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Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
Low-level functional audits for our
"capability based messaging"-spec feats.
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
import typing
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
from typing import (
Init def of "SC shuttle prot" with "msg-spec-limiting" As per the long outstanding GH issue this starts our rigorous journey into an attempt at a type-safe, cross-actor SC, IPC protocol Bo boop -> The idea is to "formally" define our SC "shuttle (dialog) protocol" by specifying a new `.msg.types.Msg` subtype-set which can fully encapsulate all IPC msg schemas needed in order to accomplish cross-process SC! The msg set deviated a little in terms of (type) names from the existing `dict`-msgs currently used in the runtime impl but, I think the name changes are much better in terms of explicitly representing the internal semantics of the actor runtime machinery/subsystems and the IPC-msg-dialog required for SC enforced RPC. ------ - ------ In cursory, the new formal msgs-spec includes the following msg-subtypes of a new top-level `Msg` boxing type (that holds the base field schema for all msgs): - `Start` to request RPC task scheduling by passing a `FuncSpec` payload (to replace the currently used `{'cmd': ... }` dict msg impl) - `StartAck` to allow the RPC task callee-side to report a `IpcCtxSpec` payload immediately back to the caller (currently responded naively via a `{'functype': ... }` msg) - `Started` to deliver the first value from `Context.started()` (instead of the existing `{'started': ... }`) - `Yield` to shuttle `MsgStream.send()`-ed values (instead of our `{'yield': ... }`) - `Stop` to terminate a `Context.open_stream()` session/block (over `{'stop': True }`) - `Return` to deliver the final value from the `Actor.start_remote_task()` (which is a `{'return': ... }`) - `Error` to box `RemoteActorError` exceptions via a `.pld: ErrorData` payload, planned to replace/extend the current `RemoteActorError.msgdata` mechanism internal to `._exceptions.pack/unpack_error()` The new `tractor.msg.types` includes all the above msg defs as well an API for rendering a "payload type specification" using a `payload_type_spec: Union[Type]` that can be passed to `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(type=payload_type_spec)`. This ensures that (for a subset of the above msg set) `Msg.pld: PayloadT` data is type-parameterized using `msgspec`'s new `Generic[PayloadT]` field support and thus enables providing for an API where IPC `Context` dialogs can strictly define the allowed payload-datatype-set via type union! Iow, this is the foundation for supporting `Channel`/`Context`/`MsgStream` IPC primitives which are type checked/safe as desired in GH issue: - Misc notes on current impl(s) status: ------ - ------ - add a `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` which uses the new `msgspec` support for `class MyStruct[Struct, Generic[T]]` parameterize-able fields and delivers our boxing SC-msg-(sub)set with the desired `payload_types` applied to `.pld`: - - as a note this impl seems to need to use `type.new_class()` dynamic subtype generation, though i don't really get *why* still.. but without that the `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` doesn't seem to reject `.pld` limited `Msg` subtypes as demonstrated in the new test. - around this ^ add a `.msg._codec.limit_msg_spec()` cm which exposes this payload type limiting API such that it can be applied per task via a `MsgCodec` in app code. - the orig approach in was the idea of making payload fields `.pld: Raw` wherein we could have per-field/sub-msg decoders dynamically loaded depending on the particular application-layer schema in use. I don't want to lose the idea of this since I think it might be useful for an idea I have about capability-based-fields(-sharing, maybe using field-subset encryption?), and as such i've kept the (ostensibly) working impls in TODO-comments in `.msg._codec` wherein maybe we can add a `MsgCodec._payload_decs: dict` table for this later on. |_ also left in the `.msg.types.enc/decmsg()` impls but renamed as `enc/dec_payload()` (but reworked to not rely on the lifo codec stack tables; now removed) such that we can prolly move them to `MsgCodec` methods in the future. - add an unused `._codec.mk_tagged_union_dec()` helper which was originally factored out the #311 proto-code but didn't end up working as desired with the new parameterized generic fields approach (now in `msg.types.mk_msg_spec()`) Testing/deps work: ------ - ------ - new `test_limit_msgspec()` which ensures all the `.types` content is correct but without using the wrapping APIs in `._codec`; i.e. using a in-line `Decoder` instead of a `MsgCodec`. - pin us to `msgspec>=0.18.5` which has the needed generic-types support (which took me way too long yester to figure out when implementing all this XD)!
2024-03-28 14:45:01 +00:00
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
from contextvars import (
Init def of "SC shuttle prot" with "msg-spec-limiting" As per the long outstanding GH issue this starts our rigorous journey into an attempt at a type-safe, cross-actor SC, IPC protocol Bo boop -> The idea is to "formally" define our SC "shuttle (dialog) protocol" by specifying a new `.msg.types.Msg` subtype-set which can fully encapsulate all IPC msg schemas needed in order to accomplish cross-process SC! The msg set deviated a little in terms of (type) names from the existing `dict`-msgs currently used in the runtime impl but, I think the name changes are much better in terms of explicitly representing the internal semantics of the actor runtime machinery/subsystems and the IPC-msg-dialog required for SC enforced RPC. ------ - ------ In cursory, the new formal msgs-spec includes the following msg-subtypes of a new top-level `Msg` boxing type (that holds the base field schema for all msgs): - `Start` to request RPC task scheduling by passing a `FuncSpec` payload (to replace the currently used `{'cmd': ... }` dict msg impl) - `StartAck` to allow the RPC task callee-side to report a `IpcCtxSpec` payload immediately back to the caller (currently responded naively via a `{'functype': ... }` msg) - `Started` to deliver the first value from `Context.started()` (instead of the existing `{'started': ... }`) - `Yield` to shuttle `MsgStream.send()`-ed values (instead of our `{'yield': ... }`) - `Stop` to terminate a `Context.open_stream()` session/block (over `{'stop': True }`) - `Return` to deliver the final value from the `Actor.start_remote_task()` (which is a `{'return': ... }`) - `Error` to box `RemoteActorError` exceptions via a `.pld: ErrorData` payload, planned to replace/extend the current `RemoteActorError.msgdata` mechanism internal to `._exceptions.pack/unpack_error()` The new `tractor.msg.types` includes all the above msg defs as well an API for rendering a "payload type specification" using a `payload_type_spec: Union[Type]` that can be passed to `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(type=payload_type_spec)`. This ensures that (for a subset of the above msg set) `Msg.pld: PayloadT` data is type-parameterized using `msgspec`'s new `Generic[PayloadT]` field support and thus enables providing for an API where IPC `Context` dialogs can strictly define the allowed payload-datatype-set via type union! Iow, this is the foundation for supporting `Channel`/`Context`/`MsgStream` IPC primitives which are type checked/safe as desired in GH issue: - Misc notes on current impl(s) status: ------ - ------ - add a `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` which uses the new `msgspec` support for `class MyStruct[Struct, Generic[T]]` parameterize-able fields and delivers our boxing SC-msg-(sub)set with the desired `payload_types` applied to `.pld`: - - as a note this impl seems to need to use `type.new_class()` dynamic subtype generation, though i don't really get *why* still.. but without that the `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` doesn't seem to reject `.pld` limited `Msg` subtypes as demonstrated in the new test. - around this ^ add a `.msg._codec.limit_msg_spec()` cm which exposes this payload type limiting API such that it can be applied per task via a `MsgCodec` in app code. - the orig approach in was the idea of making payload fields `.pld: Raw` wherein we could have per-field/sub-msg decoders dynamically loaded depending on the particular application-layer schema in use. I don't want to lose the idea of this since I think it might be useful for an idea I have about capability-based-fields(-sharing, maybe using field-subset encryption?), and as such i've kept the (ostensibly) working impls in TODO-comments in `.msg._codec` wherein maybe we can add a `MsgCodec._payload_decs: dict` table for this later on. |_ also left in the `.msg.types.enc/decmsg()` impls but renamed as `enc/dec_payload()` (but reworked to not rely on the lifo codec stack tables; now removed) such that we can prolly move them to `MsgCodec` methods in the future. - add an unused `._codec.mk_tagged_union_dec()` helper which was originally factored out the #311 proto-code but didn't end up working as desired with the new parameterized generic fields approach (now in `msg.types.mk_msg_spec()`) Testing/deps work: ------ - ------ - new `test_limit_msgspec()` which ensures all the `.types` content is correct but without using the wrapping APIs in `._codec`; i.e. using a in-line `Decoder` instead of a `MsgCodec`. - pin us to `msgspec>=0.18.5` which has the needed generic-types support (which took me way too long yester to figure out when implementing all this XD)!
2024-03-28 14:45:01 +00:00
from msgspec import (
import pytest
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
import tractor
from tractor import (
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
from tractor.msg import (
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
Init def of "SC shuttle prot" with "msg-spec-limiting" As per the long outstanding GH issue this starts our rigorous journey into an attempt at a type-safe, cross-actor SC, IPC protocol Bo boop -> The idea is to "formally" define our SC "shuttle (dialog) protocol" by specifying a new `.msg.types.Msg` subtype-set which can fully encapsulate all IPC msg schemas needed in order to accomplish cross-process SC! The msg set deviated a little in terms of (type) names from the existing `dict`-msgs currently used in the runtime impl but, I think the name changes are much better in terms of explicitly representing the internal semantics of the actor runtime machinery/subsystems and the IPC-msg-dialog required for SC enforced RPC. ------ - ------ In cursory, the new formal msgs-spec includes the following msg-subtypes of a new top-level `Msg` boxing type (that holds the base field schema for all msgs): - `Start` to request RPC task scheduling by passing a `FuncSpec` payload (to replace the currently used `{'cmd': ... }` dict msg impl) - `StartAck` to allow the RPC task callee-side to report a `IpcCtxSpec` payload immediately back to the caller (currently responded naively via a `{'functype': ... }` msg) - `Started` to deliver the first value from `Context.started()` (instead of the existing `{'started': ... }`) - `Yield` to shuttle `MsgStream.send()`-ed values (instead of our `{'yield': ... }`) - `Stop` to terminate a `Context.open_stream()` session/block (over `{'stop': True }`) - `Return` to deliver the final value from the `Actor.start_remote_task()` (which is a `{'return': ... }`) - `Error` to box `RemoteActorError` exceptions via a `.pld: ErrorData` payload, planned to replace/extend the current `RemoteActorError.msgdata` mechanism internal to `._exceptions.pack/unpack_error()` The new `tractor.msg.types` includes all the above msg defs as well an API for rendering a "payload type specification" using a `payload_type_spec: Union[Type]` that can be passed to `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(type=payload_type_spec)`. This ensures that (for a subset of the above msg set) `Msg.pld: PayloadT` data is type-parameterized using `msgspec`'s new `Generic[PayloadT]` field support and thus enables providing for an API where IPC `Context` dialogs can strictly define the allowed payload-datatype-set via type union! Iow, this is the foundation for supporting `Channel`/`Context`/`MsgStream` IPC primitives which are type checked/safe as desired in GH issue: - Misc notes on current impl(s) status: ------ - ------ - add a `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` which uses the new `msgspec` support for `class MyStruct[Struct, Generic[T]]` parameterize-able fields and delivers our boxing SC-msg-(sub)set with the desired `payload_types` applied to `.pld`: - - as a note this impl seems to need to use `type.new_class()` dynamic subtype generation, though i don't really get *why* still.. but without that the `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` doesn't seem to reject `.pld` limited `Msg` subtypes as demonstrated in the new test. - around this ^ add a `.msg._codec.limit_msg_spec()` cm which exposes this payload type limiting API such that it can be applied per task via a `MsgCodec` in app code. - the orig approach in was the idea of making payload fields `.pld: Raw` wherein we could have per-field/sub-msg decoders dynamically loaded depending on the particular application-layer schema in use. I don't want to lose the idea of this since I think it might be useful for an idea I have about capability-based-fields(-sharing, maybe using field-subset encryption?), and as such i've kept the (ostensibly) working impls in TODO-comments in `.msg._codec` wherein maybe we can add a `MsgCodec._payload_decs: dict` table for this later on. |_ also left in the `.msg.types.enc/decmsg()` impls but renamed as `enc/dec_payload()` (but reworked to not rely on the lifo codec stack tables; now removed) such that we can prolly move them to `MsgCodec` methods in the future. - add an unused `._codec.mk_tagged_union_dec()` helper which was originally factored out the #311 proto-code but didn't end up working as desired with the new parameterized generic fields approach (now in `msg.types.mk_msg_spec()`) Testing/deps work: ------ - ------ - new `test_limit_msgspec()` which ensures all the `.types` content is correct but without using the wrapping APIs in `._codec`; i.e. using a in-line `Decoder` instead of a `MsgCodec`. - pin us to `msgspec>=0.18.5` which has the needed generic-types support (which took me way too long yester to figure out when implementing all this XD)!
2024-03-28 14:45:01 +00:00
from tractor.msg.types import (
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
Hack `asyncio` to not abandon a guest-mode run? Took me a while to figure out what the heck was going on but, turns out `asyncio` changed their SIGINT handling in 3.11 as per: I'm not entirely sure if it's the 3.11 changes or possibly wtv further updates were made in 3.12 but more or less due to the way our current main task was written the `trio` guest-run was getting abandoned on SIGINTs sent from the OS to the infected child proc.. Note that much of the bug and soln cases are layed out in very detailed comment-notes both in the new test and `run_as_asyncio_guest()`, right above the final "fix" lines. Add new `test_infected_aio.test_sigint_closes_lifetime_stack()` test suite which reliably triggers all abandonment issues with multiple cases of different parent behaviour post-sending-SIGINT-to-child: 1. briefly sleep then raise a KBI in the parent which was originally demonstrating the file leak not being cleaned up by `Actor.lifetime_stack.close()` and simulates a ctl-c from the console (relayed in tandem by the OS to the parent and child processes). 2. do `Context.wait_for_result()` on the child context which would hang and timeout since the actor runtime would never complete and thus never relay a `ContextCancelled`. 3. both with and without running a `asyncio` task in the `manage_file` child actor; originally it seemed that with an aio task scheduled in the child actor the guest-run abandonment always was the "loud" case where there seemed to be some actor teardown but with tbs from python failing to gracefully exit the `trio` runtime.. The (seemingly working) "fix" required 2 lines of code to be run inside a `asyncio.CancelledError` handler around the call to `await trio_done_fut`: - `Actor.cancel_soon()` which schedules the actor runtime to cancel on the next `trio` runner cycle and results in a "self cancellation" of the actor. - "pumping the `asyncio` event loop" with a non-0 `.sleep(0.1)` XD |_ seems that a "shielded" pump with some actual `delay: float >= 0` did the trick to get `asyncio` to allow the `trio` runner/loop to fully complete its guest-run without abandonment. Other supporting changes: - move `._exceptions.AsyncioCancelled`, our renamed `asyncio.CancelledError` error-sub-type-wrapper, to `.to_asyncio` and make it derive from `CancelledError` so as to be sure when raised by our `asyncio` x-> `trio` exception relay machinery that `asyncio` is getting the specific type it expects during cancellation. - do "summary status" style logging in `run_as_asyncio_guest()` wherein we compile the eventual `startup_msg: str` emitted just before waiting on the `trio_done_fut`. - shield-wait with `out: Outcome = await asyncio.shield(trio_done_fut)` even though it seems to do nothing in the SIGINT handling case..(I presume it might help avoid abandonment in a `asyncio.Task.cancel()` case maybe?)
2024-06-24 17:52:19 +00:00
Init def of "SC shuttle prot" with "msg-spec-limiting" As per the long outstanding GH issue this starts our rigorous journey into an attempt at a type-safe, cross-actor SC, IPC protocol Bo boop -> The idea is to "formally" define our SC "shuttle (dialog) protocol" by specifying a new `.msg.types.Msg` subtype-set which can fully encapsulate all IPC msg schemas needed in order to accomplish cross-process SC! The msg set deviated a little in terms of (type) names from the existing `dict`-msgs currently used in the runtime impl but, I think the name changes are much better in terms of explicitly representing the internal semantics of the actor runtime machinery/subsystems and the IPC-msg-dialog required for SC enforced RPC. ------ - ------ In cursory, the new formal msgs-spec includes the following msg-subtypes of a new top-level `Msg` boxing type (that holds the base field schema for all msgs): - `Start` to request RPC task scheduling by passing a `FuncSpec` payload (to replace the currently used `{'cmd': ... }` dict msg impl) - `StartAck` to allow the RPC task callee-side to report a `IpcCtxSpec` payload immediately back to the caller (currently responded naively via a `{'functype': ... }` msg) - `Started` to deliver the first value from `Context.started()` (instead of the existing `{'started': ... }`) - `Yield` to shuttle `MsgStream.send()`-ed values (instead of our `{'yield': ... }`) - `Stop` to terminate a `Context.open_stream()` session/block (over `{'stop': True }`) - `Return` to deliver the final value from the `Actor.start_remote_task()` (which is a `{'return': ... }`) - `Error` to box `RemoteActorError` exceptions via a `.pld: ErrorData` payload, planned to replace/extend the current `RemoteActorError.msgdata` mechanism internal to `._exceptions.pack/unpack_error()` The new `tractor.msg.types` includes all the above msg defs as well an API for rendering a "payload type specification" using a `payload_type_spec: Union[Type]` that can be passed to `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(type=payload_type_spec)`. This ensures that (for a subset of the above msg set) `Msg.pld: PayloadT` data is type-parameterized using `msgspec`'s new `Generic[PayloadT]` field support and thus enables providing for an API where IPC `Context` dialogs can strictly define the allowed payload-datatype-set via type union! Iow, this is the foundation for supporting `Channel`/`Context`/`MsgStream` IPC primitives which are type checked/safe as desired in GH issue: - Misc notes on current impl(s) status: ------ - ------ - add a `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` which uses the new `msgspec` support for `class MyStruct[Struct, Generic[T]]` parameterize-able fields and delivers our boxing SC-msg-(sub)set with the desired `payload_types` applied to `.pld`: - - as a note this impl seems to need to use `type.new_class()` dynamic subtype generation, though i don't really get *why* still.. but without that the `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` doesn't seem to reject `.pld` limited `Msg` subtypes as demonstrated in the new test. - around this ^ add a `.msg._codec.limit_msg_spec()` cm which exposes this payload type limiting API such that it can be applied per task via a `MsgCodec` in app code. - the orig approach in was the idea of making payload fields `.pld: Raw` wherein we could have per-field/sub-msg decoders dynamically loaded depending on the particular application-layer schema in use. I don't want to lose the idea of this since I think it might be useful for an idea I have about capability-based-fields(-sharing, maybe using field-subset encryption?), and as such i've kept the (ostensibly) working impls in TODO-comments in `.msg._codec` wherein maybe we can add a `MsgCodec._payload_decs: dict` table for this later on. |_ also left in the `.msg.types.enc/decmsg()` impls but renamed as `enc/dec_payload()` (but reworked to not rely on the lifo codec stack tables; now removed) such that we can prolly move them to `MsgCodec` methods in the future. - add an unused `._codec.mk_tagged_union_dec()` helper which was originally factored out the #311 proto-code but didn't end up working as desired with the new parameterized generic fields approach (now in `msg.types.mk_msg_spec()`) Testing/deps work: ------ - ------ - new `test_limit_msgspec()` which ensures all the `.types` content is correct but without using the wrapping APIs in `._codec`; i.e. using a in-line `Decoder` instead of a `MsgCodec`. - pin us to `msgspec>=0.18.5` which has the needed generic-types support (which took me way too long yester to figure out when implementing all this XD)!
2024-03-28 14:45:01 +00:00
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
import trio
def mk_custom_codec(
pld_spec: Union[Type]|Any,
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
add_hooks: bool,
) -> MsgCodec:
Create custom `msgpack` enc/dec-hooks and set a `Decoder`
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
which only loads `pld_spec` (like `NamespacePath`) types.
uid: tuple[str, str] = tractor.current_actor().uid
# XXX NOTE XXX: despite defining `NamespacePath` as a type
Hack `asyncio` to not abandon a guest-mode run? Took me a while to figure out what the heck was going on but, turns out `asyncio` changed their SIGINT handling in 3.11 as per: I'm not entirely sure if it's the 3.11 changes or possibly wtv further updates were made in 3.12 but more or less due to the way our current main task was written the `trio` guest-run was getting abandoned on SIGINTs sent from the OS to the infected child proc.. Note that much of the bug and soln cases are layed out in very detailed comment-notes both in the new test and `run_as_asyncio_guest()`, right above the final "fix" lines. Add new `test_infected_aio.test_sigint_closes_lifetime_stack()` test suite which reliably triggers all abandonment issues with multiple cases of different parent behaviour post-sending-SIGINT-to-child: 1. briefly sleep then raise a KBI in the parent which was originally demonstrating the file leak not being cleaned up by `Actor.lifetime_stack.close()` and simulates a ctl-c from the console (relayed in tandem by the OS to the parent and child processes). 2. do `Context.wait_for_result()` on the child context which would hang and timeout since the actor runtime would never complete and thus never relay a `ContextCancelled`. 3. both with and without running a `asyncio` task in the `manage_file` child actor; originally it seemed that with an aio task scheduled in the child actor the guest-run abandonment always was the "loud" case where there seemed to be some actor teardown but with tbs from python failing to gracefully exit the `trio` runtime.. The (seemingly working) "fix" required 2 lines of code to be run inside a `asyncio.CancelledError` handler around the call to `await trio_done_fut`: - `Actor.cancel_soon()` which schedules the actor runtime to cancel on the next `trio` runner cycle and results in a "self cancellation" of the actor. - "pumping the `asyncio` event loop" with a non-0 `.sleep(0.1)` XD |_ seems that a "shielded" pump with some actual `delay: float >= 0` did the trick to get `asyncio` to allow the `trio` runner/loop to fully complete its guest-run without abandonment. Other supporting changes: - move `._exceptions.AsyncioCancelled`, our renamed `asyncio.CancelledError` error-sub-type-wrapper, to `.to_asyncio` and make it derive from `CancelledError` so as to be sure when raised by our `asyncio` x-> `trio` exception relay machinery that `asyncio` is getting the specific type it expects during cancellation. - do "summary status" style logging in `run_as_asyncio_guest()` wherein we compile the eventual `startup_msg: str` emitted just before waiting on the `trio_done_fut`. - shield-wait with `out: Outcome = await asyncio.shield(trio_done_fut)` even though it seems to do nothing in the SIGINT handling case..(I presume it might help avoid abandonment in a `asyncio.Task.cancel()` case maybe?)
2024-06-24 17:52:19 +00:00
# field on our `PayloadMsg.pld`, we still need a enc/dec_hook() pair
# to cast to/from that type on the wire. See the docs:
def enc_nsp(obj: Any) -> Any:
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
print(f'{uid} ENC HOOK')
match obj:
case NamespacePath():
f'{uid}: `NamespacePath`-Only ENCODE?\n'
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
f'obj-> `{obj}`: {type(obj)}\n'
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
# if type(obj) != NamespacePath:
# breakpoint()
return str(obj)
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
f'obj-arg-> `{obj}`: {type(obj)}\n'
logmsg: str = (
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
f'obj-> `{obj}: {type(obj)}`\n'
raise NotImplementedError(logmsg)
def dec_nsp(
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
obj_type: Type,
obj: Any,
) -> Any:
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
f'type-arg-> {obj_type}\n'
f'obj-arg-> `{obj}`: {type(obj)}\n'
nsp = None
if (
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
obj_type is NamespacePath
and isinstance(obj, str)
and ':' in obj
nsp = NamespacePath(obj)
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
# TODO: we could built a generic handler using
# JUST matching the obj_type part?
# nsp = obj_type(obj)
if nsp:
print(f'Returning NSP instance: {nsp}')
return nsp
logmsg: str = (
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
f'type-> {obj_type}\n'
f'obj-arg-> `{obj}`: {type(obj)}\n\n'
f'current codec:\n'
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
# TODO: figure out the ignore subsys for this!
# -[ ] option whether to defense-relay backc the msg
# inside an `Invalid`/`Ignore`
# -[ ] how to make this handling pluggable such that a
# `Channel`/`MsgTransport` can intercept and process
# back msgs either via exception handling or some other
# signal?
# NOTE: this delivers the invalid
# value up to `msgspec`'s decoding
# machinery for error raising.
return obj
# raise NotImplementedError(logmsg)
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
nsp_codec: MsgCodec = mk_codec(
# NOTE XXX: the encode hook MUST be used no matter what since
# our `NamespacePath` is not any of a `Any` native type nor
# a `msgspec.Struct` subtype - so `msgspec` has no way to know
# how to encode it unless we provide the custom hook.
# AGAIN that is, regardless of whether we spec an
# `Any`-decoded-pld the enc has no knowledge (by default)
# how to enc `NamespacePath` (nsp), so we add a custom
# hook to do that ALWAYS.
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
enc_hook=enc_nsp if add_hooks else None,
# XXX NOTE: pretty sure this is mutex with the `type=` to
# `Decoder`? so it won't work in tandem with the
# `ipc_pld_spec` passed above?
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
dec_hook=dec_nsp if add_hooks else None,
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
return nsp_codec
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
def chk_codec_applied(
expect_codec: MsgCodec,
enter_value: MsgCodec|None = None,
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
) -> MsgCodec:
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
buncha sanity checks ensuring that the IPC channel's
context-vars are set to the expected codec and that are
ctx-var wrapper APIs match the same.
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
# TODO: play with tricyle again, bc this is supposed to work
# the way we want?
# TreeVar
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
# task: trio.Task = trio.lowlevel.current_task()
# curr_codec = _ctxvar_MsgCodec.get_in(task)
# ContextVar
# task_ctx: Context = task.context
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
# assert _ctxvar_MsgCodec in task_ctx
# curr_codec: MsgCodec = task.context[_ctxvar_MsgCodec]
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
# NOTE: currently we use this!
# RunVar
curr_codec: MsgCodec = current_codec()
last_read_codec = _ctxvar_MsgCodec.get()
# assert curr_codec is last_read_codec
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
assert (
(same_codec := expect_codec) is
# returned from `mk_codec()`
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
# yielded value from `apply_codec()`
# read from current task's `contextvars.Context`
curr_codec is
# the default `msgspec` settings
is not _codec._def_msgspec_codec
is not _codec._def_tractor_codec
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
if enter_value:
enter_value is same_codec
def iter_maybe_sends(
send_items: dict[Union[Type], Any] | list[tuple],
ipc_pld_spec: Union[Type] | Any,
add_codec_hooks: bool,
codec: MsgCodec|None = None,
) -> tuple[Any, bool]:
if isinstance(send_items, dict):
send_items = send_items.items()
for (
) in send_items:
expect_roundtrip: bool = False
# values-to-typespec santiy
send_type = type(send_value)
assert send_type == send_type_spec or (
(subtypes := getattr(send_type_spec, '__args__', None))
and send_type in subtypes
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
spec_subtypes: set[Union[Type]] = (
send_in_spec: bool = (
send_type == ipc_pld_spec
or (
ipc_pld_spec != Any
and # presume `Union` of types
send_type in spec_subtypes
or (
ipc_pld_spec == Any
send_type != NamespacePath
expect_roundtrip = (
# any spec should support all other
# builtin py values that we send
# except our custom nsp type which
# we should be able to send as long
# as we provide the custom codec hooks.
or (
ipc_pld_spec == Any
send_type == NamespacePath
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
if codec is not None:
# XXX FIRST XXX ensure roundtripping works
# before touching any IPC primitives/APIs.
wire_bytes: bytes = codec.encode(
# NOTE: demonstrates the decoder loading
# to via our native SCIPP msg-spec
# (structurred-conc-inter-proc-protocol)
# implemented as per,
msg: Started = codec.decode(wire_bytes)
if not expect_roundtrip:
f'NOT-EXPECTED able to roundtrip value given spec:\n'
f'ipc_pld_spec -> {ipc_pld_spec}\n'
f'value -> {send_value}: {send_type}\n'
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
pld = msg.pld
assert pld == send_value
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
except ValidationError:
if expect_roundtrip:
f'EXPECTED to roundtrip value given spec:\n'
f'ipc_pld_spec -> {ipc_pld_spec}\n'
f'value -> {send_value}: {send_type}\n'
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
yield (
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
def dec_type_union(
type_names: list[str],
) -> Type:
Look up types by name, compile into a list and then create and
return a `typing.Union` from the full set.
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
import importlib
types: list[Type] = []
for type_name in type_names:
Hack `asyncio` to not abandon a guest-mode run? Took me a while to figure out what the heck was going on but, turns out `asyncio` changed their SIGINT handling in 3.11 as per: I'm not entirely sure if it's the 3.11 changes or possibly wtv further updates were made in 3.12 but more or less due to the way our current main task was written the `trio` guest-run was getting abandoned on SIGINTs sent from the OS to the infected child proc.. Note that much of the bug and soln cases are layed out in very detailed comment-notes both in the new test and `run_as_asyncio_guest()`, right above the final "fix" lines. Add new `test_infected_aio.test_sigint_closes_lifetime_stack()` test suite which reliably triggers all abandonment issues with multiple cases of different parent behaviour post-sending-SIGINT-to-child: 1. briefly sleep then raise a KBI in the parent which was originally demonstrating the file leak not being cleaned up by `Actor.lifetime_stack.close()` and simulates a ctl-c from the console (relayed in tandem by the OS to the parent and child processes). 2. do `Context.wait_for_result()` on the child context which would hang and timeout since the actor runtime would never complete and thus never relay a `ContextCancelled`. 3. both with and without running a `asyncio` task in the `manage_file` child actor; originally it seemed that with an aio task scheduled in the child actor the guest-run abandonment always was the "loud" case where there seemed to be some actor teardown but with tbs from python failing to gracefully exit the `trio` runtime.. The (seemingly working) "fix" required 2 lines of code to be run inside a `asyncio.CancelledError` handler around the call to `await trio_done_fut`: - `Actor.cancel_soon()` which schedules the actor runtime to cancel on the next `trio` runner cycle and results in a "self cancellation" of the actor. - "pumping the `asyncio` event loop" with a non-0 `.sleep(0.1)` XD |_ seems that a "shielded" pump with some actual `delay: float >= 0` did the trick to get `asyncio` to allow the `trio` runner/loop to fully complete its guest-run without abandonment. Other supporting changes: - move `._exceptions.AsyncioCancelled`, our renamed `asyncio.CancelledError` error-sub-type-wrapper, to `.to_asyncio` and make it derive from `CancelledError` so as to be sure when raised by our `asyncio` x-> `trio` exception relay machinery that `asyncio` is getting the specific type it expects during cancellation. - do "summary status" style logging in `run_as_asyncio_guest()` wherein we compile the eventual `startup_msg: str` emitted just before waiting on the `trio_done_fut`. - shield-wait with `out: Outcome = await asyncio.shield(trio_done_fut)` even though it seems to do nothing in the SIGINT handling case..(I presume it might help avoid abandonment in a `asyncio.Task.cancel()` case maybe?)
