODO:can we ensure this happens from the
# `Return`-side (aka the sub) as well?
if not add_codec_hooks:
async with p.open_context(
Finally get type-extended `msgspec` fields workinn By using our new `PldRx` design we can, - pass through the pld-spec & a `dec_hook()` to our `MsgDec` which is used to configure the underlying `.dec: msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` - pass through a `enc_hook()` to `mk_codec()` and use it to conf the equiv `MsgCodec.enc` such that sent msg-plds are converted prior to transport. The trick ended up being just to always union the `mk_dec()` extension-types spec with the normaly with the `msgspec.Raw` pld-spec such that the `dec_hook()` is only invoked for payload types tagged by the encoder/sender side B) A variety of impl tweaks to make it all happen as well as various cleanups in the `.msg._codec` mod include, - `mk_dec()` no defaul `spec` arg, better doc string, accept the new `ext_types` arg, doing the union of that with `msgspec.Raw`. - proto-ed a now unused `mk_boxed_ext_struct()` which will likely get removed since it ended up that our `PayloadMsg` structs already cover the ext-type-hook requirement that the decoder is passed a `.type=msgspec.Struct` of some sort in order for `.dec_hook` to be used. - add a `unpack_spec_types()` util fn for getting the `set[Type]` from from a `Union[Type]` annotation instance. - mk the default `mk_codec(pc_pld_spec = Raw,)` since the `PldRx` design was already passing/overriding it and it doesn't make much sense to use `Any` anymore for the same reason; it will cause various `Context` apis to now break. |_ also accept a `enc_hook()` and `ext_types` which are used to maybe config the `.msgpack.Encoder` - generally tweak a bunch of comments-as-docs and todos namely the ones that are completed after the pld-rx design was implemented. Also, - mask the non-functioning `'defstruct'` approach `inside `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` to prep for its removal. Adjust the test suite (rn called `test_caps_based_msging`), - add a new suite `test_custom_extension_types` and move and use the `enc/dec_nsp()` hooks to the mod level for its use. - prolly planning to drop the `test_limit_msgspec` suite since it's mostly replaced by the `test_pldrx_limiting` mod's version? - originally was tweaking a bunch in `test_codec_hooks_mod` but likely it will get mostly rewritten to be simpler and simply verify that ext-typed fields can be used over IPC `Context`s between actors (as originally intended for this sub-suite).
2025-03-07 19:13:36 +00:00
# XXX NOTE bc we send a `NamespacePath` in this kwarg
) as (ctx, first):'ctx should fail to open without custom enc_hook!?')
# this test passes bc we can go no further!
except MsgTypeError:
# teardown nursery
await p.cancel_actor()
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
# TODO: send the original nsp here and
# test with `limit_msg_spec()` above?
# await tractor.pause()
print('PARENT opening IPC ctx!\n')
Finally get type-extended `msgspec` fields workinn By using our new `PldRx` design we can, - pass through the pld-spec & a `dec_hook()` to our `MsgDec` which is used to configure the underlying `.dec: msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` - pass through a `enc_hook()` to `mk_codec()` and use it to conf the equiv `MsgCodec.enc` such that sent msg-plds are converted prior to transport. The trick ended up being just to always union the `mk_dec()` extension-types spec with the normaly with the `msgspec.Raw` pld-spec such that the `dec_hook()` is only invoked for payload types tagged by the encoder/sender side B) A variety of impl tweaks to make it all happen as well as various cleanups in the `.msg._codec` mod include, - `mk_dec()` no defaul `spec` arg, better doc string, accept the new `ext_types` arg, doing the union of that with `msgspec.Raw`. - proto-ed a now unused `mk_boxed_ext_struct()` which will likely get removed since it ended up that our `PayloadMsg` structs already cover the ext-type-hook requirement that the decoder is passed a `.type=msgspec.Struct` of some sort in order for `.dec_hook` to be used. - add a `unpack_spec_types()` util fn for getting the `set[Type]` from from a `Union[Type]` annotation instance. - mk the default `mk_codec(pc_pld_spec = Raw,)` since the `PldRx` design was already passing/overriding it and it doesn't make much sense to use `Any` anymore for the same reason; it will cause various `Context` apis to now break. |_ also accept a `enc_hook()` and `ext_types` which are used to maybe config the `.msgpack.Encoder` - generally tweak a bunch of comments-as-docs and todos namely the ones that are completed after the pld-rx design was implemented. Also, - mask the non-functioning `'defstruct'` approach `inside `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` to prep for its removal. Adjust the test suite (rn called `test_caps_based_msging`), - add a new suite `test_custom_extension_types` and move and use the `enc/dec_nsp()` hooks to the mod level for its use. - prolly planning to drop the `test_limit_msgspec` suite since it's mostly replaced by the `test_pldrx_limiting` mod's version? - originally was tweaking a bunch in `test_codec_hooks_mod` but likely it will get mostly rewritten to be simpler and simply verify that ext-typed fields can be used over IPC `Context`s between actors (as originally intended for this sub-suite).
2025-03-07 19:13:36 +00:00
ctx: tractor.Context
ipc: tractor.MsgStream
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
async with (
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
# XXX should raise an mte (`MsgTypeError`)
# when `add_codec_hooks == False`..
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
) as (ctx, first),
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
ctx.open_stream() as ipc,
# ensure codec is still applied across
# `tractor.Context` + its embedded nursery.
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
f'type(first): {type(first)}\n'
f'first: {first}\n'
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
# TODO: explicit values we expect depending on
# codec config!
# assert first == first_val
# assert first == f'{__name__}:ex_func'
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
async for next_sent in ipc:
'Parent: child sent next value\n'
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
f'{next_sent}: {type(next_sent)}\n'
if expect_to_send:
print('PARENT should terminate stream loop + block!')
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
# all sent values should have arrived!
assert not expect_to_send
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
await p.cancel_actor()
Init def of "SC shuttle prot" with "msg-spec-limiting" As per the long outstanding GH issue this starts our rigorous journey into an attempt at a type-safe, cross-actor SC, IPC protocol Bo boop -> The idea is to "formally" define our SC "shuttle (dialog) protocol" by specifying a new `.msg.types.Msg` subtype-set which can fully encapsulate all IPC msg schemas needed in order to accomplish cross-process SC! The msg set deviated a little in terms of (type) names from the existing `dict`-msgs currently used in the runtime impl but, I think the name changes are much better in terms of explicitly representing the internal semantics of the actor runtime machinery/subsystems and the IPC-msg-dialog required for SC enforced RPC. ------ - ------ In cursory, the new formal msgs-spec includes the following msg-subtypes of a new top-level `Msg` boxing type (that holds the base field schema for all msgs): - `Start` to request RPC task scheduling by passing a `FuncSpec` payload (to replace the currently used `{'cmd': ... }` dict msg impl) - `StartAck` to allow the RPC task callee-side to report a `IpcCtxSpec` payload immediately back to the caller (currently responded naively via a `{'functype': ... }` msg) - `Started` to deliver the first value from `Context.started()` (instead of the existing `{'started': ... }`) - `Yield` to shuttle `MsgStream.send()`-ed values (instead of our `{'yield': ... }`) - `Stop` to terminate a `Context.open_stream()` session/block (over `{'stop': True }`) - `Return` to deliver the final value from the `Actor.start_remote_task()` (which is a `{'return': ... }`) - `Error` to box `RemoteActorError` exceptions via a `.pld: ErrorData` payload, planned to replace/extend the current `RemoteActorError.msgdata` mechanism internal to `._exceptions.pack/unpack_error()` The new `tractor.msg.types` includes all the above msg defs as well an API for rendering a "payload type specification" using a `payload_type_spec: Union[Type]` that can be passed to `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(type=payload_type_spec)`. This ensures that (for a subset of the above msg set) `Msg.pld: PayloadT` data is type-parameterized using `msgspec`'s new `Generic[PayloadT]` field support and thus enables providing for an API where IPC `Context` dialogs can strictly define the allowed payload-datatype-set via type union! Iow, this is the foundation for supporting `Channel`/`Context`/`MsgStream` IPC primitives which are type checked/safe as desired in GH issue: - Misc notes on current impl(s) status: ------ - ------ - add a `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` which uses the new `msgspec` support for `class MyStruct[Struct, Generic[T]]` parameterize-able fields and delivers our boxing SC-msg-(sub)set with the desired `payload_types` applied to `.pld`: - - as a note this impl seems to need to use `type.new_class()` dynamic subtype generation, though i don't really get *why* still.. but without that the `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` doesn't seem to reject `.pld` limited `Msg` subtypes as demonstrated in the new test. - around this ^ add a `.msg._codec.limit_msg_spec()` cm which exposes this payload type limiting API such that it can be applied per task via a `MsgCodec` in app code. - the orig approach in was the idea of making payload fields `.pld: Raw` wherein we could have per-field/sub-msg decoders dynamically loaded depending on the particular application-layer schema in use. I don't want to lose the idea of this since I think it might be useful for an idea I have about capability-based-fields(-sharing, maybe using field-subset encryption?), and as such i've kept the (ostensibly) working impls in TODO-comments in `.msg._codec` wherein maybe we can add a `MsgCodec._payload_decs: dict` table for this later on. |_ also left in the `.msg.types.enc/decmsg()` impls but renamed as `enc/dec_payload()` (but reworked to not rely on the lifo codec stack tables; now removed) such that we can prolly move them to `MsgCodec` methods in the future. - add an unused `._codec.mk_tagged_union_dec()` helper which was originally factored out the #311 proto-code but didn't end up working as desired with the new parameterized generic fields approach (now in `msg.types.mk_msg_spec()`) Testing/deps work: ------ - ------ - new `test_limit_msgspec()` which ensures all the `.types` content is correct but without using the wrapping APIs in `._codec`; i.e. using a in-line `Decoder` instead of a `MsgCodec`. - pin us to `msgspec>=0.18.5` which has the needed generic-types support (which took me way too long yester to figure out when implementing all this XD)!
2024-03-28 14:45:01 +00:00
def chk_pld_type(
Be mega pedantic with msg-spec building Turns out the generics based payload speccing API, as in, DOES WORK properly as long as we don't rely on inheritance from `Msg` a parent `Generic`.. So let's get real pedantic in the `mk_msg_spec()` internals as well as verification in the test suite! Fixes in `.msg.types`: - implement (as part of tinker testing) multiple spec union building methods via a `spec_build_method: str` to `mk_msg_spec()` and leave a buncha notes around what did and didn't work: - 'indexed_generics' is the only method THAT WORKS and the one that you'd expect being closest to the `msgspec` docs (link above). - 'defstruct' using dynamically defined msgs => doesn't work! - 'types_new_class' using dynamically defined msgs but with `types.new_clas()` => ALSO doesn't work.. - explicitly separate the `.pld` type-constrainable by user code msg set into `types._payload_spec_msgs` putting the others in a `types._runtime_spec_msgs` and the full set defined as `.__spec__` (moving it out of the pkg-mod and back to `.types` as well). - for the `_payload_spec_msgs` msgs manually make them inherit `Generic[PayloadT]` and (redunantly) define a `.pld: PayloadT` field. - make `IpcCtxSpec.functype` an in line `Literal`. - toss in some TODO notes about choosing a better `Msg.cid` type. Fixes/tweaks around `.msg._codec`: - rename `MsgCodec.ipc/pld_msg_spec` -> `.msg/pld_spec` - make `._enc/._dec` non optional fields - wow, ^facepalm^ , make sure `._ipc.MsgpackTCPStream.__init__()` uses `mk_codec()` since `MsgCodec` can't be (easily) constructed directly. Get more detailed in testing: - inside the `chk_pld_type()` helper ensure `roundtrip` is always set to some value, `None` by default but a bool depending on legit outcome. - drop input `generic`; no longer used. - drop the masked `typedef` loop from `Msg.__subclasses__()`. - for add an `expect_roundtrip: bool` and use to jump into debugger when any expectation doesn't match the outcome. - use new `MsgCodec` field names (as per first section above). - ensure the encoded msg matches the decoded one from both the ad-hoc decoder and codec loaded values. - ensure the pld checking is only applied to msgs in the `types._payload_spec_msgs` set by `typef.__name__` filtering since `mk_msg_spec()` now returns the full `.types.Msg` set.
2024-03-29 22:46:37 +00:00
payload_spec: Type[Struct]|Any,
Init def of "SC shuttle prot" with "msg-spec-limiting" As per the long outstanding GH issue this starts our rigorous journey into an attempt at a type-safe, cross-actor SC, IPC protocol Bo boop -> The idea is to "formally" define our SC "shuttle (dialog) protocol" by specifying a new `.msg.types.Msg` subtype-set which can fully encapsulate all IPC msg schemas needed in order to accomplish cross-process SC! The msg set deviated a little in terms of (type) names from the existing `dict`-msgs currently used in the runtime impl but, I think the name changes are much better in terms of explicitly representing the internal semantics of the actor runtime machinery/subsystems and the IPC-msg-dialog required for SC enforced RPC. ------ - ------ In cursory, the new formal msgs-spec includes the following msg-subtypes of a new top-level `Msg` boxing type (that holds the base field schema for all msgs): - `Start` to request RPC task scheduling by passing a `FuncSpec` payload (to replace the currently used `{'cmd': ... }` dict msg impl) - `StartAck` to allow the RPC task callee-side to report a `IpcCtxSpec` payload immediately back to the caller (currently responded naively via a `{'functype': ... }` msg) - `Started` to deliver the first value from `Context.started()` (instead of the existing `{'started': ... }`) - `Yield` to shuttle `MsgStream.send()`-ed values (instead of our `{'yield': ... }`) - `Stop` to terminate a `Context.open_stream()` session/block (over `{'stop': True }`) - `Return` to deliver the final value from the `Actor.start_remote_task()` (which is a `{'return': ... }`) - `Error` to box `RemoteActorError` exceptions via a `.pld: ErrorData` payload, planned to replace/extend the current `RemoteActorError.msgdata` mechanism internal to `._exceptions.pack/unpack_error()` The new `tractor.msg.types` includes all the above msg defs as well an API for rendering a "payload type specification" using a `payload_type_spec: Union[Type]` that can be passed to `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(type=payload_type_spec)`. This ensures that (for a subset of the above msg set) `Msg.pld: PayloadT` data is type-parameterized using `msgspec`'s new `Generic[PayloadT]` field support and thus enables providing for an API where IPC `Context` dialogs can strictly define the allowed payload-datatype-set via type union! Iow, this is the foundation for supporting `Channel`/`Context`/`MsgStream` IPC primitives which are type checked/safe as desired in GH issue: - Misc notes on current impl(s) status: ------ - ------ - add a `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` which uses the new `msgspec` support for `class MyStruct[Struct, Generic[T]]` parameterize-able fields and delivers our boxing SC-msg-(sub)set with the desired `payload_types` applied to `.pld`: - - as a note this impl seems to need to use `type.new_class()` dynamic subtype generation, though i don't really get *why* still.. but without that the `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` doesn't seem to reject `.pld` limited `Msg` subtypes as demonstrated in the new test. - around this ^ add a `.msg._codec.limit_msg_spec()` cm which exposes this payload type limiting API such that it can be applied per task via a `MsgCodec` in app code. - the orig approach in was the idea of making payload fields `.pld: Raw` wherein we could have per-field/sub-msg decoders dynamically loaded depending on the particular application-layer schema in use. I don't want to lose the idea of this since I think it might be useful for an idea I have about capability-based-fields(-sharing, maybe using field-subset encryption?), and as such i've kept the (ostensibly) working impls in TODO-comments in `.msg._codec` wherein maybe we can add a `MsgCodec._payload_decs: dict` table for this later on. |_ also left in the `.msg.types.enc/decmsg()` impls but renamed as `enc/dec_payload()` (but reworked to not rely on the lifo codec stack tables; now removed) such that we can prolly move them to `MsgCodec` methods in the future. - add an unused `._codec.mk_tagged_union_dec()` helper which was originally factored out the #311 proto-code but didn't end up working as desired with the new parameterized generic fields approach (now in `msg.types.mk_msg_spec()`) Testing/deps work: ------ - ------ - new `test_limit_msgspec()` which ensures all the `.types` content is correct but without using the wrapping APIs in `._codec`; i.e. using a in-line `Decoder` instead of a `MsgCodec`. - pin us to `msgspec>=0.18.5` which has the needed generic-types support (which took me way too long yester to figure out when implementing all this XD)!
2024-03-28 14:45:01 +00:00
pld: Any,
Be mega pedantic with msg-spec building Turns out the generics based payload speccing API, as in, DOES WORK properly as long as we don't rely on inheritance from `Msg` a parent `Generic`.. So let's get real pedantic in the `mk_msg_spec()` internals as well as verification in the test suite! Fixes in `.msg.types`: - implement (as part of tinker testing) multiple spec union building methods via a `spec_build_method: str` to `mk_msg_spec()` and leave a buncha notes around what did and didn't work: - 'indexed_generics' is the only method THAT WORKS and the one that you'd expect being closest to the `msgspec` docs (link above). - 'defstruct' using dynamically defined msgs => doesn't work! - 'types_new_class' using dynamically defined msgs but with `types.new_clas()` => ALSO doesn't work.. - explicitly separate the `.pld` type-constrainable by user code msg set into `types._payload_spec_msgs` putting the others in a `types._runtime_spec_msgs` and the full set defined as `.__spec__` (moving it out of the pkg-mod and back to `.types` as well). - for the `_payload_spec_msgs` msgs manually make them inherit `Generic[PayloadT]` and (redunantly) define a `.pld: PayloadT` field. - make `IpcCtxSpec.functype` an in line `Literal`. - toss in some TODO notes about choosing a better `Msg.cid` type. Fixes/tweaks around `.msg._codec`: - rename `MsgCodec.ipc/pld_msg_spec` -> `.msg/pld_spec` - make `._enc/._dec` non optional fields - wow, ^facepalm^ , make sure `._ipc.MsgpackTCPStream.__init__()` uses `mk_codec()` since `MsgCodec` can't be (easily) constructed directly. Get more detailed in testing: - inside the `chk_pld_type()` helper ensure `roundtrip` is always set to some value, `None` by default but a bool depending on legit outcome. - drop input `generic`; no longer used. - drop the masked `typedef` loop from `Msg.__subclasses__()`. - for add an `expect_roundtrip: bool` and use to jump into debugger when any expectation doesn't match the outcome. - use new `MsgCodec` field names (as per first section above). - ensure the encoded msg matches the decoded one from both the ad-hoc decoder and codec loaded values. - ensure the pld checking is only applied to msgs in the `types._payload_spec_msgs` set by `typef.__name__` filtering since `mk_msg_spec()` now returns the full `.types.Msg` set.
2024-03-29 22:46:37 +00:00
expect_roundtrip: bool|None = None,
Init def of "SC shuttle prot" with "msg-spec-limiting" As per the long outstanding GH issue this starts our rigorous journey into an attempt at a type-safe, cross-actor SC, IPC protocol Bo boop -> The idea is to "formally" define our SC "shuttle (dialog) protocol" by specifying a new `.msg.types.Msg` subtype-set which can fully encapsulate all IPC msg schemas needed in order to accomplish cross-process SC! The msg set deviated a little in terms of (type) names from the existing `dict`-msgs currently used in the runtime impl but, I think the name changes are much better in terms of explicitly representing the internal semantics of the actor runtime machinery/subsystems and the IPC-msg-dialog required for SC enforced RPC. ------ - ------ In cursory, the new formal msgs-spec includes the following msg-subtypes of a new top-level `Msg` boxing type (that holds the base field schema for all msgs): - `Start` to request RPC task scheduling by passing a `FuncSpec` payload (to replace the currently used `{'cmd': ... }` dict msg impl) - `StartAck` to allow the RPC task callee-side to report a `IpcCtxSpec` payload immediately back to the caller (currently responded naively via a `{'functype': ... }` msg) - `Started` to deliver the first value from `Context.started()` (instead of the existing `{'started': ... }`) - `Yield` to shuttle `MsgStream.send()`-ed values (instead of our `{'yield': ... }`) - `Stop` to terminate a `Context.open_stream()` session/block (over `{'stop': True }`) - `Return` to deliver the final value from the `Actor.start_remote_task()` (which is a `{'return': ... }`) - `Error` to box `RemoteActorError` exceptions via a `.pld: ErrorData` payload, planned to replace/extend the current `RemoteActorError.msgdata` mechanism internal to `._exceptions.pack/unpack_error()` The new `tractor.msg.types` includes all the above msg defs as well an API for rendering a "payload type specification" using a `payload_type_spec: Union[Type]` that can be passed to `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(type=payload_type_spec)`. This ensures that (for a subset of the above msg set) `Msg.pld: PayloadT` data is type-parameterized using `msgspec`'s new `Generic[PayloadT]` field support and thus enables providing for an API where IPC `Context` dialogs can strictly define the allowed payload-datatype-set via type union! Iow, this is the foundation for supporting `Channel`/`Context`/`MsgStream` IPC primitives which are type checked/safe as desired in GH issue: - Misc notes on current impl(s) status: ------ - ------ - add a `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` which uses the new `msgspec` support for `class MyStruct[Struct, Generic[T]]` parameterize-able fields and delivers our boxing SC-msg-(sub)set with the desired `payload_types` applied to `.pld`: - - as a note this impl seems to need to use `type.new_class()` dynamic subtype generation, though i don't really get *why* still.. but without that the `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` doesn't seem to reject `.pld` limited `Msg` subtypes as demonstrated in the new test. - around this ^ add a `.msg._codec.limit_msg_spec()` cm which exposes this payload type limiting API such that it can be applied per task via a `MsgCodec` in app code. - the orig approach in was the idea of making payload fields `.pld: Raw` wherein we could have per-field/sub-msg decoders dynamically loaded depending on the particular application-layer schema in use. I don't want to lose the idea of this since I think it might be useful for an idea I have about capability-based-fields(-sharing, maybe using field-subset encryption?), and as such i've kept the (ostensibly) working impls in TODO-comments in `.msg._codec` wherein maybe we can add a `MsgCodec._payload_decs: dict` table for this later on. |_ also left in the `.msg.types.enc/decmsg()` impls but renamed as `enc/dec_payload()` (but reworked to not rely on the lifo codec stack tables; now removed) such that we can prolly move them to `MsgCodec` methods in the future. - add an unused `._codec.mk_tagged_union_dec()` helper which was originally factored out the #311 proto-code but didn't end up working as desired with the new parameterized generic fields approach (now in `msg.types.mk_msg_spec()`) Testing/deps work: ------ - ------ - new `test_limit_msgspec()` which ensures all the `.types` content is correct but without using the wrapping APIs in `._codec`; i.e. using a in-line `Decoder` instead of a `MsgCodec`. - pin us to `msgspec>=0.18.5` which has the needed generic-types support (which took me way too long yester to figure out when implementing all this XD)!
2024-03-28 14:45:01 +00:00
) -> bool:
pld_val_type: Type = type(pld)
# TODO: verify that the overridden subtypes
# DO NOT have modified type-annots from original!
# 'Start', .pld: FuncSpec
# 'StartAck', .pld: IpcCtxSpec
# 'Stop', .pld: UNSEt
# 'Error', .pld: ErrorData
Be mega pedantic with msg-spec building Turns out the generics based payload speccing API, as in, DOES WORK properly as long as we don't rely on inheritance from `Msg` a parent `Generic`.. So let's get real pedantic in the `mk_msg_spec()` internals as well as verification in the test suite! Fixes in `.msg.types`: - implement (as part of tinker testing) multiple spec union building methods via a `spec_build_method: str` to `mk_msg_spec()` and leave a buncha notes around what did and didn't work: - 'indexed_generics' is the only method THAT WORKS and the one that you'd expect being closest to the `msgspec` docs (link above). - 'defstruct' using dynamically defined msgs => doesn't work! - 'types_new_class' using dynamically defined msgs but with `types.new_clas()` => ALSO doesn't work.. - explicitly separate the `.pld` type-constrainable by user code msg set into `types._payload_spec_msgs` putting the others in a `types._runtime_spec_msgs` and the full set defined as `.__spec__` (moving it out of the pkg-mod and back to `.types` as well). - for the `_payload_spec_msgs` msgs manually make them inherit `Generic[PayloadT]` and (redunantly) define a `.pld: PayloadT` field. - make `IpcCtxSpec.functype` an in line `Literal`. - toss in some TODO notes about choosing a better `Msg.cid` type. Fixes/tweaks around `.msg._codec`: - rename `MsgCodec.ipc/pld_msg_spec` -> `.msg/pld_spec` - make `._enc/._dec` non optional fields - wow, ^facepalm^ , make sure `._ipc.MsgpackTCPStream.__init__()` uses `mk_codec()` since `MsgCodec` can't be (easily) constructed directly. Get more detailed in testing: - inside the `chk_pld_type()` helper ensure `roundtrip` is always set to some value, `None` by default but a bool depending on legit outcome. - drop input `generic`; no longer used. - drop the masked `typedef` loop from `Msg.__subclasses__()`. - for add an `expect_roundtrip: bool` and use to jump into debugger when any expectation doesn't match the outcome. - use new `MsgCodec` field names (as per first section above). - ensure the encoded msg matches the decoded one from both the ad-hoc decoder and codec loaded values. - ensure the pld checking is only applied to msgs in the `types._payload_spec_msgs` set by `typef.__name__` filtering since `mk_msg_spec()` now returns the full `.types.Msg` set.