2024-06-24 17:52:19 +00:00
for mod in [
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
if type_ref := getattr(
Hack `asyncio` to not abandon a guest-mode run? Took me a while to figure out what the heck was going on but, turns out `asyncio` changed their SIGINT handling in 3.11 as per: I'm not entirely sure if it's the 3.11 changes or possibly wtv further updates were made in 3.12 but more or less due to the way our current main task was written the `trio` guest-run was getting abandoned on SIGINTs sent from the OS to the infected child proc.. Note that much of the bug and soln cases are layed out in very detailed comment-notes both in the new test and `run_as_asyncio_guest()`, right above the final "fix" lines. Add new `test_infected_aio.test_sigint_closes_lifetime_stack()` test suite which reliably triggers all abandonment issues with multiple cases of different parent behaviour post-sending-SIGINT-to-child: 1. briefly sleep then raise a KBI in the parent which was originally demonstrating the file leak not being cleaned up by `Actor.lifetime_stack.close()` and simulates a ctl-c from the console (relayed in tandem by the OS to the parent and child processes). 2. do `Context.wait_for_result()` on the child context which would hang and timeout since the actor runtime would never complete and thus never relay a `ContextCancelled`. 3. both with and without running a `asyncio` task in the `manage_file` child actor; originally it seemed that with an aio task scheduled in the child actor the guest-run abandonment always was the "loud" case where there seemed to be some actor teardown but with tbs from python failing to gracefully exit the `trio` runtime.. The (seemingly working) "fix" required 2 lines of code to be run inside a `asyncio.CancelledError` handler around the call to `await trio_done_fut`: - `Actor.cancel_soon()` which schedules the actor runtime to cancel on the next `trio` runner cycle and results in a "self cancellation" of the actor. - "pumping the `asyncio` event loop" with a non-0 `.sleep(0.1)` XD |_ seems that a "shielded" pump with some actual `delay: float >= 0` did the trick to get `asyncio` to allow the `trio` runner/loop to fully complete its guest-run without abandonment. Other supporting changes: - move `._exceptions.AsyncioCancelled`, our renamed `asyncio.CancelledError` error-sub-type-wrapper, to `.to_asyncio` and make it derive from `CancelledError` so as to be sure when raised by our `asyncio` x-> `trio` exception relay machinery that `asyncio` is getting the specific type it expects during cancellation. - do "summary status" style logging in `run_as_asyncio_guest()` wherein we compile the eventual `startup_msg: str` emitted just before waiting on the `trio_done_fut`. - shield-wait with `out: Outcome = await asyncio.shield(trio_done_fut)` even though it seems to do nothing in the SIGINT handling case..(I presume it might help avoid abandonment in a `asyncio.Task.cancel()` case maybe?)
2024-06-24 17:52:19 +00:00
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
# special case handling only..
# ipc_pld_spec: Union[Type] = eval(
# pld_spec_str,
# {}, # globals
# {'typing': typing}, # locals
# )
return Union[*types]
def enc_type_union(
union_or_type: Union[Type]|Type,
) -> list[str]:
Encode a type-union or single type to a list of type-name-strings
ready for IPC interchange.
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
type_strs: list[str] = []
for typ in getattr(
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
return type_strs
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
async def send_back_values(
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
ctx: Context,
expect_debug: bool,
pld_spec_type_strs: list[str],
add_hooks: bool,
started_msg_bytes: bytes,
expect_ipc_send: dict[str, tuple[Any, bool]],
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
) -> None:
Setup up a custom codec to load instances of `NamespacePath`
and ensure we can round trip a func ref with our parent.
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
uid: tuple = tractor.current_actor().uid
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
# debug mode sanity check (prolly superfluous but, meh)
assert expect_debug == _state.debug_mode()
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
# init state in sub-actor should be default
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
# load pld spec from input str
ipc_pld_spec = dec_type_union(
pld_spec_str = str(ipc_pld_spec)
# same as on parent side config.
nsp_codec: MsgCodec = mk_custom_codec(
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
with (
apply_codec(nsp_codec) as codec,
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
f'{uid}: attempting `Started`-bytes DECODE..\n'
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
msg: Started = nsp_codec.decode(started_msg_bytes)
expected_pld_spec_str: str = msg.pld
assert pld_spec_str == expected_pld_spec_str
# TODO: maybe we should add our own wrapper error so as to
# be interchange-lib agnostic?
# -[ ] the error type is wtv is raised from the hook so we
# could also require a type-class of errors for
# indicating whether the hook-failure can be handled by
# a nasty-dialog-unprot sub-sys?
except ValidationError:
# NOTE: only in the `Any` spec case do we expect this to
# work since otherwise no spec covers a plain-ol'
# `.pld: str`
if pld_spec_str == 'Any':
f'{uid}: (correctly) unable to DECODE `Started`-bytes\n'
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
iter_send_val_items = iter(expect_ipc_send.values())
sent: list[Any] = []
for send_value, expect_send in iter_send_val_items:
f'{uid}: attempting to `.started({send_value})`\n'
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
f'=> expect_send: {expect_send}\n'
f'SINCE, ipc_pld_spec: {ipc_pld_spec}\n'
f'AND, codec: {codec}\n'
await ctx.started(send_value)
if not expect_send:
# `str` handling! or special debug mode IPC
# msgs!
await tractor.pause()
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
raise RuntimeError(
f'NOT-EXPECTED able to roundtrip value given spec:\n'
f'ipc_pld_spec -> {ipc_pld_spec}\n'
f'value -> {send_value}: {type(send_value)}\n'
break # move on to streaming block..
except tractor.MsgTypeError:
await tractor.pause()
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
if expect_send:
raise RuntimeError(
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
f'EXPECTED to `.started()` value given spec:\n'
f'ipc_pld_spec -> {ipc_pld_spec}\n'
f'value -> {send_value}: {type(send_value)}\n'
async with ctx.open_stream() as ipc:
f'{uid}: Entering streaming block to send remaining values..'
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
for send_value, expect_send in iter_send_val_items:
send_type: Type = type(send_value)
'------ - ------\n'
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
f'ipc_pld_spec: {ipc_pld_spec}\n'
f'expect_send: {expect_send}\n'
f'val: {send_value}\n'
'------ - ------\n'
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
await ipc.send(send_value)
print(f'***\n{uid}-CHILD sent {send_value!r}\n***\n')
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
# NOTE: should only raise above on
# `.started()` or a `Return`
# if not expect_send:
# raise RuntimeError(
# f'NOT-EXPECTED able to roundtrip value given spec:\n'
# f'ipc_pld_spec -> {ipc_pld_spec}\n'
# f'value -> {send_value}: {send_type}\n'
# )
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
except ValidationError:
print(f'{uid} FAILED TO SEND {send_value}!')
# await tractor.pause()
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
if expect_send:
raise RuntimeError(
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
f'EXPECTED to roundtrip value given spec:\n'
f'ipc_pld_spec -> {ipc_pld_spec}\n'
f'value -> {send_value}: {send_type}\n'
# continue
f'{uid}: finished sending all values\n'
'Should be exiting stream block!\n'
print(f'{uid}: exited streaming block!')
# TODO: this won't be true bc in streaming phase we DO NOT
# msgspec check outbound msgs!
# -[ ] once we implement the receiver side `InvalidMsg`
# then we can expect it here?
# assert (
# len(sent)
# ==
# len([val
# for val, expect in
# expect_ipc_send.values()
# if expect is True])
# )
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
def ex_func(*args):
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
NamespacePath|None, # the "maybe" spec Bo
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
ids=['use_codec_hooks', 'no_codec_hooks'],
def test_codec_hooks_mod(
debug_mode: bool,
ipc_pld_spec: Union[Type]|Any,
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
# send_value: None|str|NamespacePath,
add_codec_hooks: bool,
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
Audit the `.msg.MsgCodec` override apis details given our impl
uses `contextvars` to accomplish per `trio` task codec
application around an inter-proc-task-comms context.
async def main():
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
nsp = NamespacePath.from_ref(ex_func)
send_items: dict[Union, Any] = {
Union[None]: None,
Union[NamespacePath]: nsp,
Union[str]: str(nsp),
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
# init default state for actor
async with tractor.open_nursery(
) as an:
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
p: tractor.Portal = await an.start_actor(
# TODO: 2 cases:
# - codec not modified -> decode nsp as `str`
# - codec modified with hooks -> decode nsp as
# `NamespacePath`
nsp_codec: MsgCodec = mk_custom_codec(
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
with apply_codec(nsp_codec) as codec:
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
expect_ipc_send: dict[str, tuple[Any, bool]] = {}
report: str = (
'Parent report on send values with\n'
f'ipc_pld_spec: {ipc_pld_spec}\n'
' ------ - ------\n'
for val_type_str, val, expect_send in iter_maybe_sends(
report += (
f'send_value: {val}: {type(val)} '
f'=> expect_send: {expect_send}\n'
expect_ipc_send[val_type_str] = (val, expect_send)
report +
' ------ - ------\n'
assert len(expect_ipc_send) == len(send_items)
# now try over real IPC with a the subactor
# expect_ipc_rountrip: bool = True
expected_started = Started(
# build list of values we expect to receive from
# the subactor.
expect_to_send: list[Any] = [
for val, expect_send in expect_ipc_send.values()
if expect_send
pld_spec_type_strs: list[str] = enc_type_union(ipc_pld_spec)
# XXX should raise an mte (`MsgTypeError`)
# when `add_codec_hooks == False` bc the input
# `expect_ipc_send` kwarg has a nsp which can't be
# serialized!
# TODO:can we ensure this happens from the
# `Return`-side (aka the sub) as well?
if not add_codec_hooks:
async with p.open_context(
# XXX NOTE bc we send a `NamespacePath` in this kwarg
) as (ctx, first):'ctx should fail to open without custom enc_hook!?')
# this test passes bc we can go no further!
except MsgTypeError:
# teardown nursery
await p.cancel_actor()
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
# TODO: send the original nsp here and
# test with `limit_msg_spec()` above?
# await tractor.pause()
print('PARENT opening IPC ctx!\n')
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
async with (
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
# XXX should raise an mte (`MsgTypeError`)
# when `add_codec_hooks == False`..
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
) as (ctx, first),
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
ctx.open_stream() as ipc,
# ensure codec is still applied across
# `tractor.Context` + its embedded nursery.
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
f'type(first): {type(first)}\n'
f'first: {first}\n'
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
# TODO: explicit values we expect depending on
# codec config!
# assert first == first_val
# assert first == f'{__name__}:ex_func'
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
async for next_sent in ipc:
'Parent: child sent next value\n'
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
f'{next_sent}: {type(next_sent)}\n'
if expect_to_send:
print('PARENT should terminate stream loop + block!')
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
# all sent values should have arrived!
assert not expect_to_send
Proto `MsgCodec`, an interchange fmt modify API Fitting in line with the issues outstanding: - #36: (msg)spec-ing out our SCIPP (structured-con-inter-proc-prot). ( - #196: adding strictly typed IPC msg dialog schemas, more or less better described as "dialog/transaction scoped message specs" using `msgspec`'s tagged unions and custom codecs. ( - #365: using modern static type-annots to drive capability based messaging and RPC. (statically This is a first draft of a new API for dynamically overriding IPC msg codecs for a given interchange lib from any task in the runtime. Right now we obviously only support `msgspec` but ideally this API holds general enough to be used for other backends eventually (like `capnproto`, and apache arrow). Impl is in a new `tractor.msg._codec` with: - a new `MsgCodec` type for encapsing `msgspec.msgpack.Encoder/Decoder` pairs and configuring any custom enc/dec_hooks or typed decoding. - factory `mk_codec()` for creating new codecs ad-hoc from a task. - `contextvars` support for a new `trio.Task` scoped `_ctxvar_MsgCodec: ContextVar[MsgCodec]` named 'msgspec_codec'. - `apply_codec()` for temporarily modifying the above per task as needed around `.open_context()` / `.open_stream()` operation. A new test (suite) in ``: - verify a parent and its child can enable the same custom codec (in this case to transmit `NamespacePath`s) with tons of pedantic ctx-vars checks. - ToDo: still need to implement #36 msg types in order to be able to get decodes working (as in `MsgStream.receive()` will deliver an already created `NamespacePath` obj) since currently all msgs come packed in `dict`-msg wrapper packets.. -> use the proto from PR #35 to get nested `msgspec.Raw` processing up and running Bo
2024-03-26 19:50:47 +00:00
await p.cancel_actor()
Init def of "SC shuttle prot" with "msg-spec-limiting" As per the long outstanding GH issue this starts our rigorous journey into an attempt at a type-safe, cross-actor SC, IPC protocol Bo boop -> The idea is to "formally" define our SC "shuttle (dialog) protocol" by specifying a new `.msg.types.Msg` subtype-set which can fully encapsulate all IPC msg schemas needed in order to accomplish cross-process SC! The msg set deviated a little in terms of (type) names from the existing `dict`-msgs currently used in the runtime impl but, I think the name changes are much better in terms of explicitly representing the internal semantics of the actor runtime machinery/subsystems and the IPC-msg-dialog required for SC enforced RPC. ------ - ------ In cursory, the new formal msgs-spec includes the following msg-subtypes of a new top-level `Msg` boxing type (that holds the base field schema for all msgs): - `Start` to request RPC task scheduling by passing a `FuncSpec` payload (to replace the currently used `{'cmd': ... }` dict msg impl) - `StartAck` to allow the RPC task callee-side to report a `IpcCtxSpec` payload immediately back to the caller (currently responded naively via a `{'functype': ... }` msg) - `Started` to deliver the first value from `Context.started()` (instead of the existing `{'started': ... }`) - `Yield` to shuttle `MsgStream.send()`-ed values (instead of our `{'yield': ... }`) - `Stop` to terminate a `Context.open_stream()` session/block (over `{'stop': True }`) - `Return` to deliver the final value from the `Actor.start_remote_task()` (which is a `{'return': ... }`) - `Error` to box `RemoteActorError` exceptions via a `.pld: ErrorData` payload, planned to replace/extend the current `RemoteActorError.msgdata` mechanism internal to `._exceptions.pack/unpack_error()` The new `tractor.msg.types` includes all the above msg defs as well an API for rendering a "payload type specification" using a `payload_type_spec: Union[Type]` that can be passed to `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(type=payload_type_spec)`. This ensures that (for a subset of the above msg set) `Msg.pld: PayloadT` data is type-parameterized using `msgspec`'s new `Generic[PayloadT]` field support and thus enables providing for an API where IPC `Context` dialogs can strictly define the allowed payload-datatype-set via type union! Iow, this is the foundation for supporting `Channel`/`Context`/`MsgStream` IPC primitives which are type checked/safe as desired in GH issue: - Misc notes on current impl(s) status: ------ - ------ - add a `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` which uses the new `msgspec` support for `class MyStruct[Struct, Generic[T]]` parameterize-able fields and delivers our boxing SC-msg-(sub)set with the desired `payload_types` applied to `.pld`: - - as a note this impl seems to need to use `type.new_class()` dynamic subtype generation, though i don't really get *why* still.. but without that the `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` doesn't seem to reject `.pld` limited `Msg` subtypes as demonstrated in the new test. - around this ^ add a `.msg._codec.limit_msg_spec()` cm which exposes this payload type limiting API such that it can be applied per task via a `MsgCodec` in app code. - the orig approach in was the idea of making payload fields `.pld: Raw` wherein we could have per-field/sub-msg decoders dynamically loaded depending on the particular application-layer schema in use. I don't want to lose the idea of this since I think it might be useful for an idea I have about capability-based-fields(-sharing, maybe using field-subset encryption?), and as such i've kept the (ostensibly) working impls in TODO-comments in `.msg._codec` wherein maybe we can add a `MsgCodec._payload_decs: dict` table for this later on. |_ also left in the `.msg.types.enc/decmsg()` impls but renamed as `enc/dec_payload()` (but reworked to not rely on the lifo codec stack tables; now removed) such that we can prolly move them to `MsgCodec` methods in the future. - add an unused `._codec.mk_tagged_union_dec()` helper which was originally factored out the #311 proto-code but didn't end up working as desired with the new parameterized generic fields approach (now in `msg.types.mk_msg_spec()`) Testing/deps work: ------ - ------ - new `test_limit_msgspec()` which ensures all the `.types` content is correct but without using the wrapping APIs in `._codec`; i.e. using a in-line `Decoder` instead of a `MsgCodec`. - pin us to `msgspec>=0.18.5` which has the needed generic-types support (which took me way too long yester to figure out when implementing all this XD)!
2024-03-28 14:45:01 +00:00
def chk_pld_type(
Be mega pedantic with msg-spec building Turns out the generics based payload speccing API, as in, DOES WORK properly as long as we don't rely on inheritance from `Msg` a parent `Generic`.. So let's get real pedantic in the `mk_msg_spec()` internals as well as verification in the test suite! Fixes in `.msg.types`: - implement (as part of tinker testing) multiple spec union building methods via a `spec_build_method: str` to `mk_msg_spec()` and leave a buncha notes around what did and didn't work: - 'indexed_generics' is the only method THAT WORKS and the one that you'd expect being closest to the `msgspec` docs (link above). - 'defstruct' using dynamically defined msgs => doesn't work! - 'types_new_class' using dynamically defined msgs but with `types.new_clas()` => ALSO doesn't work.. - explicitly separate the `.pld` type-constrainable by user code msg set into `types._payload_spec_msgs` putting the others in a `types._runtime_spec_msgs` and the full set defined as `.__spec__` (moving it out of the pkg-mod and back to `.types` as well). - for the `_payload_spec_msgs` msgs manually make them inherit `Generic[PayloadT]` and (redunantly) define a `.pld: PayloadT` field. - make `IpcCtxSpec.functype` an in line `Literal`. - toss in some TODO notes about choosing a better `Msg.cid` type. Fixes/tweaks around `.msg._codec`: - rename `MsgCodec.ipc/pld_msg_spec` -> `.msg/pld_spec` - make `._enc/._dec` non optional fields - wow, ^facepalm^ , make sure `._ipc.MsgpackTCPStream.__init__()` uses `mk_codec()` since `MsgCodec` can't be (easily) constructed directly. Get more detailed in testing: - inside the `chk_pld_type()` helper ensure `roundtrip` is always set to some value, `None` by default but a bool depending on legit outcome. - drop input `generic`; no longer used. - drop the masked `typedef` loop from `Msg.__subclasses__()`. - for add an `expect_roundtrip: bool` and use to jump into debugger when any expectation doesn't match the outcome. - use new `MsgCodec` field names (as per first section above). - ensure the encoded msg matches the decoded one from both the ad-hoc decoder and codec loaded values. - ensure the pld checking is only applied to msgs in the `types._payload_spec_msgs` set by `typef.__name__` filtering since `mk_msg_spec()` now returns the full `.types.Msg` set.
2024-03-29 22:46:37 +00:00
payload_spec: Type[Struct]|Any,
Init def of "SC shuttle prot" with "msg-spec-limiting" As per the long outstanding GH issue this starts our rigorous journey into an attempt at a type-safe, cross-actor SC, IPC protocol Bo boop -> The idea is to "formally" define our SC "shuttle (dialog) protocol" by specifying a new `.msg.types.Msg` subtype-set which can fully encapsulate all IPC msg schemas needed in order to accomplish cross-process SC! The msg set deviated a little in terms of (type) names from the existing `dict`-msgs currently used in the runtime impl but, I think the name changes are much better in terms of explicitly representing the internal semantics of the actor runtime machinery/subsystems and the IPC-msg-dialog required for SC enforced RPC. ------ - ------ In cursory, the new formal msgs-spec includes the following msg-subtypes of a new top-level `Msg` boxing type (that holds the base field schema for all msgs): - `Start` to request RPC task scheduling by passing a `FuncSpec` payload (to replace the currently used `{'cmd': ... }` dict msg impl) - `StartAck` to allow the RPC task callee-side to report a `IpcCtxSpec` payload immediately back to the caller (currently responded naively via a `{'functype': ... }` msg) - `Started` to deliver the first value from `Context.started()` (instead of the existing `{'started': ... }`) - `Yield` to shuttle `MsgStream.send()`-ed values (instead of our `{'yield': ... }`) - `Stop` to terminate a `Context.open_stream()` session/block (over `{'stop': True }`) - `Return` to deliver the final value from the `Actor.start_remote_task()` (which is a `{'return': ... }`) - `Error` to box `RemoteActorError` exceptions via a `.pld: ErrorData` payload, planned to replace/extend the current `RemoteActorError.msgdata` mechanism internal to `._exceptions.pack/unpack_error()` The new `tractor.msg.types` includes all the above msg defs as well an API for rendering a "payload type specification" using a `payload_type_spec: Union[Type]` that can be passed to `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(type=payload_type_spec)`. This ensures that (for a subset of the above msg set) `Msg.pld: PayloadT` data is type-parameterized using `msgspec`'s new `Generic[PayloadT]` field support and thus enables providing for an API where IPC `Context` dialogs can strictly define the allowed payload-datatype-set via type union! Iow, this is the foundation for supporting `Channel`/`Context`/`MsgStream` IPC primitives which are type checked/safe as desired in GH issue: - Misc notes on current impl(s) status: ------ - ------ - add a `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` which uses the new `msgspec` support for `class MyStruct[Struct, Generic[T]]` parameterize-able fields and delivers our boxing SC-msg-(sub)set with the desired `payload_types` applied to `.pld`: - - as a note this impl seems to need to use `type.new_class()` dynamic subtype generation, though i don't really get *why* still.. but without that the `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` doesn't seem to reject `.pld` limited `Msg` subtypes as demonstrated in the new test. - around this ^ add a `.msg._codec.limit_msg_spec()` cm which exposes this payload type limiting API such that it can be applied per task via a `MsgCodec` in app code. - the orig approach in was the idea of making payload fields `.pld: Raw` wherein we could have per-field/sub-msg decoders dynamically loaded depending on the particular application-layer schema in use. I don't want to lose the idea of this since I think it might be useful for an idea I have about capability-based-fields(-sharing, maybe using field-subset encryption?), and as such i've kept the (ostensibly) working impls in TODO-comments in `.msg._codec` wherein maybe we can add a `MsgCodec._payload_decs: dict` table for this later on. |_ also left in the `.msg.types.enc/decmsg()` impls but renamed as `enc/dec_payload()` (but reworked to not rely on the lifo codec stack tables; now removed) such that we can prolly move them to `MsgCodec` methods in the future. - add an unused `._codec.mk_tagged_union_dec()` helper which was originally factored out the #311 proto-code but didn't end up working as desired with the new parameterized generic fields approach (now in `msg.types.mk_msg_spec()`) Testing/deps work: ------ - ------ - new `test_limit_msgspec()` which ensures all the `.types` content is correct but without using the wrapping APIs in `._codec`; i.e. using a in-line `Decoder` instead of a `MsgCodec`. - pin us to `msgspec>=0.18.5` which has the needed generic-types support (which took me way too long yester to figure out when implementing all this XD)!
2024-03-28 14:45:01 +00:00
pld: Any,
Be mega pedantic with msg-spec building Turns out the generics based payload speccing API, as in, DOES WORK properly as long as we don't rely on inheritance from `Msg` a parent `Generic`.. So let's get real pedantic in the `mk_msg_spec()` internals as well as verification in the test suite! Fixes in `.msg.types`: - implement (as part of tinker testing) multiple spec union building methods via a `spec_build_method: str` to `mk_msg_spec()` and leave a buncha notes around what did and didn't work: - 'indexed_generics' is the only method THAT WORKS and the one that you'd expect being closest to the `msgspec` docs (link above). - 'defstruct' using dynamically defined msgs => doesn't work! - 'types_new_class' using dynamically defined msgs but with `types.new_clas()` => ALSO doesn't work.. - explicitly separate the `.pld` type-constrainable by user code msg set into `types._payload_spec_msgs` putting the others in a `types._runtime_spec_msgs` and the full set defined as `.__spec__` (moving it out of the pkg-mod and back to `.types` as well). - for the `_payload_spec_msgs` msgs manually make them inherit `Generic[PayloadT]` and (redunantly) define a `.pld: PayloadT` field. - make `IpcCtxSpec.functype` an in line `Literal`. - toss in some TODO notes about choosing a better `Msg.cid` type. Fixes/tweaks around `.msg._codec`: - rename `MsgCodec.ipc/pld_msg_spec` -> `.msg/pld_spec` - make `._enc/._dec` non optional fields - wow, ^facepalm^ , make sure `._ipc.MsgpackTCPStream.__init__()` uses `mk_codec()` since `MsgCodec` can't be (easily) constructed directly. Get more detailed in testing: - inside the `chk_pld_type()` helper ensure `roundtrip` is always set to some value, `None` by default but a bool depending on legit outcome. - drop input `generic`; no longer used. - drop the masked `typedef` loop from `Msg.__subclasses__()`. - for add an `expect_roundtrip: bool` and use to jump into debugger when any expectation doesn't match the outcome. - use new `MsgCodec` field names (as per first section above). - ensure the encoded msg matches the decoded one from both the ad-hoc decoder and codec loaded values. - ensure the pld checking is only applied to msgs in the `types._payload_spec_msgs` set by `typef.__name__` filtering since `mk_msg_spec()` now returns the full `.types.Msg` set.
2024-03-29 22:46:37 +00:00
expect_roundtrip: bool|None = None,
Init def of "SC shuttle prot" with "msg-spec-limiting" As per the long outstanding GH issue this starts our rigorous journey into an attempt at a type-safe, cross-actor SC, IPC protocol Bo boop -> The idea is to "formally" define our SC "shuttle (dialog) protocol" by specifying a new `.msg.types.Msg` subtype-set which can fully encapsulate all IPC msg schemas needed in order to accomplish cross-process SC! The msg set deviated a little in terms of (type) names from the existing `dict`-msgs currently used in the runtime impl but, I think the name changes are much better in terms of explicitly representing the internal semantics of the actor runtime machinery/subsystems and the IPC-msg-dialog required for SC enforced RPC. ------ - ------ In cursory, the new formal msgs-spec includes the following msg-subtypes of a new top-level `Msg` boxing type (that holds the base field schema for all msgs): - `Start` to request RPC task scheduling by passing a `FuncSpec` payload (to replace the currently used `{'cmd': ... }` dict msg impl) - `StartAck` to allow the RPC task callee-side to report a `IpcCtxSpec` payload immediately back to the caller (currently responded naively via a `{'functype': ... }` msg) - `Started` to deliver the first value from `Context.started()` (instead of the existing `{'started': ... }`) - `Yield` to shuttle `MsgStream.send()`-ed values (instead of our `{'yield': ... }`) - `Stop` to terminate a `Context.open_stream()` session/block (over `{'stop': True }`) - `Return` to deliver the final value from the `Actor.start_remote_task()` (which is a `{'return': ... }`) - `Error` to box `RemoteActorError` exceptions via a `.pld: ErrorData` payload, planned to replace/extend the current `RemoteActorError.msgdata` mechanism internal to `._exceptions.pack/unpack_error()` The new `tractor.msg.types` includes all the above msg defs as well an API for rendering a "payload type specification" using a `payload_type_spec: Union[Type]` that can be passed to `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(type=payload_type_spec)`. This ensures that (for a subset of the above msg set) `Msg.pld: PayloadT` data is type-parameterized using `msgspec`'s new `Generic[PayloadT]` field support and thus enables providing for an API where IPC `Context` dialogs can strictly define the allowed payload-datatype-set via type union! Iow, this is the foundation for supporting `Channel`/`Context`/`MsgStream` IPC primitives which are type checked/safe as desired in GH issue: - Misc notes on current impl(s) status: ------ - ------ - add a `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` which uses the new `msgspec` support for `class MyStruct[Struct, Generic[T]]` parameterize-able fields and delivers our boxing SC-msg-(sub)set with the desired `payload_types` applied to `.pld`: - - as a note this impl seems to need to use `type.new_class()` dynamic subtype generation, though i don't really get *why* still.. but without that the `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` doesn't seem to reject `.pld` limited `Msg` subtypes as demonstrated in the new test. - around this ^ add a `.msg._codec.limit_msg_spec()` cm which exposes this payload type limiting API such that it can be applied per task via a `MsgCodec` in app code. - the orig approach in was the idea of making payload fields `.pld: Raw` wherein we could have per-field/sub-msg decoders dynamically loaded depending on the particular application-layer schema in use. I don't want to lose the idea of this since I think it might be useful for an idea I have about capability-based-fields(-sharing, maybe using field-subset encryption?), and as such i've kept the (ostensibly) working impls in TODO-comments in `.msg._codec` wherein maybe we can add a `MsgCodec._payload_decs: dict` table for this later on. |_ also left in the `.msg.types.enc/decmsg()` impls but renamed as `enc/dec_payload()` (but reworked to not rely on the lifo codec stack tables; now removed) such that we can prolly move them to `MsgCodec` methods in the future. - add an unused `._codec.mk_tagged_union_dec()` helper which was originally factored out the #311 proto-code but didn't end up working as desired with the new parameterized generic fields approach (now in `msg.types.mk_msg_spec()`) Testing/deps work: ------ - ------ - new `test_limit_msgspec()` which ensures all the `.types` content is correct but without using the wrapping APIs in `._codec`; i.e. using a in-line `Decoder` instead of a `MsgCodec`. - pin us to `msgspec>=0.18.5` which has the needed generic-types support (which took me way too long yester to figure out when implementing all this XD)!
2024-03-28 14:45:01 +00:00
) -> bool:
pld_val_type: Type = type(pld)
# TODO: verify that the overridden subtypes
# DO NOT have modified type-annots from original!
# 'Start', .pld: FuncSpec
# 'StartAck', .pld: IpcCtxSpec
# 'Stop', .pld: UNSEt
# 'Error', .pld: ErrorData
Be mega pedantic with msg-spec building Turns out the generics based payload speccing API, as in, DOES WORK properly as long as we don't rely on inheritance from `Msg` a parent `Generic`.. So let's get real pedantic in the `mk_msg_spec()` internals as well as verification in the test suite! Fixes in `.msg.types`: - implement (as part of tinker testing) multiple spec union building methods via a `spec_build_method: str` to `mk_msg_spec()` and leave a buncha notes around what did and didn't work: - 'indexed_generics' is the only method THAT WORKS and the one that you'd expect being closest to the `msgspec` docs (link above). - 'defstruct' using dynamically defined msgs => doesn't work! - 'types_new_class' using dynamically defined msgs but with `types.new_clas()` => ALSO doesn't work.. - explicitly separate the `.pld` type-constrainable by user code msg set into `types._payload_spec_msgs` putting the others in a `types._runtime_spec_msgs` and the full set defined as `.__spec__` (moving it out of the pkg-mod and back to `.types` as well). - for the `_payload_spec_msgs` msgs manually make them inherit `Generic[PayloadT]` and (redunantly) define a `.pld: PayloadT` field. - make `IpcCtxSpec.functype` an in line `Literal`. - toss in some TODO notes about choosing a better `Msg.cid` type. Fixes/tweaks around `.msg._codec`: - rename `MsgCodec.ipc/pld_msg_spec` -> `.msg/pld_spec` - make `._enc/._dec` non optional fields - wow, ^facepalm^ , make sure `._ipc.MsgpackTCPStream.__init__()` uses `mk_codec()` since `MsgCodec` can't be (easily) constructed directly. Get more detailed in testing: - inside the `chk_pld_type()` helper ensure `roundtrip` is always set to some value, `None` by default but a bool depending on legit outcome. - drop input `generic`; no longer used. - drop the masked `typedef` loop from `Msg.__subclasses__()`. - for add an `expect_roundtrip: bool` and use to jump into debugger when any expectation doesn't match the outcome. - use new `MsgCodec` field names (as per first section above). - ensure the encoded msg matches the decoded one from both the ad-hoc decoder and codec loaded values. - ensure the pld checking is only applied to msgs in the `types._payload_spec_msgs` set by `typef.__name__` filtering since `mk_msg_spec()` now returns the full `.types.Msg` set.
2024-03-29 22:46:37 +00:00
codec: MsgCodec = mk_codec(
Hack `asyncio` to not abandon a guest-mode run? Took me a while to figure out what the heck was going on but, turns out `asyncio` changed their SIGINT handling in 3.11 as per: I'm not entirely sure if it's the 3.11 changes or possibly wtv further updates were made in 3.12 but more or less due to the way our current main task was written the `trio` guest-run was getting abandoned on SIGINTs sent from the OS to the infected child proc.. Note that much of the bug and soln cases are layed out in very detailed comment-notes both in the new test and `run_as_asyncio_guest()`, right above the final "fix" lines. Add new `test_infected_aio.test_sigint_closes_lifetime_stack()` test suite which reliably triggers all abandonment issues with multiple cases of different parent behaviour post-sending-SIGINT-to-child: 1. briefly sleep then raise a KBI in the parent which was originally demonstrating the file leak not being cleaned up by `Actor.lifetime_stack.close()` and simulates a ctl-c from the console (relayed in tandem by the OS to the parent and child processes). 2. do `Context.wait_for_result()` on the child context which would hang and timeout since the actor runtime would never complete and thus never relay a `ContextCancelled`. 3. both with and without running a `asyncio` task in the `manage_file` child actor; originally it seemed that with an aio task scheduled in the child actor the guest-run abandonment always was the "loud" case where there seemed to be some actor teardown but with tbs from python failing to gracefully exit the `trio` runtime.. The (seemingly working) "fix" required 2 lines of code to be run inside a `asyncio.CancelledError` handler around the call to `await trio_done_fut`: - `Actor.cancel_soon()` which schedules the actor runtime to cancel on the next `trio` runner cycle and results in a "self cancellation" of the actor. - "pumping the `asyncio` event loop" with a non-0 `.sleep(0.1)` XD |_ seems that a "shielded" pump with some actual `delay: float >= 0` did the trick to get `asyncio` to allow the `trio` runner/loop to fully complete its guest-run without abandonment. Other supporting changes: - move `._exceptions.AsyncioCancelled`, our renamed `asyncio.CancelledError` error-sub-type-wrapper, to `.to_asyncio` and make it derive from `CancelledError` so as to be sure when raised by our `asyncio` x-> `trio` exception relay machinery that `asyncio` is getting the specific type it expects during cancellation. - do "summary status" style logging in `run_as_asyncio_guest()` wherein we compile the eventual `startup_msg: str` emitted just before waiting on the `trio_done_fut`. - shield-wait with `out: Outcome = await asyncio.shield(trio_done_fut)` even though it seems to do nothing in the SIGINT handling case..(I presume it might help avoid abandonment in a `asyncio.Task.cancel()` case maybe?)
2024-06-24 17:52:19 +00:00
# NOTE: this ONLY accepts `PayloadMsg.pld` fields of a specified
Be mega pedantic with msg-spec building Turns out the generics based payload speccing API, as in, DOES WORK properly as long as we don't rely on inheritance from `Msg` a parent `Generic`.. So let's get real pedantic in the `mk_msg_spec()` internals as well as verification in the test suite! Fixes in `.msg.types`: - implement (as part of tinker testing) multiple spec union building methods via a `spec_build_method: str` to `mk_msg_spec()` and leave a buncha notes around what did and didn't work: - 'indexed_generics' is the only method THAT WORKS and the one that you'd expect being closest to the `msgspec` docs (link above). - 'defstruct' using dynamically defined msgs => doesn't work! - 'types_new_class' using dynamically defined msgs but with `types.new_clas()` => ALSO doesn't work.. - explicitly separate the `.pld` type-constrainable by user code msg set into `types._payload_spec_msgs` putting the others in a `types._runtime_spec_msgs` and the full set defined as `.__spec__` (moving it out of the pkg-mod and back to `.types` as well). - for the `_payload_spec_msgs` msgs manually make them inherit `Generic[PayloadT]` and (redunantly) define a `.pld: PayloadT` field. - make `IpcCtxSpec.functype` an in line `Literal`. - toss in some TODO notes about choosing a better `Msg.cid` type. Fixes/tweaks around `.msg._codec`: - rename `MsgCodec.ipc/pld_msg_spec` -> `.msg/pld_spec` - make `._enc/._dec` non optional fields - wow, ^facepalm^ , make sure `._ipc.MsgpackTCPStream.__init__()` uses `mk_codec()` since `MsgCodec` can't be (easily) constructed directly. Get more detailed in testing: - inside the `chk_pld_type()` helper ensure `roundtrip` is always set to some value, `None` by default but a bool depending on legit outcome. - drop input `generic`; no longer used. - drop the masked `typedef` loop from `Msg.__subclasses__()`. - for add an `expect_roundtrip: bool` and use to jump into debugger when any expectation doesn't match the outcome. - use new `MsgCodec` field names (as per first section above). - ensure the encoded msg matches the decoded one from both the ad-hoc decoder and codec loaded values. - ensure the pld checking is only applied to msgs in the `types._payload_spec_msgs` set by `typef.__name__` filtering since `mk_msg_spec()` now returns the full `.types.Msg` set.
2024-03-29 22:46:37 +00:00
# type union.
# make a one-off dec to compare with our `MsgCodec` instance
# which does the below `mk_msg_spec()` call internally
Be mega pedantic with msg-spec building Turns out the generics based payload speccing API, as in, DOES WORK properly as long as we don't rely on inheritance from `Msg` a parent `Generic`.. So let's get real pedantic in the `mk_msg_spec()` internals as well as verification in the test suite! Fixes in `.msg.types`: - implement (as part of tinker testing) multiple spec union building methods via a `spec_build_method: str` to `mk_msg_spec()` and leave a buncha notes around what did and didn't work: - 'indexed_generics' is the only method THAT WORKS and the one that you'd expect being closest to the `msgspec` docs (link above). - 'defstruct' using dynamically defined msgs => doesn't work! - 'types_new_class' using dynamically defined msgs but with `types.new_clas()` => ALSO doesn't work.. - explicitly separate the `.pld` type-constrainable by user code msg set into `types._payload_spec_msgs` putting the others in a `types._runtime_spec_msgs` and the full set defined as `.__spec__` (moving it out of the pkg-mod and back to `.types` as well). - for the `_payload_spec_msgs` msgs manually make them inherit `Generic[PayloadT]` and (redunantly) define a `.pld: PayloadT` field. - make `IpcCtxSpec.functype` an in line `Literal`. - toss in some TODO notes about choosing a better `Msg.cid` type. Fixes/tweaks around `.msg._codec`: - rename `MsgCodec.ipc/pld_msg_spec` -> `.msg/pld_spec` - make `._enc/._dec` non optional fields - wow, ^facepalm^ , make sure `._ipc.MsgpackTCPStream.__init__()` uses `mk_codec()` since `MsgCodec` can't be (easily) constructed directly. Get more detailed in testing: - inside the `chk_pld_type()` helper ensure `roundtrip` is always set to some value, `None` by default but a bool depending on legit outcome. - drop input `generic`; no longer used. - drop the masked `typedef` loop from `Msg.__subclasses__()`. - for add an `expect_roundtrip: bool` and use to jump into debugger when any expectation doesn't match the outcome. - use new `MsgCodec` field names (as per first section above). - ensure the encoded msg matches the decoded one from both the ad-hoc decoder and codec loaded values. - ensure the pld checking is only applied to msgs in the `types._payload_spec_msgs` set by `typef.__name__` filtering since `mk_msg_spec()` now returns the full `.types.Msg` set.
2024-03-29 22:46:37 +00:00
ipc_msg_spec: Union[Type[Struct]]
Hack `asyncio` to not abandon a guest-mode run? Took me a while to figure out what the heck was going on but, turns out `asyncio` changed their SIGINT handling in 3.11 as per: I'm not entirely sure if it's the 3.11 changes or possibly wtv further updates were made in 3.12 but more or less due to the way our current main task was written the `trio` guest-run was getting abandoned on SIGINTs sent from the OS to the infected child proc.. Note that much of the bug and soln cases are layed out in very detailed comment-notes both in the new test and `run_as_asyncio_guest()`, right above the final "fix" lines. Add new `test_infected_aio.test_sigint_closes_lifetime_stack()` test suite which reliably triggers all abandonment issues with multiple cases of different parent behaviour post-sending-SIGINT-to-child: 1. briefly sleep then raise a KBI in the parent which was originally demonstrating the file leak not being cleaned up by `Actor.lifetime_stack.close()` and simulates a ctl-c from the console (relayed in tandem by the OS to the parent and child processes). 2. do `Context.wait_for_result()` on the child context which would hang and timeout since the actor runtime would never complete and thus never relay a `ContextCancelled`. 3. both with and without running a `asyncio` task in the `manage_file` child actor; originally it seemed that with an aio task scheduled in the child actor the guest-run abandonment always was the "loud" case where there seemed to be some actor teardown but with tbs from python failing to gracefully exit the `trio` runtime.. The (seemingly working) "fix" required 2 lines of code to be run inside a `asyncio.CancelledError` handler around the call to `await trio_done_fut`: - `Actor.cancel_soon()` which schedules the actor runtime to cancel on the next `trio` runner cycle and results in a "self cancellation" of the actor. - "pumping the `asyncio` event loop" with a non-0 `.sleep(0.1)` XD |_ seems that a "shielded" pump with some actual `delay: float >= 0` did the trick to get `asyncio` to allow the `trio` runner/loop to fully complete its guest-run without abandonment. Other supporting changes: - move `._exceptions.AsyncioCancelled`, our renamed `asyncio.CancelledError` error-sub-type-wrapper, to `.to_asyncio` and make it derive from `CancelledError` so as to be sure when raised by our `asyncio` x-> `trio` exception relay machinery that `asyncio` is getting the specific type it expects during cancellation. - do "summary status" style logging in `run_as_asyncio_guest()` wherein we compile the eventual `startup_msg: str` emitted just before waiting on the `trio_done_fut`. - shield-wait with `out: Outcome = await asyncio.shield(trio_done_fut)` even though it seems to do nothing in the SIGINT handling case..(I presume it might help avoid abandonment in a `asyncio.Task.cancel()` case maybe?)
2024-06-24 17:52:19 +00:00
msg_types: list[PayloadMsg[payload_spec]]
Init def of "SC shuttle prot" with "msg-spec-limiting" As per the long outstanding GH issue this starts our rigorous journey into an attempt at a type-safe, cross-actor SC, IPC protocol Bo boop -> The idea is to "formally" define our SC "shuttle (dialog) protocol" by specifying a new `.msg.types.Msg` subtype-set which can fully encapsulate all IPC msg schemas needed in order to accomplish cross-process SC! The msg set deviated a little in terms of (type) names from the existing `dict`-msgs currently used in the runtime impl but, I think the name changes are much better in terms of explicitly representing the internal semantics of the actor runtime machinery/subsystems and the IPC-msg-dialog required for SC enforced RPC. ------ - ------ In cursory, the new formal msgs-spec includes the following msg-subtypes of a new top-level `Msg` boxing type (that holds the base field schema for all msgs): - `Start` to request RPC task scheduling by passing a `FuncSpec` payload (to replace the currently used `{'cmd': ... }` dict msg impl) - `StartAck` to allow the RPC task callee-side to report a `IpcCtxSpec` payload immediately back to the caller (currently responded naively via a `{'functype': ... }` msg) - `Started` to deliver the first value from `Context.started()` (instead of the existing `{'started': ... }`) - `Yield` to shuttle `MsgStream.send()`-ed values (instead of our `{'yield': ... }`) - `Stop` to terminate a `Context.open_stream()` session/block (over `{'stop': True }`) - `Return` to deliver the final value from the `Actor.start_remote_task()` (which is a `{'return': ... }`) - `Error` to box `RemoteActorError` exceptions via a `.pld: ErrorData` payload, planned to replace/extend the current `RemoteActorError.msgdata` mechanism internal to `._exceptions.pack/unpack_error()` The new `tractor.msg.types` includes all the above msg defs as well an API for rendering a "payload type specification" using a `payload_type_spec: Union[Type]` that can be passed to `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(type=payload_type_spec)`. This ensures that (for a subset of the above msg set) `Msg.pld: PayloadT` data is type-parameterized using `msgspec`'s new `Generic[PayloadT]` field support and thus enables providing for an API where IPC `Context` dialogs can strictly define the allowed payload-datatype-set via type union! Iow, this is the foundation for supporting `Channel`/`Context`/`MsgStream` IPC primitives which are type checked/safe as desired in GH issue: - Misc notes on current impl(s) status: ------ - ------ - add a `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` which uses the new `msgspec` support for `class MyStruct[Struct, Generic[T]]` parameterize-able fields and delivers our boxing SC-msg-(sub)set with the desired `payload_types` applied to `.pld`: - - as a note this impl seems to need to use `type.new_class()` dynamic subtype generation, though i don't really get *why* still.. but without that the `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` doesn't seem to reject `.pld` limited `Msg` subtypes as demonstrated in the new test. - around this ^ add a `.msg._codec.limit_msg_spec()` cm which exposes this payload type limiting API such that it can be applied per task via a `MsgCodec` in app code. - the orig approach in was the idea of making payload fields `.pld: Raw` wherein we could have per-field/sub-msg decoders dynamically loaded depending on the particular application-layer schema in use. I don't want to lose the idea of this since I think it might be useful for an idea I have about capability-based-fields(-sharing, maybe using field-subset encryption?), and as such i've kept the (ostensibly) working impls in TODO-comments in `.msg._codec` wherein maybe we can add a `MsgCodec._payload_decs: dict` table for this later on. |_ also left in the `.msg.types.enc/decmsg()` impls but renamed as `enc/dec_payload()` (but reworked to not rely on the lifo codec stack tables; now removed) such that we can prolly move them to `MsgCodec` methods in the future. - add an unused `._codec.mk_tagged_union_dec()` helper which was originally factored out the #311 proto-code but didn't end up working as desired with the new parameterized generic fields approach (now in `msg.types.mk_msg_spec()`) Testing/deps work: ------ - ------ - new `test_limit_msgspec()` which ensures all the `.types` content is correct but without using the wrapping APIs in `._codec`; i.e. using a in-line `Decoder` instead of a `MsgCodec`. - pin us to `msgspec>=0.18.5` which has the needed generic-types support (which took me way too long yester to figure out when implementing all this XD)!
2024-03-28 14:45:01 +00:00
Be mega pedantic with msg-spec building Turns out the generics based payload speccing API, as in, DOES WORK properly as long as we don't rely on inheritance from `Msg` a parent `Generic`.. So let's get real pedantic in the `mk_msg_spec()` internals as well as verification in the test suite! Fixes in `.msg.types`: - implement (as part of tinker testing) multiple spec union building methods via a `spec_build_method: str` to `mk_msg_spec()` and leave a buncha notes around what did and didn't work: - 'indexed_generics' is the only method THAT WORKS and the one that you'd expect being closest to the `msgspec` docs (link above). - 'defstruct' using dynamically defined msgs => doesn't work! - 'types_new_class' using dynamically defined msgs but with `types.new_clas()` => ALSO doesn't work.. - explicitly separate the `.pld` type-constrainable by user code msg set into `types._payload_spec_msgs` putting the others in a `types._runtime_spec_msgs` and the full set defined as `.__spec__` (moving it out of the pkg-mod and back to `.types` as well). - for the `_payload_spec_msgs` msgs manually make them inherit `Generic[PayloadT]` and (redunantly) define a `.pld: PayloadT` field. - make `IpcCtxSpec.functype` an in line `Literal`. - toss in some TODO notes about choosing a better `Msg.cid` type. Fixes/tweaks around `.msg._codec`: - rename `MsgCodec.ipc/pld_msg_spec` -> `.msg/pld_spec` - make `._enc/._dec` non optional fields - wow, ^facepalm^ , make sure `._ipc.MsgpackTCPStream.__init__()` uses `mk_codec()` since `MsgCodec` can't be (easily) constructed directly. Get more detailed in testing: - inside the `chk_pld_type()` helper ensure `roundtrip` is always set to some value, `None` by default but a bool depending on legit outcome. - drop input `generic`; no longer used. - drop the masked `typedef` loop from `Msg.__subclasses__()`. - for add an `expect_roundtrip: bool` and use to jump into debugger when any expectation doesn't match the outcome. - use new `MsgCodec` field names (as per first section above). - ensure the encoded msg matches the decoded one from both the ad-hoc decoder and codec loaded values. - ensure the pld checking is only applied to msgs in the `types._payload_spec_msgs` set by `typef.__name__` filtering since `mk_msg_spec()` now returns the full `.types.Msg` set.
2024-03-29 22:46:37 +00:00
Init def of "SC shuttle prot" with "msg-spec-limiting" As per the long outstanding GH issue this starts our rigorous journey into an attempt at a type-safe, cross-actor SC, IPC protocol Bo boop -> The idea is to "formally" define our SC "shuttle (dialog) protocol" by specifying a new `.msg.types.Msg` subtype-set which can fully encapsulate all IPC msg schemas needed in order to accomplish cross-process SC! The msg set deviated a little in terms of (type) names from the existing `dict`-msgs currently used in the runtime impl but, I think the name changes are much better in terms of explicitly representing the internal semantics of the actor runtime machinery/subsystems and the IPC-msg-dialog required for SC enforced RPC. ------ - ------ In cursory, the new formal msgs-spec includes the following msg-subtypes of a new top-level `Msg` boxing type (that holds the base field schema for all msgs): - `Start` to request RPC task scheduling by passing a `FuncSpec` payload (to replace the currently used `{'cmd': ... }` dict msg impl) - `StartAck` to allow the RPC task callee-side to report a `IpcCtxSpec` payload immediately back to the caller (currently responded naively via a `{'functype': ... }` msg) - `Started` to deliver the first value from `Context.started()` (instead of the existing `{'started': ... }`) - `Yield` to shuttle `MsgStream.send()`-ed values (instead of our `{'yield': ... }`) - `Stop` to terminate a `Context.open_stream()` session/block (over `{'stop': True }`) - `Return` to deliver the final value from the `Actor.start_remote_task()` (which is a `{'return': ... }`) - `Error` to box `RemoteActorError` exceptions via a `.pld: ErrorData` payload, planned to replace/extend the current `RemoteActorError.msgdata` mechanism internal to `._exceptions.pack/unpack_error()` The new `tractor.msg.types` includes all the above msg defs as well an API for rendering a "payload type specification" using a `payload_type_spec: Union[Type]` that can be passed to `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(type=payload_type_spec)`. This ensures that (for a subset of the above msg set) `Msg.pld: PayloadT` data is type-parameterized using `msgspec`'s new `Generic[PayloadT]` field support and thus enables providing for an API where IPC `Context` dialogs can strictly define the allowed payload-datatype-set via type union! Iow, this is the foundation for supporting `Channel`/`Context`/`MsgStream` IPC primitives which are type checked/safe as desired in GH issue: - Misc notes on current impl(s) status: ------ - ------ - add a `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` which uses the new `msgspec` support for `class MyStruct[Struct, Generic[T]]` parameterize-able fields and delivers our boxing SC-msg-(sub)set with the desired `payload_types` applied to `.pld`: - - as a note this impl seems to need to use `type.new_class()` dynamic subtype generation, though i don't really get *why* still.. but without that the `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` doesn't seem to reject `.pld` limited `Msg` subtypes as demonstrated in the new test. - around this ^ add a `.msg._codec.limit_msg_spec()` cm which exposes this payload type limiting API such that it can be applied per task via a `MsgCodec` in app code. - the orig approach in was the idea of making payload fields `.pld: Raw` wherein we could have per-field/sub-msg decoders dynamically loaded depending on the particular application-layer schema in use. I don't want to lose the idea of this since I think it might be useful for an idea I have about capability-based-fields(-sharing, maybe using field-subset encryption?), and as such i've kept the (ostensibly) working impls in TODO-comments in `.msg._codec` wherein maybe we can add a `MsgCodec._payload_decs: dict` table for this later on. |_ also left in the `.msg.types.enc/decmsg()` impls but renamed as `enc/dec_payload()` (but reworked to not rely on the lifo codec stack tables; now removed) such that we can prolly move them to `MsgCodec` methods in the future. - add an unused `._codec.mk_tagged_union_dec()` helper which was originally factored out the #311 proto-code but didn't end up working as desired with the new parameterized generic fields approach (now in `msg.types.mk_msg_spec()`) Testing/deps work: ------ - ------ - new `test_limit_msgspec()` which ensures all the `.types` content is correct but without using the wrapping APIs in `._codec`; i.e. using a in-line `Decoder` instead of a `MsgCodec`. - pin us to `msgspec>=0.18.5` which has the needed generic-types support (which took me way too long yester to figure out when implementing all this XD)!
2024-03-28 14:45:01 +00:00
) = mk_msg_spec(
Be mega pedantic with msg-spec building Turns out the generics based payload speccing API, as in, DOES WORK properly as long as we don't rely on inheritance from `Msg` a parent `Generic`.. So let's get real pedantic in the `mk_msg_spec()` internals as well as verification in the test suite! Fixes in `.msg.types`: - implement (as part of tinker testing) multiple spec union building methods via a `spec_build_method: str` to `mk_msg_spec()` and leave a buncha notes around what did and didn't work: - 'indexed_generics' is the only method THAT WORKS and the one that you'd expect being closest to the `msgspec` docs (link above). - 'defstruct' using dynamically defined msgs => doesn't work! - 'types_new_class' using dynamically defined msgs but with `types.new_clas()` => ALSO doesn't work.. - explicitly separate the `.pld` type-constrainable by user code msg set into `types._payload_spec_msgs` putting the others in a `types._runtime_spec_msgs` and the full set defined as `.__spec__` (moving it out of the pkg-mod and back to `.types` as well). - for the `_payload_spec_msgs` msgs manually make them inherit `Generic[PayloadT]` and (redunantly) define a `.pld: PayloadT` field. - make `IpcCtxSpec.functype` an in line `Literal`. - toss in some TODO notes about choosing a better `Msg.cid` type. Fixes/tweaks around `.msg._codec`: - rename `MsgCodec.ipc/pld_msg_spec` -> `.msg/pld_spec` - make `._enc/._dec` non optional fields - wow, ^facepalm^ , make sure `._ipc.MsgpackTCPStream.__init__()` uses `mk_codec()` since `MsgCodec` can't be (easily) constructed directly. Get more detailed in testing: - inside the `chk_pld_type()` helper ensure `roundtrip` is always set to some value, `None` by default but a bool depending on legit outcome. - drop input `generic`; no longer used. - drop the masked `typedef` loop from `Msg.__subclasses__()`. - for add an `expect_roundtrip: bool` and use to jump into debugger when any expectation doesn't match the outcome. - use new `MsgCodec` field names (as per first section above). - ensure the encoded msg matches the decoded one from both the ad-hoc decoder and codec loaded values. - ensure the pld checking is only applied to msgs in the `types._payload_spec_msgs` set by `typef.__name__` filtering since `mk_msg_spec()` now returns the full `.types.Msg` set.
2024-03-29 22:46:37 +00:00
Init def of "SC shuttle prot" with "msg-spec-limiting" As per the long outstanding GH issue this starts our rigorous journey into an attempt at a type-safe, cross-actor SC, IPC protocol Bo boop -> The idea is to "formally" define our SC "shuttle (dialog) protocol" by specifying a new `.msg.types.Msg` subtype-set which can fully encapsulate all IPC msg schemas needed in order to accomplish cross-process SC! The msg set deviated a little in terms of (type) names from the existing `dict`-msgs currently used in the runtime impl but, I think the name changes are much better in terms of explicitly representing the internal semantics of the actor runtime machinery/subsystems and the IPC-msg-dialog required for SC enforced RPC. ------ - ------ In cursory, the new formal msgs-spec includes the following msg-subtypes of a new top-level `Msg` boxing type (that holds the base field schema for all msgs): - `Start` to request RPC task scheduling by passing a `FuncSpec` payload (to replace the currently used `{'cmd': ... }` dict msg impl) - `StartAck` to allow the RPC task callee-side to report a `IpcCtxSpec` payload immediately back to the caller (currently responded naively via a `{'functype': ... }` msg) - `Started` to deliver the first value from `Context.started()` (instead of the existing `{'started': ... }`) - `Yield` to shuttle `MsgStream.send()`-ed values (instead of our `{'yield': ... }`) - `Stop` to terminate a `Context.open_stream()` session/block (over `{'stop': True }`) - `Return` to deliver the final value from the `Actor.start_remote_task()` (which is a `{'return': ... }`) - `Error` to box `RemoteActorError` exceptions via a `.pld: ErrorData` payload, planned to replace/extend the current `RemoteActorError.msgdata` mechanism internal to `._exceptions.pack/unpack_error()` The new `tractor.msg.types` includes all the above msg defs as well an API for rendering a "payload type specification" using a `payload_type_spec: Union[Type]` that can be passed to `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(type=payload_type_spec)`. This ensures that (for a subset of the above msg set) `Msg.pld: PayloadT` data is type-parameterized using `msgspec`'s new `Generic[PayloadT]` field support and thus enables providing for an API where IPC `Context` dialogs can strictly define the allowed payload-datatype-set via type union! Iow, this is the foundation for supporting `Channel`/`Context`/`MsgStream` IPC primitives which are type checked/safe as desired in GH issue: - Misc notes on current impl(s) status: ------ - ------ - add a `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` which uses the new `msgspec` support for `class MyStruct[Struct, Generic[T]]` parameterize-able fields and delivers our boxing SC-msg-(sub)set with the desired `payload_types` applied to `.pld`: - - as a note this impl seems to need to use `type.new_class()` dynamic subtype generation, though i don't really get *why* still.. but without that the `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` doesn't seem to reject `.pld` limited `Msg` subtypes as demonstrated in the new test. - around this ^ add a `.msg._codec.limit_msg_spec()` cm which exposes this payload type limiting API such that it can be applied per task via a `MsgCodec` in app code. - the orig approach in was the idea of making payload fields `.pld: Raw` wherein we could have per-field/sub-msg decoders dynamically loaded depending on the particular application-layer schema in use. I don't want to lose the idea of this since I think it might be useful for an idea I have about capability-based-fields(-sharing, maybe using field-subset encryption?), and as such i've kept the (ostensibly) working impls in TODO-comments in `.msg._codec` wherein maybe we can add a `MsgCodec._payload_decs: dict` table for this later on. |_ also left in the `.msg.types.enc/decmsg()` impls but renamed as `enc/dec_payload()` (but reworked to not rely on the lifo codec stack tables; now removed) such that we can prolly move them to `MsgCodec` methods in the future. - add an unused `._codec.mk_tagged_union_dec()` helper which was originally factored out the #311 proto-code but didn't end up working as desired with the new parameterized generic fields approach (now in `msg.types.mk_msg_spec()`) Testing/deps work: ------ - ------ - new `test_limit_msgspec()` which ensures all the `.types` content is correct but without using the wrapping APIs in `._codec`; i.e. using a in-line `Decoder` instead of a `MsgCodec`. - pin us to `msgspec>=0.18.5` which has the needed generic-types support (which took me way too long yester to figure out when implementing all this XD)!
2024-03-28 14:45:01 +00:00
Be mega pedantic with msg-spec building Turns out the generics based payload speccing API, as in, DOES WORK properly as long as we don't rely on inheritance from `Msg` a parent `Generic`.. So let's get real pedantic in the `mk_msg_spec()` internals as well as verification in the test suite! Fixes in `.msg.types`: - implement (as part of tinker testing) multiple spec union building methods via a `spec_build_method: str` to `mk_msg_spec()` and leave a buncha notes around what did and didn't work: - 'indexed_generics' is the only method THAT WORKS and the one that you'd expect being closest to the `msgspec` docs (link above). - 'defstruct' using dynamically defined msgs => doesn't work! - 'types_new_class' using dynamically defined msgs but with `types.new_clas()` => ALSO doesn't work.. - explicitly separate the `.pld` type-constrainable by user code msg set into `types._payload_spec_msgs` putting the others in a `types._runtime_spec_msgs` and the full set defined as `.__spec__` (moving it out of the pkg-mod and back to `.types` as well). - for the `_payload_spec_msgs` msgs manually make them inherit `Generic[PayloadT]` and (redunantly) define a `.pld: PayloadT` field. - make `IpcCtxSpec.functype` an in line `Literal`. - toss in some TODO notes about choosing a better `Msg.cid` type. Fixes/tweaks around `.msg._codec`: - rename `MsgCodec.ipc/pld_msg_spec` -> `.msg/pld_spec` - make `._enc/._dec` non optional fields - wow, ^facepalm^ , make sure `._ipc.MsgpackTCPStream.__init__()` uses `mk_codec()` since `MsgCodec` can't be (easily) constructed directly. Get more detailed in testing: - inside the `chk_pld_type()` helper ensure `roundtrip` is always set to some value, `None` by default but a bool depending on legit outcome. - drop input `generic`; no longer used. - drop the masked `typedef` loop from `Msg.__subclasses__()`. - for add an `expect_roundtrip: bool` and use to jump into debugger when any expectation doesn't match the outcome. - use new `MsgCodec` field names (as per first section above). - ensure the encoded msg matches the decoded one from both the ad-hoc decoder and codec loaded values. - ensure the pld checking is only applied to msgs in the `types._payload_spec_msgs` set by `typef.__name__` filtering since `mk_msg_spec()` now returns the full `.types.Msg` set.
2024-03-29 22:46:37 +00:00
_enc = msgpack.Encoder()
_dec = msgpack.Decoder(
Hack `asyncio` to not abandon a guest-mode run? Took me a while to figure out what the heck was going on but, turns out `asyncio` changed their SIGINT handling in 3.11 as per: I'm not entirely sure if it's the 3.11 changes or possibly wtv further updates were made in 3.12 but more or less due to the way our current main task was written the `trio` guest-run was getting abandoned on SIGINTs sent from the OS to the infected child proc.. Note that much of the bug and soln cases are layed out in very detailed comment-notes both in the new test and `run_as_asyncio_guest()`, right above the final "fix" lines. Add new `test_infected_aio.test_sigint_closes_lifetime_stack()` test suite which reliably triggers all abandonment issues with multiple cases of different parent behaviour post-sending-SIGINT-to-child: 1. briefly sleep then raise a KBI in the parent which was originally demonstrating the file leak not being cleaned up by `Actor.lifetime_stack.close()` and simulates a ctl-c from the console (relayed in tandem by the OS to the parent and child processes). 2. do `Context.wait_for_result()` on the child context which would hang and timeout since the actor runtime would never complete and thus never relay a `ContextCancelled`. 3. both with and without running a `asyncio` task in the `manage_file` child actor; originally it seemed that with an aio task scheduled in the child actor the guest-run abandonment always was the "loud" case where there seemed to be some actor teardown but with tbs from python failing to gracefully exit the `trio` runtime.. The (seemingly working) "fix" required 2 lines of code to be run inside a `asyncio.CancelledError` handler around the call to `await trio_done_fut`: - `Actor.cancel_soon()` which schedules the actor runtime to cancel on the next `trio` runner cycle and results in a "self cancellation" of the actor. - "pumping the `asyncio` event loop" with a non-0 `.sleep(0.1)` XD |_ seems that a "shielded" pump with some actual `delay: float >= 0` did the trick to get `asyncio` to allow the `trio` runner/loop to fully complete its guest-run without abandonment. Other supporting changes: - move `._exceptions.AsyncioCancelled`, our renamed `asyncio.CancelledError` error-sub-type-wrapper, to `.to_asyncio` and make it derive from `CancelledError` so as to be sure when raised by our `asyncio` x-> `trio` exception relay machinery that `asyncio` is getting the specific type it expects during cancellation. - do "summary status" style logging in `run_as_asyncio_guest()` wherein we compile the eventual `startup_msg: str` emitted just before waiting on the `trio_done_fut`. - shield-wait with `out: Outcome = await asyncio.shield(trio_done_fut)` even though it seems to do nothing in the SIGINT handling case..(I presume it might help avoid abandonment in a `asyncio.Task.cancel()` case maybe?)
2024-06-24 17:52:19 +00:00
type=ipc_msg_spec or Any, # like `PayloadMsg[Any]`
Be mega pedantic with msg-spec building Turns out the generics based payload speccing API, as in, DOES WORK properly as long as we don't rely on inheritance from `Msg` a parent `Generic`.. So let's get real pedantic in the `mk_msg_spec()` internals as well as verification in the test suite! Fixes in `.msg.types`: - implement (as part of tinker testing) multiple spec union building methods via a `spec_build_method: str` to `mk_msg_spec()` and leave a buncha notes around what did and didn't work: - 'indexed_generics' is the only method THAT WORKS and the one that you'd expect being closest to the `msgspec` docs (link above). - 'defstruct' using dynamically defined msgs => doesn't work! - 'types_new_class' using dynamically defined msgs but with `types.new_clas()` => ALSO doesn't work.. - explicitly separate the `.pld` type-constrainable by user code msg set into `types._payload_spec_msgs` putting the others in a `types._runtime_spec_msgs` and the full set defined as `.__spec__` (moving it out of the pkg-mod and back to `.types` as well). - for the `_payload_spec_msgs` msgs manually make them inherit `Generic[PayloadT]` and (redunantly) define a `.pld: PayloadT` field. - make `IpcCtxSpec.functype` an in line `Literal`. - toss in some TODO notes about choosing a better `Msg.cid` type. Fixes/tweaks around `.msg._codec`: - rename `MsgCodec.ipc/pld_msg_spec` -> `.msg/pld_spec` - make `._enc/._dec` non optional fields - wow, ^facepalm^ , make sure `._ipc.MsgpackTCPStream.__init__()` uses `mk_codec()` since `MsgCodec` can't be (easily) constructed directly. Get more detailed in testing: - inside the `chk_pld_type()` helper ensure `roundtrip` is always set to some value, `None` by default but a bool depending on legit outcome. - drop input `generic`; no longer used. - drop the masked `typedef` loop from `Msg.__subclasses__()`. - for add an `expect_roundtrip: bool` and use to jump into debugger when any expectation doesn't match the outcome. - use new `MsgCodec` field names (as per first section above). - ensure the encoded msg matches the decoded one from both the ad-hoc decoder and codec loaded values. - ensure the pld checking is only applied to msgs in the `types._payload_spec_msgs` set by `typef.__name__` filtering since `mk_msg_spec()` now returns the full `.types.Msg` set.