2024-03-29 22:46:37 +00:00
codec: MsgCodec = mk_codec(
# NOTE: this ONLY accepts `PayloadMsg.pld` fields of a specified
Be mega pedantic with msg-spec building Turns out the generics based payload speccing API, as in, DOES WORK properly as long as we don't rely on inheritance from `Msg` a parent `Generic`.. So let's get real pedantic in the `mk_msg_spec()` internals as well as verification in the test suite! Fixes in `.msg.types`: - implement (as part of tinker testing) multiple spec union building methods via a `spec_build_method: str` to `mk_msg_spec()` and leave a buncha notes around what did and didn't work: - 'indexed_generics' is the only method THAT WORKS and the one that you'd expect being closest to the `msgspec` docs (link above). - 'defstruct' using dynamically defined msgs => doesn't work! - 'types_new_class' using dynamically defined msgs but with `types.new_clas()` => ALSO doesn't work.. - explicitly separate the `.pld` type-constrainable by user code msg set into `types._payload_spec_msgs` putting the others in a `types._runtime_spec_msgs` and the full set defined as `.__spec__` (moving it out of the pkg-mod and back to `.types` as well). - for the `_payload_spec_msgs` msgs manually make them inherit `Generic[PayloadT]` and (redunantly) define a `.pld: PayloadT` field. - make `IpcCtxSpec.functype` an in line `Literal`. - toss in some TODO notes about choosing a better `Msg.cid` type. Fixes/tweaks around `.msg._codec`: - rename `MsgCodec.ipc/pld_msg_spec` -> `.msg/pld_spec` - make `._enc/._dec` non optional fields - wow, ^facepalm^ , make sure `._ipc.MsgpackTCPStream.__init__()` uses `mk_codec()` since `MsgCodec` can't be (easily) constructed directly. Get more detailed in testing: - inside the `chk_pld_type()` helper ensure `roundtrip` is always set to some value, `None` by default but a bool depending on legit outcome. - drop input `generic`; no longer used. - drop the masked `typedef` loop from `Msg.__subclasses__()`. - for add an `expect_roundtrip: bool` and use to jump into debugger when any expectation doesn't match the outcome. - use new `MsgCodec` field names (as per first section above). - ensure the encoded msg matches the decoded one from both the ad-hoc decoder and codec loaded values. - ensure the pld checking is only applied to msgs in the `types._payload_spec_msgs` set by `typef.__name__` filtering since `mk_msg_spec()` now returns the full `.types.Msg` set.
2024-03-29 22:46:37 +00:00
# type union.
# make a one-off dec to compare with our `MsgCodec` instance
# which does the below `mk_msg_spec()` call internally
Be mega pedantic with msg-spec building Turns out the generics based payload speccing API, as in, DOES WORK properly as long as we don't rely on inheritance from `Msg` a parent `Generic`.. So let's get real pedantic in the `mk_msg_spec()` internals as well as verification in the test suite! Fixes in `.msg.types`: - implement (as part of tinker testing) multiple spec union building methods via a `spec_build_method: str` to `mk_msg_spec()` and leave a buncha notes around what did and didn't work: - 'indexed_generics' is the only method THAT WORKS and the one that you'd expect being closest to the `msgspec` docs (link above). - 'defstruct' using dynamically defined msgs => doesn't work! - 'types_new_class' using dynamically defined msgs but with `types.new_clas()` => ALSO doesn't work.. - explicitly separate the `.pld` type-constrainable by user code msg set into `types._payload_spec_msgs` putting the others in a `types._runtime_spec_msgs` and the full set defined as `.__spec__` (moving it out of the pkg-mod and back to `.types` as well). - for the `_payload_spec_msgs` msgs manually make them inherit `Generic[PayloadT]` and (redunantly) define a `.pld: PayloadT` field. - make `IpcCtxSpec.functype` an in line `Literal`. - toss in some TODO notes about choosing a better `Msg.cid` type. Fixes/tweaks around `.msg._codec`: - rename `MsgCodec.ipc/pld_msg_spec` -> `.msg/pld_spec` - make `._enc/._dec` non optional fields - wow, ^facepalm^ , make sure `._ipc.MsgpackTCPStream.__init__()` uses `mk_codec()` since `MsgCodec` can't be (easily) constructed directly. Get more detailed in testing: - inside the `chk_pld_type()` helper ensure `roundtrip` is always set to some value, `None` by default but a bool depending on legit outcome. - drop input `generic`; no longer used. - drop the masked `typedef` loop from `Msg.__subclasses__()`. - for add an `expect_roundtrip: bool` and use to jump into debugger when any expectation doesn't match the outcome. - use new `MsgCodec` field names (as per first section above). - ensure the encoded msg matches the decoded one from both the ad-hoc decoder and codec loaded values. - ensure the pld checking is only applied to msgs in the `types._payload_spec_msgs` set by `typef.__name__` filtering since `mk_msg_spec()` now returns the full `.types.Msg` set.
2024-03-29 22:46:37 +00:00
ipc_msg_spec: Union[Type[Struct]]
msg_types: list[PayloadMsg[payload_spec]]
Init def of "SC shuttle prot" with "msg-spec-limiting" As per the long outstanding GH issue this starts our rigorous journey into an attempt at a type-safe, cross-actor SC, IPC protocol Bo boop -> The idea is to "formally" define our SC "shuttle (dialog) protocol" by specifying a new `.msg.types.Msg` subtype-set which can fully encapsulate all IPC msg schemas needed in order to accomplish cross-process SC! The msg set deviated a little in terms of (type) names from the existing `dict`-msgs currently used in the runtime impl but, I think the name changes are much better in terms of explicitly representing the internal semantics of the actor runtime machinery/subsystems and the IPC-msg-dialog required for SC enforced RPC. ------ - ------ In cursory, the new formal msgs-spec includes the following msg-subtypes of a new top-level `Msg` boxing type (that holds the base field schema for all msgs): - `Start` to request RPC task scheduling by passing a `FuncSpec` payload (to replace the currently used `{'cmd': ... }` dict msg impl) - `StartAck` to allow the RPC task callee-side to report a `IpcCtxSpec` payload immediately back to the caller (currently responded naively via a `{'functype': ... }` msg) - `Started` to deliver the first value from `Context.started()` (instead of the existing `{'started': ... }`) - `Yield` to shuttle `MsgStream.send()`-ed values (instead of our `{'yield': ... }`) - `Stop` to terminate a `Context.open_stream()` session/block (over `{'stop': True }`) - `Return` to deliver the final value from the `Actor.start_remote_task()` (which is a `{'return': ... }`) - `Error` to box `RemoteActorError` exceptions via a `.pld: ErrorData` payload, planned to replace/extend the current `RemoteActorError.msgdata` mechanism internal to `._exceptions.pack/unpack_error()` The new `tractor.msg.types` includes all the above msg defs as well an API for rendering a "payload type specification" using a `payload_type_spec: Union[Type]` that can be passed to `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(type=payload_type_spec)`. This ensures that (for a subset of the above msg set) `Msg.pld: PayloadT` data is type-parameterized using `msgspec`'s new `Generic[PayloadT]` field support and thus enables providing for an API where IPC `Context` dialogs can strictly define the allowed payload-datatype-set via type union! Iow, this is the foundation for supporting `Channel`/`Context`/`MsgStream` IPC primitives which are type checked/safe as desired in GH issue: - Misc notes on current impl(s) status: ------ - ------ - add a `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` which uses the new `msgspec` support for `class MyStruct[Struct, Generic[T]]` parameterize-able fields and delivers our boxing SC-msg-(sub)set with the desired `payload_types` applied to `.pld`: - - as a note this impl seems to need to use `type.new_class()` dynamic subtype generation, though i don't really get *why* still.. but without that the `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` doesn't seem to reject `.pld` limited `Msg` subtypes as demonstrated in the new test. - around this ^ add a `.msg._codec.limit_msg_spec()` cm which exposes this payload type limiting API such that it can be applied per task via a `MsgCodec` in app code. - the orig approach in was the idea of making payload fields `.pld: Raw` wherein we could have per-field/sub-msg decoders dynamically loaded depending on the particular application-layer schema in use. I don't want to lose the idea of this since I think it might be useful for an idea I have about capability-based-fields(-sharing, maybe using field-subset encryption?), and as such i've kept the (ostensibly) working impls in TODO-comments in `.msg._codec` wherein maybe we can add a `MsgCodec._payload_decs: dict` table for this later on. |_ also left in the `.msg.types.enc/decmsg()` impls but renamed as `enc/dec_payload()` (but reworked to not rely on the lifo codec stack tables; now removed) such that we can prolly move them to `MsgCodec` methods in the future. - add an unused `._codec.mk_tagged_union_dec()` helper which was originally factored out the #311 proto-code but didn't end up working as desired with the new parameterized generic fields approach (now in `msg.types.mk_msg_spec()`) Testing/deps work: ------ - ------ - new `test_limit_msgspec()` which ensures all the `.types` content is correct but without using the wrapping APIs in `._codec`; i.e. using a in-line `Decoder` instead of a `MsgCodec`. - pin us to `msgspec>=0.18.5` which has the needed generic-types support (which took me way too long yester to figure out when implementing all this XD)!
2024-03-28 14:45:01 +00:00
Be mega pedantic with msg-spec building Turns out the generics based payload speccing API, as in, DOES WORK properly as long as we don't rely on inheritance from `Msg` a parent `Generic`.. So let's get real pedantic in the `mk_msg_spec()` internals as well as verification in the test suite! Fixes in `.msg.types`: - implement (as part of tinker testing) multiple spec union building methods via a `spec_build_method: str` to `mk_msg_spec()` and leave a buncha notes around what did and didn't work: - 'indexed_generics' is the only method THAT WORKS and the one that you'd expect being closest to the `msgspec` docs (link above). - 'defstruct' using dynamically defined msgs => doesn't work! - 'types_new_class' using dynamically defined msgs but with `types.new_clas()` => ALSO doesn't work.. - explicitly separate the `.pld` type-constrainable by user code msg set into `types._payload_spec_msgs` putting the others in a `types._runtime_spec_msgs` and the full set defined as `.__spec__` (moving it out of the pkg-mod and back to `.types` as well). - for the `_payload_spec_msgs` msgs manually make them inherit `Generic[PayloadT]` and (redunantly) define a `.pld: PayloadT` field. - make `IpcCtxSpec.functype` an in line `Literal`. - toss in some TODO notes about choosing a better `Msg.cid` type. Fixes/tweaks around `.msg._codec`: - rename `MsgCodec.ipc/pld_msg_spec` -> `.msg/pld_spec` - make `._enc/._dec` non optional fields - wow, ^facepalm^ , make sure `._ipc.MsgpackTCPStream.__init__()` uses `mk_codec()` since `MsgCodec` can't be (easily) constructed directly. Get more detailed in testing: - inside the `chk_pld_type()` helper ensure `roundtrip` is always set to some value, `None` by default but a bool depending on legit outcome. - drop input `generic`; no longer used. - drop the masked `typedef` loop from `Msg.__subclasses__()`. - for add an `expect_roundtrip: bool` and use to jump into debugger when any expectation doesn't match the outcome. - use new `MsgCodec` field names (as per first section above). - ensure the encoded msg matches the decoded one from both the ad-hoc decoder and codec loaded values. - ensure the pld checking is only applied to msgs in the `types._payload_spec_msgs` set by `typef.__name__` filtering since `mk_msg_spec()` now returns the full `.types.Msg` set.
2024-03-29 22:46:37 +00:00
Init def of "SC shuttle prot" with "msg-spec-limiting" As per the long outstanding GH issue this starts our rigorous journey into an attempt at a type-safe, cross-actor SC, IPC protocol Bo boop -> The idea is to "formally" define our SC "shuttle (dialog) protocol" by specifying a new `.msg.types.Msg` subtype-set which can fully encapsulate all IPC msg schemas needed in order to accomplish cross-process SC! The msg set deviated a little in terms of (type) names from the existing `dict`-msgs currently used in the runtime impl but, I think the name changes are much better in terms of explicitly representing the internal semantics of the actor runtime machinery/subsystems and the IPC-msg-dialog required for SC enforced RPC. ------ - ------ In cursory, the new formal msgs-spec includes the following msg-subtypes of a new top-level `Msg` boxing type (that holds the base field schema for all msgs): - `Start` to request RPC task scheduling by passing a `FuncSpec` payload (to replace the currently used `{'cmd': ... }` dict msg impl) - `StartAck` to allow the RPC task callee-side to report a `IpcCtxSpec` payload immediately back to the caller (currently responded naively via a `{'functype': ... }` msg) - `Started` to deliver the first value from `Context.started()` (instead of the existing `{'started': ... }`) - `Yield` to shuttle `MsgStream.send()`-ed values (instead of our `{'yield': ... }`) - `Stop` to terminate a `Context.open_stream()` session/block (over `{'stop': True }`) - `Return` to deliver the final value from the `Actor.start_remote_task()` (which is a `{'return': ... }`) - `Error` to box `RemoteActorError` exceptions via a `.pld: ErrorData` payload, planned to replace/extend the current `RemoteActorError.msgdata` mechanism internal to `._exceptions.pack/unpack_error()` The new `tractor.msg.types` includes all the above msg defs as well an API for rendering a "payload type specification" using a `payload_type_spec: Union[Type]` that can be passed to `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(type=payload_type_spec)`. This ensures that (for a subset of the above msg set) `Msg.pld: PayloadT` data is type-parameterized using `msgspec`'s new `Generic[PayloadT]` field support and thus enables providing for an API where IPC `Context` dialogs can strictly define the allowed payload-datatype-set via type union! Iow, this is the foundation for supporting `Channel`/`Context`/`MsgStream` IPC primitives which are type checked/safe as desired in GH issue: - Misc notes on current impl(s) status: ------ - ------ - add a `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` which uses the new `msgspec` support for `class MyStruct[Struct, Generic[T]]` parameterize-able fields and delivers our boxing SC-msg-(sub)set with the desired `payload_types` applied to `.pld`: - - as a note this impl seems to need to use `type.new_class()` dynamic subtype generation, though i don't really get *why* still.. but without that the `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` doesn't seem to reject `.pld` limited `Msg` subtypes as demonstrated in the new test. - around this ^ add a `.msg._codec.limit_msg_spec()` cm which exposes this payload type limiting API such that it can be applied per task via a `MsgCodec` in app code. - the orig approach in was the idea of making payload fields `.pld: Raw` wherein we could have per-field/sub-msg decoders dynamically loaded depending on the particular application-layer schema in use. I don't want to lose the idea of this since I think it might be useful for an idea I have about capability-based-fields(-sharing, maybe using field-subset encryption?), and as such i've kept the (ostensibly) working impls in TODO-comments in `.msg._codec` wherein maybe we can add a `MsgCodec._payload_decs: dict` table for this later on. |_ also left in the `.msg.types.enc/decmsg()` impls but renamed as `enc/dec_payload()` (but reworked to not rely on the lifo codec stack tables; now removed) such that we can prolly move them to `MsgCodec` methods in the future. - add an unused `._codec.mk_tagged_union_dec()` helper which was originally factored out the #311 proto-code but didn't end up working as desired with the new parameterized generic fields approach (now in `msg.types.mk_msg_spec()`) Testing/deps work: ------ - ------ - new `test_limit_msgspec()` which ensures all the `.types` content is correct but without using the wrapping APIs in `._codec`; i.e. using a in-line `Decoder` instead of a `MsgCodec`. - pin us to `msgspec>=0.18.5` which has the needed generic-types support (which took me way too long yester to figure out when implementing all this XD)!
2024-03-28 14:45:01 +00:00
) = mk_msg_spec(
Be mega pedantic with msg-spec building Turns out the generics based payload speccing API, as in, DOES WORK properly as long as we don't rely on inheritance from `Msg` a parent `Generic`.. So let's get real pedantic in the `mk_msg_spec()` internals as well as verification in the test suite! Fixes in `.msg.types`: - implement (as part of tinker testing) multiple spec union building methods via a `spec_build_method: str` to `mk_msg_spec()` and leave a buncha notes around what did and didn't work: - 'indexed_generics' is the only method THAT WORKS and the one that you'd expect being closest to the `msgspec` docs (link above). - 'defstruct' using dynamically defined msgs => doesn't work! - 'types_new_class' using dynamically defined msgs but with `types.new_clas()` => ALSO doesn't work.. - explicitly separate the `.pld` type-constrainable by user code msg set into `types._payload_spec_msgs` putting the others in a `types._runtime_spec_msgs` and the full set defined as `.__spec__` (moving it out of the pkg-mod and back to `.types` as well). - for the `_payload_spec_msgs` msgs manually make them inherit `Generic[PayloadT]` and (redunantly) define a `.pld: PayloadT` field. - make `IpcCtxSpec.functype` an in line `Literal`. - toss in some TODO notes about choosing a better `Msg.cid` type. Fixes/tweaks around `.msg._codec`: - rename `MsgCodec.ipc/pld_msg_spec` -> `.msg/pld_spec` - make `._enc/._dec` non optional fields - wow, ^facepalm^ , make sure `._ipc.MsgpackTCPStream.__init__()` uses `mk_codec()` since `MsgCodec` can't be (easily) constructed directly. Get more detailed in testing: - inside the `chk_pld_type()` helper ensure `roundtrip` is always set to some value, `None` by default but a bool depending on legit outcome. - drop input `generic`; no longer used. - drop the masked `typedef` loop from `Msg.__subclasses__()`. - for add an `expect_roundtrip: bool` and use to jump into debugger when any expectation doesn't match the outcome. - use new `MsgCodec` field names (as per first section above). - ensure the encoded msg matches the decoded one from both the ad-hoc decoder and codec loaded values. - ensure the pld checking is only applied to msgs in the `types._payload_spec_msgs` set by `typef.__name__` filtering since `mk_msg_spec()` now returns the full `.types.Msg` set.
2024-03-29 22:46:37 +00:00
Init def of "SC shuttle prot" with "msg-spec-limiting" As per the long outstanding GH issue this starts our rigorous journey into an attempt at a type-safe, cross-actor SC, IPC protocol Bo boop -> The idea is to "formally" define our SC "shuttle (dialog) protocol" by specifying a new `.msg.types.Msg` subtype-set which can fully encapsulate all IPC msg schemas needed in order to accomplish cross-process SC! The msg set deviated a little in terms of (type) names from the existing `dict`-msgs currently used in the runtime impl but, I think the name changes are much better in terms of explicitly representing the internal semantics of the actor runtime machinery/subsystems and the IPC-msg-dialog required for SC enforced RPC. ------ - ------ In cursory, the new formal msgs-spec includes the following msg-subtypes of a new top-level `Msg` boxing type (that holds the base field schema for all msgs): - `Start` to request RPC task scheduling by passing a `FuncSpec` payload (to replace the currently used `{'cmd': ... }` dict msg impl) - `StartAck` to allow the RPC task callee-side to report a `IpcCtxSpec` payload immediately back to the caller (currently responded naively via a `{'functype': ... }` msg) - `Started` to deliver the first value from `Context.started()` (instead of the existing `{'started': ... }`) - `Yield` to shuttle `MsgStream.send()`-ed values (instead of our `{'yield': ... }`) - `Stop` to terminate a `Context.open_stream()` session/block (over `{'stop': True }`) - `Return` to deliver the final value from the `Actor.start_remote_task()` (which is a `{'return': ... }`) - `Error` to box `RemoteActorError` exceptions via a `.pld: ErrorData` payload, planned to replace/extend the current `RemoteActorError.msgdata` mechanism internal to `._exceptions.pack/unpack_error()` The new `tractor.msg.types` includes all the above msg defs as well an API for rendering a "payload type specification" using a `payload_type_spec: Union[Type]` that can be passed to `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(type=payload_type_spec)`. This ensures that (for a subset of the above msg set) `Msg.pld: PayloadT` data is type-parameterized using `msgspec`'s new `Generic[PayloadT]` field support and thus enables providing for an API where IPC `Context` dialogs can strictly define the allowed payload-datatype-set via type union! Iow, this is the foundation for supporting `Channel`/`Context`/`MsgStream` IPC primitives which are type checked/safe as desired in GH issue: - Misc notes on current impl(s) status: ------ - ------ - add a `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` which uses the new `msgspec` support for `class MyStruct[Struct, Generic[T]]` parameterize-able fields and delivers our boxing SC-msg-(sub)set with the desired `payload_types` applied to `.pld`: - - as a note this impl seems to need to use `type.new_class()` dynamic subtype generation, though i don't really get *why* still.. but without that the `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` doesn't seem to reject `.pld` limited `Msg` subtypes as demonstrated in the new test. - around this ^ add a `.msg._codec.limit_msg_spec()` cm which exposes this payload type limiting API such that it can be applied per task via a `MsgCodec` in app code. - the orig approach in was the idea of making payload fields `.pld: Raw` wherein we could have per-field/sub-msg decoders dynamically loaded depending on the particular application-layer schema in use. I don't want to lose the idea of this since I think it might be useful for an idea I have about capability-based-fields(-sharing, maybe using field-subset encryption?), and as such i've kept the (ostensibly) working impls in TODO-comments in `.msg._codec` wherein maybe we can add a `MsgCodec._payload_decs: dict` table for this later on. |_ also left in the `.msg.types.enc/decmsg()` impls but renamed as `enc/dec_payload()` (but reworked to not rely on the lifo codec stack tables; now removed) such that we can prolly move them to `MsgCodec` methods in the future. - add an unused `._codec.mk_tagged_union_dec()` helper which was originally factored out the #311 proto-code but didn't end up working as desired with the new parameterized generic fields approach (now in `msg.types.mk_msg_spec()`) Testing/deps work: ------ - ------ - new `test_limit_msgspec()` which ensures all the `.types` content is correct but without using the wrapping APIs in `._codec`; i.e. using a in-line `Decoder` instead of a `MsgCodec`. - pin us to `msgspec>=0.18.5` which has the needed generic-types support (which took me way too long yester to figure out when implementing all this XD)!
2024-03-28 14:45:01 +00:00
Be mega pedantic with msg-spec building Turns out the generics based payload speccing API, as in, DOES WORK properly as long as we don't rely on inheritance from `Msg` a parent `Generic`.. So let's get real pedantic in the `mk_msg_spec()` internals as well as verification in the test suite! Fixes in `.msg.types`: - implement (as part of tinker testing) multiple spec union building methods via a `spec_build_method: str` to `mk_msg_spec()` and leave a buncha notes around what did and didn't work: - 'indexed_generics' is the only method THAT WORKS and the one that you'd expect being closest to the `msgspec` docs (link above). - 'defstruct' using dynamically defined msgs => doesn't work! - 'types_new_class' using dynamically defined msgs but with `types.new_clas()` => ALSO doesn't work.. - explicitly separate the `.pld` type-constrainable by user code msg set into `types._payload_spec_msgs` putting the others in a `types._runtime_spec_msgs` and the full set defined as `.__spec__` (moving it out of the pkg-mod and back to `.types` as well). - for the `_payload_spec_msgs` msgs manually make them inherit `Generic[PayloadT]` and (redunantly) define a `.pld: PayloadT` field. - make `IpcCtxSpec.functype` an in line `Literal`. - toss in some TODO notes about choosing a better `Msg.cid` type. Fixes/tweaks around `.msg._codec`: - rename `MsgCodec.ipc/pld_msg_spec` -> `.msg/pld_spec` - make `._enc/._dec` non optional fields - wow, ^facepalm^ , make sure `._ipc.MsgpackTCPStream.__init__()` uses `mk_codec()` since `MsgCodec` can't be (easily) constructed directly. Get more detailed in testing: - inside the `chk_pld_type()` helper ensure `roundtrip` is always set to some value, `None` by default but a bool depending on legit outcome. - drop input `generic`; no longer used. - drop the masked `typedef` loop from `Msg.__subclasses__()`. - for add an `expect_roundtrip: bool` and use to jump into debugger when any expectation doesn't match the outcome. - use new `MsgCodec` field names (as per first section above). - ensure the encoded msg matches the decoded one from both the ad-hoc decoder and codec loaded values. - ensure the pld checking is only applied to msgs in the `types._payload_spec_msgs` set by `typef.__name__` filtering since `mk_msg_spec()` now returns the full `.types.Msg` set.
2024-03-29 22:46:37 +00:00
_enc = msgpack.Encoder()
_dec = msgpack.Decoder(
type=ipc_msg_spec or Any, # like `PayloadMsg[Any]`
Be mega pedantic with msg-spec building Turns out the generics based payload speccing API, as in, DOES WORK properly as long as we don't rely on inheritance from `Msg` a parent `Generic`.. So let's get real pedantic in the `mk_msg_spec()` internals as well as verification in the test suite! Fixes in `.msg.types`: - implement (as part of tinker testing) multiple spec union building methods via a `spec_build_method: str` to `mk_msg_spec()` and leave a buncha notes around what did and didn't work: - 'indexed_generics' is the only method THAT WORKS and the one that you'd expect being closest to the `msgspec` docs (link above). - 'defstruct' using dynamically defined msgs => doesn't work! - 'types_new_class' using dynamically defined msgs but with `types.new_clas()` => ALSO doesn't work.. - explicitly separate the `.pld` type-constrainable by user code msg set into `types._payload_spec_msgs` putting the others in a `types._runtime_spec_msgs` and the full set defined as `.__spec__` (moving it out of the pkg-mod and back to `.types` as well). - for the `_payload_spec_msgs` msgs manually make them inherit `Generic[PayloadT]` and (redunantly) define a `.pld: PayloadT` field. - make `IpcCtxSpec.functype` an in line `Literal`. - toss in some TODO notes about choosing a better `Msg.cid` type. Fixes/tweaks around `.msg._codec`: - rename `MsgCodec.ipc/pld_msg_spec` -> `.msg/pld_spec` - make `._enc/._dec` non optional fields - wow, ^facepalm^ , make sure `._ipc.MsgpackTCPStream.__init__()` uses `mk_codec()` since `MsgCodec` can't be (easily) constructed directly. Get more detailed in testing: - inside the `chk_pld_type()` helper ensure `roundtrip` is always set to some value, `None` by default but a bool depending on legit outcome. - drop input `generic`; no longer used. - drop the masked `typedef` loop from `Msg.__subclasses__()`. - for add an `expect_roundtrip: bool` and use to jump into debugger when any expectation doesn't match the outcome. - use new `MsgCodec` field names (as per first section above). - ensure the encoded msg matches the decoded one from both the ad-hoc decoder and codec loaded values. - ensure the pld checking is only applied to msgs in the `types._payload_spec_msgs` set by `typef.__name__` filtering since `mk_msg_spec()` now returns the full `.types.Msg` set.