2024-03-29 22:46:37 +00:00
assert (
# assert codec.dec == dec
Be mega pedantic with msg-spec building Turns out the generics based payload speccing API, as in, DOES WORK properly as long as we don't rely on inheritance from `Msg` a parent `Generic`.. So let's get real pedantic in the `mk_msg_spec()` internals as well as verification in the test suite! Fixes in `.msg.types`: - implement (as part of tinker testing) multiple spec union building methods via a `spec_build_method: str` to `mk_msg_spec()` and leave a buncha notes around what did and didn't work: - 'indexed_generics' is the only method THAT WORKS and the one that you'd expect being closest to the `msgspec` docs (link above). - 'defstruct' using dynamically defined msgs => doesn't work! - 'types_new_class' using dynamically defined msgs but with `types.new_clas()` => ALSO doesn't work.. - explicitly separate the `.pld` type-constrainable by user code msg set into `types._payload_spec_msgs` putting the others in a `types._runtime_spec_msgs` and the full set defined as `.__spec__` (moving it out of the pkg-mod and back to `.types` as well). - for the `_payload_spec_msgs` msgs manually make them inherit `Generic[PayloadT]` and (redunantly) define a `.pld: PayloadT` field. - make `IpcCtxSpec.functype` an in line `Literal`. - toss in some TODO notes about choosing a better `Msg.cid` type. Fixes/tweaks around `.msg._codec`: - rename `MsgCodec.ipc/pld_msg_spec` -> `.msg/pld_spec` - make `._enc/._dec` non optional fields - wow, ^facepalm^ , make sure `._ipc.MsgpackTCPStream.__init__()` uses `mk_codec()` since `MsgCodec` can't be (easily) constructed directly. Get more detailed in testing: - inside the `chk_pld_type()` helper ensure `roundtrip` is always set to some value, `None` by default but a bool depending on legit outcome. - drop input `generic`; no longer used. - drop the masked `typedef` loop from `Msg.__subclasses__()`. - for add an `expect_roundtrip: bool` and use to jump into debugger when any expectation doesn't match the outcome. - use new `MsgCodec` field names (as per first section above). - ensure the encoded msg matches the decoded one from both the ad-hoc decoder and codec loaded values. - ensure the pld checking is only applied to msgs in the `types._payload_spec_msgs` set by `typef.__name__` filtering since `mk_msg_spec()` now returns the full `.types.Msg` set.
2024-03-29 22:46:37 +00:00
# ^-XXX-^ not sure why these aren't "equal" but when cast
# to `str` they seem to match ?? .. kk
Be mega pedantic with msg-spec building Turns out the generics based payload speccing API, as in, DOES WORK properly as long as we don't rely on inheritance from `Msg` a parent `Generic`.. So let's get real pedantic in the `mk_msg_spec()` internals as well as verification in the test suite! Fixes in `.msg.types`: - implement (as part of tinker testing) multiple spec union building methods via a `spec_build_method: str` to `mk_msg_spec()` and leave a buncha notes around what did and didn't work: - 'indexed_generics' is the only method THAT WORKS and the one that you'd expect being closest to the `msgspec` docs (link above). - 'defstruct' using dynamically defined msgs => doesn't work! - 'types_new_class' using dynamically defined msgs but with `types.new_clas()` => ALSO doesn't work.. - explicitly separate the `.pld` type-constrainable by user code msg set into `types._payload_spec_msgs` putting the others in a `types._runtime_spec_msgs` and the full set defined as `.__spec__` (moving it out of the pkg-mod and back to `.types` as well). - for the `_payload_spec_msgs` msgs manually make them inherit `Generic[PayloadT]` and (redunantly) define a `.pld: PayloadT` field. - make `IpcCtxSpec.functype` an in line `Literal`. - toss in some TODO notes about choosing a better `Msg.cid` type. Fixes/tweaks around `.msg._codec`: - rename `MsgCodec.ipc/pld_msg_spec` -> `.msg/pld_spec` - make `._enc/._dec` non optional fields - wow, ^facepalm^ , make sure `._ipc.MsgpackTCPStream.__init__()` uses `mk_codec()` since `MsgCodec` can't be (easily) constructed directly. Get more detailed in testing: - inside the `chk_pld_type()` helper ensure `roundtrip` is always set to some value, `None` by default but a bool depending on legit outcome. - drop input `generic`; no longer used. - drop the masked `typedef` loop from `Msg.__subclasses__()`. - for add an `expect_roundtrip: bool` and use to jump into debugger when any expectation doesn't match the outcome. - use new `MsgCodec` field names (as per first section above). - ensure the encoded msg matches the decoded one from both the ad-hoc decoder and codec loaded values. - ensure the pld checking is only applied to msgs in the `types._payload_spec_msgs` set by `typef.__name__` filtering since `mk_msg_spec()` now returns the full `.types.Msg` set.
2024-03-29 22:46:37 +00:00
assert (
Be mega pedantic with msg-spec building Turns out the generics based payload speccing API, as in, DOES WORK properly as long as we don't rely on inheritance from `Msg` a parent `Generic`.. So let's get real pedantic in the `mk_msg_spec()` internals as well as verification in the test suite! Fixes in `.msg.types`: - implement (as part of tinker testing) multiple spec union building methods via a `spec_build_method: str` to `mk_msg_spec()` and leave a buncha notes around what did and didn't work: - 'indexed_generics' is the only method THAT WORKS and the one that you'd expect being closest to the `msgspec` docs (link above). - 'defstruct' using dynamically defined msgs => doesn't work! - 'types_new_class' using dynamically defined msgs but with `types.new_clas()` => ALSO doesn't work.. - explicitly separate the `.pld` type-constrainable by user code msg set into `types._payload_spec_msgs` putting the others in a `types._runtime_spec_msgs` and the full set defined as `.__spec__` (moving it out of the pkg-mod and back to `.types` as well). - for the `_payload_spec_msgs` msgs manually make them inherit `Generic[PayloadT]` and (redunantly) define a `.pld: PayloadT` field. - make `IpcCtxSpec.functype` an in line `Literal`. - toss in some TODO notes about choosing a better `Msg.cid` type. Fixes/tweaks around `.msg._codec`: - rename `MsgCodec.ipc/pld_msg_spec` -> `.msg/pld_spec` - make `._enc/._dec` non optional fields - wow, ^facepalm^ , make sure `._ipc.MsgpackTCPStream.__init__()` uses `mk_codec()` since `MsgCodec` can't be (easily) constructed directly. Get more detailed in testing: - inside the `chk_pld_type()` helper ensure `roundtrip` is always set to some value, `None` by default but a bool depending on legit outcome. - drop input `generic`; no longer used. - drop the masked `typedef` loop from `Msg.__subclasses__()`. - for add an `expect_roundtrip: bool` and use to jump into debugger when any expectation doesn't match the outcome. - use new `MsgCodec` field names (as per first section above). - ensure the encoded msg matches the decoded one from both the ad-hoc decoder and codec loaded values. - ensure the pld checking is only applied to msgs in the `types._payload_spec_msgs` set by `typef.__name__` filtering since `mk_msg_spec()` now returns the full `.types.Msg` set.
2024-03-29 22:46:37 +00:00
Be mega pedantic with msg-spec building Turns out the generics based payload speccing API, as in, DOES WORK properly as long as we don't rely on inheritance from `Msg` a parent `Generic`.. So let's get real pedantic in the `mk_msg_spec()` internals as well as verification in the test suite! Fixes in `.msg.types`: - implement (as part of tinker testing) multiple spec union building methods via a `spec_build_method: str` to `mk_msg_spec()` and leave a buncha notes around what did and didn't work: - 'indexed_generics' is the only method THAT WORKS and the one that you'd expect being closest to the `msgspec` docs (link above). - 'defstruct' using dynamically defined msgs => doesn't work! - 'types_new_class' using dynamically defined msgs but with `types.new_clas()` => ALSO doesn't work.. - explicitly separate the `.pld` type-constrainable by user code msg set into `types._payload_spec_msgs` putting the others in a `types._runtime_spec_msgs` and the full set defined as `.__spec__` (moving it out of the pkg-mod and back to `.types` as well). - for the `_payload_spec_msgs` msgs manually make them inherit `Generic[PayloadT]` and (redunantly) define a `.pld: PayloadT` field. - make `IpcCtxSpec.functype` an in line `Literal`. - toss in some TODO notes about choosing a better `Msg.cid` type. Fixes/tweaks around `.msg._codec`: - rename `MsgCodec.ipc/pld_msg_spec` -> `.msg/pld_spec` - make `._enc/._dec` non optional fields - wow, ^facepalm^ , make sure `._ipc.MsgpackTCPStream.__init__()` uses `mk_codec()` since `MsgCodec` can't be (easily) constructed directly. Get more detailed in testing: - inside the `chk_pld_type()` helper ensure `roundtrip` is always set to some value, `None` by default but a bool depending on legit outcome. - drop input `generic`; no longer used. - drop the masked `typedef` loop from `Msg.__subclasses__()`. - for add an `expect_roundtrip: bool` and use to jump into debugger when any expectation doesn't match the outcome. - use new `MsgCodec` field names (as per first section above). - ensure the encoded msg matches the decoded one from both the ad-hoc decoder and codec loaded values. - ensure the pld checking is only applied to msgs in the `types._payload_spec_msgs` set by `typef.__name__` filtering since `mk_msg_spec()` now returns the full `.types.Msg` set.
2024-03-29 22:46:37 +00:00
Be mega pedantic with msg-spec building Turns out the generics based payload speccing API, as in, DOES WORK properly as long as we don't rely on inheritance from `Msg` a parent `Generic`.. So let's get real pedantic in the `mk_msg_spec()` internals as well as verification in the test suite! Fixes in `.msg.types`: - implement (as part of tinker testing) multiple spec union building methods via a `spec_build_method: str` to `mk_msg_spec()` and leave a buncha notes around what did and didn't work: - 'indexed_generics' is the only method THAT WORKS and the one that you'd expect being closest to the `msgspec` docs (link above). - 'defstruct' using dynamically defined msgs => doesn't work! - 'types_new_class' using dynamically defined msgs but with `types.new_clas()` => ALSO doesn't work.. - explicitly separate the `.pld` type-constrainable by user code msg set into `types._payload_spec_msgs` putting the others in a `types._runtime_spec_msgs` and the full set defined as `.__spec__` (moving it out of the pkg-mod and back to `.types` as well). - for the `_payload_spec_msgs` msgs manually make them inherit `Generic[PayloadT]` and (redunantly) define a `.pld: PayloadT` field. - make `IpcCtxSpec.functype` an in line `Literal`. - toss in some TODO notes about choosing a better `Msg.cid` type. Fixes/tweaks around `.msg._codec`: - rename `MsgCodec.ipc/pld_msg_spec` -> `.msg/pld_spec` - make `._enc/._dec` non optional fields - wow, ^facepalm^ , make sure `._ipc.MsgpackTCPStream.__init__()` uses `mk_codec()` since `MsgCodec` can't be (easily) constructed directly. Get more detailed in testing: - inside the `chk_pld_type()` helper ensure `roundtrip` is always set to some value, `None` by default but a bool depending on legit outcome. - drop input `generic`; no longer used. - drop the masked `typedef` loop from `Msg.__subclasses__()`. - for add an `expect_roundtrip: bool` and use to jump into debugger when any expectation doesn't match the outcome. - use new `MsgCodec` field names (as per first section above). - ensure the encoded msg matches the decoded one from both the ad-hoc decoder and codec loaded values. - ensure the pld checking is only applied to msgs in the `types._payload_spec_msgs` set by `typef.__name__` filtering since `mk_msg_spec()` now returns the full `.types.Msg` set.
2024-03-29 22:46:37 +00:00
Init def of "SC shuttle prot" with "msg-spec-limiting" As per the long outstanding GH issue this starts our rigorous journey into an attempt at a type-safe, cross-actor SC, IPC protocol Bo boop -> The idea is to "formally" define our SC "shuttle (dialog) protocol" by specifying a new `.msg.types.Msg` subtype-set which can fully encapsulate all IPC msg schemas needed in order to accomplish cross-process SC! The msg set deviated a little in terms of (type) names from the existing `dict`-msgs currently used in the runtime impl but, I think the name changes are much better in terms of explicitly representing the internal semantics of the actor runtime machinery/subsystems and the IPC-msg-dialog required for SC enforced RPC. ------ - ------ In cursory, the new formal msgs-spec includes the following msg-subtypes of a new top-level `Msg` boxing type (that holds the base field schema for all msgs): - `Start` to request RPC task scheduling by passing a `FuncSpec` payload (to replace the currently used `{'cmd': ... }` dict msg impl) - `StartAck` to allow the RPC task callee-side to report a `IpcCtxSpec` payload immediately back to the caller (currently responded naively via a `{'functype': ... }` msg) - `Started` to deliver the first value from `Context.started()` (instead of the existing `{'started': ... }`) - `Yield` to shuttle `MsgStream.send()`-ed values (instead of our `{'yield': ... }`) - `Stop` to terminate a `Context.open_stream()` session/block (over `{'stop': True }`) - `Return` to deliver the final value from the `Actor.start_remote_task()` (which is a `{'return': ... }`) - `Error` to box `RemoteActorError` exceptions via a `.pld: ErrorData` payload, planned to replace/extend the current `RemoteActorError.msgdata` mechanism internal to `._exceptions.pack/unpack_error()` The new `tractor.msg.types` includes all the above msg defs as well an API for rendering a "payload type specification" using a `payload_type_spec: Union[Type]` that can be passed to `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(type=payload_type_spec)`. This ensures that (for a subset of the above msg set) `Msg.pld: PayloadT` data is type-parameterized using `msgspec`'s new `Generic[PayloadT]` field support and thus enables providing for an API where IPC `Context` dialogs can strictly define the allowed payload-datatype-set via type union! Iow, this is the foundation for supporting `Channel`/`Context`/`MsgStream` IPC primitives which are type checked/safe as desired in GH issue: - Misc notes on current impl(s) status: ------ - ------ - add a `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` which uses the new `msgspec` support for `class MyStruct[Struct, Generic[T]]` parameterize-able fields and delivers our boxing SC-msg-(sub)set with the desired `payload_types` applied to `.pld`: - - as a note this impl seems to need to use `type.new_class()` dynamic subtype generation, though i don't really get *why* still.. but without that the `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` doesn't seem to reject `.pld` limited `Msg` subtypes as demonstrated in the new test. - around this ^ add a `.msg._codec.limit_msg_spec()` cm which exposes this payload type limiting API such that it can be applied per task via a `MsgCodec` in app code. - the orig approach in was the idea of making payload fields `.pld: Raw` wherein we could have per-field/sub-msg decoders dynamically loaded depending on the particular application-layer schema in use. I don't want to lose the idea of this since I think it might be useful for an idea I have about capability-based-fields(-sharing, maybe using field-subset encryption?), and as such i've kept the (ostensibly) working impls in TODO-comments in `.msg._codec` wherein maybe we can add a `MsgCodec._payload_decs: dict` table for this later on. |_ also left in the `.msg.types.enc/decmsg()` impls but renamed as `enc/dec_payload()` (but reworked to not rely on the lifo codec stack tables; now removed) such that we can prolly move them to `MsgCodec` methods in the future. - add an unused `._codec.mk_tagged_union_dec()` helper which was originally factored out the #311 proto-code but didn't end up working as desired with the new parameterized generic fields approach (now in `msg.types.mk_msg_spec()`) Testing/deps work: ------ - ------ - new `test_limit_msgspec()` which ensures all the `.types` content is correct but without using the wrapping APIs in `._codec`; i.e. using a in-line `Decoder` instead of a `MsgCodec`. - pin us to `msgspec>=0.18.5` which has the needed generic-types support (which took me way too long yester to figure out when implementing all this XD)!
2024-03-28 14:45:01 +00:00
# verify the boxed-type for all variable payload-type msgs.
Be mega pedantic with msg-spec building Turns out the generics based payload speccing API, as in, DOES WORK properly as long as we don't rely on inheritance from `Msg` a parent `Generic`.. So let's get real pedantic in the `mk_msg_spec()` internals as well as verification in the test suite! Fixes in `.msg.types`: - implement (as part of tinker testing) multiple spec union building methods via a `spec_build_method: str` to `mk_msg_spec()` and leave a buncha notes around what did and didn't work: - 'indexed_generics' is the only method THAT WORKS and the one that you'd expect being closest to the `msgspec` docs (link above). - 'defstruct' using dynamically defined msgs => doesn't work! - 'types_new_class' using dynamically defined msgs but with `types.new_clas()` => ALSO doesn't work.. - explicitly separate the `.pld` type-constrainable by user code msg set into `types._payload_spec_msgs` putting the others in a `types._runtime_spec_msgs` and the full set defined as `.__spec__` (moving it out of the pkg-mod and back to `.types` as well). - for the `_payload_spec_msgs` msgs manually make them inherit `Generic[PayloadT]` and (redunantly) define a `.pld: PayloadT` field. - make `IpcCtxSpec.functype` an in line `Literal`. - toss in some TODO notes about choosing a better `Msg.cid` type. Fixes/tweaks around `.msg._codec`: - rename `MsgCodec.ipc/pld_msg_spec` -> `.msg/pld_spec` - make `._enc/._dec` non optional fields - wow, ^facepalm^ , make sure `._ipc.MsgpackTCPStream.__init__()` uses `mk_codec()` since `MsgCodec` can't be (easily) constructed directly. Get more detailed in testing: - inside the `chk_pld_type()` helper ensure `roundtrip` is always set to some value, `None` by default but a bool depending on legit outcome. - drop input `generic`; no longer used. - drop the masked `typedef` loop from `Msg.__subclasses__()`. - for add an `expect_roundtrip: bool` and use to jump into debugger when any expectation doesn't match the outcome. - use new `MsgCodec` field names (as per first section above). - ensure the encoded msg matches the decoded one from both the ad-hoc decoder and codec loaded values. - ensure the pld checking is only applied to msgs in the `types._payload_spec_msgs` set by `typef.__name__` filtering since `mk_msg_spec()` now returns the full `.types.Msg` set.
2024-03-29 22:46:37 +00:00
if not msg_types:
roundtrip: bool|None = None
pld_spec_msg_names: list[str] = [
Extend codec test to for msg-spec parameterizing Set a diff `Msg.pld` spec per test and then send multiple types to a child actor making sure the child can only send certain types over a stream and fails with validation or decode errors ow. The test is also param-ed both with and without hooks demonstrating how a custom type, `NamespacePath`, needs them for effective use. The subactor IPC context child is passed a `expect_ipc_send: dict` which relays the values along with their expected `.send()`-ability. Deats on technical refinements: ------ - ------ - added a `iter_maybe_sends()` send-value-as-msg-auditor and predicate generator (literally) so as to be able to pre-determine if given the current codec and `send_values` which values are expected to be IPC transmittable. - as per ^, the diff value-msgs are first round-tripped inside a `Started` msg using the configured codec in the parent/root actor before bothering with using IPC primitives + a subactor; this is how the `expect_ipc_send` table is generated initially. - for serializing the specs (`Union[Type]`s as required by `msgspec`), added a pair of codec hooks: `enc/dec_type_union()` (that ideally we move into a `.msg` submod eventually) which code the type-values as a `list[str]` of names. - the `dec_` hook had to be modified to NOT raise an error when an invalid/unhandled value arrives, this is because we do NOT want the RPC msg handling loop to raise on the `async for msg in chan:` and instead prefer to ignore and warn (for now, but eventually respond with error msg - see notes in hook body) these msgs when sent during a streaming phase; `Context.started()` will however error on a bad input for the current msg-spec since it is part of the "cheap" dialog (again see notes in `._context`) wherein the `Started` msg is always roundtripped prior to `Channel.send()` to guarantee the child adheres to its own spec. - tossed in lotsa `print()`s for console groking of the run progress. Further notes on typed-msging breaking cancellation: ------ - ------ - turns out since the runtime's cancellation implementation, being done with `Actor.cancel()` methods and friends will actually break when a stringent spec is applied (eg. a single type-spec) since the return values from said methods are generally `bool`s.. - this means we do indeed need special handling of "runtime RPC method invocations" since ideally a user's msg-spec choices do not break core functionality on them XD => The obvi solution is to add a/some special sub-`Msg` types for such cases, possibly just a `RuntimeReturn(Return)` type that will always include a `.pld: bool` for these cancel methods such that their results are always handled without msg type errors. More to come on a (hopefully) elegant solution to that last bit!
2024-04-05 15:36:09 +00:00
td.__name__ for td in _payload_msgs
Be mega pedantic with msg-spec building Turns out the generics based payload speccing API, as in, DOES WORK properly as long as we don't rely on inheritance from `Msg` a parent `Generic`.. So let's get real pedantic in the `mk_msg_spec()` internals as well as verification in the test suite! Fixes in `.msg.types`: - implement (as part of tinker testing) multiple spec union building methods via a `spec_build_method: str` to `mk_msg_spec()` and leave a buncha notes around what did and didn't work: - 'indexed_generics' is the only method THAT WORKS and the one that you'd expect being closest to the `msgspec` docs (link above). - 'defstruct' using dynamically defined msgs => doesn't work! - 'types_new_class' using dynamically defined msgs but with `types.new_clas()` => ALSO doesn't work.. - explicitly separate the `.pld` type-constrainable by user code msg set into `types._payload_spec_msgs` putting the others in a `types._runtime_spec_msgs` and the full set defined as `.__spec__` (moving it out of the pkg-mod and back to `.types` as well). - for the `_payload_spec_msgs` msgs manually make them inherit `Generic[PayloadT]` and (redunantly) define a `.pld: PayloadT` field. - make `IpcCtxSpec.functype` an in line `Literal`. - toss in some TODO notes about choosing a better `Msg.cid` type. Fixes/tweaks around `.msg._codec`: - rename `MsgCodec.ipc/pld_msg_spec` -> `.msg/pld_spec` - make `._enc/._dec` non optional fields - wow, ^facepalm^ , make sure `._ipc.MsgpackTCPStream.__init__()` uses `mk_codec()` since `MsgCodec` can't be (easily) constructed directly. Get more detailed in testing: - inside the `chk_pld_type()` helper ensure `roundtrip` is always set to some value, `None` by default but a bool depending on legit outcome. - drop input `generic`; no longer used. - drop the masked `typedef` loop from `Msg.__subclasses__()`. - for add an `expect_roundtrip: bool` and use to jump into debugger when any expectation doesn't match the outcome. - use new `MsgCodec` field names (as per first section above). - ensure the encoded msg matches the decoded one from both the ad-hoc decoder and codec loaded values. - ensure the pld checking is only applied to msgs in the `types._payload_spec_msgs` set by `typef.__name__` filtering since `mk_msg_spec()` now returns the full `.types.Msg` set.
2024-03-29 22:46:37 +00:00
Init def of "SC shuttle prot" with "msg-spec-limiting" As per the long outstanding GH issue this starts our rigorous journey into an attempt at a type-safe, cross-actor SC, IPC protocol Bo boop -> The idea is to "formally" define our SC "shuttle (dialog) protocol" by specifying a new `.msg.types.Msg` subtype-set which can fully encapsulate all IPC msg schemas needed in order to accomplish cross-process SC! The msg set deviated a little in terms of (type) names from the existing `dict`-msgs currently used in the runtime impl but, I think the name changes are much better in terms of explicitly representing the internal semantics of the actor runtime machinery/subsystems and the IPC-msg-dialog required for SC enforced RPC. ------ - ------ In cursory, the new formal msgs-spec includes the following msg-subtypes of a new top-level `Msg` boxing type (that holds the base field schema for all msgs): - `Start` to request RPC task scheduling by passing a `FuncSpec` payload (to replace the currently used `{'cmd': ... }` dict msg impl) - `StartAck` to allow the RPC task callee-side to report a `IpcCtxSpec` payload immediately back to the caller (currently responded naively via a `{'functype': ... }` msg) - `Started` to deliver the first value from `Context.started()` (instead of the existing `{'started': ... }`) - `Yield` to shuttle `MsgStream.send()`-ed values (instead of our `{'yield': ... }`) - `Stop` to terminate a `Context.open_stream()` session/block (over `{'stop': True }`) - `Return` to deliver the final value from the `Actor.start_remote_task()` (which is a `{'return': ... }`) - `Error` to box `RemoteActorError` exceptions via a `.pld: ErrorData` payload, planned to replace/extend the current `RemoteActorError.msgdata` mechanism internal to `._exceptions.pack/unpack_error()` The new `tractor.msg.types` includes all the above msg defs as well an API for rendering a "payload type specification" using a `payload_type_spec: Union[Type]` that can be passed to `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(type=payload_type_spec)`. This ensures that (for a subset of the above msg set) `Msg.pld: PayloadT` data is type-parameterized using `msgspec`'s new `Generic[PayloadT]` field support and thus enables providing for an API where IPC `Context` dialogs can strictly define the allowed payload-datatype-set via type union! Iow, this is the foundation for supporting `Channel`/`Context`/`MsgStream` IPC primitives which are type checked/safe as desired in GH issue: - Misc notes on current impl(s) status: ------ - ------ - add a `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` which uses the new `msgspec` support for `class MyStruct[Struct, Generic[T]]` parameterize-able fields and delivers our boxing SC-msg-(sub)set with the desired `payload_types` applied to `.pld`: - - as a note this impl seems to need to use `type.new_class()` dynamic subtype generation, though i don't really get *why* still.. but without that the `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` doesn't seem to reject `.pld` limited `Msg` subtypes as demonstrated in the new test. - around this ^ add a `.msg._codec.limit_msg_spec()` cm which exposes this payload type limiting API such that it can be applied per task via a `MsgCodec` in app code. - the orig approach in was the idea of making payload fields `.pld: Raw` wherein we could have per-field/sub-msg decoders dynamically loaded depending on the particular application-layer schema in use. I don't want to lose the idea of this since I think it might be useful for an idea I have about capability-based-fields(-sharing, maybe using field-subset encryption?), and as such i've kept the (ostensibly) working impls in TODO-comments in `.msg._codec` wherein maybe we can add a `MsgCodec._payload_decs: dict` table for this later on. |_ also left in the `.msg.types.enc/decmsg()` impls but renamed as `enc/dec_payload()` (but reworked to not rely on the lifo codec stack tables; now removed) such that we can prolly move them to `MsgCodec` methods in the future. - add an unused `._codec.mk_tagged_union_dec()` helper which was originally factored out the #311 proto-code but didn't end up working as desired with the new parameterized generic fields approach (now in `msg.types.mk_msg_spec()`) Testing/deps work: ------ - ------ - new `test_limit_msgspec()` which ensures all the `.types` content is correct but without using the wrapping APIs in `._codec`; i.e. using a in-line `Decoder` instead of a `MsgCodec`. - pin us to `msgspec>=0.18.5` which has the needed generic-types support (which took me way too long yester to figure out when implementing all this XD)!
2024-03-28 14:45:01 +00:00
for typedef in msg_types:
Be mega pedantic with msg-spec building Turns out the generics based payload speccing API, as in, DOES WORK properly as long as we don't rely on inheritance from `Msg` a parent `Generic`.. So let's get real pedantic in the `mk_msg_spec()` internals as well as verification in the test suite! Fixes in `.msg.types`: - implement (as part of tinker testing) multiple spec union building methods via a `spec_build_method: str` to `mk_msg_spec()` and leave a buncha notes around what did and didn't work: - 'indexed_generics' is the only method THAT WORKS and the one that you'd expect being closest to the `msgspec` docs (link above). - 'defstruct' using dynamically defined msgs => doesn't work! - 'types_new_class' using dynamically defined msgs but with `types.new_clas()` => ALSO doesn't work.. - explicitly separate the `.pld` type-constrainable by user code msg set into `types._payload_spec_msgs` putting the others in a `types._runtime_spec_msgs` and the full set defined as `.__spec__` (moving it out of the pkg-mod and back to `.types` as well). - for the `_payload_spec_msgs` msgs manually make them inherit `Generic[PayloadT]` and (redunantly) define a `.pld: PayloadT` field. - make `IpcCtxSpec.functype` an in line `Literal`. - toss in some TODO notes about choosing a better `Msg.cid` type. Fixes/tweaks around `.msg._codec`: - rename `MsgCodec.ipc/pld_msg_spec` -> `.msg/pld_spec` - make `._enc/._dec` non optional fields - wow, ^facepalm^ , make sure `._ipc.MsgpackTCPStream.__init__()` uses `mk_codec()` since `MsgCodec` can't be (easily) constructed directly. Get more detailed in testing: - inside the `chk_pld_type()` helper ensure `roundtrip` is always set to some value, `None` by default but a bool depending on legit outcome. - drop input `generic`; no longer used. - drop the masked `typedef` loop from `Msg.__subclasses__()`. - for add an `expect_roundtrip: bool` and use to jump into debugger when any expectation doesn't match the outcome. - use new `MsgCodec` field names (as per first section above). - ensure the encoded msg matches the decoded one from both the ad-hoc decoder and codec loaded values. - ensure the pld checking is only applied to msgs in the `types._payload_spec_msgs` set by `typef.__name__` filtering since `mk_msg_spec()` now returns the full `.types.Msg` set.
2024-03-29 22:46:37 +00:00
skip_runtime_msg: bool = typedef.__name__ not in pld_spec_msg_names
if skip_runtime_msg:
Init def of "SC shuttle prot" with "msg-spec-limiting" As per the long outstanding GH issue this starts our rigorous journey into an attempt at a type-safe, cross-actor SC, IPC protocol Bo boop -> The idea is to "formally" define our SC "shuttle (dialog) protocol" by specifying a new `.msg.types.Msg` subtype-set which can fully encapsulate all IPC msg schemas needed in order to accomplish cross-process SC! The msg set deviated a little in terms of (type) names from the existing `dict`-msgs currently used in the runtime impl but, I think the name changes are much better in terms of explicitly representing the internal semantics of the actor runtime machinery/subsystems and the IPC-msg-dialog required for SC enforced RPC. ------ - ------ In cursory, the new formal msgs-spec includes the following msg-subtypes of a new top-level `Msg` boxing type (that holds the base field schema for all msgs): - `Start` to request RPC task scheduling by passing a `FuncSpec` payload (to replace the currently used `{'cmd': ... }` dict msg impl) - `StartAck` to allow the RPC task callee-side to report a `IpcCtxSpec` payload immediately back to the caller (currently responded naively via a `{'functype': ... }` msg) - `Started` to deliver the first value from `Context.started()` (instead of the existing `{'started': ... }`) - `Yield` to shuttle `MsgStream.send()`-ed values (instead of our `{'yield': ... }`) - `Stop` to terminate a `Context.open_stream()` session/block (over `{'stop': True }`) - `Return` to deliver the final value from the `Actor.start_remote_task()` (which is a `{'return': ... }`) - `Error` to box `RemoteActorError` exceptions via a `.pld: ErrorData` payload, planned to replace/extend the current `RemoteActorError.msgdata` mechanism internal to `._exceptions.pack/unpack_error()` The new `tractor.msg.types` includes all the above msg defs as well an API for rendering a "payload type specification" using a `payload_type_spec: Union[Type]` that can be passed to `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(type=payload_type_spec)`. This ensures that (for a subset of the above msg set) `Msg.pld: PayloadT` data is type-parameterized using `msgspec`'s new `Generic[PayloadT]` field support and thus enables providing for an API where IPC `Context` dialogs can strictly define the allowed payload-datatype-set via type union! Iow, this is the foundation for supporting `Channel`/`Context`/`MsgStream` IPC primitives which are type checked/safe as desired in GH issue: - Misc notes on current impl(s) status: ------ - ------ - add a `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` which uses the new `msgspec` support for `class MyStruct[Struct, Generic[T]]` parameterize-able fields and delivers our boxing SC-msg-(sub)set with the desired `payload_types` applied to `.pld`: - - as a note this impl seems to need to use `type.new_class()` dynamic subtype generation, though i don't really get *why* still.. but without that the `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` doesn't seem to reject `.pld` limited `Msg` subtypes as demonstrated in the new test. - around this ^ add a `.msg._codec.limit_msg_spec()` cm which exposes this payload type limiting API such that it can be applied per task via a `MsgCodec` in app code. - the orig approach in was the idea of making payload fields `.pld: Raw` wherein we could have per-field/sub-msg decoders dynamically loaded depending on the particular application-layer schema in use. I don't want to lose the idea of this since I think it might be useful for an idea I have about capability-based-fields(-sharing, maybe using field-subset encryption?), and as such i've kept the (ostensibly) working impls in TODO-comments in `.msg._codec` wherein maybe we can add a `MsgCodec._payload_decs: dict` table for this later on. |_ also left in the `.msg.types.enc/decmsg()` impls but renamed as `enc/dec_payload()` (but reworked to not rely on the lifo codec stack tables; now removed) such that we can prolly move them to `MsgCodec` methods in the future. - add an unused `._codec.mk_tagged_union_dec()` helper which was originally factored out the #311 proto-code but didn't end up working as desired with the new parameterized generic fields approach (now in `msg.types.mk_msg_spec()`) Testing/deps work: ------ - ------ - new `test_limit_msgspec()` which ensures all the `.types` content is correct but without using the wrapping APIs in `._codec`; i.e. using a in-line `Decoder` instead of a `MsgCodec`. - pin us to `msgspec>=0.18.5` which has the needed generic-types support (which took me way too long yester to figure out when implementing all this XD)!