2024-03-29 22:46:37 +00:00
assert (
# assert codec.dec == dec
Be mega pedantic with msg-spec building Turns out the generics based payload speccing API, as in, DOES WORK properly as long as we don't rely on inheritance from `Msg` a parent `Generic`.. So let's get real pedantic in the `mk_msg_spec()` internals as well as verification in the test suite! Fixes in `.msg.types`: - implement (as part of tinker testing) multiple spec union building methods via a `spec_build_method: str` to `mk_msg_spec()` and leave a buncha notes around what did and didn't work: - 'indexed_generics' is the only method THAT WORKS and the one that you'd expect being closest to the `msgspec` docs (link above). - 'defstruct' using dynamically defined msgs => doesn't work! - 'types_new_class' using dynamically defined msgs but with `types.new_clas()` => ALSO doesn't work.. - explicitly separate the `.pld` type-constrainable by user code msg set into `types._payload_spec_msgs` putting the others in a `types._runtime_spec_msgs` and the full set defined as `.__spec__` (moving it out of the pkg-mod and back to `.types` as well). - for the `_payload_spec_msgs` msgs manually make them inherit `Generic[PayloadT]` and (redunantly) define a `.pld: PayloadT` field. - make `IpcCtxSpec.functype` an in line `Literal`. - toss in some TODO notes about choosing a better `Msg.cid` type. Fixes/tweaks around `.msg._codec`: - rename `MsgCodec.ipc/pld_msg_spec` -> `.msg/pld_spec` - make `._enc/._dec` non optional fields - wow, ^facepalm^ , make sure `._ipc.MsgpackTCPStream.__init__()` uses `mk_codec()` since `MsgCodec` can't be (easily) constructed directly. Get more detailed in testing: - inside the `chk_pld_type()` helper ensure `roundtrip` is always set to some value, `None` by default but a bool depending on legit outcome. - drop input `generic`; no longer used. - drop the masked `typedef` loop from `Msg.__subclasses__()`. - for add an `expect_roundtrip: bool` and use to jump into debugger when any expectation doesn't match the outcome. - use new `MsgCodec` field names (as per first section above). - ensure the encoded msg matches the decoded one from both the ad-hoc decoder and codec loaded values. - ensure the pld checking is only applied to msgs in the `types._payload_spec_msgs` set by `typef.__name__` filtering since `mk_msg_spec()` now returns the full `.types.Msg` set.
2024-03-29 22:46:37 +00:00
# ^-XXX-^ not sure why these aren't "equal" but when cast
# to `str` they seem to match ?? .. kk
Be mega pedantic with msg-spec building Turns out the generics based payload speccing API, as in, DOES WORK properly as long as we don't rely on inheritance from `Msg` a parent `Generic`.. So let's get real pedantic in the `mk_msg_spec()` internals as well as verification in the test suite! Fixes in `.msg.types`: - implement (as part of tinker testing) multiple spec union building methods via a `spec_build_method: str` to `mk_msg_spec()` and leave a buncha notes around what did and didn't work: - 'indexed_generics' is the only method THAT WORKS and the one that you'd expect being closest to the `msgspec` docs (link above). - 'defstruct' using dynamically defined msgs => doesn't work! - 'types_new_class' using dynamically defined msgs but with `types.new_clas()` => ALSO doesn't work.. - explicitly separate the `.pld` type-constrainable by user code msg set into `types._payload_spec_msgs` putting the others in a `types._runtime_spec_msgs` and the full set defined as `.__spec__` (moving it out of the pkg-mod and back to `.types` as well). - for the `_payload_spec_msgs` msgs manually make them inherit `Generic[PayloadT]` and (redunantly) define a `.pld: PayloadT` field. - make `IpcCtxSpec.functype` an in line `Literal`. - toss in some TODO notes about choosing a better `Msg.cid` type. Fixes/tweaks around `.msg._codec`: - rename `MsgCodec.ipc/pld_msg_spec` -> `.msg/pld_spec` - make `._enc/._dec` non optional fields - wow, ^facepalm^ , make sure `._ipc.MsgpackTCPStream.__init__()` uses `mk_codec()` since `MsgCodec` can't be (easily) constructed directly. Get more detailed in testing: - inside the `chk_pld_type()` helper ensure `roundtrip` is always set to some value, `None` by default but a bool depending on legit outcome. - drop input `generic`; no longer used. - drop the masked `typedef` loop from `Msg.__subclasses__()`. - for add an `expect_roundtrip: bool` and use to jump into debugger when any expectation doesn't match the outcome. - use new `MsgCodec` field names (as per first section above). - ensure the encoded msg matches the decoded one from both the ad-hoc decoder and codec loaded values. - ensure the pld checking is only applied to msgs in the `types._payload_spec_msgs` set by `typef.__name__` filtering since `mk_msg_spec()` now returns the full `.types.Msg` set.
2024-03-29 22:46:37 +00:00
assert (
Be mega pedantic with msg-spec building Turns out the generics based payload speccing API, as in, DOES WORK properly as long as we don't rely on inheritance from `Msg` a parent `Generic`.. So let's get real pedantic in the `mk_msg_spec()` internals as well as verification in the test suite! Fixes in `.msg.types`: - implement (as part of tinker testing) multiple spec union building methods via a `spec_build_method: str` to `mk_msg_spec()` and leave a buncha notes around what did and didn't work: - 'indexed_generics' is the only method THAT WORKS and the one that you'd expect being closest to the `msgspec` docs (link above). - 'defstruct' using dynamically defined msgs => doesn't work! - 'types_new_class' using dynamically defined msgs but with `types.new_clas()` => ALSO doesn't work.. - explicitly separate the `.pld` type-constrainable by user code msg set into `types._payload_spec_msgs` putting the others in a `types._runtime_spec_msgs` and the full set defined as `.__spec__` (moving it out of the pkg-mod and back to `.types` as well). - for the `_payload_spec_msgs` msgs manually make them inherit `Generic[PayloadT]` and (redunantly) define a `.pld: PayloadT` field. - make `IpcCtxSpec.functype` an in line `Literal`. - toss in some TODO notes about choosing a better `Msg.cid` type. Fixes/tweaks around `.msg._codec`: - rename `MsgCodec.ipc/pld_msg_spec` -> `.msg/pld_spec` - make `._enc/._dec` non optional fields - wow, ^facepalm^ , make sure `._ipc.MsgpackTCPStream.__init__()` uses `mk_codec()` since `MsgCodec` can't be (easily) constructed directly. Get more detailed in testing: - inside the `chk_pld_type()` helper ensure `roundtrip` is always set to some value, `None` by default but a bool depending on legit outcome. - drop input `generic`; no longer used. - drop the masked `typedef` loop from `Msg.__subclasses__()`. - for add an `expect_roundtrip: bool` and use to jump into debugger when any expectation doesn't match the outcome. - use new `MsgCodec` field names (as per first section above). - ensure the encoded msg matches the decoded one from both the ad-hoc decoder and codec loaded values. - ensure the pld checking is only applied to msgs in the `types._payload_spec_msgs` set by `typef.__name__` filtering since `mk_msg_spec()` now returns the full `.types.Msg` set.
2024-03-29 22:46:37 +00:00
Be mega pedantic with msg-spec building Turns out the generics based payload speccing API, as in, DOES WORK properly as long as we don't rely on inheritance from `Msg` a parent `Generic`.. So let's get real pedantic in the `mk_msg_spec()` internals as well as verification in the test suite! Fixes in `.msg.types`: - implement (as part of tinker testing) multiple spec union building methods via a `spec_build_method: str` to `mk_msg_spec()` and leave a buncha notes around what did and didn't work: - 'indexed_generics' is the only method THAT WORKS and the one that you'd expect being closest to the `msgspec` docs (link above). - 'defstruct' using dynamically defined msgs => doesn't work! - 'types_new_class' using dynamically defined msgs but with `types.new_clas()` => ALSO doesn't work.. - explicitly separate the `.pld` type-constrainable by user code msg set into `types._payload_spec_msgs` putting the others in a `types._runtime_spec_msgs` and the full set defined as `.__spec__` (moving it out of the pkg-mod and back to `.types` as well). - for the `_payload_spec_msgs` msgs manually make them inherit `Generic[PayloadT]` and (redunantly) define a `.pld: PayloadT` field. - make `IpcCtxSpec.functype` an in line `Literal`. - toss in some TODO notes about choosing a better `Msg.cid` type. Fixes/tweaks around `.msg._codec`: - rename `MsgCodec.ipc/pld_msg_spec` -> `.msg/pld_spec` - make `._enc/._dec` non optional fields - wow, ^facepalm^ , make sure `._ipc.MsgpackTCPStream.__init__()` uses `mk_codec()` since `MsgCodec` can't be (easily) constructed directly. Get more detailed in testing: - inside the `chk_pld_type()` helper ensure `roundtrip` is always set to some value, `None` by default but a bool depending on legit outcome. - drop input `generic`; no longer used. - drop the masked `typedef` loop from `Msg.__subclasses__()`. - for add an `expect_roundtrip: bool` and use to jump into debugger when any expectation doesn't match the outcome. - use new `MsgCodec` field names (as per first section above). - ensure the encoded msg matches the decoded one from both the ad-hoc decoder and codec loaded values. - ensure the pld checking is only applied to msgs in the `types._payload_spec_msgs` set by `typef.__name__` filtering since `mk_msg_spec()` now returns the full `.types.Msg` set.
2024-03-29 22:46:37 +00:00
Be mega pedantic with msg-spec building Turns out the generics based payload speccing API, as in, DOES WORK properly as long as we don't rely on inheritance from `Msg` a parent `Generic`.. So let's get real pedantic in the `mk_msg_spec()` internals as well as verification in the test suite! Fixes in `.msg.types`: - implement (as part of tinker testing) multiple spec union building methods via a `spec_build_method: str` to `mk_msg_spec()` and leave a buncha notes around what did and didn't work: - 'indexed_generics' is the only method THAT WORKS and the one that you'd expect being closest to the `msgspec` docs (link above). - 'defstruct' using dynamically defined msgs => doesn't work! - 'types_new_class' using dynamically defined msgs but with `types.new_clas()` => ALSO doesn't work.. - explicitly separate the `.pld` type-constrainable by user code msg set into `types._payload_spec_msgs` putting the others in a `types._runtime_spec_msgs` and the full set defined as `.__spec__` (moving it out of the pkg-mod and back to `.types` as well). - for the `_payload_spec_msgs` msgs manually make them inherit `Generic[PayloadT]` and (redunantly) define a `.pld: PayloadT` field. - make `IpcCtxSpec.functype` an in line `Literal`. - toss in some TODO notes about choosing a better `Msg.cid` type. Fixes/tweaks around `.msg._codec`: - rename `MsgCodec.ipc/pld_msg_spec` -> `.msg/pld_spec` - make `._enc/._dec` non optional fields - wow, ^facepalm^ , make sure `._ipc.MsgpackTCPStream.__init__()` uses `mk_codec()` since `MsgCodec` can't be (easily) constructed directly. Get more detailed in testing: - inside the `chk_pld_type()` helper ensure `roundtrip` is always set to some value, `None` by default but a bool depending on legit outcome. - drop input `generic`; no longer used. - drop the masked `typedef` loop from `Msg.__subclasses__()`. - for add an `expect_roundtrip: bool` and use to jump into debugger when any expectation doesn't match the outcome. - use new `MsgCodec` field names (as per first section above). - ensure the encoded msg matches the decoded one from both the ad-hoc decoder and codec loaded values. - ensure the pld checking is only applied to msgs in the `types._payload_spec_msgs` set by `typef.__name__` filtering since `mk_msg_spec()` now returns the full `.types.Msg` set.
2024-03-29 22:46:37 +00:00
Init def of "SC shuttle prot" with "msg-spec-limiting" As per the long outstanding GH issue this starts our rigorous journey into an attempt at a type-safe, cross-actor SC, IPC protocol Bo boop -> The idea is to "formally" define our SC "shuttle (dialog) protocol" by specifying a new `.msg.types.Msg` subtype-set which can fully encapsulate all IPC msg schemas needed in order to accomplish cross-process SC! The msg set deviated a little in terms of (type) names from the existing `dict`-msgs currently used in the runtime impl but, I think the name changes are much better in terms of explicitly representing the internal semantics of the actor runtime machinery/subsystems and the IPC-msg-dialog required for SC enforced RPC. ------ - ------ In cursory, the new formal msgs-spec includes the following msg-subtypes of a new top-level `Msg` boxing type (that holds the base field schema for all msgs): - `Start` to request RPC task scheduling by passing a `FuncSpec` payload (to replace the currently used `{'cmd': ... }` dict msg impl) - `StartAck` to allow the RPC task callee-side to report a `IpcCtxSpec` payload immediately back to the caller (currently responded naively via a `{'functype': ... }` msg) - `Started` to deliver the first value from `Context.started()` (instead of the existing `{'started': ... }`) - `Yield` to shuttle `MsgStream.send()`-ed values (instead of our `{'yield': ... }`) - `Stop` to terminate a `Context.open_stream()` session/block (over `{'stop': True }`) - `Return` to deliver the final value from the `Actor.start_remote_task()` (which is a `{'return': ... }`) - `Error` to box `RemoteActorError` exceptions via a `.pld: ErrorData` payload, planned to replace/extend the current `RemoteActorError.msgdata` mechanism internal to `._exceptions.pack/unpack_error()` The new `tractor.msg.types` includes all the above msg defs as well an API for rendering a "payload type specification" using a `payload_type_spec: Union[Type]` that can be passed to `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(type=payload_type_spec)`. This ensures that (for a subset of the above msg set) `Msg.pld: PayloadT` data is type-parameterized using `msgspec`'s new `Generic[PayloadT]` field support and thus enables providing for an API where IPC `Context` dialogs can strictly define the allowed payload-datatype-set via type union! Iow, this is the foundation for supporting `Channel`/`Context`/`MsgStream` IPC primitives which are type checked/safe as desired in GH issue: - Misc notes on current impl(s) status: ------ - ------ - add a `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` which uses the new `msgspec` support for `class MyStruct[Struct, Generic[T]]` parameterize-able fields and delivers our boxing SC-msg-(sub)set with the desired `payload_types` applied to `.pld`: - - as a note this impl seems to need to use `type.new_class()` dynamic subtype generation, though i don't really get *why* still.. but without that the `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` doesn't seem to reject `.pld` limited `Msg` subtypes as demonstrated in the new test. - around this ^ add a `.msg._codec.limit_msg_spec()` cm which exposes this payload type limiting API such that it can be applied per task via a `MsgCodec` in app code. - the orig approach in was the idea of making payload fields `.pld: Raw` wherein we could have per-field/sub-msg decoders dynamically loaded depending on the particular application-layer schema in use. I don't want to lose the idea of this since I think it might be useful for an idea I have about capability-based-fields(-sharing, maybe using field-subset encryption?), and as such i've kept the (ostensibly) working impls in TODO-comments in `.msg._codec` wherein maybe we can add a `MsgCodec._payload_decs: dict` table for this later on. |_ also left in the `.msg.types.enc/decmsg()` impls but renamed as `enc/dec_payload()` (but reworked to not rely on the lifo codec stack tables; now removed) such that we can prolly move them to `MsgCodec` methods in the future. - add an unused `._codec.mk_tagged_union_dec()` helper which was originally factored out the #311 proto-code but didn't end up working as desired with the new parameterized generic fields approach (now in `msg.types.mk_msg_spec()`) Testing/deps work: ------ - ------ - new `test_limit_msgspec()` which ensures all the `.types` content is correct but without using the wrapping APIs in `._codec`; i.e. using a in-line `Decoder` instead of a `MsgCodec`. - pin us to `msgspec>=0.18.5` which has the needed generic-types support (which took me way too long yester to figure out when implementing all this XD)!
2024-03-28 14:45:01 +00:00
# verify the boxed-type for all variable payload-type msgs.
Be mega pedantic with msg-spec building Turns out the generics based payload speccing API, as in, DOES WORK properly as long as we don't rely on inheritance from `Msg` a parent `Generic`.. So let's get real pedantic in the `mk_msg_spec()` internals as well as verification in the test suite! Fixes in `.msg.types`: - implement (as part of tinker testing) multiple spec union building methods via a `spec_build_method: str` to `mk_msg_spec()` and leave a buncha notes around what did and didn't work: - 'indexed_generics' is the only method THAT WORKS and the one that you'd expect being closest to the `msgspec` docs (link above). - 'defstruct' using dynamically defined msgs => doesn't work! - 'types_new_class' using dynamically defined msgs but with `types.new_clas()` => ALSO doesn't work.. - explicitly separate the `.pld` type-constrainable by user code msg set into `types._payload_spec_msgs` putting the others in a `types._runtime_spec_msgs` and the full set defined as `.__spec__` (moving it out of the pkg-mod and back to `.types` as well). - for the `_payload_spec_msgs` msgs manually make them inherit `Generic[PayloadT]` and (redunantly) define a `.pld: PayloadT` field. - make `IpcCtxSpec.functype` an in line `Literal`. - toss in some TODO notes about choosing a better `Msg.cid` type. Fixes/tweaks around `.msg._codec`: - rename `MsgCodec.ipc/pld_msg_spec` -> `.msg/pld_spec` - make `._enc/._dec` non optional fields - wow, ^facepalm^ , make sure `._ipc.MsgpackTCPStream.__init__()` uses `mk_codec()` since `MsgCodec` can't be (easily) constructed directly. Get more detailed in testing: - inside the `chk_pld_type()` helper ensure `roundtrip` is always set to some value, `None` by default but a bool depending on legit outcome. - drop input `generic`; no longer used. - drop the masked `typedef` loop from `Msg.__subclasses__()`. - for add an `expect_roundtrip: bool` and use to jump into debugger when any expectation doesn't match the outcome. - use new `MsgCodec` field names (as per first section above). - ensure the encoded msg matches the decoded one from both the ad-hoc decoder and codec loaded values. - ensure the pld checking is only applied to msgs in the `types._payload_spec_msgs` set by `typef.__name__` filtering since `mk_msg_spec()` now returns the full `.types.Msg` set.
2024-03-29 22:46:37 +00:00
if not msg_types:
roundtrip: bool|None = None
pld_spec_msg_names: list[str] = [
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
td.__name__ for td in _payload_msgs
Be mega pedantic with msg-spec building Turns out the generics based payload speccing API, as in, DOES WORK properly as long as we don't rely on inheritance from `Msg` a parent `Generic`.. So let's get real pedantic in the `mk_msg_spec()` internals as well as verification in the test suite! Fixes in `.msg.types`: - implement (as part of tinker testing) multiple spec union building methods via a `spec_build_method: str` to `mk_msg_spec()` and leave a buncha notes around what did and didn't work: - 'indexed_generics' is the only method THAT WORKS and the one that you'd expect being closest to the `msgspec` docs (link above). - 'defstruct' using dynamically defined msgs => doesn't work! - 'types_new_class' using dynamically defined msgs but with `types.new_clas()` => ALSO doesn't work.. - explicitly separate the `.pld` type-constrainable by user code msg set into `types._payload_spec_msgs` putting the others in a `types._runtime_spec_msgs` and the full set defined as `.__spec__` (moving it out of the pkg-mod and back to `.types` as well). - for the `_payload_spec_msgs` msgs manually make them inherit `Generic[PayloadT]` and (redunantly) define a `.pld: PayloadT` field. - make `IpcCtxSpec.functype` an in line `Literal`. - toss in some TODO notes about choosing a better `Msg.cid` type. Fixes/tweaks around `.msg._codec`: - rename `MsgCodec.ipc/pld_msg_spec` -> `.msg/pld_spec` - make `._enc/._dec` non optional fields - wow, ^facepalm^ , make sure `._ipc.MsgpackTCPStream.__init__()` uses `mk_codec()` since `MsgCodec` can't be (easily) constructed directly. Get more detailed in testing: - inside the `chk_pld_type()` helper ensure `roundtrip` is always set to some value, `None` by default but a bool depending on legit outcome. - drop input `generic`; no longer used. - drop the masked `typedef` loop from `Msg.__subclasses__()`. - for add an `expect_roundtrip: bool` and use to jump into debugger when any expectation doesn't match the outcome. - use new `MsgCodec` field names (as per first section above). - ensure the encoded msg matches the decoded one from both the ad-hoc decoder and codec loaded values. - ensure the pld checking is only applied to msgs in the `types._payload_spec_msgs` set by `typef.__name__` filtering since `mk_msg_spec()` now returns the full `.types.Msg` set.
2024-03-29 22:46:37 +00:00
Init def of "SC shuttle prot" with "msg-spec-limiting" As per the long outstanding GH issue this starts our rigorous journey into an attempt at a type-safe, cross-actor SC, IPC protocol Bo boop -> The idea is to "formally" define our SC "shuttle (dialog) protocol" by specifying a new `.msg.types.Msg` subtype-set which can fully encapsulate all IPC msg schemas needed in order to accomplish cross-process SC! The msg set deviated a little in terms of (type) names from the existing `dict`-msgs currently used in the runtime impl but, I think the name changes are much better in terms of explicitly representing the internal semantics of the actor runtime machinery/subsystems and the IPC-msg-dialog required for SC enforced RPC. ------ - ------ In cursory, the new formal msgs-spec includes the following msg-subtypes of a new top-level `Msg` boxing type (that holds the base field schema for all msgs): - `Start` to request RPC task scheduling by passing a `FuncSpec` payload (to replace the currently used `{'cmd': ... }` dict msg impl) - `StartAck` to allow the RPC task callee-side to report a `IpcCtxSpec` payload immediately back to the caller (currently responded naively via a `{'functype': ... }` msg) - `Started` to deliver the first value from `Context.started()` (instead of the existing `{'started': ... }`) - `Yield` to shuttle `MsgStream.send()`-ed values (instead of our `{'yield': ... }`) - `Stop` to terminate a `Context.open_stream()` session/block (over `{'stop': True }`) - `Return` to deliver the final value from the `Actor.start_remote_task()` (which is a `{'return': ... }`) - `Error` to box `RemoteActorError` exceptions via a `.pld: ErrorData` payload, planned to replace/extend the current `RemoteActorError.msgdata` mechanism internal to `._exceptions.pack/unpack_error()` The new `tractor.msg.types` includes all the above msg defs as well an API for rendering a "payload type specification" using a `payload_type_spec: Union[Type]` that can be passed to `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(type=payload_type_spec)`. This ensures that (for a subset of the above msg set) `Msg.pld: PayloadT` data is type-parameterized using `msgspec`'s new `Generic[PayloadT]` field support and thus enables providing for an API where IPC `Context` dialogs can strictly define the allowed payload-datatype-set via type union! Iow, this is the foundation for supporting `Channel`/`Context`/`MsgStream` IPC primitives which are type checked/safe as desired in GH issue: - Misc notes on current impl(s) status: ------ - ------ - add a `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` which uses the new `msgspec` support for `class MyStruct[Struct, Generic[T]]` parameterize-able fields and delivers our boxing SC-msg-(sub)set with the desired `payload_types` applied to `.pld`: - - as a note this impl seems to need to use `type.new_class()` dynamic subtype generation, though i don't really get *why* still.. but without that the `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` doesn't seem to reject `.pld` limited `Msg` subtypes as demonstrated in the new test. - around this ^ add a `.msg._codec.limit_msg_spec()` cm which exposes this payload type limiting API such that it can be applied per task via a `MsgCodec` in app code. - the orig approach in was the idea of making payload fields `.pld: Raw` wherein we could have per-field/sub-msg decoders dynamically loaded depending on the particular application-layer schema in use. I don't want to lose the idea of this since I think it might be useful for an idea I have about capability-based-fields(-sharing, maybe using field-subset encryption?), and as such i've kept the (ostensibly) working impls in TODO-comments in `.msg._codec` wherein maybe we can add a `MsgCodec._payload_decs: dict` table for this later on. |_ also left in the `.msg.types.enc/decmsg()` impls but renamed as `enc/dec_payload()` (but reworked to not rely on the lifo codec stack tables; now removed) such that we can prolly move them to `MsgCodec` methods in the future. - add an unused `._codec.mk_tagged_union_dec()` helper which was originally factored out the #311 proto-code but didn't end up working as desired with the new parameterized generic fields approach (now in `msg.types.mk_msg_spec()`) Testing/deps work: ------ - ------ - new `test_limit_msgspec()` which ensures all the `.types` content is correct but without using the wrapping APIs in `._codec`; i.e. using a in-line `Decoder` instead of a `MsgCodec`. - pin us to `msgspec>=0.18.5` which has the needed generic-types support (which took me way too long yester to figure out when implementing all this XD)!
2024-03-28 14:45:01 +00:00
for typedef in msg_types:
Be mega pedantic with msg-spec building Turns out the generics based payload speccing API, as in, DOES WORK properly as long as we don't rely on inheritance from `Msg` a parent `Generic`.. So let's get real pedantic in the `mk_msg_spec()` internals as well as verification in the test suite! Fixes in `.msg.types`: - implement (as part of tinker testing) multiple spec union building methods via a `spec_build_method: str` to `mk_msg_spec()` and leave a buncha notes around what did and didn't work: - 'indexed_generics' is the only method THAT WORKS and the one that you'd expect being closest to the `msgspec` docs (link above). - 'defstruct' using dynamically defined msgs => doesn't work! - 'types_new_class' using dynamically defined msgs but with `types.new_clas()` => ALSO doesn't work.. - explicitly separate the `.pld` type-constrainable by user code msg set into `types._payload_spec_msgs` putting the others in a `types._runtime_spec_msgs` and the full set defined as `.__spec__` (moving it out of the pkg-mod and back to `.types` as well). - for the `_payload_spec_msgs` msgs manually make them inherit `Generic[PayloadT]` and (redunantly) define a `.pld: PayloadT` field. - make `IpcCtxSpec.functype` an in line `Literal`. - toss in some TODO notes about choosing a better `Msg.cid` type. Fixes/tweaks around `.msg._codec`: - rename `MsgCodec.ipc/pld_msg_spec` -> `.msg/pld_spec` - make `._enc/._dec` non optional fields - wow, ^facepalm^ , make sure `._ipc.MsgpackTCPStream.__init__()` uses `mk_codec()` since `MsgCodec` can't be (easily) constructed directly. Get more detailed in testing: - inside the `chk_pld_type()` helper ensure `roundtrip` is always set to some value, `None` by default but a bool depending on legit outcome. - drop input `generic`; no longer used. - drop the masked `typedef` loop from `Msg.__subclasses__()`. - for add an `expect_roundtrip: bool` and use to jump into debugger when any expectation doesn't match the outcome. - use new `MsgCodec` field names (as per first section above). - ensure the encoded msg matches the decoded one from both the ad-hoc decoder and codec loaded values. - ensure the pld checking is only applied to msgs in the `types._payload_spec_msgs` set by `typef.__name__` filtering since `mk_msg_spec()` now returns the full `.types.Msg` set.