2024-03-28 14:45:01 +00:00
pld_field = structs.fields(typedef)[1]
Be mega pedantic with msg-spec building Turns out the generics based payload speccing API, as in, DOES WORK properly as long as we don't rely on inheritance from `Msg` a parent `Generic`.. So let's get real pedantic in the `mk_msg_spec()` internals as well as verification in the test suite! Fixes in `.msg.types`: - implement (as part of tinker testing) multiple spec union building methods via a `spec_build_method: str` to `mk_msg_spec()` and leave a buncha notes around what did and didn't work: - 'indexed_generics' is the only method THAT WORKS and the one that you'd expect being closest to the `msgspec` docs (link above). - 'defstruct' using dynamically defined msgs => doesn't work! - 'types_new_class' using dynamically defined msgs but with `types.new_clas()` => ALSO doesn't work.. - explicitly separate the `.pld` type-constrainable by user code msg set into `types._payload_spec_msgs` putting the others in a `types._runtime_spec_msgs` and the full set defined as `.__spec__` (moving it out of the pkg-mod and back to `.types` as well). - for the `_payload_spec_msgs` msgs manually make them inherit `Generic[PayloadT]` and (redunantly) define a `.pld: PayloadT` field. - make `IpcCtxSpec.functype` an in line `Literal`. - toss in some TODO notes about choosing a better `Msg.cid` type. Fixes/tweaks around `.msg._codec`: - rename `MsgCodec.ipc/pld_msg_spec` -> `.msg/pld_spec` - make `._enc/._dec` non optional fields - wow, ^facepalm^ , make sure `._ipc.MsgpackTCPStream.__init__()` uses `mk_codec()` since `MsgCodec` can't be (easily) constructed directly. Get more detailed in testing: - inside the `chk_pld_type()` helper ensure `roundtrip` is always set to some value, `None` by default but a bool depending on legit outcome. - drop input `generic`; no longer used. - drop the masked `typedef` loop from `Msg.__subclasses__()`. - for add an `expect_roundtrip: bool` and use to jump into debugger when any expectation doesn't match the outcome. - use new `MsgCodec` field names (as per first section above). - ensure the encoded msg matches the decoded one from both the ad-hoc decoder and codec loaded values. - ensure the pld checking is only applied to msgs in the `types._payload_spec_msgs` set by `typef.__name__` filtering since `mk_msg_spec()` now returns the full `.types.Msg` set.
2024-03-29 22:46:37 +00:00
assert pld_field.type is payload_spec # TODO-^ does this need to work to get all subtypes to adhere?
Init def of "SC shuttle prot" with "msg-spec-limiting" As per the long outstanding GH issue this starts our rigorous journey into an attempt at a type-safe, cross-actor SC, IPC protocol Bo boop -> The idea is to "formally" define our SC "shuttle (dialog) protocol" by specifying a new `.msg.types.Msg` subtype-set which can fully encapsulate all IPC msg schemas needed in order to accomplish cross-process SC! The msg set deviated a little in terms of (type) names from the existing `dict`-msgs currently used in the runtime impl but, I think the name changes are much better in terms of explicitly representing the internal semantics of the actor runtime machinery/subsystems and the IPC-msg-dialog required for SC enforced RPC. ------ - ------ In cursory, the new formal msgs-spec includes the following msg-subtypes of a new top-level `Msg` boxing type (that holds the base field schema for all msgs): - `Start` to request RPC task scheduling by passing a `FuncSpec` payload (to replace the currently used `{'cmd': ... }` dict msg impl) - `StartAck` to allow the RPC task callee-side to report a `IpcCtxSpec` payload immediately back to the caller (currently responded naively via a `{'functype': ... }` msg) - `Started` to deliver the first value from `Context.started()` (instead of the existing `{'started': ... }`) - `Yield` to shuttle `MsgStream.send()`-ed values (instead of our `{'yield': ... }`) - `Stop` to terminate a `Context.open_stream()` session/block (over `{'stop': True }`) - `Return` to deliver the final value from the `Actor.start_remote_task()` (which is a `{'return': ... }`) - `Error` to box `RemoteActorError` exceptions via a `.pld: ErrorData` payload, planned to replace/extend the current `RemoteActorError.msgdata` mechanism internal to `._exceptions.pack/unpack_error()` The new `tractor.msg.types` includes all the above msg defs as well an API for rendering a "payload type specification" using a `payload_type_spec: Union[Type]` that can be passed to `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(type=payload_type_spec)`. This ensures that (for a subset of the above msg set) `Msg.pld: PayloadT` data is type-parameterized using `msgspec`'s new `Generic[PayloadT]` field support and thus enables providing for an API where IPC `Context` dialogs can strictly define the allowed payload-datatype-set via type union! Iow, this is the foundation for supporting `Channel`/`Context`/`MsgStream` IPC primitives which are type checked/safe as desired in GH issue: - Misc notes on current impl(s) status: ------ - ------ - add a `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` which uses the new `msgspec` support for `class MyStruct[Struct, Generic[T]]` parameterize-able fields and delivers our boxing SC-msg-(sub)set with the desired `payload_types` applied to `.pld`: - - as a note this impl seems to need to use `type.new_class()` dynamic subtype generation, though i don't really get *why* still.. but without that the `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` doesn't seem to reject `.pld` limited `Msg` subtypes as demonstrated in the new test. - around this ^ add a `.msg._codec.limit_msg_spec()` cm which exposes this payload type limiting API such that it can be applied per task via a `MsgCodec` in app code. - the orig approach in was the idea of making payload fields `.pld: Raw` wherein we could have per-field/sub-msg decoders dynamically loaded depending on the particular application-layer schema in use. I don't want to lose the idea of this since I think it might be useful for an idea I have about capability-based-fields(-sharing, maybe using field-subset encryption?), and as such i've kept the (ostensibly) working impls in TODO-comments in `.msg._codec` wherein maybe we can add a `MsgCodec._payload_decs: dict` table for this later on. |_ also left in the `.msg.types.enc/decmsg()` impls but renamed as `enc/dec_payload()` (but reworked to not rely on the lifo codec stack tables; now removed) such that we can prolly move them to `MsgCodec` methods in the future. - add an unused `._codec.mk_tagged_union_dec()` helper which was originally factored out the #311 proto-code but didn't end up working as desired with the new parameterized generic fields approach (now in `msg.types.mk_msg_spec()`) Testing/deps work: ------ - ------ - new `test_limit_msgspec()` which ensures all the `.types` content is correct but without using the wrapping APIs in `._codec`; i.e. using a in-line `Decoder` instead of a `MsgCodec`. - pin us to `msgspec>=0.18.5` which has the needed generic-types support (which took me way too long yester to figure out when implementing all this XD)!
2024-03-28 14:45:01 +00:00
kwargs: dict[str, Any] = {
'cid': '666',
'pld': pld,
Hack `asyncio` to not abandon a guest-mode run? Took me a while to figure out what the heck was going on but, turns out `asyncio` changed their SIGINT handling in 3.11 as per: I'm not entirely sure if it's the 3.11 changes or possibly wtv further updates were made in 3.12 but more or less due to the way our current main task was written the `trio` guest-run was getting abandoned on SIGINTs sent from the OS to the infected child proc.. Note that much of the bug and soln cases are layed out in very detailed comment-notes both in the new test and `run_as_asyncio_guest()`, right above the final "fix" lines. Add new `test_infected_aio.test_sigint_closes_lifetime_stack()` test suite which reliably triggers all abandonment issues with multiple cases of different parent behaviour post-sending-SIGINT-to-child: 1. briefly sleep then raise a KBI in the parent which was originally demonstrating the file leak not being cleaned up by `Actor.lifetime_stack.close()` and simulates a ctl-c from the console (relayed in tandem by the OS to the parent and child processes). 2. do `Context.wait_for_result()` on the child context which would hang and timeout since the actor runtime would never complete and thus never relay a `ContextCancelled`. 3. both with and without running a `asyncio` task in the `manage_file` child actor; originally it seemed that with an aio task scheduled in the child actor the guest-run abandonment always was the "loud" case where there seemed to be some actor teardown but with tbs from python failing to gracefully exit the `trio` runtime.. The (seemingly working) "fix" required 2 lines of code to be run inside a `asyncio.CancelledError` handler around the call to `await trio_done_fut`: - `Actor.cancel_soon()` which schedules the actor runtime to cancel on the next `trio` runner cycle and results in a "self cancellation" of the actor. - "pumping the `asyncio` event loop" with a non-0 `.sleep(0.1)` XD |_ seems that a "shielded" pump with some actual `delay: float >= 0` did the trick to get `asyncio` to allow the `trio` runner/loop to fully complete its guest-run without abandonment. Other supporting changes: - move `._exceptions.AsyncioCancelled`, our renamed `asyncio.CancelledError` error-sub-type-wrapper, to `.to_asyncio` and make it derive from `CancelledError` so as to be sure when raised by our `asyncio` x-> `trio` exception relay machinery that `asyncio` is getting the specific type it expects during cancellation. - do "summary status" style logging in `run_as_asyncio_guest()` wherein we compile the eventual `startup_msg: str` emitted just before waiting on the `trio_done_fut`. - shield-wait with `out: Outcome = await asyncio.shield(trio_done_fut)` even though it seems to do nothing in the SIGINT handling case..(I presume it might help avoid abandonment in a `asyncio.Task.cancel()` case maybe?)
2024-06-24 17:52:19 +00:00
enc_msg: PayloadMsg = typedef(**kwargs)
Init def of "SC shuttle prot" with "msg-spec-limiting" As per the long outstanding GH issue this starts our rigorous journey into an attempt at a type-safe, cross-actor SC, IPC protocol Bo boop -> The idea is to "formally" define our SC "shuttle (dialog) protocol" by specifying a new `.msg.types.Msg` subtype-set which can fully encapsulate all IPC msg schemas needed in order to accomplish cross-process SC! The msg set deviated a little in terms of (type) names from the existing `dict`-msgs currently used in the runtime impl but, I think the name changes are much better in terms of explicitly representing the internal semantics of the actor runtime machinery/subsystems and the IPC-msg-dialog required for SC enforced RPC. ------ - ------ In cursory, the new formal msgs-spec includes the following msg-subtypes of a new top-level `Msg` boxing type (that holds the base field schema for all msgs): - `Start` to request RPC task scheduling by passing a `FuncSpec` payload (to replace the currently used `{'cmd': ... }` dict msg impl) - `StartAck` to allow the RPC task callee-side to report a `IpcCtxSpec` payload immediately back to the caller (currently responded naively via a `{'functype': ... }` msg) - `Started` to deliver the first value from `Context.started()` (instead of the existing `{'started': ... }`) - `Yield` to shuttle `MsgStream.send()`-ed values (instead of our `{'yield': ... }`) - `Stop` to terminate a `Context.open_stream()` session/block (over `{'stop': True }`) - `Return` to deliver the final value from the `Actor.start_remote_task()` (which is a `{'return': ... }`) - `Error` to box `RemoteActorError` exceptions via a `.pld: ErrorData` payload, planned to replace/extend the current `RemoteActorError.msgdata` mechanism internal to `._exceptions.pack/unpack_error()` The new `tractor.msg.types` includes all the above msg defs as well an API for rendering a "payload type specification" using a `payload_type_spec: Union[Type]` that can be passed to `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(type=payload_type_spec)`. This ensures that (for a subset of the above msg set) `Msg.pld: PayloadT` data is type-parameterized using `msgspec`'s new `Generic[PayloadT]` field support and thus enables providing for an API where IPC `Context` dialogs can strictly define the allowed payload-datatype-set via type union! Iow, this is the foundation for supporting `Channel`/`Context`/`MsgStream` IPC primitives which are type checked/safe as desired in GH issue: - Misc notes on current impl(s) status: ------ - ------ - add a `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` which uses the new `msgspec` support for `class MyStruct[Struct, Generic[T]]` parameterize-able fields and delivers our boxing SC-msg-(sub)set with the desired `payload_types` applied to `.pld`: - - as a note this impl seems to need to use `type.new_class()` dynamic subtype generation, though i don't really get *why* still.. but without that the `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` doesn't seem to reject `.pld` limited `Msg` subtypes as demonstrated in the new test. - around this ^ add a `.msg._codec.limit_msg_spec()` cm which exposes this payload type limiting API such that it can be applied per task via a `MsgCodec` in app code. - the orig approach in was the idea of making payload fields `.pld: Raw` wherein we could have per-field/sub-msg decoders dynamically loaded depending on the particular application-layer schema in use. I don't want to lose the idea of this since I think it might be useful for an idea I have about capability-based-fields(-sharing, maybe using field-subset encryption?), and as such i've kept the (ostensibly) working impls in TODO-comments in `.msg._codec` wherein maybe we can add a `MsgCodec._payload_decs: dict` table for this later on. |_ also left in the `.msg.types.enc/decmsg()` impls but renamed as `enc/dec_payload()` (but reworked to not rely on the lifo codec stack tables; now removed) such that we can prolly move them to `MsgCodec` methods in the future. - add an unused `._codec.mk_tagged_union_dec()` helper which was originally factored out the #311 proto-code but didn't end up working as desired with the new parameterized generic fields approach (now in `msg.types.mk_msg_spec()`) Testing/deps work: ------ - ------ - new `test_limit_msgspec()` which ensures all the `.types` content is correct but without using the wrapping APIs in `._codec`; i.e. using a in-line `Decoder` instead of a `MsgCodec`. - pin us to `msgspec>=0.18.5` which has the needed generic-types support (which took me way too long yester to figure out when implementing all this XD)!
2024-03-28 14:45:01 +00:00
Be mega pedantic with msg-spec building Turns out the generics based payload speccing API, as in, DOES WORK properly as long as we don't rely on inheritance from `Msg` a parent `Generic`.. So let's get real pedantic in the `mk_msg_spec()` internals as well as verification in the test suite! Fixes in `.msg.types`: - implement (as part of tinker testing) multiple spec union building methods via a `spec_build_method: str` to `mk_msg_spec()` and leave a buncha notes around what did and didn't work: - 'indexed_generics' is the only method THAT WORKS and the one that you'd expect being closest to the `msgspec` docs (link above). - 'defstruct' using dynamically defined msgs => doesn't work! - 'types_new_class' using dynamically defined msgs but with `types.new_clas()` => ALSO doesn't work.. - explicitly separate the `.pld` type-constrainable by user code msg set into `types._payload_spec_msgs` putting the others in a `types._runtime_spec_msgs` and the full set defined as `.__spec__` (moving it out of the pkg-mod and back to `.types` as well). - for the `_payload_spec_msgs` msgs manually make them inherit `Generic[PayloadT]` and (redunantly) define a `.pld: PayloadT` field. - make `IpcCtxSpec.functype` an in line `Literal`. - toss in some TODO notes about choosing a better `Msg.cid` type. Fixes/tweaks around `.msg._codec`: - rename `MsgCodec.ipc/pld_msg_spec` -> `.msg/pld_spec` - make `._enc/._dec` non optional fields - wow, ^facepalm^ , make sure `._ipc.MsgpackTCPStream.__init__()` uses `mk_codec()` since `MsgCodec` can't be (easily) constructed directly. Get more detailed in testing: - inside the `chk_pld_type()` helper ensure `roundtrip` is always set to some value, `None` by default but a bool depending on legit outcome. - drop input `generic`; no longer used. - drop the masked `typedef` loop from `Msg.__subclasses__()`. - for add an `expect_roundtrip: bool` and use to jump into debugger when any expectation doesn't match the outcome. - use new `MsgCodec` field names (as per first section above). - ensure the encoded msg matches the decoded one from both the ad-hoc decoder and codec loaded values. - ensure the pld checking is only applied to msgs in the `types._payload_spec_msgs` set by `typef.__name__` filtering since `mk_msg_spec()` now returns the full `.types.Msg` set.
2024-03-29 22:46:37 +00:00
_wire_bytes: bytes = _enc.encode(enc_msg)
wire_bytes: bytes = codec.enc.encode(enc_msg)
Be mega pedantic with msg-spec building Turns out the generics based payload speccing API, as in, DOES WORK properly as long as we don't rely on inheritance from `Msg` a parent `Generic`.. So let's get real pedantic in the `mk_msg_spec()` internals as well as verification in the test suite! Fixes in `.msg.types`: - implement (as part of tinker testing) multiple spec union building methods via a `spec_build_method: str` to `mk_msg_spec()` and leave a buncha notes around what did and didn't work: - 'indexed_generics' is the only method THAT WORKS and the one that you'd expect being closest to the `msgspec` docs (link above). - 'defstruct' using dynamically defined msgs => doesn't work! - 'types_new_class' using dynamically defined msgs but with `types.new_clas()` => ALSO doesn't work.. - explicitly separate the `.pld` type-constrainable by user code msg set into `types._payload_spec_msgs` putting the others in a `types._runtime_spec_msgs` and the full set defined as `.__spec__` (moving it out of the pkg-mod and back to `.types` as well). - for the `_payload_spec_msgs` msgs manually make them inherit `Generic[PayloadT]` and (redunantly) define a `.pld: PayloadT` field. - make `IpcCtxSpec.functype` an in line `Literal`. - toss in some TODO notes about choosing a better `Msg.cid` type. Fixes/tweaks around `.msg._codec`: - rename `MsgCodec.ipc/pld_msg_spec` -> `.msg/pld_spec` - make `._enc/._dec` non optional fields - wow, ^facepalm^ , make sure `._ipc.MsgpackTCPStream.__init__()` uses `mk_codec()` since `MsgCodec` can't be (easily) constructed directly. Get more detailed in testing: - inside the `chk_pld_type()` helper ensure `roundtrip` is always set to some value, `None` by default but a bool depending on legit outcome. - drop input `generic`; no longer used. - drop the masked `typedef` loop from `Msg.__subclasses__()`. - for add an `expect_roundtrip: bool` and use to jump into debugger when any expectation doesn't match the outcome. - use new `MsgCodec` field names (as per first section above). - ensure the encoded msg matches the decoded one from both the ad-hoc decoder and codec loaded values. - ensure the pld checking is only applied to msgs in the `types._payload_spec_msgs` set by `typef.__name__` filtering since `mk_msg_spec()` now returns the full `.types.Msg` set.
2024-03-29 22:46:37 +00:00
assert _wire_bytes == wire_bytes
Init def of "SC shuttle prot" with "msg-spec-limiting" As per the long outstanding GH issue this starts our rigorous journey into an attempt at a type-safe, cross-actor SC, IPC protocol Bo boop -> The idea is to "formally" define our SC "shuttle (dialog) protocol" by specifying a new `.msg.types.Msg` subtype-set which can fully encapsulate all IPC msg schemas needed in order to accomplish cross-process SC! The msg set deviated a little in terms of (type) names from the existing `dict`-msgs currently used in the runtime impl but, I think the name changes are much better in terms of explicitly representing the internal semantics of the actor runtime machinery/subsystems and the IPC-msg-dialog required for SC enforced RPC. ------ - ------ In cursory, the new formal msgs-spec includes the following msg-subtypes of a new top-level `Msg` boxing type (that holds the base field schema for all msgs): - `Start` to request RPC task scheduling by passing a `FuncSpec` payload (to replace the currently used `{'cmd': ... }` dict msg impl) - `StartAck` to allow the RPC task callee-side to report a `IpcCtxSpec` payload immediately back to the caller (currently responded naively via a `{'functype': ... }` msg) - `Started` to deliver the first value from `Context.started()` (instead of the existing `{'started': ... }`) - `Yield` to shuttle `MsgStream.send()`-ed values (instead of our `{'yield': ... }`) - `Stop` to terminate a `Context.open_stream()` session/block (over `{'stop': True }`) - `Return` to deliver the final value from the `Actor.start_remote_task()` (which is a `{'return': ... }`) - `Error` to box `RemoteActorError` exceptions via a `.pld: ErrorData` payload, planned to replace/extend the current `RemoteActorError.msgdata` mechanism internal to `._exceptions.pack/unpack_error()` The new `tractor.msg.types` includes all the above msg defs as well an API for rendering a "payload type specification" using a `payload_type_spec: Union[Type]` that can be passed to `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(type=payload_type_spec)`. This ensures that (for a subset of the above msg set) `Msg.pld: PayloadT` data is type-parameterized using `msgspec`'s new `Generic[PayloadT]` field support and thus enables providing for an API where IPC `Context` dialogs can strictly define the allowed payload-datatype-set via type union! Iow, this is the foundation for supporting `Channel`/`Context`/`MsgStream` IPC primitives which are type checked/safe as desired in GH issue: - Misc notes on current impl(s) status: ------ - ------ - add a `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` which uses the new `msgspec` support for `class MyStruct[Struct, Generic[T]]` parameterize-able fields and delivers our boxing SC-msg-(sub)set with the desired `payload_types` applied to `.pld`: - - as a note this impl seems to need to use `type.new_class()` dynamic subtype generation, though i don't really get *why* still.. but without that the `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` doesn't seem to reject `.pld` limited `Msg` subtypes as demonstrated in the new test. - around this ^ add a `.msg._codec.limit_msg_spec()` cm which exposes this payload type limiting API such that it can be applied per task via a `MsgCodec` in app code. - the orig approach in was the idea of making payload fields `.pld: Raw` wherein we could have per-field/sub-msg decoders dynamically loaded depending on the particular application-layer schema in use. I don't want to lose the idea of this since I think it might be useful for an idea I have about capability-based-fields(-sharing, maybe using field-subset encryption?), and as such i've kept the (ostensibly) working impls in TODO-comments in `.msg._codec` wherein maybe we can add a `MsgCodec._payload_decs: dict` table for this later on. |_ also left in the `.msg.types.enc/decmsg()` impls but renamed as `enc/dec_payload()` (but reworked to not rely on the lifo codec stack tables; now removed) such that we can prolly move them to `MsgCodec` methods in the future. - add an unused `._codec.mk_tagged_union_dec()` helper which was originally factored out the #311 proto-code but didn't end up working as desired with the new parameterized generic fields approach (now in `msg.types.mk_msg_spec()`) Testing/deps work: ------ - ------ - new `test_limit_msgspec()` which ensures all the `.types` content is correct but without using the wrapping APIs in `._codec`; i.e. using a in-line `Decoder` instead of a `MsgCodec`. - pin us to `msgspec>=0.18.5` which has the needed generic-types support (which took me way too long yester to figure out when implementing all this XD)!
2024-03-28 14:45:01 +00:00
Be mega pedantic with msg-spec building Turns out the generics based payload speccing API, as in, DOES WORK properly as long as we don't rely on inheritance from `Msg` a parent `Generic`.. So let's get real pedantic in the `mk_msg_spec()` internals as well as verification in the test suite! Fixes in `.msg.types`: - implement (as part of tinker testing) multiple spec union building methods via a `spec_build_method: str` to `mk_msg_spec()` and leave a buncha notes around what did and didn't work: - 'indexed_generics' is the only method THAT WORKS and the one that you'd expect being closest to the `msgspec` docs (link above). - 'defstruct' using dynamically defined msgs => doesn't work! - 'types_new_class' using dynamically defined msgs but with `types.new_clas()` => ALSO doesn't work.. - explicitly separate the `.pld` type-constrainable by user code msg set into `types._payload_spec_msgs` putting the others in a `types._runtime_spec_msgs` and the full set defined as `.__spec__` (moving it out of the pkg-mod and back to `.types` as well). - for the `_payload_spec_msgs` msgs manually make them inherit `Generic[PayloadT]` and (redunantly) define a `.pld: PayloadT` field. - make `IpcCtxSpec.functype` an in line `Literal`. - toss in some TODO notes about choosing a better `Msg.cid` type. Fixes/tweaks around `.msg._codec`: - rename `MsgCodec.ipc/pld_msg_spec` -> `.msg/pld_spec` - make `._enc/._dec` non optional fields - wow, ^facepalm^ , make sure `._ipc.MsgpackTCPStream.__init__()` uses `mk_codec()` since `MsgCodec` can't be (easily) constructed directly. Get more detailed in testing: - inside the `chk_pld_type()` helper ensure `roundtrip` is always set to some value, `None` by default but a bool depending on legit outcome. - drop input `generic`; no longer used. - drop the masked `typedef` loop from `Msg.__subclasses__()`. - for add an `expect_roundtrip: bool` and use to jump into debugger when any expectation doesn't match the outcome. - use new `MsgCodec` field names (as per first section above). - ensure the encoded msg matches the decoded one from both the ad-hoc decoder and codec loaded values. - ensure the pld checking is only applied to msgs in the `types._payload_spec_msgs` set by `typef.__name__` filtering since `mk_msg_spec()` now returns the full `.types.Msg` set.
2024-03-29 22:46:37 +00:00
ve: ValidationError|None = None
Init def of "SC shuttle prot" with "msg-spec-limiting" As per the long outstanding GH issue this starts our rigorous journey into an attempt at a type-safe, cross-actor SC, IPC protocol Bo boop -> The idea is to "formally" define our SC "shuttle (dialog) protocol" by specifying a new `.msg.types.Msg` subtype-set which can fully encapsulate all IPC msg schemas needed in order to accomplish cross-process SC! The msg set deviated a little in terms of (type) names from the existing `dict`-msgs currently used in the runtime impl but, I think the name changes are much better in terms of explicitly representing the internal semantics of the actor runtime machinery/subsystems and the IPC-msg-dialog required for SC enforced RPC. ------ - ------ In cursory, the new formal msgs-spec includes the following msg-subtypes of a new top-level `Msg` boxing type (that holds the base field schema for all msgs): - `Start` to request RPC task scheduling by passing a `FuncSpec` payload (to replace the currently used `{'cmd': ... }` dict msg impl) - `StartAck` to allow the RPC task callee-side to report a `IpcCtxSpec` payload immediately back to the caller (currently responded naively via a `{'functype': ... }` msg) - `Started` to deliver the first value from `Context.started()` (instead of the existing `{'started': ... }`) - `Yield` to shuttle `MsgStream.send()`-ed values (instead of our `{'yield': ... }`) - `Stop` to terminate a `Context.open_stream()` session/block (over `{'stop': True }`) - `Return` to deliver the final value from the `Actor.start_remote_task()` (which is a `{'return': ... }`) - `Error` to box `RemoteActorError` exceptions via a `.pld: ErrorData` payload, planned to replace/extend the current `RemoteActorError.msgdata` mechanism internal to `._exceptions.pack/unpack_error()` The new `tractor.msg.types` includes all the above msg defs as well an API for rendering a "payload type specification" using a `payload_type_spec: Union[Type]` that can be passed to `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(type=payload_type_spec)`. This ensures that (for a subset of the above msg set) `Msg.pld: PayloadT` data is type-parameterized using `msgspec`'s new `Generic[PayloadT]` field support and thus enables providing for an API where IPC `Context` dialogs can strictly define the allowed payload-datatype-set via type union! Iow, this is the foundation for supporting `Channel`/`Context`/`MsgStream` IPC primitives which are type checked/safe as desired in GH issue: - Misc notes on current impl(s) status: ------ - ------ - add a `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` which uses the new `msgspec` support for `class MyStruct[Struct, Generic[T]]` parameterize-able fields and delivers our boxing SC-msg-(sub)set with the desired `payload_types` applied to `.pld`: - - as a note this impl seems to need to use `type.new_class()` dynamic subtype generation, though i don't really get *why* still.. but without that the `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` doesn't seem to reject `.pld` limited `Msg` subtypes as demonstrated in the new test. - around this ^ add a `.msg._codec.limit_msg_spec()` cm which exposes this payload type limiting API such that it can be applied per task via a `MsgCodec` in app code. - the orig approach in was the idea of making payload fields `.pld: Raw` wherein we could have per-field/sub-msg decoders dynamically loaded depending on the particular application-layer schema in use. I don't want to lose the idea of this since I think it might be useful for an idea I have about capability-based-fields(-sharing, maybe using field-subset encryption?), and as such i've kept the (ostensibly) working impls in TODO-comments in `.msg._codec` wherein maybe we can add a `MsgCodec._payload_decs: dict` table for this later on. |_ also left in the `.msg.types.enc/decmsg()` impls but renamed as `enc/dec_payload()` (but reworked to not rely on the lifo codec stack tables; now removed) such that we can prolly move them to `MsgCodec` methods in the future. - add an unused `._codec.mk_tagged_union_dec()` helper which was originally factored out the #311 proto-code but didn't end up working as desired with the new parameterized generic fields approach (now in `msg.types.mk_msg_spec()`) Testing/deps work: ------ - ------ - new `test_limit_msgspec()` which ensures all the `.types` content is correct but without using the wrapping APIs in `._codec`; i.e. using a in-line `Decoder` instead of a `MsgCodec`. - pin us to `msgspec>=0.18.5` which has the needed generic-types support (which took me way too long yester to figure out when implementing all this XD)!
2024-03-28 14:45:01 +00:00
dec_msg = codec.dec.decode(wire_bytes)
Be mega pedantic with msg-spec building Turns out the generics based payload speccing API, as in, DOES WORK properly as long as we don't rely on inheritance from `Msg` a parent `Generic`.. So let's get real pedantic in the `mk_msg_spec()` internals as well as verification in the test suite! Fixes in `.msg.types`: - implement (as part of tinker testing) multiple spec union building methods via a `spec_build_method: str` to `mk_msg_spec()` and leave a buncha notes around what did and didn't work: - 'indexed_generics' is the only method THAT WORKS and the one that you'd expect being closest to the `msgspec` docs (link above). - 'defstruct' using dynamically defined msgs => doesn't work! - 'types_new_class' using dynamically defined msgs but with `types.new_clas()` => ALSO doesn't work.. - explicitly separate the `.pld` type-constrainable by user code msg set into `types._payload_spec_msgs` putting the others in a `types._runtime_spec_msgs` and the full set defined as `.__spec__` (moving it out of the pkg-mod and back to `.types` as well). - for the `_payload_spec_msgs` msgs manually make them inherit `Generic[PayloadT]` and (redunantly) define a `.pld: PayloadT` field. - make `IpcCtxSpec.functype` an in line `Literal`. - toss in some TODO notes about choosing a better `Msg.cid` type. Fixes/tweaks around `.msg._codec`: - rename `MsgCodec.ipc/pld_msg_spec` -> `.msg/pld_spec` - make `._enc/._dec` non optional fields - wow, ^facepalm^ , make sure `._ipc.MsgpackTCPStream.__init__()` uses `mk_codec()` since `MsgCodec` can't be (easily) constructed directly. Get more detailed in testing: - inside the `chk_pld_type()` helper ensure `roundtrip` is always set to some value, `None` by default but a bool depending on legit outcome. - drop input `generic`; no longer used. - drop the masked `typedef` loop from `Msg.__subclasses__()`. - for add an `expect_roundtrip: bool` and use to jump into debugger when any expectation doesn't match the outcome. - use new `MsgCodec` field names (as per first section above). - ensure the encoded msg matches the decoded one from both the ad-hoc decoder and codec loaded values. - ensure the pld checking is only applied to msgs in the `types._payload_spec_msgs` set by `typef.__name__` filtering since `mk_msg_spec()` now returns the full `.types.Msg` set.
2024-03-29 22:46:37 +00:00
_dec_msg = _dec.decode(wire_bytes)
Be mega pedantic with msg-spec building Turns out the generics based payload speccing API, as in, DOES WORK properly as long as we don't rely on inheritance from `Msg` a parent `Generic`.. So let's get real pedantic in the `mk_msg_spec()` internals as well as verification in the test suite! Fixes in `.msg.types`: - implement (as part of tinker testing) multiple spec union building methods via a `spec_build_method: str` to `mk_msg_spec()` and leave a buncha notes around what did and didn't work: - 'indexed_generics' is the only method THAT WORKS and the one that you'd expect being closest to the `msgspec` docs (link above). - 'defstruct' using dynamically defined msgs => doesn't work! - 'types_new_class' using dynamically defined msgs but with `types.new_clas()` => ALSO doesn't work.. - explicitly separate the `.pld` type-constrainable by user code msg set into `types._payload_spec_msgs` putting the others in a `types._runtime_spec_msgs` and the full set defined as `.__spec__` (moving it out of the pkg-mod and back to `.types` as well). - for the `_payload_spec_msgs` msgs manually make them inherit `Generic[PayloadT]` and (redunantly) define a `.pld: PayloadT` field. - make `IpcCtxSpec.functype` an in line `Literal`. - toss in some TODO notes about choosing a better `Msg.cid` type. Fixes/tweaks around `.msg._codec`: - rename `MsgCodec.ipc/pld_msg_spec` -> `.msg/pld_spec` - make `._enc/._dec` non optional fields - wow, ^facepalm^ , make sure `._ipc.MsgpackTCPStream.__init__()` uses `mk_codec()` since `MsgCodec` can't be (easily) constructed directly. Get more detailed in testing: - inside the `chk_pld_type()` helper ensure `roundtrip` is always set to some value, `None` by default but a bool depending on legit outcome. - drop input `generic`; no longer used. - drop the masked `typedef` loop from `Msg.__subclasses__()`. - for add an `expect_roundtrip: bool` and use to jump into debugger when any expectation doesn't match the outcome. - use new `MsgCodec` field names (as per first section above). - ensure the encoded msg matches the decoded one from both the ad-hoc decoder and codec loaded values. - ensure the pld checking is only applied to msgs in the `types._payload_spec_msgs` set by `typef.__name__` filtering since `mk_msg_spec()` now returns the full `.types.Msg` set.
2024-03-29 22:46:37 +00:00
# decoded msg and thus payload should be exactly same!
assert (roundtrip := (
Init def of "SC shuttle prot" with "msg-spec-limiting" As per the long outstanding GH issue this starts our rigorous journey into an attempt at a type-safe, cross-actor SC, IPC protocol Bo boop -> The idea is to "formally" define our SC "shuttle (dialog) protocol" by specifying a new `.msg.types.Msg` subtype-set which can fully encapsulate all IPC msg schemas needed in order to accomplish cross-process SC! The msg set deviated a little in terms of (type) names from the existing `dict`-msgs currently used in the runtime impl but, I think the name changes are much better in terms of explicitly representing the internal semantics of the actor runtime machinery/subsystems and the IPC-msg-dialog required for SC enforced RPC. ------ - ------ In cursory, the new formal msgs-spec includes the following msg-subtypes of a new top-level `Msg` boxing type (that holds the base field schema for all msgs): - `Start` to request RPC task scheduling by passing a `FuncSpec` payload (to replace the currently used `{'cmd': ... }` dict msg impl) - `StartAck` to allow the RPC task callee-side to report a `IpcCtxSpec` payload immediately back to the caller (currently responded naively via a `{'functype': ... }` msg) - `Started` to deliver the first value from `Context.started()` (instead of the existing `{'started': ... }`) - `Yield` to shuttle `MsgStream.send()`-ed values (instead of our `{'yield': ... }`) - `Stop` to terminate a `Context.open_stream()` session/block (over `{'stop': True }`) - `Return` to deliver the final value from the `Actor.start_remote_task()` (which is a `{'return': ... }`) - `Error` to box `RemoteActorError` exceptions via a `.pld: ErrorData` payload, planned to replace/extend the current `RemoteActorError.msgdata` mechanism internal to `._exceptions.pack/unpack_error()` The new `tractor.msg.types` includes all the above msg defs as well an API for rendering a "payload type specification" using a `payload_type_spec: Union[Type]` that can be passed to `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(type=payload_type_spec)`. This ensures that (for a subset of the above msg set) `Msg.pld: PayloadT` data is type-parameterized using `msgspec`'s new `Generic[PayloadT]` field support and thus enables providing for an API where IPC `Context` dialogs can strictly define the allowed payload-datatype-set via type union! Iow, this is the foundation for supporting `Channel`/`Context`/`MsgStream` IPC primitives which are type checked/safe as desired in GH issue: - Misc notes on current impl(s) status: ------ - ------ - add a `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` which uses the new `msgspec` support for `class MyStruct[Struct, Generic[T]]` parameterize-able fields and delivers our boxing SC-msg-(sub)set with the desired `payload_types` applied to `.pld`: - - as a note this impl seems to need to use `type.new_class()` dynamic subtype generation, though i don't really get *why* still.. but without that the `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` doesn't seem to reject `.pld` limited `Msg` subtypes as demonstrated in the new test. - around this ^ add a `.msg._codec.limit_msg_spec()` cm which exposes this payload type limiting API such that it can be applied per task via a `MsgCodec` in app code. - the orig approach in was the idea of making payload fields `.pld: Raw` wherein we could have per-field/sub-msg decoders dynamically loaded depending on the particular application-layer schema in use. I don't want to lose the idea of this since I think it might be useful for an idea I have about capability-based-fields(-sharing, maybe using field-subset encryption?), and as such i've kept the (ostensibly) working impls in TODO-comments in `.msg._codec` wherein maybe we can add a `MsgCodec._payload_decs: dict` table for this later on. |_ also left in the `.msg.types.enc/decmsg()` impls but renamed as `enc/dec_payload()` (but reworked to not rely on the lifo codec stack tables; now removed) such that we can prolly move them to `MsgCodec` methods in the future. - add an unused `._codec.mk_tagged_union_dec()` helper which was originally factored out the #311 proto-code but didn't end up working as desired with the new parameterized generic fields approach (now in `msg.types.mk_msg_spec()`) Testing/deps work: ------ - ------ - new `test_limit_msgspec()` which ensures all the `.types` content is correct but without using the wrapping APIs in `._codec`; i.e. using a in-line `Decoder` instead of a `MsgCodec`. - pin us to `msgspec>=0.18.5` which has the needed generic-types support (which took me way too long yester to figure out when implementing all this XD)!
2024-03-28 14:45:01 +00:00
Be mega pedantic with msg-spec building Turns out the generics based payload speccing API, as in, DOES WORK properly as long as we don't rely on inheritance from `Msg` a parent `Generic`.. So let's get real pedantic in the `mk_msg_spec()` internals as well as verification in the test suite! Fixes in `.msg.types`: - implement (as part of tinker testing) multiple spec union building methods via a `spec_build_method: str` to `mk_msg_spec()` and leave a buncha notes around what did and didn't work: - 'indexed_generics' is the only method THAT WORKS and the one that you'd expect being closest to the `msgspec` docs (link above). - 'defstruct' using dynamically defined msgs => doesn't work! - 'types_new_class' using dynamically defined msgs but with `types.new_clas()` => ALSO doesn't work.. - explicitly separate the `.pld` type-constrainable by user code msg set into `types._payload_spec_msgs` putting the others in a `types._runtime_spec_msgs` and the full set defined as `.__spec__` (moving it out of the pkg-mod and back to `.types` as well). - for the `_payload_spec_msgs` msgs manually make them inherit `Generic[PayloadT]` and (redunantly) define a `.pld: PayloadT` field. - make `IpcCtxSpec.functype` an in line `Literal`. - toss in some TODO notes about choosing a better `Msg.cid` type. Fixes/tweaks around `.msg._codec`: - rename `MsgCodec.ipc/pld_msg_spec` -> `.msg/pld_spec` - make `._enc/._dec` non optional fields - wow, ^facepalm^ , make sure `._ipc.MsgpackTCPStream.__init__()` uses `mk_codec()` since `MsgCodec` can't be (easily) constructed directly. Get more detailed in testing: - inside the `chk_pld_type()` helper ensure `roundtrip` is always set to some value, `None` by default but a bool depending on legit outcome. - drop input `generic`; no longer used. - drop the masked `typedef` loop from `Msg.__subclasses__()`. - for add an `expect_roundtrip: bool` and use to jump into debugger when any expectation doesn't match the outcome. - use new `MsgCodec` field names (as per first section above). - ensure the encoded msg matches the decoded one from both the ad-hoc decoder and codec loaded values. - ensure the pld checking is only applied to msgs in the `types._payload_spec_msgs` set by `typef.__name__` filtering since `mk_msg_spec()` now returns the full `.types.Msg` set.
2024-03-29 22:46:37 +00:00
if (
expect_roundtrip is not None
and expect_roundtrip != roundtrip
assert (
# assert (roundtrip := (_dec_msg == enc_msg))
except ValidationError as _ve:
ve = _ve
roundtrip: bool = False
if pld_val_type is payload_spec:
Init def of "SC shuttle prot" with "msg-spec-limiting" As per the long outstanding GH issue this starts our rigorous journey into an attempt at a type-safe, cross-actor SC, IPC protocol Bo boop -> The idea is to "formally" define our SC "shuttle (dialog) protocol" by specifying a new `.msg.types.Msg` subtype-set which can fully encapsulate all IPC msg schemas needed in order to accomplish cross-process SC! The msg set deviated a little in terms of (type) names from the existing `dict`-msgs currently used in the runtime impl but, I think the name changes are much better in terms of explicitly representing the internal semantics of the actor runtime machinery/subsystems and the IPC-msg-dialog required for SC enforced RPC. ------ - ------ In cursory, the new formal msgs-spec includes the following msg-subtypes of a new top-level `Msg` boxing type (that holds the base field schema for all msgs): - `Start` to request RPC task scheduling by passing a `FuncSpec` payload (to replace the currently used `{'cmd': ... }` dict msg impl) - `StartAck` to allow the RPC task callee-side to report a `IpcCtxSpec` payload immediately back to the caller (currently responded naively via a `{'functype': ... }` msg) - `Started` to deliver the first value from `Context.started()` (instead of the existing `{'started': ... }`) - `Yield` to shuttle `MsgStream.send()`-ed values (instead of our `{'yield': ... }`) - `Stop` to terminate a `Context.open_stream()` session/block (over `{'stop': True }`) - `Return` to deliver the final value from the `Actor.start_remote_task()` (which is a `{'return': ... }`) - `Error` to box `RemoteActorError` exceptions via a `.pld: ErrorData` payload, planned to replace/extend the current `RemoteActorError.msgdata` mechanism internal to `._exceptions.pack/unpack_error()` The new `tractor.msg.types` includes all the above msg defs as well an API for rendering a "payload type specification" using a `payload_type_spec: Union[Type]` that can be passed to `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(type=payload_type_spec)`. This ensures that (for a subset of the above msg set) `Msg.pld: PayloadT` data is type-parameterized using `msgspec`'s new `Generic[PayloadT]` field support and thus enables providing for an API where IPC `Context` dialogs can strictly define the allowed payload-datatype-set via type union! Iow, this is the foundation for supporting `Channel`/`Context`/`MsgStream` IPC primitives which are type checked/safe as desired in GH issue: - Misc notes on current impl(s) status: ------ - ------ - add a `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` which uses the new `msgspec` support for `class MyStruct[Struct, Generic[T]]` parameterize-able fields and delivers our boxing SC-msg-(sub)set with the desired `payload_types` applied to `.pld`: - - as a note this impl seems to need to use `type.new_class()` dynamic subtype generation, though i don't really get *why* still.. but without that the `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` doesn't seem to reject `.pld` limited `Msg` subtypes as demonstrated in the new test. - around this ^ add a `.msg._codec.limit_msg_spec()` cm which exposes this payload type limiting API such that it can be applied per task via a `MsgCodec` in app code. - the orig approach in was the idea of making payload fields `.pld: Raw` wherein we could have per-field/sub-msg decoders dynamically loaded depending on the particular application-layer schema in use. I don't want to lose the idea of this since I think it might be useful for an idea I have about capability-based-fields(-sharing, maybe using field-subset encryption?), and as such i've kept the (ostensibly) working impls in TODO-comments in `.msg._codec` wherein maybe we can add a `MsgCodec._payload_decs: dict` table for this later on. |_ also left in the `.msg.types.enc/decmsg()` impls but renamed as `enc/dec_payload()` (but reworked to not rely on the lifo codec stack tables; now removed) such that we can prolly move them to `MsgCodec` methods in the future. - add an unused `._codec.mk_tagged_union_dec()` helper which was originally factored out the #311 proto-code but didn't end up working as desired with the new parameterized generic fields approach (now in `msg.types.mk_msg_spec()`) Testing/deps work: ------ - ------ - new `test_limit_msgspec()` which ensures all the `.types` content is correct but without using the wrapping APIs in `._codec`; i.e. using a in-line `Decoder` instead of a `MsgCodec`. - pin us to `msgspec>=0.18.5` which has the needed generic-types support (which took me way too long yester to figure out when implementing all this XD)!
2024-03-28 14:45:01 +00:00
raise ValueError(
'Got `ValidationError` despite type-var match!?\n'
f'pld_val_type: {pld_val_type}\n'
Be mega pedantic with msg-spec building Turns out the generics based payload speccing API, as in, DOES WORK properly as long as we don't rely on inheritance from `Msg` a parent `Generic`.. So let's get real pedantic in the `mk_msg_spec()` internals as well as verification in the test suite! Fixes in `.msg.types`: - implement (as part of tinker testing) multiple spec union building methods via a `spec_build_method: str` to `mk_msg_spec()` and leave a buncha notes around what did and didn't work: - 'indexed_generics' is the only method THAT WORKS and the one that you'd expect being closest to the `msgspec` docs (link above). - 'defstruct' using dynamically defined msgs => doesn't work! - 'types_new_class' using dynamically defined msgs but with `types.new_clas()` => ALSO doesn't work.. - explicitly separate the `.pld` type-constrainable by user code msg set into `types._payload_spec_msgs` putting the others in a `types._runtime_spec_msgs` and the full set defined as `.__spec__` (moving it out of the pkg-mod and back to `.types` as well). - for the `_payload_spec_msgs` msgs manually make them inherit `Generic[PayloadT]` and (redunantly) define a `.pld: PayloadT` field. - make `IpcCtxSpec.functype` an in line `Literal`. - toss in some TODO notes about choosing a better `Msg.cid` type. Fixes/tweaks around `.msg._codec`: - rename `MsgCodec.ipc/pld_msg_spec` -> `.msg/pld_spec` - make `._enc/._dec` non optional fields - wow, ^facepalm^ , make sure `._ipc.MsgpackTCPStream.__init__()` uses `mk_codec()` since `MsgCodec` can't be (easily) constructed directly. Get more detailed in testing: - inside the `chk_pld_type()` helper ensure `roundtrip` is always set to some value, `None` by default but a bool depending on legit outcome. - drop input `generic`; no longer used. - drop the masked `typedef` loop from `Msg.__subclasses__()`. - for add an `expect_roundtrip: bool` and use to jump into debugger when any expectation doesn't match the outcome. - use new `MsgCodec` field names (as per first section above). - ensure the encoded msg matches the decoded one from both the ad-hoc decoder and codec loaded values. - ensure the pld checking is only applied to msgs in the `types._payload_spec_msgs` set by `typef.__name__` filtering since `mk_msg_spec()` now returns the full `.types.Msg` set.
2024-03-29 22:46:37 +00:00
f'payload_type: {payload_spec}\n'
Init def of "SC shuttle prot" with "msg-spec-limiting" As per the long outstanding GH issue this starts our rigorous journey into an attempt at a type-safe, cross-actor SC, IPC protocol Bo boop -> The idea is to "formally" define our SC "shuttle (dialog) protocol" by specifying a new `.msg.types.Msg` subtype-set which can fully encapsulate all IPC msg schemas needed in order to accomplish cross-process SC! The msg set deviated a little in terms of (type) names from the existing `dict`-msgs currently used in the runtime impl but, I think the name changes are much better in terms of explicitly representing the internal semantics of the actor runtime machinery/subsystems and the IPC-msg-dialog required for SC enforced RPC. ------ - ------ In cursory, the new formal msgs-spec includes the following msg-subtypes of a new top-level `Msg` boxing type (that holds the base field schema for all msgs): - `Start` to request RPC task scheduling by passing a `FuncSpec` payload (to replace the currently used `{'cmd': ... }` dict msg impl) - `StartAck` to allow the RPC task callee-side to report a `IpcCtxSpec` payload immediately back to the caller (currently responded naively via a `{'functype': ... }` msg) - `Started` to deliver the first value from `Context.started()` (instead of the existing `{'started': ... }`) - `Yield` to shuttle `MsgStream.send()`-ed values (instead of our `{'yield': ... }`) - `Stop` to terminate a `Context.open_stream()` session/block (over `{'stop': True }`) - `Return` to deliver the final value from the `Actor.start_remote_task()` (which is a `{'return': ... }`) - `Error` to box `RemoteActorError` exceptions via a `.pld: ErrorData` payload, planned to replace/extend the current `RemoteActorError.msgdata` mechanism internal to `._exceptions.pack/unpack_error()` The new `tractor.msg.types` includes all the above msg defs as well an API for rendering a "payload type specification" using a `payload_type_spec: Union[Type]` that can be passed to `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(type=payload_type_spec)`. This ensures that (for a subset of the above msg set) `Msg.pld: PayloadT` data is type-parameterized using `msgspec`'s new `Generic[PayloadT]` field support and thus enables providing for an API where IPC `Context` dialogs can strictly define the allowed payload-datatype-set via type union! Iow, this is the foundation for supporting `Channel`/`Context`/`MsgStream` IPC primitives which are type checked/safe as desired in GH issue: - Misc notes on current impl(s) status: ------ - ------ - add a `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` which uses the new `msgspec` support for `class MyStruct[Struct, Generic[T]]` parameterize-able fields and delivers our boxing SC-msg-(sub)set with the desired `payload_types` applied to `.pld`: - - as a note this impl seems to need to use `type.new_class()` dynamic subtype generation, though i don't really get *why* still.. but without that the `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` doesn't seem to reject `.pld` limited `Msg` subtypes as demonstrated in the new test. - around this ^ add a `.msg._codec.limit_msg_spec()` cm which exposes this payload type limiting API such that it can be applied per task via a `MsgCodec` in app code. - the orig approach in was the idea of making payload fields `.pld: Raw` wherein we could have per-field/sub-msg decoders dynamically loaded depending on the particular application-layer schema in use. I don't want to lose the idea of this since I think it might be useful for an idea I have about capability-based-fields(-sharing, maybe using field-subset encryption?), and as such i've kept the (ostensibly) working impls in TODO-comments in `.msg._codec` wherein maybe we can add a `MsgCodec._payload_decs: dict` table for this later on. |_ also left in the `.msg.types.enc/decmsg()` impls but renamed as `enc/dec_payload()` (but reworked to not rely on the lifo codec stack tables; now removed) such that we can prolly move them to `MsgCodec` methods in the future. - add an unused `._codec.mk_tagged_union_dec()` helper which was originally factored out the #311 proto-code but didn't end up working as desired with the new parameterized generic fields approach (now in `msg.types.mk_msg_spec()`) Testing/deps work: ------ - ------ - new `test_limit_msgspec()` which ensures all the `.types` content is correct but without using the wrapping APIs in `._codec`; i.e. using a in-line `Decoder` instead of a `MsgCodec`. - pin us to `msgspec>=0.18.5` which has the needed generic-types support (which took me way too long yester to figure out when implementing all this XD)!
2024-03-28 14:45:01 +00:00
) from ve
# ow we good cuz the pld spec mismatched.
'Got expected `ValidationError` since,\n'
Be mega pedantic with msg-spec building Turns out the generics based payload speccing API, as in, DOES WORK properly as long as we don't rely on inheritance from `Msg` a parent `Generic`.. So let's get real pedantic in the `mk_msg_spec()` internals as well as verification in the test suite! Fixes in `.msg.types`: - implement (as part of tinker testing) multiple spec union building methods via a `spec_build_method: str` to `mk_msg_spec()` and leave a buncha notes around what did and didn't work: - 'indexed_generics' is the only method THAT WORKS and the one that you'd expect being closest to the `msgspec` docs (link above). - 'defstruct' using dynamically defined msgs => doesn't work! - 'types_new_class' using dynamically defined msgs but with `types.new_clas()` => ALSO doesn't work.. - explicitly separate the `.pld` type-constrainable by user code msg set into `types._payload_spec_msgs` putting the others in a `types._runtime_spec_msgs` and the full set defined as `.__spec__` (moving it out of the pkg-mod and back to `.types` as well). - for the `_payload_spec_msgs` msgs manually make them inherit `Generic[PayloadT]` and (redunantly) define a `.pld: PayloadT` field. - make `IpcCtxSpec.functype` an in line `Literal`. - toss in some TODO notes about choosing a better `Msg.cid` type. Fixes/tweaks around `.msg._codec`: - rename `MsgCodec.ipc/pld_msg_spec` -> `.msg/pld_spec` - make `._enc/._dec` non optional fields - wow, ^facepalm^ , make sure `._ipc.MsgpackTCPStream.__init__()` uses `mk_codec()` since `MsgCodec` can't be (easily) constructed directly. Get more detailed in testing: - inside the `chk_pld_type()` helper ensure `roundtrip` is always set to some value, `None` by default but a bool depending on legit outcome. - drop input `generic`; no longer used. - drop the masked `typedef` loop from `Msg.__subclasses__()`. - for add an `expect_roundtrip: bool` and use to jump into debugger when any expectation doesn't match the outcome. - use new `MsgCodec` field names (as per first section above). - ensure the encoded msg matches the decoded one from both the ad-hoc decoder and codec loaded values. - ensure the pld checking is only applied to msgs in the `types._payload_spec_msgs` set by `typef.__name__` filtering since `mk_msg_spec()` now returns the full `.types.Msg` set.
2024-03-29 22:46:37 +00:00
f'{pld_val_type} is not {payload_spec}\n'
Init def of "SC shuttle prot" with "msg-spec-limiting" As per the long outstanding GH issue this starts our rigorous journey into an attempt at a type-safe, cross-actor SC, IPC protocol Bo boop -> The idea is to "formally" define our SC "shuttle (dialog) protocol" by specifying a new `.msg.types.Msg` subtype-set which can fully encapsulate all IPC msg schemas needed in order to accomplish cross-process SC! The msg set deviated a little in terms of (type) names from the existing `dict`-msgs currently used in the runtime impl but, I think the name changes are much better in terms of explicitly representing the internal semantics of the actor runtime machinery/subsystems and the IPC-msg-dialog required for SC enforced RPC. ------ - ------ In cursory, the new formal msgs-spec includes the following msg-subtypes of a new top-level `Msg` boxing type (that holds the base field schema for all msgs): - `Start` to request RPC task scheduling by passing a `FuncSpec` payload (to replace the currently used `{'cmd': ... }` dict msg impl) - `StartAck` to allow the RPC task callee-side to report a `IpcCtxSpec` payload immediately back to the caller (currently responded naively via a `{'functype': ... }` msg) - `Started` to deliver the first value from `Context.started()` (instead of the existing `{'started': ... }`) - `Yield` to shuttle `MsgStream.send()`-ed values (instead of our `{'yield': ... }`) - `Stop` to terminate a `Context.open_stream()` session/block (over `{'stop': True }`) - `Return` to deliver the final value from the `Actor.start_remote_task()` (which is a `{'return': ... }`) - `Error` to box `RemoteActorError` exceptions via a `.pld: ErrorData` payload, planned to replace/extend the current `RemoteActorError.msgdata` mechanism internal to `._exceptions.pack/unpack_error()` The new `tractor.msg.types` includes all the above msg defs as well an API for rendering a "payload type specification" using a `payload_type_spec: Union[Type]` that can be passed to `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(type=payload_type_spec)`. This ensures that (for a subset of the above msg set) `Msg.pld: PayloadT` data is type-parameterized using `msgspec`'s new `Generic[PayloadT]` field support and thus enables providing for an API where IPC `Context` dialogs can strictly define the allowed payload-datatype-set via type union! Iow, this is the foundation for supporting `Channel`/`Context`/`MsgStream` IPC primitives which are type checked/safe as desired in GH issue: - Misc notes on current impl(s) status: ------ - ------ - add a `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` which uses the new `msgspec` support for `class MyStruct[Struct, Generic[T]]` parameterize-able fields and delivers our boxing SC-msg-(sub)set with the desired `payload_types` applied to `.pld`: - - as a note this impl seems to need to use `type.new_class()` dynamic subtype generation, though i don't really get *why* still.. but without that the `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` doesn't seem to reject `.pld` limited `Msg` subtypes as demonstrated in the new test. - around this ^ add a `.msg._codec.limit_msg_spec()` cm which exposes this payload type limiting API such that it can be applied per task via a `MsgCodec` in app code. - the orig approach in was the idea of making payload fields `.pld: Raw` wherein we could have per-field/sub-msg decoders dynamically loaded depending on the particular application-layer schema in use. I don't want to lose the idea of this since I think it might be useful for an idea I have about capability-based-fields(-sharing, maybe using field-subset encryption?), and as such i've kept the (ostensibly) working impls in TODO-comments in `.msg._codec` wherein maybe we can add a `MsgCodec._payload_decs: dict` table for this later on. |_ also left in the `.msg.types.enc/decmsg()` impls but renamed as `enc/dec_payload()` (but reworked to not rely on the lifo codec stack tables; now removed) such that we can prolly move them to `MsgCodec` methods in the future. - add an unused `._codec.mk_tagged_union_dec()` helper which was originally factored out the #311 proto-code but didn't end up working as desired with the new parameterized generic fields approach (now in `msg.types.mk_msg_spec()`) Testing/deps work: ------ - ------ - new `test_limit_msgspec()` which ensures all the `.types` content is correct but without using the wrapping APIs in `._codec`; i.e. using a in-line `Decoder` instead of a `MsgCodec`. - pin us to `msgspec>=0.18.5` which has the needed generic-types support (which took me way too long yester to figure out when implementing all this XD)!
2024-03-28 14:45:01 +00:00
if (
Be mega pedantic with msg-spec building Turns out the generics based payload speccing API, as in, DOES WORK properly as long as we don't rely on inheritance from `Msg` a parent `Generic`.. So let's get real pedantic in the `mk_msg_spec()` internals as well as verification in the test suite! Fixes in `.msg.types`: - implement (as part of tinker testing) multiple spec union building methods via a `spec_build_method: str` to `mk_msg_spec()` and leave a buncha notes around what did and didn't work: - 'indexed_generics' is the only method THAT WORKS and the one that you'd expect being closest to the `msgspec` docs (link above). - 'defstruct' using dynamically defined msgs => doesn't work! - 'types_new_class' using dynamically defined msgs but with `types.new_clas()` => ALSO doesn't work.. - explicitly separate the `.pld` type-constrainable by user code msg set into `types._payload_spec_msgs` putting the others in a `types._runtime_spec_msgs` and the full set defined as `.__spec__` (moving it out of the pkg-mod and back to `.types` as well). - for the `_payload_spec_msgs` msgs manually make them inherit `Generic[PayloadT]` and (redunantly) define a `.pld: PayloadT` field. - make `IpcCtxSpec.functype` an in line `Literal`. - toss in some TODO notes about choosing a better `Msg.cid` type. Fixes/tweaks around `.msg._codec`: - rename `MsgCodec.ipc/pld_msg_spec` -> `.msg/pld_spec` - make `._enc/._dec` non optional fields - wow, ^facepalm^ , make sure `._ipc.MsgpackTCPStream.__init__()` uses `mk_codec()` since `MsgCodec` can't be (easily) constructed directly. Get more detailed in testing: - inside the `chk_pld_type()` helper ensure `roundtrip` is always set to some value, `None` by default but a bool depending on legit outcome. - drop input `generic`; no longer used. - drop the masked `typedef` loop from `Msg.__subclasses__()`. - for add an `expect_roundtrip: bool` and use to jump into debugger when any expectation doesn't match the outcome. - use new `MsgCodec` field names (as per first section above). - ensure the encoded msg matches the decoded one from both the ad-hoc decoder and codec loaded values. - ensure the pld checking is only applied to msgs in the `types._payload_spec_msgs` set by `typef.__name__` filtering since `mk_msg_spec()` now returns the full `.types.Msg` set.
2024-03-29 22:46:37 +00:00
payload_spec is not Any
pld_val_type is not payload_spec
Init def of "SC shuttle prot" with "msg-spec-limiting" As per the long outstanding GH issue this starts our rigorous journey into an attempt at a type-safe, cross-actor SC, IPC protocol Bo boop -> The idea is to "formally" define our SC "shuttle (dialog) protocol" by specifying a new `.msg.types.Msg` subtype-set which can fully encapsulate all IPC msg schemas needed in order to accomplish cross-process SC! The msg set deviated a little in terms of (type) names from the existing `dict`-msgs currently used in the runtime impl but, I think the name changes are much better in terms of explicitly representing the internal semantics of the actor runtime machinery/subsystems and the IPC-msg-dialog required for SC enforced RPC. ------ - ------ In cursory, the new formal msgs-spec includes the following msg-subtypes of a new top-level `Msg` boxing type (that holds the base field schema for all msgs): - `Start` to request RPC task scheduling by passing a `FuncSpec` payload (to replace the currently used `{'cmd': ... }` dict msg impl) - `StartAck` to allow the RPC task callee-side to report a `IpcCtxSpec` payload immediately back to the caller (currently responded naively via a `{'functype': ... }` msg) - `Started` to deliver the first value from `Context.started()` (instead of the existing `{'started': ... }`) - `Yield` to shuttle `MsgStream.send()`-ed values (instead of our `{'yield': ... }`) - `Stop` to terminate a `Context.open_stream()` session/block (over `{'stop': True }`) - `Return` to deliver the final value from the `Actor.start_remote_task()` (which is a `{'return': ... }`) - `Error` to box `RemoteActorError` exceptions via a `.pld: ErrorData` payload, planned to replace/extend the current `RemoteActorError.msgdata` mechanism internal to `._exceptions.pack/unpack_error()` The new `tractor.msg.types` includes all the above msg defs as well an API for rendering a "payload type specification" using a `payload_type_spec: Union[Type]` that can be passed to `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(type=payload_type_spec)`. This ensures that (for a subset of the above msg set) `Msg.pld: PayloadT` data is type-parameterized using `msgspec`'s new `Generic[PayloadT]` field support and thus enables providing for an API where IPC `Context` dialogs can strictly define the allowed payload-datatype-set via type union! Iow, this is the foundation for supporting `Channel`/`Context`/`MsgStream` IPC primitives which are type checked/safe as desired in GH issue: - Misc notes on current impl(s) status: ------ - ------ - add a `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` which uses the new `msgspec` support for `class MyStruct[Struct, Generic[T]]` parameterize-able fields and delivers our boxing SC-msg-(sub)set with the desired `payload_types` applied to `.pld`: - - as a note this impl seems to need to use `type.new_class()` dynamic subtype generation, though i don't really get *why* still.. but without that the `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` doesn't seem to reject `.pld` limited `Msg` subtypes as demonstrated in the new test. - around this ^ add a `.msg._codec.limit_msg_spec()` cm which exposes this payload type limiting API such that it can be applied per task via a `MsgCodec` in app code. - the orig approach in was the idea of making payload fields `.pld: Raw` wherein we could have per-field/sub-msg decoders dynamically loaded depending on the particular application-layer schema in use. I don't want to lose the idea of this since I think it might be useful for an idea I have about capability-based-fields(-sharing, maybe using field-subset encryption?), and as such i've kept the (ostensibly) working impls in TODO-comments in `.msg._codec` wherein maybe we can add a `MsgCodec._payload_decs: dict` table for this later on. |_ also left in the `.msg.types.enc/decmsg()` impls but renamed as `enc/dec_payload()` (but reworked to not rely on the lifo codec stack tables; now removed) such that we can prolly move them to `MsgCodec` methods in the future. - add an unused `._codec.mk_tagged_union_dec()` helper which was originally factored out the #311 proto-code but didn't end up working as desired with the new parameterized generic fields approach (now in `msg.types.mk_msg_spec()`) Testing/deps work: ------ - ------ - new `test_limit_msgspec()` which ensures all the `.types` content is correct but without using the wrapping APIs in `._codec`; i.e. using a in-line `Decoder` instead of a `MsgCodec`. - pin us to `msgspec>=0.18.5` which has the needed generic-types support (which took me way too long yester to figure out when implementing all this XD)!