2024-03-29 22:46:37 +00:00
skip_runtime_msg: bool = typedef.__name__ not in pld_spec_msg_names
if skip_runtime_msg:
Init def of "SC shuttle prot" with "msg-spec-limiting" As per the long outstanding GH issue this starts our rigorous journey into an attempt at a type-safe, cross-actor SC, IPC protocol Bo boop -> The idea is to "formally" define our SC "shuttle (dialog) protocol" by specifying a new `.msg.types.Msg` subtype-set which can fully encapsulate all IPC msg schemas needed in order to accomplish cross-process SC! The msg set deviated a little in terms of (type) names from the existing `dict`-msgs currently used in the runtime impl but, I think the name changes are much better in terms of explicitly representing the internal semantics of the actor runtime machinery/subsystems and the IPC-msg-dialog required for SC enforced RPC. ------ - ------ In cursory, the new formal msgs-spec includes the following msg-subtypes of a new top-level `Msg` boxing type (that holds the base field schema for all msgs): - `Start` to request RPC task scheduling by passing a `FuncSpec` payload (to replace the currently used `{'cmd': ... }` dict msg impl) - `StartAck` to allow the RPC task callee-side to report a `IpcCtxSpec` payload immediately back to the caller (currently responded naively via a `{'functype': ... }` msg) - `Started` to deliver the first value from `Context.started()` (instead of the existing `{'started': ... }`) - `Yield` to shuttle `MsgStream.send()`-ed values (instead of our `{'yield': ... }`) - `Stop` to terminate a `Context.open_stream()` session/block (over `{'stop': True }`) - `Return` to deliver the final value from the `Actor.start_remote_task()` (which is a `{'return': ... }`) - `Error` to box `RemoteActorError` exceptions via a `.pld: ErrorData` payload, planned to replace/extend the current `RemoteActorError.msgdata` mechanism internal to `._exceptions.pack/unpack_error()` The new `tractor.msg.types` includes all the above msg defs as well an API for rendering a "payload type specification" using a `payload_type_spec: Union[Type]` that can be passed to `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(type=payload_type_spec)`. This ensures that (for a subset of the above msg set) `Msg.pld: PayloadT` data is type-parameterized using `msgspec`'s new `Generic[PayloadT]` field support and thus enables providing for an API where IPC `Context` dialogs can strictly define the allowed payload-datatype-set via type union! Iow, this is the foundation for supporting `Channel`/`Context`/`MsgStream` IPC primitives which are type checked/safe as desired in GH issue: - Misc notes on current impl(s) status: ------ - ------ - add a `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` which uses the new `msgspec` support for `class MyStruct[Struct, Generic[T]]` parameterize-able fields and delivers our boxing SC-msg-(sub)set with the desired `payload_types` applied to `.pld`: - - as a note this impl seems to need to use `type.new_class()` dynamic subtype generation, though i don't really get *why* still.. but without that the `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` doesn't seem to reject `.pld` limited `Msg` subtypes as demonstrated in the new test. - around this ^ add a `.msg._codec.limit_msg_spec()` cm which exposes this payload type limiting API such that it can be applied per task via a `MsgCodec` in app code. - the orig approach in was the idea of making payload fields `.pld: Raw` wherein we could have per-field/sub-msg decoders dynamically loaded depending on the particular application-layer schema in use. I don't want to lose the idea of this since I think it might be useful for an idea I have about capability-based-fields(-sharing, maybe using field-subset encryption?), and as such i've kept the (ostensibly) working impls in TODO-comments in `.msg._codec` wherein maybe we can add a `MsgCodec._payload_decs: dict` table for this later on. |_ also left in the `.msg.types.enc/decmsg()` impls but renamed as `enc/dec_payload()` (but reworked to not rely on the lifo codec stack tables; now removed) such that we can prolly move them to `MsgCodec` methods in the future. - add an unused `._codec.mk_tagged_union_dec()` helper which was originally factored out the #311 proto-code but didn't end up working as desired with the new parameterized generic fields approach (now in `msg.types.mk_msg_spec()`) Testing/deps work: ------ - ------ - new `test_limit_msgspec()` which ensures all the `.types` content is correct but without using the wrapping APIs in `._codec`; i.e. using a in-line `Decoder` instead of a `MsgCodec`. - pin us to `msgspec>=0.18.5` which has the needed generic-types support (which took me way too long yester to figure out when implementing all this XD)!
2024-03-28 14:45:01 +00:00
pld_field = structs.fields(typedef)[1]
Be mega pedantic with msg-spec building Turns out the generics based payload speccing API, as in, DOES WORK properly as long as we don't rely on inheritance from `Msg` a parent `Generic`.. So let's get real pedantic in the `mk_msg_spec()` internals as well as verification in the test suite! Fixes in `.msg.types`: - implement (as part of tinker testing) multiple spec union building methods via a `spec_build_method: str` to `mk_msg_spec()` and leave a buncha notes around what did and didn't work: - 'indexed_generics' is the only method THAT WORKS and the one that you'd expect being closest to the `msgspec` docs (link above). - 'defstruct' using dynamically defined msgs => doesn't work! - 'types_new_class' using dynamically defined msgs but with `types.new_clas()` => ALSO doesn't work.. - explicitly separate the `.pld` type-constrainable by user code msg set into `types._payload_spec_msgs` putting the others in a `types._runtime_spec_msgs` and the full set defined as `.__spec__` (moving it out of the pkg-mod and back to `.types` as well). - for the `_payload_spec_msgs` msgs manually make them inherit `Generic[PayloadT]` and (redunantly) define a `.pld: PayloadT` field. - make `IpcCtxSpec.functype` an in line `Literal`. - toss in some TODO notes about choosing a better `Msg.cid` type. Fixes/tweaks around `.msg._codec`: - rename `MsgCodec.ipc/pld_msg_spec` -> `.msg/pld_spec` - make `._enc/._dec` non optional fields - wow, ^facepalm^ , make sure `._ipc.MsgpackTCPStream.__init__()` uses `mk_codec()` since `MsgCodec` can't be (easily) constructed directly. Get more detailed in testing: - inside the `chk_pld_type()` helper ensure `roundtrip` is always set to some value, `None` by default but a bool depending on legit outcome. - drop input `generic`; no longer used. - drop the masked `typedef` loop from `Msg.__subclasses__()`. - for add an `expect_roundtrip: bool` and use to jump into debugger when any expectation doesn't match the outcome. - use new `MsgCodec` field names (as per first section above). - ensure the encoded msg matches the decoded one from both the ad-hoc decoder and codec loaded values. - ensure the pld checking is only applied to msgs in the `types._payload_spec_msgs` set by `typef.__name__` filtering since `mk_msg_spec()` now returns the full `.types.Msg` set.
2024-03-29 22:46:37 +00:00
assert pld_field.type is payload_spec # TODO-^ does this need to work to get all subtypes to adhere?
Init def of "SC shuttle prot" with "msg-spec-limiting" As per the long outstanding GH issue this starts our rigorous journey into an attempt at a type-safe, cross-actor SC, IPC protocol Bo boop -> The idea is to "formally" define our SC "shuttle (dialog) protocol" by specifying a new `.msg.types.Msg` subtype-set which can fully encapsulate all IPC msg schemas needed in order to accomplish cross-process SC! The msg set deviated a little in terms of (type) names from the existing `dict`-msgs currently used in the runtime impl but, I think the name changes are much better in terms of explicitly representing the internal semantics of the actor runtime machinery/subsystems and the IPC-msg-dialog required for SC enforced RPC. ------ - ------ In cursory, the new formal msgs-spec includes the following msg-subtypes of a new top-level `Msg` boxing type (that holds the base field schema for all msgs): - `Start` to request RPC task scheduling by passing a `FuncSpec` payload (to replace the currently used `{'cmd': ... }` dict msg impl) - `StartAck` to allow the RPC task callee-side to report a `IpcCtxSpec` payload immediately back to the caller (currently responded naively via a `{'functype': ... }` msg) - `Started` to deliver the first value from `Context.started()` (instead of the existing `{'started': ... }`) - `Yield` to shuttle `MsgStream.send()`-ed values (instead of our `{'yield': ... }`) - `Stop` to terminate a `Context.open_stream()` session/block (over `{'stop': True }`) - `Return` to deliver the final value from the `Actor.start_remote_task()` (which is a `{'return': ... }`) - `Error` to box `RemoteActorError` exceptions via a `.pld: ErrorData` payload, planned to replace/extend the current `RemoteActorError.msgdata` mechanism internal to `._exceptions.pack/unpack_error()` The new `tractor.msg.types` includes all the above msg defs as well an API for rendering a "payload type specification" using a `payload_type_spec: Union[Type]` that can be passed to `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(type=payload_type_spec)`. This ensures that (for a subset of the above msg set) `Msg.pld: PayloadT` data is type-parameterized using `msgspec`'s new `Generic[PayloadT]` field support and thus enables providing for an API where IPC `Context` dialogs can strictly define the allowed payload-datatype-set via type union! Iow, this is the foundation for supporting `Channel`/`Context`/`MsgStream` IPC primitives which are type checked/safe as desired in GH issue: - Misc notes on current impl(s) status: ------ - ------ - add a `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` which uses the new `msgspec` support for `class MyStruct[Struct, Generic[T]]` parameterize-able fields and delivers our boxing SC-msg-(sub)set with the desired `payload_types` applied to `.pld`: - - as a note this impl seems to need to use `type.new_class()` dynamic subtype generation, though i don't really get *why* still.. but without that the `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` doesn't seem to reject `.pld` limited `Msg` subtypes as demonstrated in the new test. - around this ^ add a `.msg._codec.limit_msg_spec()` cm which exposes this payload type limiting API such that it can be applied per task via a `MsgCodec` in app code. - the orig approach in was the idea of making payload fields `.pld: Raw` wherein we could have per-field/sub-msg decoders dynamically loaded depending on the particular application-layer schema in use. I don't want to lose the idea of this since I think it might be useful for an idea I have about capability-based-fields(-sharing, maybe using field-subset encryption?), and as such i've kept the (ostensibly) working impls in TODO-comments in `.msg._codec` wherein maybe we can add a `MsgCodec._payload_decs: dict` table for this later on. |_ also left in the `.msg.types.enc/decmsg()` impls but renamed as `enc/dec_payload()` (but reworked to not rely on the lifo codec stack tables; now removed) such that we can prolly move them to `MsgCodec` methods in the future. - add an unused `._codec.mk_tagged_union_dec()` helper which was originally factored out the #311 proto-code but didn't end up working as desired with the new parameterized generic fields approach (now in `msg.types.mk_msg_spec()`) Testing/deps work: ------ - ------ - new `test_limit_msgspec()` which ensures all the `.types` content is correct but without using the wrapping APIs in `._codec`; i.e. using a in-line `Decoder` instead of a `MsgCodec`. - pin us to `msgspec>=0.18.5` which has the needed generic-types support (which took me way too long yester to figure out when implementing all this XD)!
2024-03-28 14:45:01 +00:00
kwargs: dict[str, Any] = {
'cid': '666',
'pld': pld,
enc_msg: PayloadMsg = typedef(**kwargs)
Init def of "SC shuttle prot" with "msg-spec-limiting" As per the long outstanding GH issue this starts our rigorous journey into an attempt at a type-safe, cross-actor SC, IPC protocol Bo boop -> The idea is to "formally" define our SC "shuttle (dialog) protocol" by specifying a new `.msg.types.Msg` subtype-set which can fully encapsulate all IPC msg schemas needed in order to accomplish cross-process SC! The msg set deviated a little in terms of (type) names from the existing `dict`-msgs currently used in the runtime impl but, I think the name changes are much better in terms of explicitly representing the internal semantics of the actor runtime machinery/subsystems and the IPC-msg-dialog required for SC enforced RPC. ------ - ------ In cursory, the new formal msgs-spec includes the following msg-subtypes of a new top-level `Msg` boxing type (that holds the base field schema for all msgs): - `Start` to request RPC task scheduling by passing a `FuncSpec` payload (to replace the currently used `{'cmd': ... }` dict msg impl) - `StartAck` to allow the RPC task callee-side to report a `IpcCtxSpec` payload immediately back to the caller (currently responded naively via a `{'functype': ... }` msg) - `Started` to deliver the first value from `Context.started()` (instead of the existing `{'started': ... }`) - `Yield` to shuttle `MsgStream.send()`-ed values (instead of our `{'yield': ... }`) - `Stop` to terminate a `Context.open_stream()` session/block (over `{'stop': True }`) - `Return` to deliver the final value from the `Actor.start_remote_task()` (which is a `{'return': ... }`) - `Error` to box `RemoteActorError` exceptions via a `.pld: ErrorData` payload, planned to replace/extend the current `RemoteActorError.msgdata` mechanism internal to `._exceptions.pack/unpack_error()` The new `tractor.msg.types` includes all the above msg defs as well an API for rendering a "payload type specification" using a `payload_type_spec: Union[Type]` that can be passed to `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(type=payload_type_spec)`. This ensures that (for a subset of the above msg set) `Msg.pld: PayloadT` data is type-parameterized using `msgspec`'s new `Generic[PayloadT]` field support and thus enables providing for an API where IPC `Context` dialogs can strictly define the allowed payload-datatype-set via type union! Iow, this is the foundation for supporting `Channel`/`Context`/`MsgStream` IPC primitives which are type checked/safe as desired in GH issue: - Misc notes on current impl(s) status: ------ - ------ - add a `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` which uses the new `msgspec` support for `class MyStruct[Struct, Generic[T]]` parameterize-able fields and delivers our boxing SC-msg-(sub)set with the desired `payload_types` applied to `.pld`: - - as a note this impl seems to need to use `type.new_class()` dynamic subtype generation, though i don't really get *why* still.. but without that the `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` doesn't seem to reject `.pld` limited `Msg` subtypes as demonstrated in the new test. - around this ^ add a `.msg._codec.limit_msg_spec()` cm which exposes this payload type limiting API such that it can be applied per task via a `MsgCodec` in app code. - the orig approach in was the idea of making payload fields `.pld: Raw` wherein we could have per-field/sub-msg decoders dynamically loaded depending on the particular application-layer schema in use. I don't want to lose the idea of this since I think it might be useful for an idea I have about capability-based-fields(-sharing, maybe using field-subset encryption?), and as such i've kept the (ostensibly) working impls in TODO-comments in `.msg._codec` wherein maybe we can add a `MsgCodec._payload_decs: dict` table for this later on. |_ also left in the `.msg.types.enc/decmsg()` impls but renamed as `enc/dec_payload()` (but reworked to not rely on the lifo codec stack tables; now removed) such that we can prolly move them to `MsgCodec` methods in the future. - add an unused `._codec.mk_tagged_union_dec()` helper which was originally factored out the #311 proto-code but didn't end up working as desired with the new parameterized generic fields approach (now in `msg.types.mk_msg_spec()`) Testing/deps work: ------ - ------ - new `test_limit_msgspec()` which ensures all the `.types` content is correct but without using the wrapping APIs in `._codec`; i.e. using a in-line `Decoder` instead of a `MsgCodec`. - pin us to `msgspec>=0.18.5` which has the needed generic-types support (which took me way too long yester to figure out when implementing all this XD)!
2024-03-28 14:45:01 +00:00
Be mega pedantic with msg-spec building Turns out the generics based payload speccing API, as in, DOES WORK properly as long as we don't rely on inheritance from `Msg` a parent `Generic`.. So let's get real pedantic in the `mk_msg_spec()` internals as well as verification in the test suite! Fixes in `.msg.types`: - implement (as part of tinker testing) multiple spec union building methods via a `spec_build_method: str` to `mk_msg_spec()` and leave a buncha notes around what did and didn't work: - 'indexed_generics' is the only method THAT WORKS and the one that you'd expect being closest to the `msgspec` docs (link above). - 'defstruct' using dynamically defined msgs => doesn't work! - 'types_new_class' using dynamically defined msgs but with `types.new_clas()` => ALSO doesn't work.. - explicitly separate the `.pld` type-constrainable by user code msg set into `types._payload_spec_msgs` putting the others in a `types._runtime_spec_msgs` and the full set defined as `.__spec__` (moving it out of the pkg-mod and back to `.types` as well). - for the `_payload_spec_msgs` msgs manually make them inherit `Generic[PayloadT]` and (redunantly) define a `.pld: PayloadT` field. - make `IpcCtxSpec.functype` an in line `Literal`. - toss in some TODO notes about choosing a better `Msg.cid` type. Fixes/tweaks around `.msg._codec`: - rename `MsgCodec.ipc/pld_msg_spec` -> `.msg/pld_spec` - make `._enc/._dec` non optional fields - wow, ^facepalm^ , make sure `._ipc.MsgpackTCPStream.__init__()` uses `mk_codec()` since `MsgCodec` can't be (easily) constructed directly. Get more detailed in testing: - inside the `chk_pld_type()` helper ensure `roundtrip` is always set to some value, `None` by default but a bool depending on legit outcome. - drop input `generic`; no longer used. - drop the masked `typedef` loop from `Msg.__subclasses__()`. - for add an `expect_roundtrip: bool` and use to jump into debugger when any expectation doesn't match the outcome. - use new `MsgCodec` field names (as per first section above). - ensure the encoded msg matches the decoded one from both the ad-hoc decoder and codec loaded values. - ensure the pld checking is only applied to msgs in the `types._payload_spec_msgs` set by `typef.__name__` filtering since `mk_msg_spec()` now returns the full `.types.Msg` set.
2024-03-29 22:46:37 +00:00
_wire_bytes: bytes = _enc.encode(enc_msg)
wire_bytes: bytes = codec.enc.encode(enc_msg)
Be mega pedantic with msg-spec building Turns out the generics based payload speccing API, as in, DOES WORK properly as long as we don't rely on inheritance from `Msg` a parent `Generic`.. So let's get real pedantic in the `mk_msg_spec()` internals as well as verification in the test suite! Fixes in `.msg.types`: - implement (as part of tinker testing) multiple spec union building methods via a `spec_build_method: str` to `mk_msg_spec()` and leave a buncha notes around what did and didn't work: - 'indexed_generics' is the only method THAT WORKS and the one that you'd expect being closest to the `msgspec` docs (link above). - 'defstruct' using dynamically defined msgs => doesn't work! - 'types_new_class' using dynamically defined msgs but with `types.new_clas()` => ALSO doesn't work.. - explicitly separate the `.pld` type-constrainable by user code msg set into `types._payload_spec_msgs` putting the others in a `types._runtime_spec_msgs` and the full set defined as `.__spec__` (moving it out of the pkg-mod and back to `.types` as well). - for the `_payload_spec_msgs` msgs manually make them inherit `Generic[PayloadT]` and (redunantly) define a `.pld: PayloadT` field. - make `IpcCtxSpec.functype` an in line `Literal`. - toss in some TODO notes about choosing a better `Msg.cid` type. Fixes/tweaks around `.msg._codec`: - rename `MsgCodec.ipc/pld_msg_spec` -> `.msg/pld_spec` - make `._enc/._dec` non optional fields - wow, ^facepalm^ , make sure `._ipc.MsgpackTCPStream.__init__()` uses `mk_codec()` since `MsgCodec` can't be (easily) constructed directly. Get more detailed in testing: - inside the `chk_pld_type()` helper ensure `roundtrip` is always set to some value, `None` by default but a bool depending on legit outcome. - drop input `generic`; no longer used. - drop the masked `typedef` loop from `Msg.__subclasses__()`. - for add an `expect_roundtrip: bool` and use to jump into debugger when any expectation doesn't match the outcome. - use new `MsgCodec` field names (as per first section above). - ensure the encoded msg matches the decoded one from both the ad-hoc decoder and codec loaded values. - ensure the pld checking is only applied to msgs in the `types._payload_spec_msgs` set by `typef.__name__` filtering since `mk_msg_spec()` now returns the full `.types.Msg` set.
2024-03-29 22:46:37 +00:00
assert _wire_bytes == wire_bytes
Init def of "SC shuttle prot" with "msg-spec-limiting" As per the long outstanding GH issue this starts our rigorous journey into an attempt at a type-safe, cross-actor SC, IPC protocol Bo boop -> The idea is to "formally" define our SC "shuttle (dialog) protocol" by specifying a new `.msg.types.Msg` subtype-set which can fully encapsulate all IPC msg schemas needed in order to accomplish cross-process SC! The msg set deviated a little in terms of (type) names from the existing `dict`-msgs currently used in the runtime impl but, I think the name changes are much better in terms of explicitly representing the internal semantics of the actor runtime machinery/subsystems and the IPC-msg-dialog required for SC enforced RPC. ------ - ------ In cursory, the new formal msgs-spec includes the following msg-subtypes of a new top-level `Msg` boxing type (that holds the base field schema for all msgs): - `Start` to request RPC task scheduling by passing a `FuncSpec` payload (to replace the currently used `{'cmd': ... }` dict msg impl) - `StartAck` to allow the RPC task callee-side to report a `IpcCtxSpec` payload immediately back to the caller (currently responded naively via a `{'functype': ... }` msg) - `Started` to deliver the first value from `Context.started()` (instead of the existing `{'started': ... }`) - `Yield` to shuttle `MsgStream.send()`-ed values (instead of our `{'yield': ... }`) - `Stop` to terminate a `Context.open_stream()` session/block (over `{'stop': True }`) - `Return` to deliver the final value from the `Actor.start_remote_task()` (which is a `{'return': ... }`) - `Error` to box `RemoteActorError` exceptions via a `.pld: ErrorData` payload, planned to replace/extend the current `RemoteActorError.msgdata` mechanism internal to `._exceptions.pack/unpack_error()` The new `tractor.msg.types` includes all the above msg defs as well an API for rendering a "payload type specification" using a `payload_type_spec: Union[Type]` that can be passed to `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(type=payload_type_spec)`. This ensures that (for a subset of the above msg set) `Msg.pld: PayloadT` data is type-parameterized using `msgspec`'s new `Generic[PayloadT]` field support and thus enables providing for an API where IPC `Context` dialogs can strictly define the allowed payload-datatype-set via type union! Iow, this is the foundation for supporting `Channel`/`Context`/`MsgStream` IPC primitives which are type checked/safe as desired in GH issue: - Misc notes on current impl(s) status: ------ - ------ - add a `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` which uses the new `msgspec` support for `class MyStruct[Struct, Generic[T]]` parameterize-able fields and delivers our boxing SC-msg-(sub)set with the desired `payload_types` applied to `.pld`: - - as a note this impl seems to need to use `type.new_class()` dynamic subtype generation, though i don't really get *why* still.. but without that the `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` doesn't seem to reject `.pld` limited `Msg` subtypes as demonstrated in the new test. - around this ^ add a `.msg._codec.limit_msg_spec()` cm which exposes this payload type limiting API such that it can be applied per task via a `MsgCodec` in app code. - the orig approach in was the idea of making payload fields `.pld: Raw` wherein we could have per-field/sub-msg decoders dynamically loaded depending on the particular application-layer schema in use. I don't want to lose the idea of this since I think it might be useful for an idea I have about capability-based-fields(-sharing, maybe using field-subset encryption?), and as such i've kept the (ostensibly) working impls in TODO-comments in `.msg._codec` wherein maybe we can add a `MsgCodec._payload_decs: dict` table for this later on. |_ also left in the `.msg.types.enc/decmsg()` impls but renamed as `enc/dec_payload()` (but reworked to not rely on the lifo codec stack tables; now removed) such that we can prolly move them to `MsgCodec` methods in the future. - add an unused `._codec.mk_tagged_union_dec()` helper which was originally factored out the #311 proto-code but didn't end up working as desired with the new parameterized generic fields approach (now in `msg.types.mk_msg_spec()`) Testing/deps work: ------ - ------ - new `test_limit_msgspec()` which ensures all the `.types` content is correct but without using the wrapping APIs in `._codec`; i.e. using a in-line `Decoder` instead of a `MsgCodec`. - pin us to `msgspec>=0.18.5` which has the needed generic-types support (which took me way too long yester to figure out when implementing all this XD)!
2024-03-28 14:45:01 +00:00
Be mega pedantic with msg-spec building Turns out the generics based payload speccing API, as in, DOES WORK properly as long as we don't rely on inheritance from `Msg` a parent `Generic`.. So let's get real pedantic in the `mk_msg_spec()` internals as well as verification in the test suite! Fixes in `.msg.types`: - implement (as part of tinker testing) multiple spec union building methods via a `spec_build_method: str` to `mk_msg_spec()` and leave a buncha notes around what did and didn't work: - 'indexed_generics' is the only method THAT WORKS and the one that you'd expect being closest to the `msgspec` docs (link above). - 'defstruct' using dynamically defined msgs => doesn't work! - 'types_new_class' using dynamically defined msgs but with `types.new_clas()` => ALSO doesn't work.. - explicitly separate the `.pld` type-constrainable by user code msg set into `types._payload_spec_msgs` putting the others in a `types._runtime_spec_msgs` and the full set defined as `.__spec__` (moving it out of the pkg-mod and back to `.types` as well). - for the `_payload_spec_msgs` msgs manually make them inherit `Generic[PayloadT]` and (redunantly) define a `.pld: PayloadT` field. - make `IpcCtxSpec.functype` an in line `Literal`. - toss in some TODO notes about choosing a better `Msg.cid` type. Fixes/tweaks around `.msg._codec`: - rename `MsgCodec.ipc/pld_msg_spec` -> `.msg/pld_spec` - make `._enc/._dec` non optional fields - wow, ^facepalm^ , make sure `._ipc.MsgpackTCPStream.__init__()` uses `mk_codec()` since `MsgCodec` can't be (easily) constructed directly. Get more detailed in testing: - inside the `chk_pld_type()` helper ensure `roundtrip` is always set to some value, `None` by default but a bool depending on legit outcome. - drop input `generic`; no longer used. - drop the masked `typedef` loop from `Msg.__subclasses__()`. - for add an `expect_roundtrip: bool` and use to jump into debugger when any expectation doesn't match the outcome. - use new `MsgCodec` field names (as per first section above). - ensure the encoded msg matches the decoded one from both the ad-hoc decoder and codec loaded values. - ensure the pld checking is only applied to msgs in the `types._payload_spec_msgs` set by `typef.__name__` filtering since `mk_msg_spec()` now returns the full `.types.Msg` set.
2024-03-29 22:46:37 +00:00
ve: ValidationError|None = None
Init def of "SC shuttle prot" with "msg-spec-limiting" As per the long outstanding GH issue this starts our rigorous journey into an attempt at a type-safe, cross-actor SC, IPC protocol Bo boop -> The idea is to "formally" define our SC "shuttle (dialog) protocol" by specifying a new `.msg.types.Msg` subtype-set which can fully encapsulate all IPC msg schemas needed in order to accomplish cross-process SC! The msg set deviated a little in terms of (type) names from the existing `dict`-msgs currently used in the runtime impl but, I think the name changes are much better in terms of explicitly representing the internal semantics of the actor runtime machinery/subsystems and the IPC-msg-dialog required for SC enforced RPC. ------ - ------ In cursory, the new formal msgs-spec includes the following msg-subtypes of a new top-level `Msg` boxing type (that holds the base field schema for all msgs): - `Start` to request RPC task scheduling by passing a `FuncSpec` payload (to replace the currently used `{'cmd': ... }` dict msg impl) - `StartAck` to allow the RPC task callee-side to report a `IpcCtxSpec` payload immediately back to the caller (currently responded naively via a `{'functype': ... }` msg) - `Started` to deliver the first value from `Context.started()` (instead of the existing `{'started': ... }`) - `Yield` to shuttle `MsgStream.send()`-ed values (instead of our `{'yield': ... }`) - `Stop` to terminate a `Context.open_stream()` session/block (over `{'stop': True }`) - `Return` to deliver the final value from the `Actor.start_remote_task()` (which is a `{'return': ... }`) - `Error` to box `RemoteActorError` exceptions via a `.pld: ErrorData` payload, planned to replace/extend the current `RemoteActorError.msgdata` mechanism internal to `._exceptions.pack/unpack_error()` The new `tractor.msg.types` includes all the above msg defs as well an API for rendering a "payload type specification" using a `payload_type_spec: Union[Type]` that can be passed to `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(type=payload_type_spec)`. This ensures that (for a subset of the above msg set) `Msg.pld: PayloadT` data is type-parameterized using `msgspec`'s new `Generic[PayloadT]` field support and thus enables providing for an API where IPC `Context` dialogs can strictly define the allowed payload-datatype-set via type union! Iow, this is the foundation for supporting `Channel`/`Context`/`MsgStream` IPC primitives which are type checked/safe as desired in GH issue: - Misc notes on current impl(s) status: ------ - ------ - add a `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` which uses the new `msgspec` support for `class MyStruct[Struct, Generic[T]]` parameterize-able fields and delivers our boxing SC-msg-(sub)set with the desired `payload_types` applied to `.pld`: - - as a note this impl seems to need to use `type.new_class()` dynamic subtype generation, though i don't really get *why* still.. but without that the `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` doesn't seem to reject `.pld` limited `Msg` subtypes as demonstrated in the new test. - around this ^ add a `.msg._codec.limit_msg_spec()` cm which exposes this payload type limiting API such that it can be applied per task via a `MsgCodec` in app code. - the orig approach in was the idea of making payload fields `.pld: Raw` wherein we could have per-field/sub-msg decoders dynamically loaded depending on the particular application-layer schema in use. I don't want to lose the idea of this since I think it might be useful for an idea I have about capability-based-fields(-sharing, maybe using field-subset encryption?), and as such i've kept the (ostensibly) working impls in TODO-comments in `.msg._codec` wherein maybe we can add a `MsgCodec._payload_decs: dict` table for this later on. |_ also left in the `.msg.types.enc/decmsg()` impls but renamed as `enc/dec_payload()` (but reworked to not rely on the lifo codec stack tables; now removed) such that we can prolly move them to `MsgCodec` methods in the future. - add an unused `._codec.mk_tagged_union_dec()` helper which was originally factored out the #311 proto-code but didn't end up working as desired with the new parameterized generic fields approach (now in `msg.types.mk_msg_spec()`) Testing/deps work: ------ - ------ - new `test_limit_msgspec()` which ensures all the `.types` content is correct but without using the wrapping APIs in `._codec`; i.e. using a in-line `Decoder` instead of a `MsgCodec`. - pin us to `msgspec>=0.18.5` which has the needed generic-types support (which took me way too long yester to figure out when implementing all this XD)!
2024-03-28 14:45:01 +00:00
dec_msg = codec.dec.decode(wire_bytes)
Be mega pedantic with msg-spec building Turns out the generics based payload speccing API, as in, DOES WORK properly as long as we don't rely on inheritance from `Msg` a parent `Generic`.. So let's get real pedantic in the `mk_msg_spec()` internals as well as verification in the test suite! Fixes in `.msg.types`: - implement (as part of tinker testing) multiple spec union building methods via a `spec_build_method: str` to `mk_msg_spec()` and leave a buncha notes around what did and didn't work: - 'indexed_generics' is the only method THAT WORKS and the one that you'd expect being closest to the `msgspec` docs (link above). - 'defstruct' using dynamically defined msgs => doesn't work! - 'types_new_class' using dynamically defined msgs but with `types.new_clas()` => ALSO doesn't work.. - explicitly separate the `.pld` type-constrainable by user code msg set into `types._payload_spec_msgs` putting the others in a `types._runtime_spec_msgs` and the full set defined as `.__spec__` (moving it out of the pkg-mod and back to `.types` as well). - for the `_payload_spec_msgs` msgs manually make them inherit `Generic[PayloadT]` and (redunantly) define a `.pld: PayloadT` field. - make `IpcCtxSpec.functype` an in line `Literal`. - toss in some TODO notes about choosing a better `Msg.cid` type. Fixes/tweaks around `.msg._codec`: - rename `MsgCodec.ipc/pld_msg_spec` -> `.msg/pld_spec` - make `._enc/._dec` non optional fields - wow, ^facepalm^ , make sure `._ipc.MsgpackTCPStream.__init__()` uses `mk_codec()` since `MsgCodec` can't be (easily) constructed directly. Get more detailed in testing: - inside the `chk_pld_type()` helper ensure `roundtrip` is always set to some value, `None` by default but a bool depending on legit outcome. - drop input `generic`; no longer used. - drop the masked `typedef` loop from `Msg.__subclasses__()`. - for add an `expect_roundtrip: bool` and use to jump into debugger when any expectation doesn't match the outcome. - use new `MsgCodec` field names (as per first section above). - ensure the encoded msg matches the decoded one from both the ad-hoc decoder and codec loaded values. - ensure the pld checking is only applied to msgs in the `types._payload_spec_msgs` set by `typef.__name__` filtering since `mk_msg_spec()` now returns the full `.types.Msg` set.
2024-03-29 22:46:37 +00:00
_dec_msg = _dec.decode(wire_bytes)
Be mega pedantic with msg-spec building Turns out the generics based payload speccing API, as in, DOES WORK properly as long as we don't rely on inheritance from `Msg` a parent `Generic`.. So let's get real pedantic in the `mk_msg_spec()` internals as well as verification in the test suite! Fixes in `.msg.types`: - implement (as part of tinker testing) multiple spec union building methods via a `spec_build_method: str` to `mk_msg_spec()` and leave a buncha notes around what did and didn't work: - 'indexed_generics' is the only method THAT WORKS and the one that you'd expect being closest to the `msgspec` docs (link above). - 'defstruct' using dynamically defined msgs => doesn't work! - 'types_new_class' using dynamically defined msgs but with `types.new_clas()` => ALSO doesn't work.. - explicitly separate the `.pld` type-constrainable by user code msg set into `types._payload_spec_msgs` putting the others in a `types._runtime_spec_msgs` and the full set defined as `.__spec__` (moving it out of the pkg-mod and back to `.types` as well). - for the `_payload_spec_msgs` msgs manually make them inherit `Generic[PayloadT]` and (redunantly) define a `.pld: PayloadT` field. - make `IpcCtxSpec.functype` an in line `Literal`. - toss in some TODO notes about choosing a better `Msg.cid` type. Fixes/tweaks around `.msg._codec`: - rename `MsgCodec.ipc/pld_msg_spec` -> `.msg/pld_spec` - make `._enc/._dec` non optional fields - wow, ^facepalm^ , make sure `._ipc.MsgpackTCPStream.__init__()` uses `mk_codec()` since `MsgCodec` can't be (easily) constructed directly. Get more detailed in testing: - inside the `chk_pld_type()` helper ensure `roundtrip` is always set to some value, `None` by default but a bool depending on legit outcome. - drop input `generic`; no longer used. - drop the masked `typedef` loop from `Msg.__subclasses__()`. - for add an `expect_roundtrip: bool` and use to jump into debugger when any expectation doesn't match the outcome. - use new `MsgCodec` field names (as per first section above). - ensure the encoded msg matches the decoded one from both the ad-hoc decoder and codec loaded values. - ensure the pld checking is only applied to msgs in the `types._payload_spec_msgs` set by `typef.__name__` filtering since `mk_msg_spec()` now returns the full `.types.Msg` set.
2024-03-29 22:46:37 +00:00
# decoded msg and thus payload should be exactly same!
assert (roundtrip := (
Init def of "SC shuttle prot" with "msg-spec-limiting" As per the long outstanding GH issue this starts our rigorous journey into an attempt at a type-safe, cross-actor SC, IPC protocol Bo boop -> The idea is to "formally" define our SC "shuttle (dialog) protocol" by specifying a new `.msg.types.Msg` subtype-set which can fully encapsulate all IPC msg schemas needed in order to accomplish cross-process SC! The msg set deviated a little in terms of (type) names from the existing `dict`-msgs currently used in the runtime impl but, I think the name changes are much better in terms of explicitly representing the internal semantics of the actor runtime machinery/subsystems and the IPC-msg-dialog required for SC enforced RPC. ------ - ------ In cursory, the new formal msgs-spec includes the following msg-subtypes of a new top-level `Msg` boxing type (that holds the base field schema for all msgs): - `Start` to request RPC task scheduling by passing a `FuncSpec` payload (to replace the currently used `{'cmd': ... }` dict msg impl) - `StartAck` to allow the RPC task callee-side to report a `IpcCtxSpec` payload immediately back to the caller (currently responded naively via a `{'functype': ... }` msg) - `Started` to deliver the first value from `Context.started()` (instead of the existing `{'started': ... }`) - `Yield` to shuttle `MsgStream.send()`-ed values (instead of our `{'yield': ... }`) - `Stop` to terminate a `Context.open_stream()` session/block (over `{'stop': True }`) - `Return` to deliver the final value from the `Actor.start_remote_task()` (which is a `{'return': ... }`) - `Error` to box `RemoteActorError` exceptions via a `.pld: ErrorData` payload, planned to replace/extend the current `RemoteActorError.msgdata` mechanism internal to `._exceptions.pack/unpack_error()` The new `tractor.msg.types` includes all the above msg defs as well an API for rendering a "payload type specification" using a `payload_type_spec: Union[Type]` that can be passed to `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(type=payload_type_spec)`. This ensures that (for a subset of the above msg set) `Msg.pld: PayloadT` data is type-parameterized using `msgspec`'s new `Generic[PayloadT]` field support and thus enables providing for an API where IPC `Context` dialogs can strictly define the allowed payload-datatype-set via type union! Iow, this is the foundation for supporting `Channel`/`Context`/`MsgStream` IPC primitives which are type checked/safe as desired in GH issue: - Misc notes on current impl(s) status: ------ - ------ - add a `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` which uses the new `msgspec` support for `class MyStruct[Struct, Generic[T]]` parameterize-able fields and delivers our boxing SC-msg-(sub)set with the desired `payload_types` applied to `.pld`: - - as a note this impl seems to need to use `type.new_class()` dynamic subtype generation, though i don't really get *why* still.. but without that the `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` doesn't seem to reject `.pld` limited `Msg` subtypes as demonstrated in the new test. - around this ^ add a `.msg._codec.limit_msg_spec()` cm which exposes this payload type limiting API such that it can be applied per task via a `MsgCodec` in app code. - the orig approach in was the idea of making payload fields `.pld: Raw` wherein we could have per-field/sub-msg decoders dynamically loaded depending on the particular application-layer schema in use. I don't want to lose the idea of this since I think it might be useful for an idea I have about capability-based-fields(-sharing, maybe using field-subset encryption?), and as such i've kept the (ostensibly) working impls in TODO-comments in `.msg._codec` wherein maybe we can add a `MsgCodec._payload_decs: dict` table for this later on. |_ also left in the `.msg.types.enc/decmsg()` impls but renamed as `enc/dec_payload()` (but reworked to not rely on the lifo codec stack tables; now removed) such that we can prolly move them to `MsgCodec` methods in the future. - add an unused `._codec.mk_tagged_union_dec()` helper which was originally factored out the #311 proto-code but didn't end up working as desired with the new parameterized generic fields approach (now in `msg.types.mk_msg_spec()`) Testing/deps work: ------ - ------ - new `test_limit_msgspec()` which ensures all the `.types` content is correct but without using the wrapping APIs in `._codec`; i.e. using a in-line `Decoder` instead of a `MsgCodec`. - pin us to `msgspec>=0.18.5` which has the needed generic-types support (which took me way too long yester to figure out when implementing all this XD)!
2024-03-28 14:45:01 +00:00
Be mega pedantic with msg-spec building Turns out the generics based payload speccing API, as in, DOES WORK properly as long as we don't rely on inheritance from `Msg` a parent `Generic`.. So let's get real pedantic in the `mk_msg_spec()` internals as well as verification in the test suite! Fixes in `.msg.types`: - implement (as part of tinker testing) multiple spec union building methods via a `spec_build_method: str` to `mk_msg_spec()` and leave a buncha notes around what did and didn't work: - 'indexed_generics' is the only method THAT WORKS and the one that you'd expect being closest to the `msgspec` docs (link above). - 'defstruct' using dynamically defined msgs => doesn't work! - 'types_new_class' using dynamically defined msgs but with `types.new_clas()` => ALSO doesn't work.. - explicitly separate the `.pld` type-constrainable by user code msg set into `types._payload_spec_msgs` putting the others in a `types._runtime_spec_msgs` and the full set defined as `.__spec__` (moving it out of the pkg-mod and back to `.types` as well). - for the `_payload_spec_msgs` msgs manually make them inherit `Generic[PayloadT]` and (redunantly) define a `.pld: PayloadT` field. - make `IpcCtxSpec.functype` an in line `Literal`. - toss in some TODO notes about choosing a better `Msg.cid` type. Fixes/tweaks around `.msg._codec`: - rename `MsgCodec.ipc/pld_msg_spec` -> `.msg/pld_spec` - make `._enc/._dec` non optional fields - wow, ^facepalm^ , make sure `._ipc.MsgpackTCPStream.__init__()` uses `mk_codec()` since `MsgCodec` can't be (easily) constructed directly. Get more detailed in testing: - inside the `chk_pld_type()` helper ensure `roundtrip` is always set to some value, `None` by default but a bool depending on legit outcome. - drop input `generic`; no longer used. - drop the masked `typedef` loop from `Msg.__subclasses__()`. - for add an `expect_roundtrip: bool` and use to jump into debugger when any expectation doesn't match the outcome. - use new `MsgCodec` field names (as per first section above). - ensure the encoded msg matches the decoded one from both the ad-hoc decoder and codec loaded values. - ensure the pld checking is only applied to msgs in the `types._payload_spec_msgs` set by `typef.__name__` filtering since `mk_msg_spec()` now returns the full `.types.Msg` set.
2024-03-29 22:46:37 +00:00
if (
expect_roundtrip is not None
and expect_roundtrip != roundtrip
assert (
# assert (roundtrip := (_dec_msg == enc_msg))
except ValidationError as _ve:
ve = _ve
roundtrip: bool = False
if pld_val_type is payload_spec:
Init def of "SC shuttle prot" with "msg-spec-limiting" As per the long outstanding GH issue this starts our rigorous journey into an attempt at a type-safe, cross-actor SC, IPC protocol Bo boop -> The idea is to "formally" define our SC "shuttle (dialog) protocol" by specifying a new `.msg.types.Msg` subtype-set which can fully encapsulate all IPC msg schemas needed in order to accomplish cross-process SC! The msg set deviated a little in terms of (type) names from the existing `dict`-msgs currently used in the runtime impl but, I think the name changes are much better in terms of explicitly representing the internal semantics of the actor runtime machinery/subsystems and the IPC-msg-dialog required for SC enforced RPC. ------ - ------ In cursory, the new formal msgs-spec includes the following msg-subtypes of a new top-level `Msg` boxing type (that holds the base field schema for all msgs): - `Start` to request RPC task scheduling by passing a `FuncSpec` payload (to replace the currently used `{'cmd': ... }` dict msg impl) - `StartAck` to allow the RPC task callee-side to report a `IpcCtxSpec` payload immediately back to the caller (currently responded naively via a `{'functype': ... }` msg) - `Started` to deliver the first value from `Context.started()` (instead of the existing `{'started': ... }`) - `Yield` to shuttle `MsgStream.send()`-ed values (instead of our `{'yield': ... }`) - `Stop` to terminate a `Context.open_stream()` session/block (over `{'stop': True }`) - `Return` to deliver the final value from the `Actor.start_remote_task()` (which is a `{'return': ... }`) - `Error` to box `RemoteActorError` exceptions via a `.pld: ErrorData` payload, planned to replace/extend the current `RemoteActorError.msgdata` mechanism internal to `._exceptions.pack/unpack_error()` The new `tractor.msg.types` includes all the above msg defs as well an API for rendering a "payload type specification" using a `payload_type_spec: Union[Type]` that can be passed to `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(type=payload_type_spec)`. This ensures that (for a subset of the above msg set) `Msg.pld: PayloadT` data is type-parameterized using `msgspec`'s new `Generic[PayloadT]` field support and thus enables providing for an API where IPC `Context` dialogs can strictly define the allowed payload-datatype-set via type union! Iow, this is the foundation for supporting `Channel`/`Context`/`MsgStream` IPC primitives which are type checked/safe as desired in GH issue: - Misc notes on current impl(s) status: ------ - ------ - add a `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` which uses the new `msgspec` support for `class MyStruct[Struct, Generic[T]]` parameterize-able fields and delivers our boxing SC-msg-(sub)set with the desired `payload_types` applied to `.pld`: - - as a note this impl seems to need to use `type.new_class()` dynamic subtype generation, though i don't really get *why* still.. but without that the `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` doesn't seem to reject `.pld` limited `Msg` subtypes as demonstrated in the new test. - around this ^ add a `.msg._codec.limit_msg_spec()` cm which exposes this payload type limiting API such that it can be applied per task via a `MsgCodec` in app code. - the orig approach in was the idea of making payload fields `.pld: Raw` wherein we could have per-field/sub-msg decoders dynamically loaded depending on the particular application-layer schema in use. I don't want to lose the idea of this since I think it might be useful for an idea I have about capability-based-fields(-sharing, maybe using field-subset encryption?), and as such i've kept the (ostensibly) working impls in TODO-comments in `.msg._codec` wherein maybe we can add a `MsgCodec._payload_decs: dict` table for this later on. |_ also left in the `.msg.types.enc/decmsg()` impls but renamed as `enc/dec_payload()` (but reworked to not rely on the lifo codec stack tables; now removed) such that we can prolly move them to `MsgCodec` methods in the future. - add an unused `._codec.mk_tagged_union_dec()` helper which was originally factored out the #311 proto-code but didn't end up working as desired with the new parameterized generic fields approach (now in `msg.types.mk_msg_spec()`) Testing/deps work: ------ - ------ - new `test_limit_msgspec()` which ensures all the `.types` content is correct but without using the wrapping APIs in `._codec`; i.e. using a in-line `Decoder` instead of a `MsgCodec`. - pin us to `msgspec>=0.18.5` which has the needed generic-types support (which took me way too long yester to figure out when implementing all this XD)!
2024-03-28 14:45:01 +00:00
raise ValueError(
'Got `ValidationError` despite type-var match!?\n'
f'pld_val_type: {pld_val_type}\n'
Be mega pedantic with msg-spec building Turns out the generics based payload speccing API, as in, DOES WORK properly as long as we don't rely on inheritance from `Msg` a parent `Generic`.. So let's get real pedantic in the `mk_msg_spec()` internals as well as verification in the test suite! Fixes in `.msg.types`: - implement (as part of tinker testing) multiple spec union building methods via a `spec_build_method: str` to `mk_msg_spec()` and leave a buncha notes around what did and didn't work: - 'indexed_generics' is the only method THAT WORKS and the one that you'd expect being closest to the `msgspec` docs (link above). - 'defstruct' using dynamically defined msgs => doesn't work! - 'types_new_class' using dynamically defined msgs but with `types.new_clas()` => ALSO doesn't work.. - explicitly separate the `.pld` type-constrainable by user code msg set into `types._payload_spec_msgs` putting the others in a `types._runtime_spec_msgs` and the full set defined as `.__spec__` (moving it out of the pkg-mod and back to `.types` as well). - for the `_payload_spec_msgs` msgs manually make them inherit `Generic[PayloadT]` and (redunantly) define a `.pld: PayloadT` field. - make `IpcCtxSpec.functype` an in line `Literal`. - toss in some TODO notes about choosing a better `Msg.cid` type. Fixes/tweaks around `.msg._codec`: - rename `MsgCodec.ipc/pld_msg_spec` -> `.msg/pld_spec` - make `._enc/._dec` non optional fields - wow, ^facepalm^ , make sure `._ipc.MsgpackTCPStream.__init__()` uses `mk_codec()` since `MsgCodec` can't be (easily) constructed directly. Get more detailed in testing: - inside the `chk_pld_type()` helper ensure `roundtrip` is always set to some value, `None` by default but a bool depending on legit outcome. - drop input `generic`; no longer used. - drop the masked `typedef` loop from `Msg.__subclasses__()`. - for add an `expect_roundtrip: bool` and use to jump into debugger when any expectation doesn't match the outcome. - use new `MsgCodec` field names (as per first section above). - ensure the encoded msg matches the decoded one from both the ad-hoc decoder and codec loaded values. - ensure the pld checking is only applied to msgs in the `types._payload_spec_msgs` set by `typef.__name__` filtering since `mk_msg_spec()` now returns the full `.types.Msg` set.
2024-03-29 22:46:37 +00:00
f'payload_type: {payload_spec}\n'
Init def of "SC shuttle prot" with "msg-spec-limiting" As per the long outstanding GH issue this starts our rigorous journey into an attempt at a type-safe, cross-actor SC, IPC protocol Bo boop -> The idea is to "formally" define our SC "shuttle (dialog) protocol" by specifying a new `.msg.types.Msg` subtype-set which can fully encapsulate all IPC msg schemas needed in order to accomplish cross-process SC! The msg set deviated a little in terms of (type) names from the existing `dict`-msgs currently used in the runtime impl but, I think the name changes are much better in terms of explicitly representing the internal semantics of the actor runtime machinery/subsystems and the IPC-msg-dialog required for SC enforced RPC. ------ - ------ In cursory, the new formal msgs-spec includes the following msg-subtypes of a new top-level `Msg` boxing type (that holds the base field schema for all msgs): - `Start` to request RPC task scheduling by passing a `FuncSpec` payload (to replace the currently used `{'cmd': ... }` dict msg impl) - `StartAck` to allow the RPC task callee-side to report a `IpcCtxSpec` payload immediately back to the caller (currently responded naively via a `{'functype': ... }` msg) - `Started` to deliver the first value from `Context.started()` (instead of the existing `{'started': ... }`) - `Yield` to shuttle `MsgStream.send()`-ed values (instead of our `{'yield': ... }`) - `Stop` to terminate a `Context.open_stream()` session/block (over `{'stop': True }`) - `Return` to deliver the final value from the `Actor.start_remote_task()` (which is a `{'return': ... }`) - `Error` to box `RemoteActorError` exceptions via a `.pld: ErrorData` payload, planned to replace/extend the current `RemoteActorError.msgdata` mechanism internal to `._exceptions.pack/unpack_error()` The new `tractor.msg.types` includes all the above msg defs as well an API for rendering a "payload type specification" using a `payload_type_spec: Union[Type]` that can be passed to `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(type=payload_type_spec)`. This ensures that (for a subset of the above msg set) `Msg.pld: PayloadT` data is type-parameterized using `msgspec`'s new `Generic[PayloadT]` field support and thus enables providing for an API where IPC `Context` dialogs can strictly define the allowed payload-datatype-set via type union! Iow, this is the foundation for supporting `Channel`/`Context`/`MsgStream` IPC primitives which are type checked/safe as desired in GH issue: - Misc notes on current impl(s) status: ------ - ------ - add a `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` which uses the new `msgspec` support for `class MyStruct[Struct, Generic[T]]` parameterize-able fields and delivers our boxing SC-msg-(sub)set with the desired `payload_types` applied to `.pld`: - - as a note this impl seems to need to use `type.new_class()` dynamic subtype generation, though i don't really get *why* still.. but without that the `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` doesn't seem to reject `.pld` limited `Msg` subtypes as demonstrated in the new test. - around this ^ add a `.msg._codec.limit_msg_spec()` cm which exposes this payload type limiting API such that it can be applied per task via a `MsgCodec` in app code. - the orig approach in was the idea of making payload fields `.pld: Raw` wherein we could have per-field/sub-msg decoders dynamically loaded depending on the particular application-layer schema in use. I don't want to lose the idea of this since I think it might be useful for an idea I have about capability-based-fields(-sharing, maybe using field-subset encryption?), and as such i've kept the (ostensibly) working impls in TODO-comments in `.msg._codec` wherein maybe we can add a `MsgCodec._payload_decs: dict` table for this later on. |_ also left in the `.msg.types.enc/decmsg()` impls but renamed as `enc/dec_payload()` (but reworked to not rely on the lifo codec stack tables; now removed) such that we can prolly move them to `MsgCodec` methods in the future. - add an unused `._codec.mk_tagged_union_dec()` helper which was originally factored out the #311 proto-code but didn't end up working as desired with the new parameterized generic fields approach (now in `msg.types.mk_msg_spec()`) Testing/deps work: ------ - ------ - new `test_limit_msgspec()` which ensures all the `.types` content is correct but without using the wrapping APIs in `._codec`; i.e. using a in-line `Decoder` instead of a `MsgCodec`. - pin us to `msgspec>=0.18.5` which has the needed generic-types support (which took me way too long yester to figure out when implementing all this XD)!