2024-03-28 14:45:01 +00:00
raise ValueError(
'DID NOT `ValidationError` despite expected type match!?\n'
f'pld_val_type: {pld_val_type}\n'
Be mega pedantic with msg-spec building Turns out the generics based payload speccing API, as in, DOES WORK properly as long as we don't rely on inheritance from `Msg` a parent `Generic`.. So let's get real pedantic in the `mk_msg_spec()` internals as well as verification in the test suite! Fixes in `.msg.types`: - implement (as part of tinker testing) multiple spec union building methods via a `spec_build_method: str` to `mk_msg_spec()` and leave a buncha notes around what did and didn't work: - 'indexed_generics' is the only method THAT WORKS and the one that you'd expect being closest to the `msgspec` docs (link above). - 'defstruct' using dynamically defined msgs => doesn't work! - 'types_new_class' using dynamically defined msgs but with `types.new_clas()` => ALSO doesn't work.. - explicitly separate the `.pld` type-constrainable by user code msg set into `types._payload_spec_msgs` putting the others in a `types._runtime_spec_msgs` and the full set defined as `.__spec__` (moving it out of the pkg-mod and back to `.types` as well). - for the `_payload_spec_msgs` msgs manually make them inherit `Generic[PayloadT]` and (redunantly) define a `.pld: PayloadT` field. - make `IpcCtxSpec.functype` an in line `Literal`. - toss in some TODO notes about choosing a better `Msg.cid` type. Fixes/tweaks around `.msg._codec`: - rename `MsgCodec.ipc/pld_msg_spec` -> `.msg/pld_spec` - make `._enc/._dec` non optional fields - wow, ^facepalm^ , make sure `._ipc.MsgpackTCPStream.__init__()` uses `mk_codec()` since `MsgCodec` can't be (easily) constructed directly. Get more detailed in testing: - inside the `chk_pld_type()` helper ensure `roundtrip` is always set to some value, `None` by default but a bool depending on legit outcome. - drop input `generic`; no longer used. - drop the masked `typedef` loop from `Msg.__subclasses__()`. - for add an `expect_roundtrip: bool` and use to jump into debugger when any expectation doesn't match the outcome. - use new `MsgCodec` field names (as per first section above). - ensure the encoded msg matches the decoded one from both the ad-hoc decoder and codec loaded values. - ensure the pld checking is only applied to msgs in the `types._payload_spec_msgs` set by `typef.__name__` filtering since `mk_msg_spec()` now returns the full `.types.Msg` set.
2024-03-29 22:46:37 +00:00
f'payload_type: {payload_spec}\n'
Init def of "SC shuttle prot" with "msg-spec-limiting" As per the long outstanding GH issue this starts our rigorous journey into an attempt at a type-safe, cross-actor SC, IPC protocol Bo boop -> The idea is to "formally" define our SC "shuttle (dialog) protocol" by specifying a new `.msg.types.Msg` subtype-set which can fully encapsulate all IPC msg schemas needed in order to accomplish cross-process SC! The msg set deviated a little in terms of (type) names from the existing `dict`-msgs currently used in the runtime impl but, I think the name changes are much better in terms of explicitly representing the internal semantics of the actor runtime machinery/subsystems and the IPC-msg-dialog required for SC enforced RPC. ------ - ------ In cursory, the new formal msgs-spec includes the following msg-subtypes of a new top-level `Msg` boxing type (that holds the base field schema for all msgs): - `Start` to request RPC task scheduling by passing a `FuncSpec` payload (to replace the currently used `{'cmd': ... }` dict msg impl) - `StartAck` to allow the RPC task callee-side to report a `IpcCtxSpec` payload immediately back to the caller (currently responded naively via a `{'functype': ... }` msg) - `Started` to deliver the first value from `Context.started()` (instead of the existing `{'started': ... }`) - `Yield` to shuttle `MsgStream.send()`-ed values (instead of our `{'yield': ... }`) - `Stop` to terminate a `Context.open_stream()` session/block (over `{'stop': True }`) - `Return` to deliver the final value from the `Actor.start_remote_task()` (which is a `{'return': ... }`) - `Error` to box `RemoteActorError` exceptions via a `.pld: ErrorData` payload, planned to replace/extend the current `RemoteActorError.msgdata` mechanism internal to `._exceptions.pack/unpack_error()` The new `tractor.msg.types` includes all the above msg defs as well an API for rendering a "payload type specification" using a `payload_type_spec: Union[Type]` that can be passed to `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(type=payload_type_spec)`. This ensures that (for a subset of the above msg set) `Msg.pld: PayloadT` data is type-parameterized using `msgspec`'s new `Generic[PayloadT]` field support and thus enables providing for an API where IPC `Context` dialogs can strictly define the allowed payload-datatype-set via type union! Iow, this is the foundation for supporting `Channel`/`Context`/`MsgStream` IPC primitives which are type checked/safe as desired in GH issue: - Misc notes on current impl(s) status: ------ - ------ - add a `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` which uses the new `msgspec` support for `class MyStruct[Struct, Generic[T]]` parameterize-able fields and delivers our boxing SC-msg-(sub)set with the desired `payload_types` applied to `.pld`: - - as a note this impl seems to need to use `type.new_class()` dynamic subtype generation, though i don't really get *why* still.. but without that the `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` doesn't seem to reject `.pld` limited `Msg` subtypes as demonstrated in the new test. - around this ^ add a `.msg._codec.limit_msg_spec()` cm which exposes this payload type limiting API such that it can be applied per task via a `MsgCodec` in app code. - the orig approach in was the idea of making payload fields `.pld: Raw` wherein we could have per-field/sub-msg decoders dynamically loaded depending on the particular application-layer schema in use. I don't want to lose the idea of this since I think it might be useful for an idea I have about capability-based-fields(-sharing, maybe using field-subset encryption?), and as such i've kept the (ostensibly) working impls in TODO-comments in `.msg._codec` wherein maybe we can add a `MsgCodec._payload_decs: dict` table for this later on. |_ also left in the `.msg.types.enc/decmsg()` impls but renamed as `enc/dec_payload()` (but reworked to not rely on the lifo codec stack tables; now removed) such that we can prolly move them to `MsgCodec` methods in the future. - add an unused `._codec.mk_tagged_union_dec()` helper which was originally factored out the #311 proto-code but didn't end up working as desired with the new parameterized generic fields approach (now in `msg.types.mk_msg_spec()`) Testing/deps work: ------ - ------ - new `test_limit_msgspec()` which ensures all the `.types` content is correct but without using the wrapping APIs in `._codec`; i.e. using a in-line `Decoder` instead of a `MsgCodec`. - pin us to `msgspec>=0.18.5` which has the needed generic-types support (which took me way too long yester to figure out when implementing all this XD)!
2024-03-28 14:45:01 +00:00
Be mega pedantic with msg-spec building Turns out the generics based payload speccing API, as in, DOES WORK properly as long as we don't rely on inheritance from `Msg` a parent `Generic`.. So let's get real pedantic in the `mk_msg_spec()` internals as well as verification in the test suite! Fixes in `.msg.types`: - implement (as part of tinker testing) multiple spec union building methods via a `spec_build_method: str` to `mk_msg_spec()` and leave a buncha notes around what did and didn't work: - 'indexed_generics' is the only method THAT WORKS and the one that you'd expect being closest to the `msgspec` docs (link above). - 'defstruct' using dynamically defined msgs => doesn't work! - 'types_new_class' using dynamically defined msgs but with `types.new_clas()` => ALSO doesn't work.. - explicitly separate the `.pld` type-constrainable by user code msg set into `types._payload_spec_msgs` putting the others in a `types._runtime_spec_msgs` and the full set defined as `.__spec__` (moving it out of the pkg-mod and back to `.types` as well). - for the `_payload_spec_msgs` msgs manually make them inherit `Generic[PayloadT]` and (redunantly) define a `.pld: PayloadT` field. - make `IpcCtxSpec.functype` an in line `Literal`. - toss in some TODO notes about choosing a better `Msg.cid` type. Fixes/tweaks around `.msg._codec`: - rename `MsgCodec.ipc/pld_msg_spec` -> `.msg/pld_spec` - make `._enc/._dec` non optional fields - wow, ^facepalm^ , make sure `._ipc.MsgpackTCPStream.__init__()` uses `mk_codec()` since `MsgCodec` can't be (easily) constructed directly. Get more detailed in testing: - inside the `chk_pld_type()` helper ensure `roundtrip` is always set to some value, `None` by default but a bool depending on legit outcome. - drop input `generic`; no longer used. - drop the masked `typedef` loop from `Msg.__subclasses__()`. - for add an `expect_roundtrip: bool` and use to jump into debugger when any expectation doesn't match the outcome. - use new `MsgCodec` field names (as per first section above). - ensure the encoded msg matches the decoded one from both the ad-hoc decoder and codec loaded values. - ensure the pld checking is only applied to msgs in the `types._payload_spec_msgs` set by `typef.__name__` filtering since `mk_msg_spec()` now returns the full `.types.Msg` set.
2024-03-29 22:46:37 +00:00
# full code decode should always be attempted!
if roundtrip is None:
Init def of "SC shuttle prot" with "msg-spec-limiting" As per the long outstanding GH issue this starts our rigorous journey into an attempt at a type-safe, cross-actor SC, IPC protocol Bo boop -> The idea is to "formally" define our SC "shuttle (dialog) protocol" by specifying a new `.msg.types.Msg` subtype-set which can fully encapsulate all IPC msg schemas needed in order to accomplish cross-process SC! The msg set deviated a little in terms of (type) names from the existing `dict`-msgs currently used in the runtime impl but, I think the name changes are much better in terms of explicitly representing the internal semantics of the actor runtime machinery/subsystems and the IPC-msg-dialog required for SC enforced RPC. ------ - ------ In cursory, the new formal msgs-spec includes the following msg-subtypes of a new top-level `Msg` boxing type (that holds the base field schema for all msgs): - `Start` to request RPC task scheduling by passing a `FuncSpec` payload (to replace the currently used `{'cmd': ... }` dict msg impl) - `StartAck` to allow the RPC task callee-side to report a `IpcCtxSpec` payload immediately back to the caller (currently responded naively via a `{'functype': ... }` msg) - `Started` to deliver the first value from `Context.started()` (instead of the existing `{'started': ... }`) - `Yield` to shuttle `MsgStream.send()`-ed values (instead of our `{'yield': ... }`) - `Stop` to terminate a `Context.open_stream()` session/block (over `{'stop': True }`) - `Return` to deliver the final value from the `Actor.start_remote_task()` (which is a `{'return': ... }`) - `Error` to box `RemoteActorError` exceptions via a `.pld: ErrorData` payload, planned to replace/extend the current `RemoteActorError.msgdata` mechanism internal to `._exceptions.pack/unpack_error()` The new `tractor.msg.types` includes all the above msg defs as well an API for rendering a "payload type specification" using a `payload_type_spec: Union[Type]` that can be passed to `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(type=payload_type_spec)`. This ensures that (for a subset of the above msg set) `Msg.pld: PayloadT` data is type-parameterized using `msgspec`'s new `Generic[PayloadT]` field support and thus enables providing for an API where IPC `Context` dialogs can strictly define the allowed payload-datatype-set via type union! Iow, this is the foundation for supporting `Channel`/`Context`/`MsgStream` IPC primitives which are type checked/safe as desired in GH issue: - Misc notes on current impl(s) status: ------ - ------ - add a `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` which uses the new `msgspec` support for `class MyStruct[Struct, Generic[T]]` parameterize-able fields and delivers our boxing SC-msg-(sub)set with the desired `payload_types` applied to `.pld`: - - as a note this impl seems to need to use `type.new_class()` dynamic subtype generation, though i don't really get *why* still.. but without that the `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` doesn't seem to reject `.pld` limited `Msg` subtypes as demonstrated in the new test. - around this ^ add a `.msg._codec.limit_msg_spec()` cm which exposes this payload type limiting API such that it can be applied per task via a `MsgCodec` in app code. - the orig approach in was the idea of making payload fields `.pld: Raw` wherein we could have per-field/sub-msg decoders dynamically loaded depending on the particular application-layer schema in use. I don't want to lose the idea of this since I think it might be useful for an idea I have about capability-based-fields(-sharing, maybe using field-subset encryption?), and as such i've kept the (ostensibly) working impls in TODO-comments in `.msg._codec` wherein maybe we can add a `MsgCodec._payload_decs: dict` table for this later on. |_ also left in the `.msg.types.enc/decmsg()` impls but renamed as `enc/dec_payload()` (but reworked to not rely on the lifo codec stack tables; now removed) such that we can prolly move them to `MsgCodec` methods in the future. - add an unused `._codec.mk_tagged_union_dec()` helper which was originally factored out the #311 proto-code but didn't end up working as desired with the new parameterized generic fields approach (now in `msg.types.mk_msg_spec()`) Testing/deps work: ------ - ------ - new `test_limit_msgspec()` which ensures all the `.types` content is correct but without using the wrapping APIs in `._codec`; i.e. using a in-line `Decoder` instead of a `MsgCodec`. - pin us to `msgspec>=0.18.5` which has the needed generic-types support (which took me way too long yester to figure out when implementing all this XD)!
2024-03-28 14:45:01 +00:00
Be mega pedantic with msg-spec building Turns out the generics based payload speccing API, as in, DOES WORK properly as long as we don't rely on inheritance from `Msg` a parent `Generic`.. So let's get real pedantic in the `mk_msg_spec()` internals as well as verification in the test suite! Fixes in `.msg.types`: - implement (as part of tinker testing) multiple spec union building methods via a `spec_build_method: str` to `mk_msg_spec()` and leave a buncha notes around what did and didn't work: - 'indexed_generics' is the only method THAT WORKS and the one that you'd expect being closest to the `msgspec` docs (link above). - 'defstruct' using dynamically defined msgs => doesn't work! - 'types_new_class' using dynamically defined msgs but with `types.new_clas()` => ALSO doesn't work.. - explicitly separate the `.pld` type-constrainable by user code msg set into `types._payload_spec_msgs` putting the others in a `types._runtime_spec_msgs` and the full set defined as `.__spec__` (moving it out of the pkg-mod and back to `.types` as well). - for the `_payload_spec_msgs` msgs manually make them inherit `Generic[PayloadT]` and (redunantly) define a `.pld: PayloadT` field. - make `IpcCtxSpec.functype` an in line `Literal`. - toss in some TODO notes about choosing a better `Msg.cid` type. Fixes/tweaks around `.msg._codec`: - rename `MsgCodec.ipc/pld_msg_spec` -> `.msg/pld_spec` - make `._enc/._dec` non optional fields - wow, ^facepalm^ , make sure `._ipc.MsgpackTCPStream.__init__()` uses `mk_codec()` since `MsgCodec` can't be (easily) constructed directly. Get more detailed in testing: - inside the `chk_pld_type()` helper ensure `roundtrip` is always set to some value, `None` by default but a bool depending on legit outcome. - drop input `generic`; no longer used. - drop the masked `typedef` loop from `Msg.__subclasses__()`. - for add an `expect_roundtrip: bool` and use to jump into debugger when any expectation doesn't match the outcome. - use new `MsgCodec` field names (as per first section above). - ensure the encoded msg matches the decoded one from both the ad-hoc decoder and codec loaded values. - ensure the pld checking is only applied to msgs in the `types._payload_spec_msgs` set by `typef.__name__` filtering since `mk_msg_spec()` now returns the full `.types.Msg` set.
2024-03-29 22:46:37 +00:00
return roundtrip
Init def of "SC shuttle prot" with "msg-spec-limiting" As per the long outstanding GH issue this starts our rigorous journey into an attempt at a type-safe, cross-actor SC, IPC protocol Bo boop -> The idea is to "formally" define our SC "shuttle (dialog) protocol" by specifying a new `.msg.types.Msg` subtype-set which can fully encapsulate all IPC msg schemas needed in order to accomplish cross-process SC! The msg set deviated a little in terms of (type) names from the existing `dict`-msgs currently used in the runtime impl but, I think the name changes are much better in terms of explicitly representing the internal semantics of the actor runtime machinery/subsystems and the IPC-msg-dialog required for SC enforced RPC. ------ - ------ In cursory, the new formal msgs-spec includes the following msg-subtypes of a new top-level `Msg` boxing type (that holds the base field schema for all msgs): - `Start` to request RPC task scheduling by passing a `FuncSpec` payload (to replace the currently used `{'cmd': ... }` dict msg impl) - `StartAck` to allow the RPC task callee-side to report a `IpcCtxSpec` payload immediately back to the caller (currently responded naively via a `{'functype': ... }` msg) - `Started` to deliver the first value from `Context.started()` (instead of the existing `{'started': ... }`) - `Yield` to shuttle `MsgStream.send()`-ed values (instead of our `{'yield': ... }`) - `Stop` to terminate a `Context.open_stream()` session/block (over `{'stop': True }`) - `Return` to deliver the final value from the `Actor.start_remote_task()` (which is a `{'return': ... }`) - `Error` to box `RemoteActorError` exceptions via a `.pld: ErrorData` payload, planned to replace/extend the current `RemoteActorError.msgdata` mechanism internal to `._exceptions.pack/unpack_error()` The new `tractor.msg.types` includes all the above msg defs as well an API for rendering a "payload type specification" using a `payload_type_spec: Union[Type]` that can be passed to `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(type=payload_type_spec)`. This ensures that (for a subset of the above msg set) `Msg.pld: PayloadT` data is type-parameterized using `msgspec`'s new `Generic[PayloadT]` field support and thus enables providing for an API where IPC `Context` dialogs can strictly define the allowed payload-datatype-set via type union! Iow, this is the foundation for supporting `Channel`/`Context`/`MsgStream` IPC primitives which are type checked/safe as desired in GH issue: - Misc notes on current impl(s) status: ------ - ------ - add a `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` which uses the new `msgspec` support for `class MyStruct[Struct, Generic[T]]` parameterize-able fields and delivers our boxing SC-msg-(sub)set with the desired `payload_types` applied to `.pld`: - - as a note this impl seems to need to use `type.new_class()` dynamic subtype generation, though i don't really get *why* still.. but without that the `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` doesn't seem to reject `.pld` limited `Msg` subtypes as demonstrated in the new test. - around this ^ add a `.msg._codec.limit_msg_spec()` cm which exposes this payload type limiting API such that it can be applied per task via a `MsgCodec` in app code. - the orig approach in was the idea of making payload fields `.pld: Raw` wherein we could have per-field/sub-msg decoders dynamically loaded depending on the particular application-layer schema in use. I don't want to lose the idea of this since I think it might be useful for an idea I have about capability-based-fields(-sharing, maybe using field-subset encryption?), and as such i've kept the (ostensibly) working impls in TODO-comments in `.msg._codec` wherein maybe we can add a `MsgCodec._payload_decs: dict` table for this later on. |_ also left in the `.msg.types.enc/decmsg()` impls but renamed as `enc/dec_payload()` (but reworked to not rely on the lifo codec stack tables; now removed) such that we can prolly move them to `MsgCodec` methods in the future. - add an unused `._codec.mk_tagged_union_dec()` helper which was originally factored out the #311 proto-code but didn't end up working as desired with the new parameterized generic fields approach (now in `msg.types.mk_msg_spec()`) Testing/deps work: ------ - ------ - new `test_limit_msgspec()` which ensures all the `.types` content is correct but without using the wrapping APIs in `._codec`; i.e. using a in-line `Decoder` instead of a `MsgCodec`. - pin us to `msgspec>=0.18.5` which has the needed generic-types support (which took me way too long yester to figure out when implementing all this XD)!
2024-03-28 14:45:01 +00:00
def test_limit_msgspec():
async def main():
async with tractor.open_root_actor(
Hack `asyncio` to not abandon a guest-mode run? Took me a while to figure out what the heck was going on but, turns out `asyncio` changed their SIGINT handling in 3.11 as per: I'm not entirely sure if it's the 3.11 changes or possibly wtv further updates were made in 3.12 but more or less due to the way our current main task was written the `trio` guest-run was getting abandoned on SIGINTs sent from the OS to the infected child proc.. Note that much of the bug and soln cases are layed out in very detailed comment-notes both in the new test and `run_as_asyncio_guest()`, right above the final "fix" lines. Add new `test_infected_aio.test_sigint_closes_lifetime_stack()` test suite which reliably triggers all abandonment issues with multiple cases of different parent behaviour post-sending-SIGINT-to-child: 1. briefly sleep then raise a KBI in the parent which was originally demonstrating the file leak not being cleaned up by `Actor.lifetime_stack.close()` and simulates a ctl-c from the console (relayed in tandem by the OS to the parent and child processes). 2. do `Context.wait_for_result()` on the child context which would hang and timeout since the actor runtime would never complete and thus never relay a `ContextCancelled`. 3. both with and without running a `asyncio` task in the `manage_file` child actor; originally it seemed that with an aio task scheduled in the child actor the guest-run abandonment always was the "loud" case where there seemed to be some actor teardown but with tbs from python failing to gracefully exit the `trio` runtime.. The (seemingly working) "fix" required 2 lines of code to be run inside a `asyncio.CancelledError` handler around the call to `await trio_done_fut`: - `Actor.cancel_soon()` which schedules the actor runtime to cancel on the next `trio` runner cycle and results in a "self cancellation" of the actor. - "pumping the `asyncio` event loop" with a non-0 `.sleep(0.1)` XD |_ seems that a "shielded" pump with some actual `delay: float >= 0` did the trick to get `asyncio` to allow the `trio` runner/loop to fully complete its guest-run without abandonment. Other supporting changes: - move `._exceptions.AsyncioCancelled`, our renamed `asyncio.CancelledError` error-sub-type-wrapper, to `.to_asyncio` and make it derive from `CancelledError` so as to be sure when raised by our `asyncio` x-> `trio` exception relay machinery that `asyncio` is getting the specific type it expects during cancellation. - do "summary status" style logging in `run_as_asyncio_guest()` wherein we compile the eventual `startup_msg: str` emitted just before waiting on the `trio_done_fut`. - shield-wait with `out: Outcome = await asyncio.shield(trio_done_fut)` even though it seems to do nothing in the SIGINT handling case..(I presume it might help avoid abandonment in a `asyncio.Task.cancel()` case maybe?)
2024-06-24 17:52:19 +00:00
# ensure we can round-trip a boxing `PayloadMsg`
Init def of "SC shuttle prot" with "msg-spec-limiting" As per the long outstanding GH issue this starts our rigorous journey into an attempt at a type-safe, cross-actor SC, IPC protocol Bo boop -> The idea is to "formally" define our SC "shuttle (dialog) protocol" by specifying a new `.msg.types.Msg` subtype-set which can fully encapsulate all IPC msg schemas needed in order to accomplish cross-process SC! The msg set deviated a little in terms of (type) names from the existing `dict`-msgs currently used in the runtime impl but, I think the name changes are much better in terms of explicitly representing the internal semantics of the actor runtime machinery/subsystems and the IPC-msg-dialog required for SC enforced RPC. ------ - ------ In cursory, the new formal msgs-spec includes the following msg-subtypes of a new top-level `Msg` boxing type (that holds the base field schema for all msgs): - `Start` to request RPC task scheduling by passing a `FuncSpec` payload (to replace the currently used `{'cmd': ... }` dict msg impl) - `StartAck` to allow the RPC task callee-side to report a `IpcCtxSpec` payload immediately back to the caller (currently responded naively via a `{'functype': ... }` msg) - `Started` to deliver the first value from `Context.started()` (instead of the existing `{'started': ... }`) - `Yield` to shuttle `MsgStream.send()`-ed values (instead of our `{'yield': ... }`) - `Stop` to terminate a `Context.open_stream()` session/block (over `{'stop': True }`) - `Return` to deliver the final value from the `Actor.start_remote_task()` (which is a `{'return': ... }`) - `Error` to box `RemoteActorError` exceptions via a `.pld: ErrorData` payload, planned to replace/extend the current `RemoteActorError.msgdata` mechanism internal to `._exceptions.pack/unpack_error()` The new `tractor.msg.types` includes all the above msg defs as well an API for rendering a "payload type specification" using a `payload_type_spec: Union[Type]` that can be passed to `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(type=payload_type_spec)`. This ensures that (for a subset of the above msg set) `Msg.pld: PayloadT` data is type-parameterized using `msgspec`'s new `Generic[PayloadT]` field support and thus enables providing for an API where IPC `Context` dialogs can strictly define the allowed payload-datatype-set via type union! Iow, this is the foundation for supporting `Channel`/`Context`/`MsgStream` IPC primitives which are type checked/safe as desired in GH issue: - Misc notes on current impl(s) status: ------ - ------ - add a `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` which uses the new `msgspec` support for `class MyStruct[Struct, Generic[T]]` parameterize-able fields and delivers our boxing SC-msg-(sub)set with the desired `payload_types` applied to `.pld`: - - as a note this impl seems to need to use `type.new_class()` dynamic subtype generation, though i don't really get *why* still.. but without that the `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` doesn't seem to reject `.pld` limited `Msg` subtypes as demonstrated in the new test. - around this ^ add a `.msg._codec.limit_msg_spec()` cm which exposes this payload type limiting API such that it can be applied per task via a `MsgCodec` in app code. - the orig approach in was the idea of making payload fields `.pld: Raw` wherein we could have per-field/sub-msg decoders dynamically loaded depending on the particular application-layer schema in use. I don't want to lose the idea of this since I think it might be useful for an idea I have about capability-based-fields(-sharing, maybe using field-subset encryption?), and as such i've kept the (ostensibly) working impls in TODO-comments in `.msg._codec` wherein maybe we can add a `MsgCodec._payload_decs: dict` table for this later on. |_ also left in the `.msg.types.enc/decmsg()` impls but renamed as `enc/dec_payload()` (but reworked to not rely on the lifo codec stack tables; now removed) such that we can prolly move them to `MsgCodec` methods in the future. - add an unused `._codec.mk_tagged_union_dec()` helper which was originally factored out the #311 proto-code but didn't end up working as desired with the new parameterized generic fields approach (now in `msg.types.mk_msg_spec()`) Testing/deps work: ------ - ------ - new `test_limit_msgspec()` which ensures all the `.types` content is correct but without using the wrapping APIs in `._codec`; i.e. using a in-line `Decoder` instead of a `MsgCodec`. - pin us to `msgspec>=0.18.5` which has the needed generic-types support (which took me way too long yester to figure out when implementing all this XD)!
2024-03-28 14:45:01 +00:00
assert chk_pld_type(
Hack `asyncio` to not abandon a guest-mode run? Took me a while to figure out what the heck was going on but, turns out `asyncio` changed their SIGINT handling in 3.11 as per: I'm not entirely sure if it's the 3.11 changes or possibly wtv further updates were made in 3.12 but more or less due to the way our current main task was written the `trio` guest-run was getting abandoned on SIGINTs sent from the OS to the infected child proc.. Note that much of the bug and soln cases are layed out in very detailed comment-notes both in the new test and `run_as_asyncio_guest()`, right above the final "fix" lines. Add new `test_infected_aio.test_sigint_closes_lifetime_stack()` test suite which reliably triggers all abandonment issues with multiple cases of different parent behaviour post-sending-SIGINT-to-child: 1. briefly sleep then raise a KBI in the parent which was originally demonstrating the file leak not being cleaned up by `Actor.lifetime_stack.close()` and simulates a ctl-c from the console (relayed in tandem by the OS to the parent and child processes). 2. do `Context.wait_for_result()` on the child context which would hang and timeout since the actor runtime would never complete and thus never relay a `ContextCancelled`. 3. both with and without running a `asyncio` task in the `manage_file` child actor; originally it seemed that with an aio task scheduled in the child actor the guest-run abandonment always was the "loud" case where there seemed to be some actor teardown but with tbs from python failing to gracefully exit the `trio` runtime.. The (seemingly working) "fix" required 2 lines of code to be run inside a `asyncio.CancelledError` handler around the call to `await trio_done_fut`: - `Actor.cancel_soon()` which schedules the actor runtime to cancel on the next `trio` runner cycle and results in a "self cancellation" of the actor. - "pumping the `asyncio` event loop" with a non-0 `.sleep(0.1)` XD |_ seems that a "shielded" pump with some actual `delay: float >= 0` did the trick to get `asyncio` to allow the `trio` runner/loop to fully complete its guest-run without abandonment. Other supporting changes: - move `._exceptions.AsyncioCancelled`, our renamed `asyncio.CancelledError` error-sub-type-wrapper, to `.to_asyncio` and make it derive from `CancelledError` so as to be sure when raised by our `asyncio` x-> `trio` exception relay machinery that `asyncio` is getting the specific type it expects during cancellation. - do "summary status" style logging in `run_as_asyncio_guest()` wherein we compile the eventual `startup_msg: str` emitted just before waiting on the `trio_done_fut`. - shield-wait with `out: Outcome = await asyncio.shield(trio_done_fut)` even though it seems to do nothing in the SIGINT handling case..(I presume it might help avoid abandonment in a `asyncio.Task.cancel()` case maybe?)
2024-06-24 17:52:19 +00:00
Be mega pedantic with msg-spec building Turns out the generics based payload speccing API, as in, DOES WORK properly as long as we don't rely on inheritance from `Msg` a parent `Generic`.. So let's get real pedantic in the `mk_msg_spec()` internals as well as verification in the test suite! Fixes in `.msg.types`: - implement (as part of tinker testing) multiple spec union building methods via a `spec_build_method: str` to `mk_msg_spec()` and leave a buncha notes around what did and didn't work: - 'indexed_generics' is the only method THAT WORKS and the one that you'd expect being closest to the `msgspec` docs (link above). - 'defstruct' using dynamically defined msgs => doesn't work! - 'types_new_class' using dynamically defined msgs but with `types.new_clas()` => ALSO doesn't work.. - explicitly separate the `.pld` type-constrainable by user code msg set into `types._payload_spec_msgs` putting the others in a `types._runtime_spec_msgs` and the full set defined as `.__spec__` (moving it out of the pkg-mod and back to `.types` as well). - for the `_payload_spec_msgs` msgs manually make them inherit `Generic[PayloadT]` and (redunantly) define a `.pld: PayloadT` field. - make `IpcCtxSpec.functype` an in line `Literal`. - toss in some TODO notes about choosing a better `Msg.cid` type. Fixes/tweaks around `.msg._codec`: - rename `MsgCodec.ipc/pld_msg_spec` -> `.msg/pld_spec` - make `._enc/._dec` non optional fields - wow, ^facepalm^ , make sure `._ipc.MsgpackTCPStream.__init__()` uses `mk_codec()` since `MsgCodec` can't be (easily) constructed directly. Get more detailed in testing: - inside the `chk_pld_type()` helper ensure `roundtrip` is always set to some value, `None` by default but a bool depending on legit outcome. - drop input `generic`; no longer used. - drop the masked `typedef` loop from `Msg.__subclasses__()`. - for add an `expect_roundtrip: bool` and use to jump into debugger when any expectation doesn't match the outcome. - use new `MsgCodec` field names (as per first section above). - ensure the encoded msg matches the decoded one from both the ad-hoc decoder and codec loaded values. - ensure the pld checking is only applied to msgs in the `types._payload_spec_msgs` set by `typef.__name__` filtering since `mk_msg_spec()` now returns the full `.types.Msg` set.