2024-03-28 14:45:01 +00:00
) from ve
# ow we good cuz the pld spec mismatched.
'Got expected `ValidationError` since,\n'
Be mega pedantic with msg-spec building Turns out the generics based payload speccing API, as in, DOES WORK properly as long as we don't rely on inheritance from `Msg` a parent `Generic`.. So let's get real pedantic in the `mk_msg_spec()` internals as well as verification in the test suite! Fixes in `.msg.types`: - implement (as part of tinker testing) multiple spec union building methods via a `spec_build_method: str` to `mk_msg_spec()` and leave a buncha notes around what did and didn't work: - 'indexed_generics' is the only method THAT WORKS and the one that you'd expect being closest to the `msgspec` docs (link above). - 'defstruct' using dynamically defined msgs => doesn't work! - 'types_new_class' using dynamically defined msgs but with `types.new_clas()` => ALSO doesn't work.. - explicitly separate the `.pld` type-constrainable by user code msg set into `types._payload_spec_msgs` putting the others in a `types._runtime_spec_msgs` and the full set defined as `.__spec__` (moving it out of the pkg-mod and back to `.types` as well). - for the `_payload_spec_msgs` msgs manually make them inherit `Generic[PayloadT]` and (redunantly) define a `.pld: PayloadT` field. - make `IpcCtxSpec.functype` an in line `Literal`. - toss in some TODO notes about choosing a better `Msg.cid` type. Fixes/tweaks around `.msg._codec`: - rename `MsgCodec.ipc/pld_msg_spec` -> `.msg/pld_spec` - make `._enc/._dec` non optional fields - wow, ^facepalm^ , make sure `._ipc.MsgpackTCPStream.__init__()` uses `mk_codec()` since `MsgCodec` can't be (easily) constructed directly. Get more detailed in testing: - inside the `chk_pld_type()` helper ensure `roundtrip` is always set to some value, `None` by default but a bool depending on legit outcome. - drop input `generic`; no longer used. - drop the masked `typedef` loop from `Msg.__subclasses__()`. - for add an `expect_roundtrip: bool` and use to jump into debugger when any expectation doesn't match the outcome. - use new `MsgCodec` field names (as per first section above). - ensure the encoded msg matches the decoded one from both the ad-hoc decoder and codec loaded values. - ensure the pld checking is only applied to msgs in the `types._payload_spec_msgs` set by `typef.__name__` filtering since `mk_msg_spec()` now returns the full `.types.Msg` set.
2024-03-29 22:46:37 +00:00
f'{pld_val_type} is not {payload_spec}\n'
Init def of "SC shuttle prot" with "msg-spec-limiting" As per the long outstanding GH issue this starts our rigorous journey into an attempt at a type-safe, cross-actor SC, IPC protocol Bo boop -> The idea is to "formally" define our SC "shuttle (dialog) protocol" by specifying a new `.msg.types.Msg` subtype-set which can fully encapsulate all IPC msg schemas needed in order to accomplish cross-process SC! The msg set deviated a little in terms of (type) names from the existing `dict`-msgs currently used in the runtime impl but, I think the name changes are much better in terms of explicitly representing the internal semantics of the actor runtime machinery/subsystems and the IPC-msg-dialog required for SC enforced RPC. ------ - ------ In cursory, the new formal msgs-spec includes the following msg-subtypes of a new top-level `Msg` boxing type (that holds the base field schema for all msgs): - `Start` to request RPC task scheduling by passing a `FuncSpec` payload (to replace the currently used `{'cmd': ... }` dict msg impl) - `StartAck` to allow the RPC task callee-side to report a `IpcCtxSpec` payload immediately back to the caller (currently responded naively via a `{'functype': ... }` msg) - `Started` to deliver the first value from `Context.started()` (instead of the existing `{'started': ... }`) - `Yield` to shuttle `MsgStream.send()`-ed values (instead of our `{'yield': ... }`) - `Stop` to terminate a `Context.open_stream()` session/block (over `{'stop': True }`) - `Return` to deliver the final value from the `Actor.start_remote_task()` (which is a `{'return': ... }`) - `Error` to box `RemoteActorError` exceptions via a `.pld: ErrorData` payload, planned to replace/extend the current `RemoteActorError.msgdata` mechanism internal to `._exceptions.pack/unpack_error()` The new `tractor.msg.types` includes all the above msg defs as well an API for rendering a "payload type specification" using a `payload_type_spec: Union[Type]` that can be passed to `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(type=payload_type_spec)`. This ensures that (for a subset of the above msg set) `Msg.pld: PayloadT` data is type-parameterized using `msgspec`'s new `Generic[PayloadT]` field support and thus enables providing for an API where IPC `Context` dialogs can strictly define the allowed payload-datatype-set via type union! Iow, this is the foundation for supporting `Channel`/`Context`/`MsgStream` IPC primitives which are type checked/safe as desired in GH issue: - Misc notes on current impl(s) status: ------ - ------ - add a `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` which uses the new `msgspec` support for `class MyStruct[Struct, Generic[T]]` parameterize-able fields and delivers our boxing SC-msg-(sub)set with the desired `payload_types` applied to `.pld`: - - as a note this impl seems to need to use `type.new_class()` dynamic subtype generation, though i don't really get *why* still.. but without that the `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` doesn't seem to reject `.pld` limited `Msg` subtypes as demonstrated in the new test. - around this ^ add a `.msg._codec.limit_msg_spec()` cm which exposes this payload type limiting API such that it can be applied per task via a `MsgCodec` in app code. - the orig approach in was the idea of making payload fields `.pld: Raw` wherein we could have per-field/sub-msg decoders dynamically loaded depending on the particular application-layer schema in use. I don't want to lose the idea of this since I think it might be useful for an idea I have about capability-based-fields(-sharing, maybe using field-subset encryption?), and as such i've kept the (ostensibly) working impls in TODO-comments in `.msg._codec` wherein maybe we can add a `MsgCodec._payload_decs: dict` table for this later on. |_ also left in the `.msg.types.enc/decmsg()` impls but renamed as `enc/dec_payload()` (but reworked to not rely on the lifo codec stack tables; now removed) such that we can prolly move them to `MsgCodec` methods in the future. - add an unused `._codec.mk_tagged_union_dec()` helper which was originally factored out the #311 proto-code but didn't end up working as desired with the new parameterized generic fields approach (now in `msg.types.mk_msg_spec()`) Testing/deps work: ------ - ------ - new `test_limit_msgspec()` which ensures all the `.types` content is correct but without using the wrapping APIs in `._codec`; i.e. using a in-line `Decoder` instead of a `MsgCodec`. - pin us to `msgspec>=0.18.5` which has the needed generic-types support (which took me way too long yester to figure out when implementing all this XD)!
2024-03-28 14:45:01 +00:00
if (
Be mega pedantic with msg-spec building Turns out the generics based payload speccing API, as in, DOES WORK properly as long as we don't rely on inheritance from `Msg` a parent `Generic`.. So let's get real pedantic in the `mk_msg_spec()` internals as well as verification in the test suite! Fixes in `.msg.types`: - implement (as part of tinker testing) multiple spec union building methods via a `spec_build_method: str` to `mk_msg_spec()` and leave a buncha notes around what did and didn't work: - 'indexed_generics' is the only method THAT WORKS and the one that you'd expect being closest to the `msgspec` docs (link above). - 'defstruct' using dynamically defined msgs => doesn't work! - 'types_new_class' using dynamically defined msgs but with `types.new_clas()` => ALSO doesn't work.. - explicitly separate the `.pld` type-constrainable by user code msg set into `types._payload_spec_msgs` putting the others in a `types._runtime_spec_msgs` and the full set defined as `.__spec__` (moving it out of the pkg-mod and back to `.types` as well). - for the `_payload_spec_msgs` msgs manually make them inherit `Generic[PayloadT]` and (redunantly) define a `.pld: PayloadT` field. - make `IpcCtxSpec.functype` an in line `Literal`. - toss in some TODO notes about choosing a better `Msg.cid` type. Fixes/tweaks around `.msg._codec`: - rename `MsgCodec.ipc/pld_msg_spec` -> `.msg/pld_spec` - make `._enc/._dec` non optional fields - wow, ^facepalm^ , make sure `._ipc.MsgpackTCPStream.__init__()` uses `mk_codec()` since `MsgCodec` can't be (easily) constructed directly. Get more detailed in testing: - inside the `chk_pld_type()` helper ensure `roundtrip` is always set to some value, `None` by default but a bool depending on legit outcome. - drop input `generic`; no longer used. - drop the masked `typedef` loop from `Msg.__subclasses__()`. - for add an `expect_roundtrip: bool` and use to jump into debugger when any expectation doesn't match the outcome. - use new `MsgCodec` field names (as per first section above). - ensure the encoded msg matches the decoded one from both the ad-hoc decoder and codec loaded values. - ensure the pld checking is only applied to msgs in the `types._payload_spec_msgs` set by `typef.__name__` filtering since `mk_msg_spec()` now returns the full `.types.Msg` set.
2024-03-29 22:46:37 +00:00
payload_spec is not Any
pld_val_type is not payload_spec
Init def of "SC shuttle prot" with "msg-spec-limiting" As per the long outstanding GH issue this starts our rigorous journey into an attempt at a type-safe, cross-actor SC, IPC protocol Bo boop -> The idea is to "formally" define our SC "shuttle (dialog) protocol" by specifying a new `.msg.types.Msg` subtype-set which can fully encapsulate all IPC msg schemas needed in order to accomplish cross-process SC! The msg set deviated a little in terms of (type) names from the existing `dict`-msgs currently used in the runtime impl but, I think the name changes are much better in terms of explicitly representing the internal semantics of the actor runtime machinery/subsystems and the IPC-msg-dialog required for SC enforced RPC. ------ - ------ In cursory, the new formal msgs-spec includes the following msg-subtypes of a new top-level `Msg` boxing type (that holds the base field schema for all msgs): - `Start` to request RPC task scheduling by passing a `FuncSpec` payload (to replace the currently used `{'cmd': ... }` dict msg impl) - `StartAck` to allow the RPC task callee-side to report a `IpcCtxSpec` payload immediately back to the caller (currently responded naively via a `{'functype': ... }` msg) - `Started` to deliver the first value from `Context.started()` (instead of the existing `{'started': ... }`) - `Yield` to shuttle `MsgStream.send()`-ed values (instead of our `{'yield': ... }`) - `Stop` to terminate a `Context.open_stream()` session/block (over `{'stop': True }`) - `Return` to deliver the final value from the `Actor.start_remote_task()` (which is a `{'return': ... }`) - `Error` to box `RemoteActorError` exceptions via a `.pld: ErrorData` payload, planned to replace/extend the current `RemoteActorError.msgdata` mechanism internal to `._exceptions.pack/unpack_error()` The new `tractor.msg.types` includes all the above msg defs as well an API for rendering a "payload type specification" using a `payload_type_spec: Union[Type]` that can be passed to `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(type=payload_type_spec)`. This ensures that (for a subset of the above msg set) `Msg.pld: PayloadT` data is type-parameterized using `msgspec`'s new `Generic[PayloadT]` field support and thus enables providing for an API where IPC `Context` dialogs can strictly define the allowed payload-datatype-set via type union! Iow, this is the foundation for supporting `Channel`/`Context`/`MsgStream` IPC primitives which are type checked/safe as desired in GH issue: - Misc notes on current impl(s) status: ------ - ------ - add a `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` which uses the new `msgspec` support for `class MyStruct[Struct, Generic[T]]` parameterize-able fields and delivers our boxing SC-msg-(sub)set with the desired `payload_types` applied to `.pld`: - - as a note this impl seems to need to use `type.new_class()` dynamic subtype generation, though i don't really get *why* still.. but without that the `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` doesn't seem to reject `.pld` limited `Msg` subtypes as demonstrated in the new test. - around this ^ add a `.msg._codec.limit_msg_spec()` cm which exposes this payload type limiting API such that it can be applied per task via a `MsgCodec` in app code. - the orig approach in was the idea of making payload fields `.pld: Raw` wherein we could have per-field/sub-msg decoders dynamically loaded depending on the particular application-layer schema in use. I don't want to lose the idea of this since I think it might be useful for an idea I have about capability-based-fields(-sharing, maybe using field-subset encryption?), and as such i've kept the (ostensibly) working impls in TODO-comments in `.msg._codec` wherein maybe we can add a `MsgCodec._payload_decs: dict` table for this later on. |_ also left in the `.msg.types.enc/decmsg()` impls but renamed as `enc/dec_payload()` (but reworked to not rely on the lifo codec stack tables; now removed) such that we can prolly move them to `MsgCodec` methods in the future. - add an unused `._codec.mk_tagged_union_dec()` helper which was originally factored out the #311 proto-code but didn't end up working as desired with the new parameterized generic fields approach (now in `msg.types.mk_msg_spec()`) Testing/deps work: ------ - ------ - new `test_limit_msgspec()` which ensures all the `.types` content is correct but without using the wrapping APIs in `._codec`; i.e. using a in-line `Decoder` instead of a `MsgCodec`. - pin us to `msgspec>=0.18.5` which has the needed generic-types support (which took me way too long yester to figure out when implementing all this XD)!
2024-03-28 14:45:01 +00:00
raise ValueError(
'DID NOT `ValidationError` despite expected type match!?\n'
f'pld_val_type: {pld_val_type}\n'
Be mega pedantic with msg-spec building Turns out the generics based payload speccing API, as in, DOES WORK properly as long as we don't rely on inheritance from `Msg` a parent `Generic`.. So let's get real pedantic in the `mk_msg_spec()` internals as well as verification in the test suite! Fixes in `.msg.types`: - implement (as part of tinker testing) multiple spec union building methods via a `spec_build_method: str` to `mk_msg_spec()` and leave a buncha notes around what did and didn't work: - 'indexed_generics' is the only method THAT WORKS and the one that you'd expect being closest to the `msgspec` docs (link above). - 'defstruct' using dynamically defined msgs => doesn't work! - 'types_new_class' using dynamically defined msgs but with `types.new_clas()` => ALSO doesn't work.. - explicitly separate the `.pld` type-constrainable by user code msg set into `types._payload_spec_msgs` putting the others in a `types._runtime_spec_msgs` and the full set defined as `.__spec__` (moving it out of the pkg-mod and back to `.types` as well). - for the `_payload_spec_msgs` msgs manually make them inherit `Generic[PayloadT]` and (redunantly) define a `.pld: PayloadT` field. - make `IpcCtxSpec.functype` an in line `Literal`. - toss in some TODO notes about choosing a better `Msg.cid` type. Fixes/tweaks around `.msg._codec`: - rename `MsgCodec.ipc/pld_msg_spec` -> `.msg/pld_spec` - make `._enc/._dec` non optional fields - wow, ^facepalm^ , make sure `._ipc.MsgpackTCPStream.__init__()` uses `mk_codec()` since `MsgCodec` can't be (easily) constructed directly. Get more detailed in testing: - inside the `chk_pld_type()` helper ensure `roundtrip` is always set to some value, `None` by default but a bool depending on legit outcome. - drop input `generic`; no longer used. - drop the masked `typedef` loop from `Msg.__subclasses__()`. - for add an `expect_roundtrip: bool` and use to jump into debugger when any expectation doesn't match the outcome. - use new `MsgCodec` field names (as per first section above). - ensure the encoded msg matches the decoded one from both the ad-hoc decoder and codec loaded values. - ensure the pld checking is only applied to msgs in the `types._payload_spec_msgs` set by `typef.__name__` filtering since `mk_msg_spec()` now returns the full `.types.Msg` set.
2024-03-29 22:46:37 +00:00
f'payload_type: {payload_spec}\n'
Init def of "SC shuttle prot" with "msg-spec-limiting" As per the long outstanding GH issue this starts our rigorous journey into an attempt at a type-safe, cross-actor SC, IPC protocol Bo boop -> The idea is to "formally" define our SC "shuttle (dialog) protocol" by specifying a new `.msg.types.Msg` subtype-set which can fully encapsulate all IPC msg schemas needed in order to accomplish cross-process SC! The msg set deviated a little in terms of (type) names from the existing `dict`-msgs currently used in the runtime impl but, I think the name changes are much better in terms of explicitly representing the internal semantics of the actor runtime machinery/subsystems and the IPC-msg-dialog required for SC enforced RPC. ------ - ------ In cursory, the new formal msgs-spec includes the following msg-subtypes of a new top-level `Msg` boxing type (that holds the base field schema for all msgs): - `Start` to request RPC task scheduling by passing a `FuncSpec` payload (to replace the currently used `{'cmd': ... }` dict msg impl) - `StartAck` to allow the RPC task callee-side to report a `IpcCtxSpec` payload immediately back to the caller (currently responded naively via a `{'functype': ... }` msg) - `Started` to deliver the first value from `Context.started()` (instead of the existing `{'started': ... }`) - `Yield` to shuttle `MsgStream.send()`-ed values (instead of our `{'yield': ... }`) - `Stop` to terminate a `Context.open_stream()` session/block (over `{'stop': True }`) - `Return` to deliver the final value from the `Actor.start_remote_task()` (which is a `{'return': ... }`) - `Error` to box `RemoteActorError` exceptions via a `.pld: ErrorData` payload, planned to replace/extend the current `RemoteActorError.msgdata` mechanism internal to `._exceptions.pack/unpack_error()` The new `tractor.msg.types` includes all the above msg defs as well an API for rendering a "payload type specification" using a `payload_type_spec: Union[Type]` that can be passed to `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(type=payload_type_spec)`. This ensures that (for a subset of the above msg set) `Msg.pld: PayloadT` data is type-parameterized using `msgspec`'s new `Generic[PayloadT]` field support and thus enables providing for an API where IPC `Context` dialogs can strictly define the allowed payload-datatype-set via type union! Iow, this is the foundation for supporting `Channel`/`Context`/`MsgStream` IPC primitives which are type checked/safe as desired in GH issue: - Misc notes on current impl(s) status: ------ - ------ - add a `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` which uses the new `msgspec` support for `class MyStruct[Struct, Generic[T]]` parameterize-able fields and delivers our boxing SC-msg-(sub)set with the desired `payload_types` applied to `.pld`: - - as a note this impl seems to need to use `type.new_class()` dynamic subtype generation, though i don't really get *why* still.. but without that the `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` doesn't seem to reject `.pld` limited `Msg` subtypes as demonstrated in the new test. - around this ^ add a `.msg._codec.limit_msg_spec()` cm which exposes this payload type limiting API such that it can be applied per task via a `MsgCodec` in app code. - the orig approach in was the idea of making payload fields `.pld: Raw` wherein we could have per-field/sub-msg decoders dynamically loaded depending on the particular application-layer schema in use. I don't want to lose the idea of this since I think it might be useful for an idea I have about capability-based-fields(-sharing, maybe using field-subset encryption?), and as such i've kept the (ostensibly) working impls in TODO-comments in `.msg._codec` wherein maybe we can add a `MsgCodec._payload_decs: dict` table for this later on. |_ also left in the `.msg.types.enc/decmsg()` impls but renamed as `enc/dec_payload()` (but reworked to not rely on the lifo codec stack tables; now removed) such that we can prolly move them to `MsgCodec` methods in the future. - add an unused `._codec.mk_tagged_union_dec()` helper which was originally factored out the #311 proto-code but didn't end up working as desired with the new parameterized generic fields approach (now in `msg.types.mk_msg_spec()`) Testing/deps work: ------ - ------ - new `test_limit_msgspec()` which ensures all the `.types` content is correct but without using the wrapping APIs in `._codec`; i.e. using a in-line `Decoder` instead of a `MsgCodec`. - pin us to `msgspec>=0.18.5` which has the needed generic-types support (which took me way too long yester to figure out when implementing all this XD)!
2024-03-28 14:45:01 +00:00
Be mega pedantic with msg-spec building Turns out the generics based payload speccing API, as in, DOES WORK properly as long as we don't rely on inheritance from `Msg` a parent `Generic`.. So let's get real pedantic in the `mk_msg_spec()` internals as well as verification in the test suite! Fixes in `.msg.types`: - implement (as part of tinker testing) multiple spec union building methods via a `spec_build_method: str` to `mk_msg_spec()` and leave a buncha notes around what did and didn't work: - 'indexed_generics' is the only method THAT WORKS and the one that you'd expect being closest to the `msgspec` docs (link above). - 'defstruct' using dynamically defined msgs => doesn't work! - 'types_new_class' using dynamically defined msgs but with `types.new_clas()` => ALSO doesn't work.. - explicitly separate the `.pld` type-constrainable by user code msg set into `types._payload_spec_msgs` putting the others in a `types._runtime_spec_msgs` and the full set defined as `.__spec__` (moving it out of the pkg-mod and back to `.types` as well). - for the `_payload_spec_msgs` msgs manually make them inherit `Generic[PayloadT]` and (redunantly) define a `.pld: PayloadT` field. - make `IpcCtxSpec.functype` an in line `Literal`. - toss in some TODO notes about choosing a better `Msg.cid` type. Fixes/tweaks around `.msg._codec`: - rename `MsgCodec.ipc/pld_msg_spec` -> `.msg/pld_spec` - make `._enc/._dec` non optional fields - wow, ^facepalm^ , make sure `._ipc.MsgpackTCPStream.__init__()` uses `mk_codec()` since `MsgCodec` can't be (easily) constructed directly. Get more detailed in testing: - inside the `chk_pld_type()` helper ensure `roundtrip` is always set to some value, `None` by default but a bool depending on legit outcome. - drop input `generic`; no longer used. - drop the masked `typedef` loop from `Msg.__subclasses__()`. - for add an `expect_roundtrip: bool` and use to jump into debugger when any expectation doesn't match the outcome. - use new `MsgCodec` field names (as per first section above). - ensure the encoded msg matches the decoded one from both the ad-hoc decoder and codec loaded values. - ensure the pld checking is only applied to msgs in the `types._payload_spec_msgs` set by `typef.__name__` filtering since `mk_msg_spec()` now returns the full `.types.Msg` set.
2024-03-29 22:46:37 +00:00
# full code decode should always be attempted!
if roundtrip is None:
Init def of "SC shuttle prot" with "msg-spec-limiting" As per the long outstanding GH issue this starts our rigorous journey into an attempt at a type-safe, cross-actor SC, IPC protocol Bo boop -> The idea is to "formally" define our SC "shuttle (dialog) protocol" by specifying a new `.msg.types.Msg` subtype-set which can fully encapsulate all IPC msg schemas needed in order to accomplish cross-process SC! The msg set deviated a little in terms of (type) names from the existing `dict`-msgs currently used in the runtime impl but, I think the name changes are much better in terms of explicitly representing the internal semantics of the actor runtime machinery/subsystems and the IPC-msg-dialog required for SC enforced RPC. ------ - ------ In cursory, the new formal msgs-spec includes the following msg-subtypes of a new top-level `Msg` boxing type (that holds the base field schema for all msgs): - `Start` to request RPC task scheduling by passing a `FuncSpec` payload (to replace the currently used `{'cmd': ... }` dict msg impl) - `StartAck` to allow the RPC task callee-side to report a `IpcCtxSpec` payload immediately back to the caller (currently responded naively via a `{'functype': ... }` msg) - `Started` to deliver the first value from `Context.started()` (instead of the existing `{'started': ... }`) - `Yield` to shuttle `MsgStream.send()`-ed values (instead of our `{'yield': ... }`) - `Stop` to terminate a `Context.open_stream()` session/block (over `{'stop': True }`) - `Return` to deliver the final value from the `Actor.start_remote_task()` (which is a `{'return': ... }`) - `Error` to box `RemoteActorError` exceptions via a `.pld: ErrorData` payload, planned to replace/extend the current `RemoteActorError.msgdata` mechanism internal to `._exceptions.pack/unpack_error()` The new `tractor.msg.types` includes all the above msg defs as well an API for rendering a "payload type specification" using a `payload_type_spec: Union[Type]` that can be passed to `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(type=payload_type_spec)`. This ensures that (for a subset of the above msg set) `Msg.pld: PayloadT` data is type-parameterized using `msgspec`'s new `Generic[PayloadT]` field support and thus enables providing for an API where IPC `Context` dialogs can strictly define the allowed payload-datatype-set via type union! Iow, this is the foundation for supporting `Channel`/`Context`/`MsgStream` IPC primitives which are type checked/safe as desired in GH issue: - Misc notes on current impl(s) status: ------ - ------ - add a `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` which uses the new `msgspec` support for `class MyStruct[Struct, Generic[T]]` parameterize-able fields and delivers our boxing SC-msg-(sub)set with the desired `payload_types` applied to `.pld`: - - as a note this impl seems to need to use `type.new_class()` dynamic subtype generation, though i don't really get *why* still.. but without that the `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` doesn't seem to reject `.pld` limited `Msg` subtypes as demonstrated in the new test. - around this ^ add a `.msg._codec.limit_msg_spec()` cm which exposes this payload type limiting API such that it can be applied per task via a `MsgCodec` in app code. - the orig approach in was the idea of making payload fields `.pld: Raw` wherein we could have per-field/sub-msg decoders dynamically loaded depending on the particular application-layer schema in use. I don't want to lose the idea of this since I think it might be useful for an idea I have about capability-based-fields(-sharing, maybe using field-subset encryption?), and as such i've kept the (ostensibly) working impls in TODO-comments in `.msg._codec` wherein maybe we can add a `MsgCodec._payload_decs: dict` table for this later on. |_ also left in the `.msg.types.enc/decmsg()` impls but renamed as `enc/dec_payload()` (but reworked to not rely on the lifo codec stack tables; now removed) such that we can prolly move them to `MsgCodec` methods in the future. - add an unused `._codec.mk_tagged_union_dec()` helper which was originally factored out the #311 proto-code but didn't end up working as desired with the new parameterized generic fields approach (now in `msg.types.mk_msg_spec()`) Testing/deps work: ------ - ------ - new `test_limit_msgspec()` which ensures all the `.types` content is correct but without using the wrapping APIs in `._codec`; i.e. using a in-line `Decoder` instead of a `MsgCodec`. - pin us to `msgspec>=0.18.5` which has the needed generic-types support (which took me way too long yester to figure out when implementing all this XD)!
2024-03-28 14:45:01 +00:00
Be mega pedantic with msg-spec building Turns out the generics based payload speccing API, as in, DOES WORK properly as long as we don't rely on inheritance from `Msg` a parent `Generic`.. So let's get real pedantic in the `mk_msg_spec()` internals as well as verification in the test suite! Fixes in `.msg.types`: - implement (as part of tinker testing) multiple spec union building methods via a `spec_build_method: str` to `mk_msg_spec()` and leave a buncha notes around what did and didn't work: - 'indexed_generics' is the only method THAT WORKS and the one that you'd expect being closest to the `msgspec` docs (link above). - 'defstruct' using dynamically defined msgs => doesn't work! - 'types_new_class' using dynamically defined msgs but with `types.new_clas()` => ALSO doesn't work.. - explicitly separate the `.pld` type-constrainable by user code msg set into `types._payload_spec_msgs` putting the others in a `types._runtime_spec_msgs` and the full set defined as `.__spec__` (moving it out of the pkg-mod and back to `.types` as well). - for the `_payload_spec_msgs` msgs manually make them inherit `Generic[PayloadT]` and (redunantly) define a `.pld: PayloadT` field. - make `IpcCtxSpec.functype` an in line `Literal`. - toss in some TODO notes about choosing a better `Msg.cid` type. Fixes/tweaks around `.msg._codec`: - rename `MsgCodec.ipc/pld_msg_spec` -> `.msg/pld_spec` - make `._enc/._dec` non optional fields - wow, ^facepalm^ , make sure `._ipc.MsgpackTCPStream.__init__()` uses `mk_codec()` since `MsgCodec` can't be (easily) constructed directly. Get more detailed in testing: - inside the `chk_pld_type()` helper ensure `roundtrip` is always set to some value, `None` by default but a bool depending on legit outcome. - drop input `generic`; no longer used. - drop the masked `typedef` loop from `Msg.__subclasses__()`. - for add an `expect_roundtrip: bool` and use to jump into debugger when any expectation doesn't match the outcome. - use new `MsgCodec` field names (as per first section above). - ensure the encoded msg matches the decoded one from both the ad-hoc decoder and codec loaded values. - ensure the pld checking is only applied to msgs in the `types._payload_spec_msgs` set by `typef.__name__` filtering since `mk_msg_spec()` now returns the full `.types.Msg` set.
2024-03-29 22:46:37 +00:00
return roundtrip
Init def of "SC shuttle prot" with "msg-spec-limiting" As per the long outstanding GH issue this starts our rigorous journey into an attempt at a type-safe, cross-actor SC, IPC protocol Bo boop -> The idea is to "formally" define our SC "shuttle (dialog) protocol" by specifying a new `.msg.types.Msg` subtype-set which can fully encapsulate all IPC msg schemas needed in order to accomplish cross-process SC! The msg set deviated a little in terms of (type) names from the existing `dict`-msgs currently used in the runtime impl but, I think the name changes are much better in terms of explicitly representing the internal semantics of the actor runtime machinery/subsystems and the IPC-msg-dialog required for SC enforced RPC. ------ - ------ In cursory, the new formal msgs-spec includes the following msg-subtypes of a new top-level `Msg` boxing type (that holds the base field schema for all msgs): - `Start` to request RPC task scheduling by passing a `FuncSpec` payload (to replace the currently used `{'cmd': ... }` dict msg impl) - `StartAck` to allow the RPC task callee-side to report a `IpcCtxSpec` payload immediately back to the caller (currently responded naively via a `{'functype': ... }` msg) - `Started` to deliver the first value from `Context.started()` (instead of the existing `{'started': ... }`) - `Yield` to shuttle `MsgStream.send()`-ed values (instead of our `{'yield': ... }`) - `Stop` to terminate a `Context.open_stream()` session/block (over `{'stop': True }`) - `Return` to deliver the final value from the `Actor.start_remote_task()` (which is a `{'return': ... }`) - `Error` to box `RemoteActorError` exceptions via a `.pld: ErrorData` payload, planned to replace/extend the current `RemoteActorError.msgdata` mechanism internal to `._exceptions.pack/unpack_error()` The new `tractor.msg.types` includes all the above msg defs as well an API for rendering a "payload type specification" using a `payload_type_spec: Union[Type]` that can be passed to `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(type=payload_type_spec)`. This ensures that (for a subset of the above msg set) `Msg.pld: PayloadT` data is type-parameterized using `msgspec`'s new `Generic[PayloadT]` field support and thus enables providing for an API where IPC `Context` dialogs can strictly define the allowed payload-datatype-set via type union! Iow, this is the foundation for supporting `Channel`/`Context`/`MsgStream` IPC primitives which are type checked/safe as desired in GH issue: - Misc notes on current impl(s) status: ------ - ------ - add a `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` which uses the new `msgspec` support for `class MyStruct[Struct, Generic[T]]` parameterize-able fields and delivers our boxing SC-msg-(sub)set with the desired `payload_types` applied to `.pld`: - - as a note this impl seems to need to use `type.new_class()` dynamic subtype generation, though i don't really get *why* still.. but without that the `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` doesn't seem to reject `.pld` limited `Msg` subtypes as demonstrated in the new test. - around this ^ add a `.msg._codec.limit_msg_spec()` cm which exposes this payload type limiting API such that it can be applied per task via a `MsgCodec` in app code. - the orig approach in was the idea of making payload fields `.pld: Raw` wherein we could have per-field/sub-msg decoders dynamically loaded depending on the particular application-layer schema in use. I don't want to lose the idea of this since I think it might be useful for an idea I have about capability-based-fields(-sharing, maybe using field-subset encryption?), and as such i've kept the (ostensibly) working impls in TODO-comments in `.msg._codec` wherein maybe we can add a `MsgCodec._payload_decs: dict` table for this later on. |_ also left in the `.msg.types.enc/decmsg()` impls but renamed as `enc/dec_payload()` (but reworked to not rely on the lifo codec stack tables; now removed) such that we can prolly move them to `MsgCodec` methods in the future. - add an unused `._codec.mk_tagged_union_dec()` helper which was originally factored out the #311 proto-code but didn't end up working as desired with the new parameterized generic fields approach (now in `msg.types.mk_msg_spec()`) Testing/deps work: ------ - ------ - new `test_limit_msgspec()` which ensures all the `.types` content is correct but without using the wrapping APIs in `._codec`; i.e. using a in-line `Decoder` instead of a `MsgCodec`. - pin us to `msgspec>=0.18.5` which has the needed generic-types support (which took me way too long yester to figure out when implementing all this XD)!
2024-03-28 14:45:01 +00:00
# ?TODO? remove since covered in the newer `test_pldrx_limiting`?
def test_limit_msgspec(
debug_mode: bool,
Finally get type-extended `msgspec` fields workinn By using our new `PldRx` design we can, - pass through the pld-spec & a `dec_hook()` to our `MsgDec` which is used to configure the underlying `.dec: msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` - pass through a `enc_hook()` to `mk_codec()` and use it to conf the equiv `MsgCodec.enc` such that sent msg-plds are converted prior to transport. The trick ended up being just to always union the `mk_dec()` extension-types spec with the normaly with the `msgspec.Raw` pld-spec such that the `dec_hook()` is only invoked for payload types tagged by the encoder/sender side B) A variety of impl tweaks to make it all happen as well as various cleanups in the `.msg._codec` mod include, - `mk_dec()` no defaul `spec` arg, better doc string, accept the new `ext_types` arg, doing the union of that with `msgspec.Raw`. - proto-ed a now unused `mk_boxed_ext_struct()` which will likely get removed since it ended up that our `PayloadMsg` structs already cover the ext-type-hook requirement that the decoder is passed a `.type=msgspec.Struct` of some sort in order for `.dec_hook` to be used. - add a `unpack_spec_types()` util fn for getting the `set[Type]` from from a `Union[Type]` annotation instance. - mk the default `mk_codec(pc_pld_spec = Raw,)` since the `PldRx` design was already passing/overriding it and it doesn't make much sense to use `Any` anymore for the same reason; it will cause various `Context` apis to now break. |_ also accept a `enc_hook()` and `ext_types` which are used to maybe config the `.msgpack.Encoder` - generally tweak a bunch of comments-as-docs and todos namely the ones that are completed after the pld-rx design was implemented. Also, - mask the non-functioning `'defstruct'` approach `inside `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` to prep for its removal. Adjust the test suite (rn called `test_caps_based_msging`), - add a new suite `test_custom_extension_types` and move and use the `enc/dec_nsp()` hooks to the mod level for its use. - prolly planning to drop the `test_limit_msgspec` suite since it's mostly replaced by the `test_pldrx_limiting` mod's version? - originally was tweaking a bunch in `test_codec_hooks_mod` but likely it will get mostly rewritten to be simpler and simply verify that ext-typed fields can be used over IPC `Context`s between actors (as originally intended for this sub-suite).
2025-03-07 19:13:36 +00:00
Internals unit testing to verify that type-limiting an IPC ctx's
msg spec with `Pldrx.limit_plds()` results in various
encapsulated `msgspec` object settings and state.
Finally get type-extended `msgspec` fields workinn By using our new `PldRx` design we can, - pass through the pld-spec & a `dec_hook()` to our `MsgDec` which is used to configure the underlying `.dec: msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` - pass through a `enc_hook()` to `mk_codec()` and use it to conf the equiv `MsgCodec.enc` such that sent msg-plds are converted prior to transport. The trick ended up being just to always union the `mk_dec()` extension-types spec with the normaly with the `msgspec.Raw` pld-spec such that the `dec_hook()` is only invoked for payload types tagged by the encoder/sender side B) A variety of impl tweaks to make it all happen as well as various cleanups in the `.msg._codec` mod include, - `mk_dec()` no defaul `spec` arg, better doc string, accept the new `ext_types` arg, doing the union of that with `msgspec.Raw`. - proto-ed a now unused `mk_boxed_ext_struct()` which will likely get removed since it ended up that our `PayloadMsg` structs already cover the ext-type-hook requirement that the decoder is passed a `.type=msgspec.Struct` of some sort in order for `.dec_hook` to be used. - add a `unpack_spec_types()` util fn for getting the `set[Type]` from from a `Union[Type]` annotation instance. - mk the default `mk_codec(pc_pld_spec = Raw,)` since the `PldRx` design was already passing/overriding it and it doesn't make much sense to use `Any` anymore for the same reason; it will cause various `Context` apis to now break. |_ also accept a `enc_hook()` and `ext_types` which are used to maybe config the `.msgpack.Encoder` - generally tweak a bunch of comments-as-docs and todos namely the ones that are completed after the pld-rx design was implemented. Also, - mask the non-functioning `'defstruct'` approach `inside `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` to prep for its removal. Adjust the test suite (rn called `test_caps_based_msging`), - add a new suite `test_custom_extension_types` and move and use the `enc/dec_nsp()` hooks to the mod level for its use. - prolly planning to drop the `test_limit_msgspec` suite since it's mostly replaced by the `test_pldrx_limiting` mod's version? - originally was tweaking a bunch in `test_codec_hooks_mod` but likely it will get mostly rewritten to be simpler and simply verify that ext-typed fields can be used over IPC `Context`s between actors (as originally intended for this sub-suite).
2025-03-07 19:13:36 +00:00
Init def of "SC shuttle prot" with "msg-spec-limiting" As per the long outstanding GH issue this starts our rigorous journey into an attempt at a type-safe, cross-actor SC, IPC protocol Bo boop -> The idea is to "formally" define our SC "shuttle (dialog) protocol" by specifying a new `.msg.types.Msg` subtype-set which can fully encapsulate all IPC msg schemas needed in order to accomplish cross-process SC! The msg set deviated a little in terms of (type) names from the existing `dict`-msgs currently used in the runtime impl but, I think the name changes are much better in terms of explicitly representing the internal semantics of the actor runtime machinery/subsystems and the IPC-msg-dialog required for SC enforced RPC. ------ - ------ In cursory, the new formal msgs-spec includes the following msg-subtypes of a new top-level `Msg` boxing type (that holds the base field schema for all msgs): - `Start` to request RPC task scheduling by passing a `FuncSpec` payload (to replace the currently used `{'cmd': ... }` dict msg impl) - `StartAck` to allow the RPC task callee-side to report a `IpcCtxSpec` payload immediately back to the caller (currently responded naively via a `{'functype': ... }` msg) - `Started` to deliver the first value from `Context.started()` (instead of the existing `{'started': ... }`) - `Yield` to shuttle `MsgStream.send()`-ed values (instead of our `{'yield': ... }`) - `Stop` to terminate a `Context.open_stream()` session/block (over `{'stop': True }`) - `Return` to deliver the final value from the `Actor.start_remote_task()` (which is a `{'return': ... }`) - `Error` to box `RemoteActorError` exceptions via a `.pld: ErrorData` payload, planned to replace/extend the current `RemoteActorError.msgdata` mechanism internal to `._exceptions.pack/unpack_error()` The new `tractor.msg.types` includes all the above msg defs as well an API for rendering a "payload type specification" using a `payload_type_spec: Union[Type]` that can be passed to `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(type=payload_type_spec)`. This ensures that (for a subset of the above msg set) `Msg.pld: PayloadT` data is type-parameterized using `msgspec`'s new `Generic[PayloadT]` field support and thus enables providing for an API where IPC `Context` dialogs can strictly define the allowed payload-datatype-set via type union! Iow, this is the foundation for supporting `Channel`/`Context`/`MsgStream` IPC primitives which are type checked/safe as desired in GH issue: - Misc notes on current impl(s) status: ------ - ------ - add a `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` which uses the new `msgspec` support for `class MyStruct[Struct, Generic[T]]` parameterize-able fields and delivers our boxing SC-msg-(sub)set with the desired `payload_types` applied to `.pld`: - - as a note this impl seems to need to use `type.new_class()` dynamic subtype generation, though i don't really get *why* still.. but without that the `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` doesn't seem to reject `.pld` limited `Msg` subtypes as demonstrated in the new test. - around this ^ add a `.msg._codec.limit_msg_spec()` cm which exposes this payload type limiting API such that it can be applied per task via a `MsgCodec` in app code. - the orig approach in was the idea of making payload fields `.pld: Raw` wherein we could have per-field/sub-msg decoders dynamically loaded depending on the particular application-layer schema in use. I don't want to lose the idea of this since I think it might be useful for an idea I have about capability-based-fields(-sharing, maybe using field-subset encryption?), and as such i've kept the (ostensibly) working impls in TODO-comments in `.msg._codec` wherein maybe we can add a `MsgCodec._payload_decs: dict` table for this later on. |_ also left in the `.msg.types.enc/decmsg()` impls but renamed as `enc/dec_payload()` (but reworked to not rely on the lifo codec stack tables; now removed) such that we can prolly move them to `MsgCodec` methods in the future. - add an unused `._codec.mk_tagged_union_dec()` helper which was originally factored out the #311 proto-code but didn't end up working as desired with the new parameterized generic fields approach (now in `msg.types.mk_msg_spec()`) Testing/deps work: ------ - ------ - new `test_limit_msgspec()` which ensures all the `.types` content is correct but without using the wrapping APIs in `._codec`; i.e. using a in-line `Decoder` instead of a `MsgCodec`. - pin us to `msgspec>=0.18.5` which has the needed generic-types support (which took me way too long yester to figure out when implementing all this XD)!
2024-03-28 14:45:01 +00:00
async def main():
async with tractor.open_root_actor(
Init def of "SC shuttle prot" with "msg-spec-limiting" As per the long outstanding GH issue this starts our rigorous journey into an attempt at a type-safe, cross-actor SC, IPC protocol Bo boop -> The idea is to "formally" define our SC "shuttle (dialog) protocol" by specifying a new `.msg.types.Msg` subtype-set which can fully encapsulate all IPC msg schemas needed in order to accomplish cross-process SC! The msg set deviated a little in terms of (type) names from the existing `dict`-msgs currently used in the runtime impl but, I think the name changes are much better in terms of explicitly representing the internal semantics of the actor runtime machinery/subsystems and the IPC-msg-dialog required for SC enforced RPC. ------ - ------ In cursory, the new formal msgs-spec includes the following msg-subtypes of a new top-level `Msg` boxing type (that holds the base field schema for all msgs): - `Start` to request RPC task scheduling by passing a `FuncSpec` payload (to replace the currently used `{'cmd': ... }` dict msg impl) - `StartAck` to allow the RPC task callee-side to report a `IpcCtxSpec` payload immediately back to the caller (currently responded naively via a `{'functype': ... }` msg) - `Started` to deliver the first value from `Context.started()` (instead of the existing `{'started': ... }`) - `Yield` to shuttle `MsgStream.send()`-ed values (instead of our `{'yield': ... }`) - `Stop` to terminate a `Context.open_stream()` session/block (over `{'stop': True }`) - `Return` to deliver the final value from the `Actor.start_remote_task()` (which is a `{'return': ... }`) - `Error` to box `RemoteActorError` exceptions via a `.pld: ErrorData` payload, planned to replace/extend the current `RemoteActorError.msgdata` mechanism internal to `._exceptions.pack/unpack_error()` The new `tractor.msg.types` includes all the above msg defs as well an API for rendering a "payload type specification" using a `payload_type_spec: Union[Type]` that can be passed to `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(type=payload_type_spec)`. This ensures that (for a subset of the above msg set) `Msg.pld: PayloadT` data is type-parameterized using `msgspec`'s new `Generic[PayloadT]` field support and thus enables providing for an API where IPC `Context` dialogs can strictly define the allowed payload-datatype-set via type union! Iow, this is the foundation for supporting `Channel`/`Context`/`MsgStream` IPC primitives which are type checked/safe as desired in GH issue: - Misc notes on current impl(s) status: ------ - ------ - add a `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` which uses the new `msgspec` support for `class MyStruct[Struct, Generic[T]]` parameterize-able fields and delivers our boxing SC-msg-(sub)set with the desired `payload_types` applied to `.pld`: - - as a note this impl seems to need to use `type.new_class()` dynamic subtype generation, though i don't really get *why* still.. but without that the `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` doesn't seem to reject `.pld` limited `Msg` subtypes as demonstrated in the new test. - around this ^ add a `.msg._codec.limit_msg_spec()` cm which exposes this payload type limiting API such that it can be applied per task via a `MsgCodec` in app code. - the orig approach in was the idea of making payload fields `.pld: Raw` wherein we could have per-field/sub-msg decoders dynamically loaded depending on the particular application-layer schema in use. I don't want to lose the idea of this since I think it might be useful for an idea I have about capability-based-fields(-sharing, maybe using field-subset encryption?), and as such i've kept the (ostensibly) working impls in TODO-comments in `.msg._codec` wherein maybe we can add a `MsgCodec._payload_decs: dict` table for this later on. |_ also left in the `.msg.types.enc/decmsg()` impls but renamed as `enc/dec_payload()` (but reworked to not rely on the lifo codec stack tables; now removed) such that we can prolly move them to `MsgCodec` methods in the future. - add an unused `._codec.mk_tagged_union_dec()` helper which was originally factored out the #311 proto-code but didn't end up working as desired with the new parameterized generic fields approach (now in `msg.types.mk_msg_spec()`) Testing/deps work: ------ - ------ - new `test_limit_msgspec()` which ensures all the `.types` content is correct but without using the wrapping APIs in `._codec`; i.e. using a in-line `Decoder` instead of a `MsgCodec`. - pin us to `msgspec>=0.18.5` which has the needed generic-types support (which took me way too long yester to figure out when implementing all this XD)!
2024-03-28 14:45:01 +00:00
# ensure we can round-trip a boxing `PayloadMsg`
Init def of "SC shuttle prot" with "msg-spec-limiting" As per the long outstanding GH issue this starts our rigorous journey into an attempt at a type-safe, cross-actor SC, IPC protocol Bo boop -> The idea is to "formally" define our SC "shuttle (dialog) protocol" by specifying a new `.msg.types.Msg` subtype-set which can fully encapsulate all IPC msg schemas needed in order to accomplish cross-process SC! The msg set deviated a little in terms of (type) names from the existing `dict`-msgs currently used in the runtime impl but, I think the name changes are much better in terms of explicitly representing the internal semantics of the actor runtime machinery/subsystems and the IPC-msg-dialog required for SC enforced RPC. ------ - ------ In cursory, the new formal msgs-spec includes the following msg-subtypes of a new top-level `Msg` boxing type (that holds the base field schema for all msgs): - `Start` to request RPC task scheduling by passing a `FuncSpec` payload (to replace the currently used `{'cmd': ... }` dict msg impl) - `StartAck` to allow the RPC task callee-side to report a `IpcCtxSpec` payload immediately back to the caller (currently responded naively via a `{'functype': ... }` msg) - `Started` to deliver the first value from `Context.started()` (instead of the existing `{'started': ... }`) - `Yield` to shuttle `MsgStream.send()`-ed values (instead of our `{'yield': ... }`) - `Stop` to terminate a `Context.open_stream()` session/block (over `{'stop': True }`) - `Return` to deliver the final value from the `Actor.start_remote_task()` (which is a `{'return': ... }`) - `Error` to box `RemoteActorError` exceptions via a `.pld: ErrorData` payload, planned to replace/extend the current `RemoteActorError.msgdata` mechanism internal to `._exceptions.pack/unpack_error()` The new `tractor.msg.types` includes all the above msg defs as well an API for rendering a "payload type specification" using a `payload_type_spec: Union[Type]` that can be passed to `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(type=payload_type_spec)`. This ensures that (for a subset of the above msg set) `Msg.pld: PayloadT` data is type-parameterized using `msgspec`'s new `Generic[PayloadT]` field support and thus enables providing for an API where IPC `Context` dialogs can strictly define the allowed payload-datatype-set via type union! Iow, this is the foundation for supporting `Channel`/`Context`/`MsgStream` IPC primitives which are type checked/safe as desired in GH issue: - Misc notes on current impl(s) status: ------ - ------ - add a `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` which uses the new `msgspec` support for `class MyStruct[Struct, Generic[T]]` parameterize-able fields and delivers our boxing SC-msg-(sub)set with the desired `payload_types` applied to `.pld`: - - as a note this impl seems to need to use `type.new_class()` dynamic subtype generation, though i don't really get *why* still.. but without that the `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` doesn't seem to reject `.pld` limited `Msg` subtypes as demonstrated in the new test. - around this ^ add a `.msg._codec.limit_msg_spec()` cm which exposes this payload type limiting API such that it can be applied per task via a `MsgCodec` in app code. - the orig approach in was the idea of making payload fields `.pld: Raw` wherein we could have per-field/sub-msg decoders dynamically loaded depending on the particular application-layer schema in use. I don't want to lose the idea of this since I think it might be useful for an idea I have about capability-based-fields(-sharing, maybe using field-subset encryption?), and as such i've kept the (ostensibly) working impls in TODO-comments in `.msg._codec` wherein maybe we can add a `MsgCodec._payload_decs: dict` table for this later on. |_ also left in the `.msg.types.enc/decmsg()` impls but renamed as `enc/dec_payload()` (but reworked to not rely on the lifo codec stack tables; now removed) such that we can prolly move them to `MsgCodec` methods in the future. - add an unused `._codec.mk_tagged_union_dec()` helper which was originally factored out the #311 proto-code but didn't end up working as desired with the new parameterized generic fields approach (now in `msg.types.mk_msg_spec()`) Testing/deps work: ------ - ------ - new `test_limit_msgspec()` which ensures all the `.types` content is correct but without using the wrapping APIs in `._codec`; i.e. using a in-line `Decoder` instead of a `MsgCodec`. - pin us to `msgspec>=0.18.5` which has the needed generic-types support (which took me way too long yester to figure out when implementing all this XD)!
2024-03-28 14:45:01 +00:00
assert chk_pld_type(
Be mega pedantic with msg-spec building Turns out the generics based payload speccing API, as in, DOES WORK properly as long as we don't rely on inheritance from `Msg` a parent `Generic`.. So let's get real pedantic in the `mk_msg_spec()` internals as well as verification in the test suite! Fixes in `.msg.types`: - implement (as part of tinker testing) multiple spec union building methods via a `spec_build_method: str` to `mk_msg_spec()` and leave a buncha notes around what did and didn't work: - 'indexed_generics' is the only method THAT WORKS and the one that you'd expect being closest to the `msgspec` docs (link above). - 'defstruct' using dynamically defined msgs => doesn't work! - 'types_new_class' using dynamically defined msgs but with `types.new_clas()` => ALSO doesn't work.. - explicitly separate the `.pld` type-constrainable by user code msg set into `types._payload_spec_msgs` putting the others in a `types._runtime_spec_msgs` and the full set defined as `.__spec__` (moving it out of the pkg-mod and back to `.types` as well). - for the `_payload_spec_msgs` msgs manually make them inherit `Generic[PayloadT]` and (redunantly) define a `.pld: PayloadT` field. - make `IpcCtxSpec.functype` an in line `Literal`. - toss in some TODO notes about choosing a better `Msg.cid` type. Fixes/tweaks around `.msg._codec`: - rename `MsgCodec.ipc/pld_msg_spec` -> `.msg/pld_spec` - make `._enc/._dec` non optional fields - wow, ^facepalm^ , make sure `._ipc.MsgpackTCPStream.__init__()` uses `mk_codec()` since `MsgCodec` can't be (easily) constructed directly. Get more detailed in testing: - inside the `chk_pld_type()` helper ensure `roundtrip` is always set to some value, `None` by default but a bool depending on legit outcome. - drop input `generic`; no longer used. - drop the masked `typedef` loop from `Msg.__subclasses__()`. - for add an `expect_roundtrip: bool` and use to jump into debugger when any expectation doesn't match the outcome. - use new `MsgCodec` field names (as per first section above). - ensure the encoded msg matches the decoded one from both the ad-hoc decoder and codec loaded values. - ensure the pld checking is only applied to msgs in the `types._payload_spec_msgs` set by `typef.__name__` filtering since `mk_msg_spec()` now returns the full `.types.Msg` set.