2024-03-29 22:46:37 +00:00
Init def of "SC shuttle prot" with "msg-spec-limiting" As per the long outstanding GH issue this starts our rigorous journey into an attempt at a type-safe, cross-actor SC, IPC protocol Bo boop -> The idea is to "formally" define our SC "shuttle (dialog) protocol" by specifying a new `.msg.types.Msg` subtype-set which can fully encapsulate all IPC msg schemas needed in order to accomplish cross-process SC! The msg set deviated a little in terms of (type) names from the existing `dict`-msgs currently used in the runtime impl but, I think the name changes are much better in terms of explicitly representing the internal semantics of the actor runtime machinery/subsystems and the IPC-msg-dialog required for SC enforced RPC. ------ - ------ In cursory, the new formal msgs-spec includes the following msg-subtypes of a new top-level `Msg` boxing type (that holds the base field schema for all msgs): - `Start` to request RPC task scheduling by passing a `FuncSpec` payload (to replace the currently used `{'cmd': ... }` dict msg impl) - `StartAck` to allow the RPC task callee-side to report a `IpcCtxSpec` payload immediately back to the caller (currently responded naively via a `{'functype': ... }` msg) - `Started` to deliver the first value from `Context.started()` (instead of the existing `{'started': ... }`) - `Yield` to shuttle `MsgStream.send()`-ed values (instead of our `{'yield': ... }`) - `Stop` to terminate a `Context.open_stream()` session/block (over `{'stop': True }`) - `Return` to deliver the final value from the `Actor.start_remote_task()` (which is a `{'return': ... }`) - `Error` to box `RemoteActorError` exceptions via a `.pld: ErrorData` payload, planned to replace/extend the current `RemoteActorError.msgdata` mechanism internal to `._exceptions.pack/unpack_error()` The new `tractor.msg.types` includes all the above msg defs as well an API for rendering a "payload type specification" using a `payload_type_spec: Union[Type]` that can be passed to `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(type=payload_type_spec)`. This ensures that (for a subset of the above msg set) `Msg.pld: PayloadT` data is type-parameterized using `msgspec`'s new `Generic[PayloadT]` field support and thus enables providing for an API where IPC `Context` dialogs can strictly define the allowed payload-datatype-set via type union! Iow, this is the foundation for supporting `Channel`/`Context`/`MsgStream` IPC primitives which are type checked/safe as desired in GH issue: - Misc notes on current impl(s) status: ------ - ------ - add a `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` which uses the new `msgspec` support for `class MyStruct[Struct, Generic[T]]` parameterize-able fields and delivers our boxing SC-msg-(sub)set with the desired `payload_types` applied to `.pld`: - - as a note this impl seems to need to use `type.new_class()` dynamic subtype generation, though i don't really get *why* still.. but without that the `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` doesn't seem to reject `.pld` limited `Msg` subtypes as demonstrated in the new test. - around this ^ add a `.msg._codec.limit_msg_spec()` cm which exposes this payload type limiting API such that it can be applied per task via a `MsgCodec` in app code. - the orig approach in was the idea of making payload fields `.pld: Raw` wherein we could have per-field/sub-msg decoders dynamically loaded depending on the particular application-layer schema in use. I don't want to lose the idea of this since I think it might be useful for an idea I have about capability-based-fields(-sharing, maybe using field-subset encryption?), and as such i've kept the (ostensibly) working impls in TODO-comments in `.msg._codec` wherein maybe we can add a `MsgCodec._payload_decs: dict` table for this later on. |_ also left in the `.msg.types.enc/decmsg()` impls but renamed as `enc/dec_payload()` (but reworked to not rely on the lifo codec stack tables; now removed) such that we can prolly move them to `MsgCodec` methods in the future. - add an unused `._codec.mk_tagged_union_dec()` helper which was originally factored out the #311 proto-code but didn't end up working as desired with the new parameterized generic fields approach (now in `msg.types.mk_msg_spec()`) Testing/deps work: ------ - ------ - new `test_limit_msgspec()` which ensures all the `.types` content is correct but without using the wrapping APIs in `._codec`; i.e. using a in-line `Decoder` instead of a `MsgCodec`. - pin us to `msgspec>=0.18.5` which has the needed generic-types support (which took me way too long yester to figure out when implementing all this XD)!
2024-03-28 14:45:01 +00:00
# verify that a mis-typed payload value won't decode
assert not chk_pld_type(
Hack `asyncio` to not abandon a guest-mode run? Took me a while to figure out what the heck was going on but, turns out `asyncio` changed their SIGINT handling in 3.11 as per: I'm not entirely sure if it's the 3.11 changes or possibly wtv further updates were made in 3.12 but more or less due to the way our current main task was written the `trio` guest-run was getting abandoned on SIGINTs sent from the OS to the infected child proc.. Note that much of the bug and soln cases are layed out in very detailed comment-notes both in the new test and `run_as_asyncio_guest()`, right above the final "fix" lines. Add new `test_infected_aio.test_sigint_closes_lifetime_stack()` test suite which reliably triggers all abandonment issues with multiple cases of different parent behaviour post-sending-SIGINT-to-child: 1. briefly sleep then raise a KBI in the parent which was originally demonstrating the file leak not being cleaned up by `Actor.lifetime_stack.close()` and simulates a ctl-c from the console (relayed in tandem by the OS to the parent and child processes). 2. do `Context.wait_for_result()` on the child context which would hang and timeout since the actor runtime would never complete and thus never relay a `ContextCancelled`. 3. both with and without running a `asyncio` task in the `manage_file` child actor; originally it seemed that with an aio task scheduled in the child actor the guest-run abandonment always was the "loud" case where there seemed to be some actor teardown but with tbs from python failing to gracefully exit the `trio` runtime.. The (seemingly working) "fix" required 2 lines of code to be run inside a `asyncio.CancelledError` handler around the call to `await trio_done_fut`: - `Actor.cancel_soon()` which schedules the actor runtime to cancel on the next `trio` runner cycle and results in a "self cancellation" of the actor. - "pumping the `asyncio` event loop" with a non-0 `.sleep(0.1)` XD |_ seems that a "shielded" pump with some actual `delay: float >= 0` did the trick to get `asyncio` to allow the `trio` runner/loop to fully complete its guest-run without abandonment. Other supporting changes: - move `._exceptions.AsyncioCancelled`, our renamed `asyncio.CancelledError` error-sub-type-wrapper, to `.to_asyncio` and make it derive from `CancelledError` so as to be sure when raised by our `asyncio` x-> `trio` exception relay machinery that `asyncio` is getting the specific type it expects during cancellation. - do "summary status" style logging in `run_as_asyncio_guest()` wherein we compile the eventual `startup_msg: str` emitted just before waiting on the `trio_done_fut`. - shield-wait with `out: Outcome = await asyncio.shield(trio_done_fut)` even though it seems to do nothing in the SIGINT handling case..(I presume it might help avoid abandonment in a `asyncio.Task.cancel()` case maybe?)
2024-06-24 17:52:19 +00:00
Init def of "SC shuttle prot" with "msg-spec-limiting" As per the long outstanding GH issue this starts our rigorous journey into an attempt at a type-safe, cross-actor SC, IPC protocol Bo boop -> The idea is to "formally" define our SC "shuttle (dialog) protocol" by specifying a new `.msg.types.Msg` subtype-set which can fully encapsulate all IPC msg schemas needed in order to accomplish cross-process SC! The msg set deviated a little in terms of (type) names from the existing `dict`-msgs currently used in the runtime impl but, I think the name changes are much better in terms of explicitly representing the internal semantics of the actor runtime machinery/subsystems and the IPC-msg-dialog required for SC enforced RPC. ------ - ------ In cursory, the new formal msgs-spec includes the following msg-subtypes of a new top-level `Msg` boxing type (that holds the base field schema for all msgs): - `Start` to request RPC task scheduling by passing a `FuncSpec` payload (to replace the currently used `{'cmd': ... }` dict msg impl) - `StartAck` to allow the RPC task callee-side to report a `IpcCtxSpec` payload immediately back to the caller (currently responded naively via a `{'functype': ... }` msg) - `Started` to deliver the first value from `Context.started()` (instead of the existing `{'started': ... }`) - `Yield` to shuttle `MsgStream.send()`-ed values (instead of our `{'yield': ... }`) - `Stop` to terminate a `Context.open_stream()` session/block (over `{'stop': True }`) - `Return` to deliver the final value from the `Actor.start_remote_task()` (which is a `{'return': ... }`) - `Error` to box `RemoteActorError` exceptions via a `.pld: ErrorData` payload, planned to replace/extend the current `RemoteActorError.msgdata` mechanism internal to `._exceptions.pack/unpack_error()` The new `tractor.msg.types` includes all the above msg defs as well an API for rendering a "payload type specification" using a `payload_type_spec: Union[Type]` that can be passed to `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(type=payload_type_spec)`. This ensures that (for a subset of the above msg set) `Msg.pld: PayloadT` data is type-parameterized using `msgspec`'s new `Generic[PayloadT]` field support and thus enables providing for an API where IPC `Context` dialogs can strictly define the allowed payload-datatype-set via type union! Iow, this is the foundation for supporting `Channel`/`Context`/`MsgStream` IPC primitives which are type checked/safe as desired in GH issue: - Misc notes on current impl(s) status: ------ - ------ - add a `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` which uses the new `msgspec` support for `class MyStruct[Struct, Generic[T]]` parameterize-able fields and delivers our boxing SC-msg-(sub)set with the desired `payload_types` applied to `.pld`: - - as a note this impl seems to need to use `type.new_class()` dynamic subtype generation, though i don't really get *why* still.. but without that the `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` doesn't seem to reject `.pld` limited `Msg` subtypes as demonstrated in the new test. - around this ^ add a `.msg._codec.limit_msg_spec()` cm which exposes this payload type limiting API such that it can be applied per task via a `MsgCodec` in app code. - the orig approach in was the idea of making payload fields `.pld: Raw` wherein we could have per-field/sub-msg decoders dynamically loaded depending on the particular application-layer schema in use. I don't want to lose the idea of this since I think it might be useful for an idea I have about capability-based-fields(-sharing, maybe using field-subset encryption?), and as such i've kept the (ostensibly) working impls in TODO-comments in `.msg._codec` wherein maybe we can add a `MsgCodec._payload_decs: dict` table for this later on. |_ also left in the `.msg.types.enc/decmsg()` impls but renamed as `enc/dec_payload()` (but reworked to not rely on the lifo codec stack tables; now removed) such that we can prolly move them to `MsgCodec` methods in the future. - add an unused `._codec.mk_tagged_union_dec()` helper which was originally factored out the #311 proto-code but didn't end up working as desired with the new parameterized generic fields approach (now in `msg.types.mk_msg_spec()`) Testing/deps work: ------ - ------ - new `test_limit_msgspec()` which ensures all the `.types` content is correct but without using the wrapping APIs in `._codec`; i.e. using a in-line `Decoder` instead of a `MsgCodec`. - pin us to `msgspec>=0.18.5` which has the needed generic-types support (which took me way too long yester to figure out when implementing all this XD)!
2024-03-28 14:45:01 +00:00
# parametrize the boxed `.pld` type as a custom-struct
# and ensure that parametrization propagates
# to all payload-msg-spec-able subtypes!
class CustomPayload(Struct):
name: str
value: Any
assert not chk_pld_type(
Hack `asyncio` to not abandon a guest-mode run? Took me a while to figure out what the heck was going on but, turns out `asyncio` changed their SIGINT handling in 3.11 as per: I'm not entirely sure if it's the 3.11 changes or possibly wtv further updates were made in 3.12 but more or less due to the way our current main task was written the `trio` guest-run was getting abandoned on SIGINTs sent from the OS to the infected child proc.. Note that much of the bug and soln cases are layed out in very detailed comment-notes both in the new test and `run_as_asyncio_guest()`, right above the final "fix" lines. Add new `test_infected_aio.test_sigint_closes_lifetime_stack()` test suite which reliably triggers all abandonment issues with multiple cases of different parent behaviour post-sending-SIGINT-to-child: 1. briefly sleep then raise a KBI in the parent which was originally demonstrating the file leak not being cleaned up by `Actor.lifetime_stack.close()` and simulates a ctl-c from the console (relayed in tandem by the OS to the parent and child processes). 2. do `Context.wait_for_result()` on the child context which would hang and timeout since the actor runtime would never complete and thus never relay a `ContextCancelled`. 3. both with and without running a `asyncio` task in the `manage_file` child actor; originally it seemed that with an aio task scheduled in the child actor the guest-run abandonment always was the "loud" case where there seemed to be some actor teardown but with tbs from python failing to gracefully exit the `trio` runtime.. The (seemingly working) "fix" required 2 lines of code to be run inside a `asyncio.CancelledError` handler around the call to `await trio_done_fut`: - `Actor.cancel_soon()` which schedules the actor runtime to cancel on the next `trio` runner cycle and results in a "self cancellation" of the actor. - "pumping the `asyncio` event loop" with a non-0 `.sleep(0.1)` XD |_ seems that a "shielded" pump with some actual `delay: float >= 0` did the trick to get `asyncio` to allow the `trio` runner/loop to fully complete its guest-run without abandonment. Other supporting changes: - move `._exceptions.AsyncioCancelled`, our renamed `asyncio.CancelledError` error-sub-type-wrapper, to `.to_asyncio` and make it derive from `CancelledError` so as to be sure when raised by our `asyncio` x-> `trio` exception relay machinery that `asyncio` is getting the specific type it expects during cancellation. - do "summary status" style logging in `run_as_asyncio_guest()` wherein we compile the eventual `startup_msg: str` emitted just before waiting on the `trio_done_fut`. - shield-wait with `out: Outcome = await asyncio.shield(trio_done_fut)` even though it seems to do nothing in the SIGINT handling case..(I presume it might help avoid abandonment in a `asyncio.Task.cancel()` case maybe?)
2024-06-24 17:52:19 +00:00
Init def of "SC shuttle prot" with "msg-spec-limiting" As per the long outstanding GH issue this starts our rigorous journey into an attempt at a type-safe, cross-actor SC, IPC protocol Bo boop -> The idea is to "formally" define our SC "shuttle (dialog) protocol" by specifying a new `.msg.types.Msg` subtype-set which can fully encapsulate all IPC msg schemas needed in order to accomplish cross-process SC! The msg set deviated a little in terms of (type) names from the existing `dict`-msgs currently used in the runtime impl but, I think the name changes are much better in terms of explicitly representing the internal semantics of the actor runtime machinery/subsystems and the IPC-msg-dialog required for SC enforced RPC. ------ - ------ In cursory, the new formal msgs-spec includes the following msg-subtypes of a new top-level `Msg` boxing type (that holds the base field schema for all msgs): - `Start` to request RPC task scheduling by passing a `FuncSpec` payload (to replace the currently used `{'cmd': ... }` dict msg impl) - `StartAck` to allow the RPC task callee-side to report a `IpcCtxSpec` payload immediately back to the caller (currently responded naively via a `{'functype': ... }` msg) - `Started` to deliver the first value from `Context.started()` (instead of the existing `{'started': ... }`) - `Yield` to shuttle `MsgStream.send()`-ed values (instead of our `{'yield': ... }`) - `Stop` to terminate a `Context.open_stream()` session/block (over `{'stop': True }`) - `Return` to deliver the final value from the `Actor.start_remote_task()` (which is a `{'return': ... }`) - `Error` to box `RemoteActorError` exceptions via a `.pld: ErrorData` payload, planned to replace/extend the current `RemoteActorError.msgdata` mechanism internal to `._exceptions.pack/unpack_error()` The new `tractor.msg.types` includes all the above msg defs as well an API for rendering a "payload type specification" using a `payload_type_spec: Union[Type]` that can be passed to `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(type=payload_type_spec)`. This ensures that (for a subset of the above msg set) `Msg.pld: PayloadT` data is type-parameterized using `msgspec`'s new `Generic[PayloadT]` field support and thus enables providing for an API where IPC `Context` dialogs can strictly define the allowed payload-datatype-set via type union! Iow, this is the foundation for supporting `Channel`/`Context`/`MsgStream` IPC primitives which are type checked/safe as desired in GH issue: - Misc notes on current impl(s) status: ------ - ------ - add a `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` which uses the new `msgspec` support for `class MyStruct[Struct, Generic[T]]` parameterize-able fields and delivers our boxing SC-msg-(sub)set with the desired `payload_types` applied to `.pld`: - - as a note this impl seems to need to use `type.new_class()` dynamic subtype generation, though i don't really get *why* still.. but without that the `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` doesn't seem to reject `.pld` limited `Msg` subtypes as demonstrated in the new test. - around this ^ add a `.msg._codec.limit_msg_spec()` cm which exposes this payload type limiting API such that it can be applied per task via a `MsgCodec` in app code. - the orig approach in was the idea of making payload fields `.pld: Raw` wherein we could have per-field/sub-msg decoders dynamically loaded depending on the particular application-layer schema in use. I don't want to lose the idea of this since I think it might be useful for an idea I have about capability-based-fields(-sharing, maybe using field-subset encryption?), and as such i've kept the (ostensibly) working impls in TODO-comments in `.msg._codec` wherein maybe we can add a `MsgCodec._payload_decs: dict` table for this later on. |_ also left in the `.msg.types.enc/decmsg()` impls but renamed as `enc/dec_payload()` (but reworked to not rely on the lifo codec stack tables; now removed) such that we can prolly move them to `MsgCodec` methods in the future. - add an unused `._codec.mk_tagged_union_dec()` helper which was originally factored out the #311 proto-code but didn't end up working as desired with the new parameterized generic fields approach (now in `msg.types.mk_msg_spec()`) Testing/deps work: ------ - ------ - new `test_limit_msgspec()` which ensures all the `.types` content is correct but without using the wrapping APIs in `._codec`; i.e. using a in-line `Decoder` instead of a `MsgCodec`. - pin us to `msgspec>=0.18.5` which has the needed generic-types support (which took me way too long yester to figure out when implementing all this XD)!
2024-03-28 14:45:01 +00:00
assert chk_pld_type(
Hack `asyncio` to not abandon a guest-mode run? Took me a while to figure out what the heck was going on but, turns out `asyncio` changed their SIGINT handling in 3.11 as per: I'm not entirely sure if it's the 3.11 changes or possibly wtv further updates were made in 3.12 but more or less due to the way our current main task was written the `trio` guest-run was getting abandoned on SIGINTs sent from the OS to the infected child proc.. Note that much of the bug and soln cases are layed out in very detailed comment-notes both in the new test and `run_as_asyncio_guest()`, right above the final "fix" lines. Add new `test_infected_aio.test_sigint_closes_lifetime_stack()` test suite which reliably triggers all abandonment issues with multiple cases of different parent behaviour post-sending-SIGINT-to-child: 1. briefly sleep then raise a KBI in the parent which was originally demonstrating the file leak not being cleaned up by `Actor.lifetime_stack.close()` and simulates a ctl-c from the console (relayed in tandem by the OS to the parent and child processes). 2. do `Context.wait_for_result()` on the child context which would hang and timeout since the actor runtime would never complete and thus never relay a `ContextCancelled`. 3. both with and without running a `asyncio` task in the `manage_file` child actor; originally it seemed that with an aio task scheduled in the child actor the guest-run abandonment always was the "loud" case where there seemed to be some actor teardown but with tbs from python failing to gracefully exit the `trio` runtime.. The (seemingly working) "fix" required 2 lines of code to be run inside a `asyncio.CancelledError` handler around the call to `await trio_done_fut`: - `Actor.cancel_soon()` which schedules the actor runtime to cancel on the next `trio` runner cycle and results in a "self cancellation" of the actor. - "pumping the `asyncio` event loop" with a non-0 `.sleep(0.1)` XD |_ seems that a "shielded" pump with some actual `delay: float >= 0` did the trick to get `asyncio` to allow the `trio` runner/loop to fully complete its guest-run without abandonment. Other supporting changes: - move `._exceptions.AsyncioCancelled`, our renamed `asyncio.CancelledError` error-sub-type-wrapper, to `.to_asyncio` and make it derive from `CancelledError` so as to be sure when raised by our `asyncio` x-> `trio` exception relay machinery that `asyncio` is getting the specific type it expects during cancellation. - do "summary status" style logging in `run_as_asyncio_guest()` wherein we compile the eventual `startup_msg: str` emitted just before waiting on the `trio_done_fut`. - shield-wait with `out: Outcome = await asyncio.shield(trio_done_fut)` even though it seems to do nothing in the SIGINT handling case..(I presume it might help avoid abandonment in a `asyncio.Task.cancel()` case maybe?)
2024-06-24 17:52:19 +00:00
Init def of "SC shuttle prot" with "msg-spec-limiting" As per the long outstanding GH issue this starts our rigorous journey into an attempt at a type-safe, cross-actor SC, IPC protocol Bo boop -> The idea is to "formally" define our SC "shuttle (dialog) protocol" by specifying a new `.msg.types.Msg` subtype-set which can fully encapsulate all IPC msg schemas needed in order to accomplish cross-process SC! The msg set deviated a little in terms of (type) names from the existing `dict`-msgs currently used in the runtime impl but, I think the name changes are much better in terms of explicitly representing the internal semantics of the actor runtime machinery/subsystems and the IPC-msg-dialog required for SC enforced RPC. ------ - ------ In cursory, the new formal msgs-spec includes the following msg-subtypes of a new top-level `Msg` boxing type (that holds the base field schema for all msgs): - `Start` to request RPC task scheduling by passing a `FuncSpec` payload (to replace the currently used `{'cmd': ... }` dict msg impl) - `StartAck` to allow the RPC task callee-side to report a `IpcCtxSpec` payload immediately back to the caller (currently responded naively via a `{'functype': ... }` msg) - `Started` to deliver the first value from `Context.started()` (instead of the existing `{'started': ... }`) - `Yield` to shuttle `MsgStream.send()`-ed values (instead of our `{'yield': ... }`) - `Stop` to terminate a `Context.open_stream()` session/block (over `{'stop': True }`) - `Return` to deliver the final value from the `Actor.start_remote_task()` (which is a `{'return': ... }`) - `Error` to box `RemoteActorError` exceptions via a `.pld: ErrorData` payload, planned to replace/extend the current `RemoteActorError.msgdata` mechanism internal to `._exceptions.pack/unpack_error()` The new `tractor.msg.types` includes all the above msg defs as well an API for rendering a "payload type specification" using a `payload_type_spec: Union[Type]` that can be passed to `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(type=payload_type_spec)`. This ensures that (for a subset of the above msg set) `Msg.pld: PayloadT` data is type-parameterized using `msgspec`'s new `Generic[PayloadT]` field support and thus enables providing for an API where IPC `Context` dialogs can strictly define the allowed payload-datatype-set via type union! Iow, this is the foundation for supporting `Channel`/`Context`/`MsgStream` IPC primitives which are type checked/safe as desired in GH issue: - Misc notes on current impl(s) status: ------ - ------ - add a `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` which uses the new `msgspec` support for `class MyStruct[Struct, Generic[T]]` parameterize-able fields and delivers our boxing SC-msg-(sub)set with the desired `payload_types` applied to `.pld`: - - as a note this impl seems to need to use `type.new_class()` dynamic subtype generation, though i don't really get *why* still.. but without that the `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` doesn't seem to reject `.pld` limited `Msg` subtypes as demonstrated in the new test. - around this ^ add a `.msg._codec.limit_msg_spec()` cm which exposes this payload type limiting API such that it can be applied per task via a `MsgCodec` in app code. - the orig approach in was the idea of making payload fields `.pld: Raw` wherein we could have per-field/sub-msg decoders dynamically loaded depending on the particular application-layer schema in use. I don't want to lose the idea of this since I think it might be useful for an idea I have about capability-based-fields(-sharing, maybe using field-subset encryption?), and as such i've kept the (ostensibly) working impls in TODO-comments in `.msg._codec` wherein maybe we can add a `MsgCodec._payload_decs: dict` table for this later on. |_ also left in the `.msg.types.enc/decmsg()` impls but renamed as `enc/dec_payload()` (but reworked to not rely on the lifo codec stack tables; now removed) such that we can prolly move them to `MsgCodec` methods in the future. - add an unused `._codec.mk_tagged_union_dec()` helper which was originally factored out the #311 proto-code but didn't end up working as desired with the new parameterized generic fields approach (now in `msg.types.mk_msg_spec()`) Testing/deps work: ------ - ------ - new `test_limit_msgspec()` which ensures all the `.types` content is correct but without using the wrapping APIs in `._codec`; i.e. using a in-line `Decoder` instead of a `MsgCodec`. - pin us to `msgspec>=0.18.5` which has the needed generic-types support (which took me way too long yester to figure out when implementing all this XD)!
2024-03-28 14:45:01 +00:00
pld=CustomPayload(name='doggy', value='urmom')
Hack `asyncio` to not abandon a guest-mode run? Took me a while to figure out what the heck was going on but, turns out `asyncio` changed their SIGINT handling in 3.11 as per: I'm not entirely sure if it's the 3.11 changes or possibly wtv further updates were made in 3.12 but more or less due to the way our current main task was written the `trio` guest-run was getting abandoned on SIGINTs sent from the OS to the infected child proc.. Note that much of the bug and soln cases are layed out in very detailed comment-notes both in the new test and `run_as_asyncio_guest()`, right above the final "fix" lines. Add new `test_infected_aio.test_sigint_closes_lifetime_stack()` test suite which reliably triggers all abandonment issues with multiple cases of different parent behaviour post-sending-SIGINT-to-child: 1. briefly sleep then raise a KBI in the parent which was originally demonstrating the file leak not being cleaned up by `Actor.lifetime_stack.close()` and simulates a ctl-c from the console (relayed in tandem by the OS to the parent and child processes). 2. do `Context.wait_for_result()` on the child context which would hang and timeout since the actor runtime would never complete and thus never relay a `ContextCancelled`. 3. both with and without running a `asyncio` task in the `manage_file` child actor; originally it seemed that with an aio task scheduled in the child actor the guest-run abandonment always was the "loud" case where there seemed to be some actor teardown but with tbs from python failing to gracefully exit the `trio` runtime.. The (seemingly working) "fix" required 2 lines of code to be run inside a `asyncio.CancelledError` handler around the call to `await trio_done_fut`: - `Actor.cancel_soon()` which schedules the actor runtime to cancel on the next `trio` runner cycle and results in a "self cancellation" of the actor. - "pumping the `asyncio` event loop" with a non-0 `.sleep(0.1)` XD |_ seems that a "shielded" pump with some actual `delay: float >= 0` did the trick to get `asyncio` to allow the `trio` runner/loop to fully complete its guest-run without abandonment. Other supporting changes: - move `._exceptions.AsyncioCancelled`, our renamed `asyncio.CancelledError` error-sub-type-wrapper, to `.to_asyncio` and make it derive from `CancelledError` so as to be sure when raised by our `asyncio` x-> `trio` exception relay machinery that `asyncio` is getting the specific type it expects during cancellation. - do "summary status" style logging in `run_as_asyncio_guest()` wherein we compile the eventual `startup_msg: str` emitted just before waiting on the `trio_done_fut`. - shield-wait with `out: Outcome = await asyncio.shield(trio_done_fut)` even though it seems to do nothing in the SIGINT handling case..(I presume it might help avoid abandonment in a `asyncio.Task.cancel()` case maybe?)
2024-06-24 17:52:19 +00:00
# yah, we can `.pause_from_sync()` now!
Init def of "SC shuttle prot" with "msg-spec-limiting" As per the long outstanding GH issue this starts our rigorous journey into an attempt at a type-safe, cross-actor SC, IPC protocol Bo boop -> The idea is to "formally" define our SC "shuttle (dialog) protocol" by specifying a new `.msg.types.Msg` subtype-set which can fully encapsulate all IPC msg schemas needed in order to accomplish cross-process SC! The msg set deviated a little in terms of (type) names from the existing `dict`-msgs currently used in the runtime impl but, I think the name changes are much better in terms of explicitly representing the internal semantics of the actor runtime machinery/subsystems and the IPC-msg-dialog required for SC enforced RPC. ------ - ------ In cursory, the new formal msgs-spec includes the following msg-subtypes of a new top-level `Msg` boxing type (that holds the base field schema for all msgs): - `Start` to request RPC task scheduling by passing a `FuncSpec` payload (to replace the currently used `{'cmd': ... }` dict msg impl) - `StartAck` to allow the RPC task callee-side to report a `IpcCtxSpec` payload immediately back to the caller (currently responded naively via a `{'functype': ... }` msg) - `Started` to deliver the first value from `Context.started()` (instead of the existing `{'started': ... }`) - `Yield` to shuttle `MsgStream.send()`-ed values (instead of our `{'yield': ... }`) - `Stop` to terminate a `Context.open_stream()` session/block (over `{'stop': True }`) - `Return` to deliver the final value from the `Actor.start_remote_task()` (which is a `{'return': ... }`) - `Error` to box `RemoteActorError` exceptions via a `.pld: ErrorData` payload, planned to replace/extend the current `RemoteActorError.msgdata` mechanism internal to `._exceptions.pack/unpack_error()` The new `tractor.msg.types` includes all the above msg defs as well an API for rendering a "payload type specification" using a `payload_type_spec: Union[Type]` that can be passed to `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder(type=payload_type_spec)`. This ensures that (for a subset of the above msg set) `Msg.pld: PayloadT` data is type-parameterized using `msgspec`'s new `Generic[PayloadT]` field support and thus enables providing for an API where IPC `Context` dialogs can strictly define the allowed payload-datatype-set via type union! Iow, this is the foundation for supporting `Channel`/`Context`/`MsgStream` IPC primitives which are type checked/safe as desired in GH issue: - Misc notes on current impl(s) status: ------ - ------ - add a `.msg.types.mk_msg_spec()` which uses the new `msgspec` support for `class MyStruct[Struct, Generic[T]]` parameterize-able fields and delivers our boxing SC-msg-(sub)set with the desired `payload_types` applied to `.pld`: - - as a note this impl seems to need to use `type.new_class()` dynamic subtype generation, though i don't really get *why* still.. but without that the `msgspec.msgpack.Decoder` doesn't seem to reject `.pld` limited `Msg` subtypes as demonstrated in the new test. - around this ^ add a `.msg._codec.limit_msg_spec()` cm which exposes this payload type limiting API such that it can be applied per task via a `MsgCodec` in app code. - the orig approach in was the idea of making payload fields `.pld: Raw` wherein we could have per-field/sub-msg decoders dynamically loaded depending on the particular application-layer schema in use. I don't want to lose the idea of this since I think it might be useful for an idea I have about capability-based-fields(-sharing, maybe using field-subset encryption?), and as such i've kept the (ostensibly) working impls in TODO-comments in `.msg._codec` wherein maybe we can add a `MsgCodec._payload_decs: dict` table for this later on. |_ also left in the `.msg.types.enc/decmsg()` impls but renamed as `enc/dec_payload()` (but reworked to not rely on the lifo codec stack tables; now removed) such that we can prolly move them to `MsgCodec` methods in the future. - add an unused `._codec.mk_tagged_union_dec()` helper which was originally factored out the #311 proto-code but didn't end up working as desired with the new parameterized generic fields approach (now in `msg.types.mk_msg_spec()`) Testing/deps work: ------ - ------ - new `test_limit_msgspec()` which ensures all the `.types` content is correct but without using the wrapping APIs in `._codec`; i.e. using a in-line `Decoder` instead of a `MsgCodec`. - pin us to `msgspec>=0.18.5` which has the needed generic-types support (which took me way too long yester to figure out when implementing all this XD)!
2024-03-28 14:45:01 +00:00
# breakpoint()