2024-03-29 22:46:37 +00:00
Init def of "SC shuttle prot" with "msg-spec-limiting" As per the long outstanding GH issue this starts our rigorous journey into an attempt at a type-safe, cross-actor SC, IPC protocol Bo boop -> The idea is to "formally" define our SC "shuttle (dialog) protocol" by specifying a new `.msg.types.Msg` subtype-set which can fully encapsulate all IPC msg schemas needed in order to accomplish cross-process SC! The msg set deviated a little in terms of (type) names from the existing `dict`-msgs currently used in the runtime impl but, I think the name changes are much better in terms of explicitly representing the internal semantics of the actor runtime machinery/subsystems and the IPC-msg-dialog required for SC enforced RPC. ------ - ------ In cursory, the new formal msgs-spec includes the following msg-subtypes of a new top-level `Msg` boxing type (that holds the base field schema for all msgs): - `Start` to request RPC task scheduling by passing a `FuncSpec` payload (to replace the currently used `{'cmd': ... }` dict msg impl) - `StartAck` to allow the RPC task callee-side to report a `IpcCtxSpec` payload immediately back to the caller (currently responded naively via a `{'functype': ... }` msg) - `Started` to deliver the first value from `Context.started()` (instead of the existing `{'started': ... }`) - `Yield` to shuttle `MsgStream.send()`-ed values (instead of our `{'yield': ... }`) - `Stop` to terminate a `Context.open_stream()` session/block (over `{'stop': True }`) - `Return` to deliver the final value from the `Actor.start_remote_task()` (which is a `{'return': ... }`) - `Error` to box `RemoteActorError` exceptions via a `.pld: ErrorData` payload, planned to replace/extend the current `RemoteActorError.msgdata` mechanism internal to `._exceptions.pack/unpack_error()` The new `tractor.msg.types` includes all the above msg defs as well an API for rendering a "payload type specification" using a `payload_type_spec: Union[Type]` that can be passed to `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(type=payload_type_spec)`. This ensures that (for a subset of the above msg set) `Msg.pld: PayloadT` data is type-parameterized using `msgspec`'s new `Generic[PayloadT]` field support and thus enables providing for an API where IPC `Context` dialogs can strictly define the allowed payload-datatype-set via type union! Iow, this is the foundation for supporting `Channel`/`Context`/`MsgStream` IPC primitives which are type checked/safe as desired in GH issue: - Misc notes on current impl(s) status: ------ - ------ - add a `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` which uses the new `msgspec` support for `class MyStruct[Struct, Generic[T]]` parameterize-able fields and delivers our boxing SC-msg-(sub)set with the desired `payload_types` applied to `.pld`: - - as a note this impl seems to need to use `type.new_class()` dynamic subtype generation, though i don't really get *why* still.. but without that the `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` doesn't seem to reject `.pld` limited `Msg` subtypes as demonstrated in the new test. - around this ^ add a `.msg._codec.limit_msg_spec()` cm which exposes this payload type limiting API such that it can be applied per task via a `MsgCodec` in app code. - the orig approach in was the idea of making payload fields `.pld: Raw` wherein we could have per-field/sub-msg decoders dynamically loaded depending on the particular application-layer schema in use. I don't want to lose the idea of this since I think it might be useful for an idea I have about capability-based-fields(-sharing, maybe using field-subset encryption?), and as such i've kept the (ostensibly) working impls in TODO-comments in `.msg._codec` wherein maybe we can add a `MsgCodec._payload_decs: dict` table for this later on. |_ also left in the `.msg.types.enc/decmsg()` impls but renamed as `enc/dec_payload()` (but reworked to not rely on the lifo codec stack tables; now removed) such that we can prolly move them to `MsgCodec` methods in the future. - add an unused `._codec.mk_tagged_union_dec()` helper which was originally factored out the #311 proto-code but didn't end up working as desired with the new parameterized generic fields approach (now in `msg.types.mk_msg_spec()`) Testing/deps work: ------ - ------ - new `test_limit_msgspec()` which ensures all the `.types` content is correct but without using the wrapping APIs in `._codec`; i.e. using a in-line `Decoder` instead of a `MsgCodec`. - pin us to `msgspec>=0.18.5` which has the needed generic-types support (which took me way too long yester to figure out when implementing all this XD)!
2024-03-28 14:45:01 +00:00
# verify that a mis-typed payload value won't decode
assert not chk_pld_type(
Init def of "SC shuttle prot" with "msg-spec-limiting" As per the long outstanding GH issue this starts our rigorous journey into an attempt at a type-safe, cross-actor SC, IPC protocol Bo boop -> The idea is to "formally" define our SC "shuttle (dialog) protocol" by specifying a new `.msg.types.Msg` subtype-set which can fully encapsulate all IPC msg schemas needed in order to accomplish cross-process SC! The msg set deviated a little in terms of (type) names from the existing `dict`-msgs currently used in the runtime impl but, I think the name changes are much better in terms of explicitly representing the internal semantics of the actor runtime machinery/subsystems and the IPC-msg-dialog required for SC enforced RPC. ------ - ------ In cursory, the new formal msgs-spec includes the following msg-subtypes of a new top-level `Msg` boxing type (that holds the base field schema for all msgs): - `Start` to request RPC task scheduling by passing a `FuncSpec` payload (to replace the currently used `{'cmd': ... }` dict msg impl) - `StartAck` to allow the RPC task callee-side to report a `IpcCtxSpec` payload immediately back to the caller (currently responded naively via a `{'functype': ... }` msg) - `Started` to deliver the first value from `Context.started()` (instead of the existing `{'started': ... }`) - `Yield` to shuttle `MsgStream.send()`-ed values (instead of our `{'yield': ... }`) - `Stop` to terminate a `Context.open_stream()` session/block (over `{'stop': True }`) - `Return` to deliver the final value from the `Actor.start_remote_task()` (which is a `{'return': ... }`) - `Error` to box `RemoteActorError` exceptions via a `.pld: ErrorData` payload, planned to replace/extend the current `RemoteActorError.msgdata` mechanism internal to `._exceptions.pack/unpack_error()` The new `tractor.msg.types` includes all the above msg defs as well an API for rendering a "payload type specification" using a `payload_type_spec: Union[Type]` that can be passed to `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(type=payload_type_spec)`. This ensures that (for a subset of the above msg set) `Msg.pld: PayloadT` data is type-parameterized using `msgspec`'s new `Generic[PayloadT]` field support and thus enables providing for an API where IPC `Context` dialogs can strictly define the allowed payload-datatype-set via type union! Iow, this is the foundation for supporting `Channel`/`Context`/`MsgStream` IPC primitives which are type checked/safe as desired in GH issue: - Misc notes on current impl(s) status: ------ - ------ - add a `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` which uses the new `msgspec` support for `class MyStruct[Struct, Generic[T]]` parameterize-able fields and delivers our boxing SC-msg-(sub)set with the desired `payload_types` applied to `.pld`: - - as a note this impl seems to need to use `type.new_class()` dynamic subtype generation, though i don't really get *why* still.. but without that the `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` doesn't seem to reject `.pld` limited `Msg` subtypes as demonstrated in the new test. - around this ^ add a `.msg._codec.limit_msg_spec()` cm which exposes this payload type limiting API such that it can be applied per task via a `MsgCodec` in app code. - the orig approach in was the idea of making payload fields `.pld: Raw` wherein we could have per-field/sub-msg decoders dynamically loaded depending on the particular application-layer schema in use. I don't want to lose the idea of this since I think it might be useful for an idea I have about capability-based-fields(-sharing, maybe using field-subset encryption?), and as such i've kept the (ostensibly) working impls in TODO-comments in `.msg._codec` wherein maybe we can add a `MsgCodec._payload_decs: dict` table for this later on. |_ also left in the `.msg.types.enc/decmsg()` impls but renamed as `enc/dec_payload()` (but reworked to not rely on the lifo codec stack tables; now removed) such that we can prolly move them to `MsgCodec` methods in the future. - add an unused `._codec.mk_tagged_union_dec()` helper which was originally factored out the #311 proto-code but didn't end up working as desired with the new parameterized generic fields approach (now in `msg.types.mk_msg_spec()`) Testing/deps work: ------ - ------ - new `test_limit_msgspec()` which ensures all the `.types` content is correct but without using the wrapping APIs in `._codec`; i.e. using a in-line `Decoder` instead of a `MsgCodec`. - pin us to `msgspec>=0.18.5` which has the needed generic-types support (which took me way too long yester to figure out when implementing all this XD)!
2024-03-28 14:45:01 +00:00
# parametrize the boxed `.pld` type as a custom-struct
# and ensure that parametrization propagates
# to all payload-msg-spec-able subtypes!
class CustomPayload(Struct):
name: str
value: Any
assert not chk_pld_type(
Init def of "SC shuttle prot" with "msg-spec-limiting" As per the long outstanding GH issue this starts our rigorous journey into an attempt at a type-safe, cross-actor SC, IPC protocol Bo boop -> The idea is to "formally" define our SC "shuttle (dialog) protocol" by specifying a new `.msg.types.Msg` subtype-set which can fully encapsulate all IPC msg schemas needed in order to accomplish cross-process SC! The msg set deviated a little in terms of (type) names from the existing `dict`-msgs currently used in the runtime impl but, I think the name changes are much better in terms of explicitly representing the internal semantics of the actor runtime machinery/subsystems and the IPC-msg-dialog required for SC enforced RPC. ------ - ------ In cursory, the new formal msgs-spec includes the following msg-subtypes of a new top-level `Msg` boxing type (that holds the base field schema for all msgs): - `Start` to request RPC task scheduling by passing a `FuncSpec` payload (to replace the currently used `{'cmd': ... }` dict msg impl) - `StartAck` to allow the RPC task callee-side to report a `IpcCtxSpec` payload immediately back to the caller (currently responded naively via a `{'functype': ... }` msg) - `Started` to deliver the first value from `Context.started()` (instead of the existing `{'started': ... }`) - `Yield` to shuttle `MsgStream.send()`-ed values (instead of our `{'yield': ... }`) - `Stop` to terminate a `Context.open_stream()` session/block (over `{'stop': True }`) - `Return` to deliver the final value from the `Actor.start_remote_task()` (which is a `{'return': ... }`) - `Error` to box `RemoteActorError` exceptions via a `.pld: ErrorData` payload, planned to replace/extend the current `RemoteActorError.msgdata` mechanism internal to `._exceptions.pack/unpack_error()` The new `tractor.msg.types` includes all the above msg defs as well an API for rendering a "payload type specification" using a `payload_type_spec: Union[Type]` that can be passed to `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(type=payload_type_spec)`. This ensures that (for a subset of the above msg set) `Msg.pld: PayloadT` data is type-parameterized using `msgspec`'s new `Generic[PayloadT]` field support and thus enables providing for an API where IPC `Context` dialogs can strictly define the allowed payload-datatype-set via type union! Iow, this is the foundation for supporting `Channel`/`Context`/`MsgStream` IPC primitives which are type checked/safe as desired in GH issue: - Misc notes on current impl(s) status: ------ - ------ - add a `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` which uses the new `msgspec` support for `class MyStruct[Struct, Generic[T]]` parameterize-able fields and delivers our boxing SC-msg-(sub)set with the desired `payload_types` applied to `.pld`: - - as a note this impl seems to need to use `type.new_class()` dynamic subtype generation, though i don't really get *why* still.. but without that the `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` doesn't seem to reject `.pld` limited `Msg` subtypes as demonstrated in the new test. - around this ^ add a `.msg._codec.limit_msg_spec()` cm which exposes this payload type limiting API such that it can be applied per task via a `MsgCodec` in app code. - the orig approach in was the idea of making payload fields `.pld: Raw` wherein we could have per-field/sub-msg decoders dynamically loaded depending on the particular application-layer schema in use. I don't want to lose the idea of this since I think it might be useful for an idea I have about capability-based-fields(-sharing, maybe using field-subset encryption?), and as such i've kept the (ostensibly) working impls in TODO-comments in `.msg._codec` wherein maybe we can add a `MsgCodec._payload_decs: dict` table for this later on. |_ also left in the `.msg.types.enc/decmsg()` impls but renamed as `enc/dec_payload()` (but reworked to not rely on the lifo codec stack tables; now removed) such that we can prolly move them to `MsgCodec` methods in the future. - add an unused `._codec.mk_tagged_union_dec()` helper which was originally factored out the #311 proto-code but didn't end up working as desired with the new parameterized generic fields approach (now in `msg.types.mk_msg_spec()`) Testing/deps work: ------ - ------ - new `test_limit_msgspec()` which ensures all the `.types` content is correct but without using the wrapping APIs in `._codec`; i.e. using a in-line `Decoder` instead of a `MsgCodec`. - pin us to `msgspec>=0.18.5` which has the needed generic-types support (which took me way too long yester to figure out when implementing all this XD)!
2024-03-28 14:45:01 +00:00
assert chk_pld_type(
Init def of "SC shuttle prot" with "msg-spec-limiting" As per the long outstanding GH issue this starts our rigorous journey into an attempt at a type-safe, cross-actor SC, IPC protocol Bo boop -> The idea is to "formally" define our SC "shuttle (dialog) protocol" by specifying a new `.msg.types.Msg` subtype-set which can fully encapsulate all IPC msg schemas needed in order to accomplish cross-process SC! The msg set deviated a little in terms of (type) names from the existing `dict`-msgs currently used in the runtime impl but, I think the name changes are much better in terms of explicitly representing the internal semantics of the actor runtime machinery/subsystems and the IPC-msg-dialog required for SC enforced RPC. ------ - ------ In cursory, the new formal msgs-spec includes the following msg-subtypes of a new top-level `Msg` boxing type (that holds the base field schema for all msgs): - `Start` to request RPC task scheduling by passing a `FuncSpec` payload (to replace the currently used `{'cmd': ... }` dict msg impl) - `StartAck` to allow the RPC task callee-side to report a `IpcCtxSpec` payload immediately back to the caller (currently responded naively via a `{'functype': ... }` msg) - `Started` to deliver the first value from `Context.started()` (instead of the existing `{'started': ... }`) - `Yield` to shuttle `MsgStream.send()`-ed values (instead of our `{'yield': ... }`) - `Stop` to terminate a `Context.open_stream()` session/block (over `{'stop': True }`) - `Return` to deliver the final value from the `Actor.start_remote_task()` (which is a `{'return': ... }`) - `Error` to box `RemoteActorError` exceptions via a `.pld: ErrorData` payload, planned to replace/extend the current `RemoteActorError.msgdata` mechanism internal to `._exceptions.pack/unpack_error()` The new `tractor.msg.types` includes all the above msg defs as well an API for rendering a "payload type specification" using a `payload_type_spec: Union[Type]` that can be passed to `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(type=payload_type_spec)`. This ensures that (for a subset of the above msg set) `Msg.pld: PayloadT` data is type-parameterized using `msgspec`'s new `Generic[PayloadT]` field support and thus enables providing for an API where IPC `Context` dialogs can strictly define the allowed payload-datatype-set via type union! Iow, this is the foundation for supporting `Channel`/`Context`/`MsgStream` IPC primitives which are type checked/safe as desired in GH issue: - Misc notes on current impl(s) status: ------ - ------ - add a `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` which uses the new `msgspec` support for `class MyStruct[Struct, Generic[T]]` parameterize-able fields and delivers our boxing SC-msg-(sub)set with the desired `payload_types` applied to `.pld`: - - as a note this impl seems to need to use `type.new_class()` dynamic subtype generation, though i don't really get *why* still.. but without that the `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` doesn't seem to reject `.pld` limited `Msg` subtypes as demonstrated in the new test. - around this ^ add a `.msg._codec.limit_msg_spec()` cm which exposes this payload type limiting API such that it can be applied per task via a `MsgCodec` in app code. - the orig approach in was the idea of making payload fields `.pld: Raw` wherein we could have per-field/sub-msg decoders dynamically loaded depending on the particular application-layer schema in use. I don't want to lose the idea of this since I think it might be useful for an idea I have about capability-based-fields(-sharing, maybe using field-subset encryption?), and as such i've kept the (ostensibly) working impls in TODO-comments in `.msg._codec` wherein maybe we can add a `MsgCodec._payload_decs: dict` table for this later on. |_ also left in the `.msg.types.enc/decmsg()` impls but renamed as `enc/dec_payload()` (but reworked to not rely on the lifo codec stack tables; now removed) such that we can prolly move them to `MsgCodec` methods in the future. - add an unused `._codec.mk_tagged_union_dec()` helper which was originally factored out the #311 proto-code but didn't end up working as desired with the new parameterized generic fields approach (now in `msg.types.mk_msg_spec()`) Testing/deps work: ------ - ------ - new `test_limit_msgspec()` which ensures all the `.types` content is correct but without using the wrapping APIs in `._codec`; i.e. using a in-line `Decoder` instead of a `MsgCodec`. - pin us to `msgspec>=0.18.5` which has the needed generic-types support (which took me way too long yester to figure out when implementing all this XD)!
2024-03-28 14:45:01 +00:00
pld=CustomPayload(name='doggy', value='urmom')
# yah, we can `.pause_from_sync()` now!
Init def of "SC shuttle prot" with "msg-spec-limiting" As per the long outstanding GH issue this starts our rigorous journey into an attempt at a type-safe, cross-actor SC, IPC protocol Bo boop -> The idea is to "formally" define our SC "shuttle (dialog) protocol" by specifying a new `.msg.types.Msg` subtype-set which can fully encapsulate all IPC msg schemas needed in order to accomplish cross-process SC! The msg set deviated a little in terms of (type) names from the existing `dict`-msgs currently used in the runtime impl but, I think the name changes are much better in terms of explicitly representing the internal semantics of the actor runtime machinery/subsystems and the IPC-msg-dialog required for SC enforced RPC. ------ - ------ In cursory, the new formal msgs-spec includes the following msg-subtypes of a new top-level `Msg` boxing type (that holds the base field schema for all msgs): - `Start` to request RPC task scheduling by passing a `FuncSpec` payload (to replace the currently used `{'cmd': ... }` dict msg impl) - `StartAck` to allow the RPC task callee-side to report a `IpcCtxSpec` payload immediately back to the caller (currently responded naively via a `{'functype': ... }` msg) - `Started` to deliver the first value from `Context.started()` (instead of the existing `{'started': ... }`) - `Yield` to shuttle `MsgStream.send()`-ed values (instead of our `{'yield': ... }`) - `Stop` to terminate a `Context.open_stream()` session/block (over `{'stop': True }`) - `Return` to deliver the final value from the `Actor.start_remote_task()` (which is a `{'return': ... }`) - `Error` to box `RemoteActorError` exceptions via a `.pld: ErrorData` payload, planned to replace/extend the current `RemoteActorError.msgdata` mechanism internal to `._exceptions.pack/unpack_error()` The new `tractor.msg.types` includes all the above msg defs as well an API for rendering a "payload type specification" using a `payload_type_spec: Union[Type]` that can be passed to `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(type=payload_type_spec)`. This ensures that (for a subset of the above msg set) `Msg.pld: PayloadT` data is type-parameterized using `msgspec`'s new `Generic[PayloadT]` field support and thus enables providing for an API where IPC `Context` dialogs can strictly define the allowed payload-datatype-set via type union! Iow, this is the foundation for supporting `Channel`/`Context`/`MsgStream` IPC primitives which are type checked/safe as desired in GH issue: - Misc notes on current impl(s) status: ------ - ------ - add a `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` which uses the new `msgspec` support for `class MyStruct[Struct, Generic[T]]` parameterize-able fields and delivers our boxing SC-msg-(sub)set with the desired `payload_types` applied to `.pld`: - - as a note this impl seems to need to use `type.new_class()` dynamic subtype generation, though i don't really get *why* still.. but without that the `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` doesn't seem to reject `.pld` limited `Msg` subtypes as demonstrated in the new test. - around this ^ add a `.msg._codec.limit_msg_spec()` cm which exposes this payload type limiting API such that it can be applied per task via a `MsgCodec` in app code. - the orig approach in was the idea of making payload fields `.pld: Raw` wherein we could have per-field/sub-msg decoders dynamically loaded depending on the particular application-layer schema in use. I don't want to lose the idea of this since I think it might be useful for an idea I have about capability-based-fields(-sharing, maybe using field-subset encryption?), and as such i've kept the (ostensibly) working impls in TODO-comments in `.msg._codec` wherein maybe we can add a `MsgCodec._payload_decs: dict` table for this later on. |_ also left in the `.msg.types.enc/decmsg()` impls but renamed as `enc/dec_payload()` (but reworked to not rely on the lifo codec stack tables; now removed) such that we can prolly move them to `MsgCodec` methods in the future. - add an unused `._codec.mk_tagged_union_dec()` helper which was originally factored out the #311 proto-code but didn't end up working as desired with the new parameterized generic fields approach (now in `msg.types.mk_msg_spec()`) Testing/deps work: ------ - ------ - new `test_limit_msgspec()` which ensures all the `.types` content is correct but without using the wrapping APIs in `._codec`; i.e. using a in-line `Decoder` instead of a `MsgCodec`. - pin us to `msgspec>=0.18.5` which has the needed generic-types support (which took me way too long yester to figure out when implementing all this XD)!
2024-03-28 14:45:01 +00:00
# breakpoint()
Finally get type-extended `msgspec` fields workinn By using our new `PldRx` design we can, - pass through the pld-spec & a `dec_hook()` to our `MsgDec` which is used to configure the underlying `.dec: msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` - pass through a `enc_hook()` to `mk_codec()` and use it to conf the equiv `MsgCodec.enc` such that sent msg-plds are converted prior to transport. The trick ended up being just to always union the `mk_dec()` extension-types spec with the normaly with the `msgspec.Raw` pld-spec such that the `dec_hook()` is only invoked for payload types tagged by the encoder/sender side B) A variety of impl tweaks to make it all happen as well as various cleanups in the `.msg._codec` mod include, - `mk_dec()` no defaul `spec` arg, better doc string, accept the new `ext_types` arg, doing the union of that with `msgspec.Raw`. - proto-ed a now unused `mk_boxed_ext_struct()` which will likely get removed since it ended up that our `PayloadMsg` structs already cover the ext-type-hook requirement that the decoder is passed a `.type=msgspec.Struct` of some sort in order for `.dec_hook` to be used. - add a `unpack_spec_types()` util fn for getting the `set[Type]` from from a `Union[Type]` annotation instance. - mk the default `mk_codec(pc_pld_spec = Raw,)` since the `PldRx` design was already passing/overriding it and it doesn't make much sense to use `Any` anymore for the same reason; it will cause various `Context` apis to now break. |_ also accept a `enc_hook()` and `ext_types` which are used to maybe config the `.msgpack.Encoder` - generally tweak a bunch of comments-as-docs and todos namely the ones that are completed after the pld-rx design was implemented. Also, - mask the non-functioning `'defstruct'` approach `inside `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` to prep for its removal. Adjust the test suite (rn called `test_caps_based_msging`), - add a new suite `test_custom_extension_types` and move and use the `enc/dec_nsp()` hooks to the mod level for its use. - prolly planning to drop the `test_limit_msgspec` suite since it's mostly replaced by the `test_pldrx_limiting` mod's version? - originally was tweaking a bunch in `test_codec_hooks_mod` but likely it will get mostly rewritten to be simpler and simply verify that ext-typed fields can be used over IPC `Context`s between actors (as originally intended for this sub-suite).
2025-03-07 19:13:36 +00:00
def enc_nsp(obj: Any) -> Any:
actor: Actor = tractor.current_actor(
uid: tuple[str, str]|None = None if not actor else actor.uid
print(f'{uid} ENC HOOK')
match obj:
# case NamespacePath()|str():
case NamespacePath():
encoded: str = str(obj)
f'----- ENCODING `NamespacePath` as `str` ------\n'
f'|_obj:{type(obj)!r} = {obj!r}\n'
f'|_encoded: str = {encoded!r}\n'
# if type(obj) != NamespacePath:
# breakpoint()
return encoded
case _:
logmsg: str = (
f'obj-> `{obj}: {type(obj)}`\n'
raise NotImplementedError(logmsg)
def dec_nsp(
obj_type: Type,
obj: Any,
) -> Any:
# breakpoint()
actor: Actor = tractor.current_actor(
uid: tuple[str, str]|None = None if not actor else actor.uid
f'type-arg-> {obj_type}\n'
f'obj-arg-> `{obj}`: {type(obj)}\n'
nsp = None
# XXX, never happens right?
if obj_type is Raw:
if (
obj_type is NamespacePath
and isinstance(obj, str)
and ':' in obj
nsp = NamespacePath(obj)
# TODO: we could built a generic handler using
# JUST matching the obj_type part?
# nsp = obj_type(obj)
if nsp:
print(f'Returning NSP instance: {nsp}')
return nsp
logmsg: str = (
f'type-> {obj_type}\n'
f'obj-arg-> `{obj}`: {type(obj)}\n\n'
f'current codec:\n'
# TODO: figure out the ignore subsys for this!
# -[ ] option whether to defense-relay backc the msg
# inside an `Invalid`/`Ignore`
# -[ ] how to make this handling pluggable such that a
# `Channel`/`MsgTransport` can intercept and process
# back msgs either via exception handling or some other
# signal?
# NOTE: this delivers the invalid
# value up to `msgspec`'s decoding
# machinery for error raising.
return obj
# raise NotImplementedError(logmsg)
def ex_func(*args):
A mod level func we can ref and load via our `NamespacePath`
python-object pointer `str` subtype.
ids=['use_codec_hooks', 'no_codec_hooks'],
def test_custom_extension_types(
debug_mode: bool,
add_codec_hooks: bool
Verify that a `MsgCodec` (used for encoding all outbound IPC msgs
and decoding all inbound `PayloadMsg`s) and a paired `MsgDec`
(used for decoding the `PayloadMsg.pld: Raw` received within a given
task's ipc `Context` scope) can both send and receive "extension types"
as supported via custom converter hooks passed to `msgspec`.
nsp_pld_dec: MsgDec = mk_dec(
spec=None, # ONLY support the ext type
dec_hook=dec_nsp if add_codec_hooks else None,
nsp_codec: MsgCodec = mk_codec(
# ipc_pld_spec=Raw, # default!
# NOTE XXX: the encode hook MUST be used no matter what since
# our `NamespacePath` is not any of a `Any` native type nor
# a `msgspec.Struct` subtype - so `msgspec` has no way to know
# how to encode it unless we provide the custom hook.
# AGAIN that is, regardless of whether we spec an
# `Any`-decoded-pld the enc has no knowledge (by default)
# how to enc `NamespacePath` (nsp), so we add a custom
# hook to do that ALWAYS.
enc_hook=enc_nsp if add_codec_hooks else None,
# XXX NOTE: pretty sure this is mutex with the `type=` to
# `Decoder`? so it won't work in tandem with the
# `ipc_pld_spec` passed above?
# TODO? is it useful to have the `.pld` decoded *prior* to
# the `PldRx`?? like perf or mem related?
# ext_dec=nsp_pld_dec,
if add_codec_hooks:
assert nsp_codec.dec.dec_hook is None
# TODO? if we pass `ext_dec` above?
# assert nsp_codec.dec.dec_hook is dec_nsp
assert nsp_codec.enc.enc_hook is enc_nsp
nsp = NamespacePath.from_ref(ex_func)
nsp_bytes: bytes = nsp_codec.encode(nsp)
nsp_rt_sin_msg = nsp_pld_dec.decode(nsp_bytes)
nsp_rt_sin_msg.load_ref() is ex_func
except TypeError:
if not add_codec_hooks:
msg_bytes: bytes = nsp_codec.encode(
# since the ext-type obj should also be set as the msg.pld
assert nsp_bytes in msg_bytes
started_rt: Started = nsp_codec.decode(msg_bytes)
pld: Raw = started_rt.pld
assert isinstance(pld, Raw)
nsp_rt: NamespacePath = nsp_pld_dec.decode(pld)
assert isinstance(nsp_rt, NamespacePath)
# in obj comparison terms they should be the same
assert nsp_rt == nsp
# ensure we've decoded to ext type!
assert nsp_rt.load_ref() is ex_func
except TypeError:
if not add_codec_hooks: